You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

337 lines
8.2 KiB

# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
sub getReply {
my($msgType, $message, $msgFilter) = @_;
my($theMsg) = "";
my($locMsg) = $message;
# x is y
# x is the lhs (left hand side)
# 'is' is the mhs ("middle hand side".. the "head", or verb)
# y is the Y (right hand side)
my($X, $V, $Y, $result);
my ($theVerb, $orig_Y);
$locMsg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $literal = ($locMsg =~ s/^literal //);
if (getparam('rss') and $message =~ m/^perlfaq\'\s+(.*?)\?*$/) {
# specially defined type. get and process an RSS (RDF Site Summary)
eval "use URI::Escape";
not ($@) and do {
my $q = uri_escape($1, '\W');
my $result = &get_headlines("$q");
if ($result =~ s/^error: //) {
return "$who: couldn't get the perlfaq: $result";
} else {
return "$who: $result";
} elsif ($result = get("is", $locMsg)) {
# &status("exact: $message =is=> $result");
$theVerb = "is";
$X = $message;
$V = $theVerb;
$Y = $result;
$orig_Y = $X;
} elsif ($result = get("are", $locMsg)) {
# &status("exact: $message =is=> $result");
$theVerb = "are";
$X = $message;
$V = $theVerb;
$Y = $result;
$orig_Y = $X;
} else { # no verb
$y_determiner = '';
$verbs = join '|', @verb;
$message = " $message ";
if ($message =~ / ($verbs) /i) {
$X = $`;
$V = $1;
$Y = $';
$X =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$Y =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$orig_Y = $Y;
$Y =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$V =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
if ($Y =~ s/^(an?|the)\s+//) {
$y_determiner = $1;
} else {
$y_determiner = '';
if ($questionWord !~ /^\s*$/) {
if ($V eq "is") {
$result = &get("is", $Y);
} else {
if ($V eq "are") {
$result = &get("are", $Y);
$theVerb = $V;
if ($param{'VERBOSITY'} > 1) {
my $debugstring = "\tmsgType:\t$msgType\n";
$debugstring .= "\tquestionWord:\t$questionWord\n";
$debugstring .= "\taddressed:\t$addressed\n";
$debugstring .= "\tfinalQMark:\t$finalQMark\n";
$debugstring .= "\tX[$X] verb[$theVerb] det[$y_determiner] Y[$Y]\n";
$debugstring .= "\tresult:\t$result\n";
if ($y_determiner) {
# put the det back on
$Y = "$y_determiner $Y";
# check "is" tables anyway for lhs alone
if (!defined($V)) { # no explicit head had been found
my $det;
if ($locMsg =~ s/^\s*(an?|the)\s+//) {
$det = $1;
$locMsg =~ s/[.!?]+\s*$//;
my($check) = "";
$check = &get("is", $locMsg);
if ($check ne "") {
$result = $check;
$orig_Y = $locMsg;
$theVerb = "is";
$V = "is"; # artificially set the head to is
} else {
$check = &get("are", $locMsg);
if ($check ne "") {
$result = $check;
$V = "are"; # artificially set the head to are
$orig_Y = $locMsg;
$theVerb = "are";
if ($det) {
$orig_Y = "$det $orig_Y";
if ($V ne "") { # if there was a head...
if (not $literal) { # Changed to cope with $msgFilter - 26Jun19100, Masque
my(@poss) = split(/(?<!\\)\|/, $result);
$poss[0] =~ s/^\s//;
$poss[$#poss] =~ s/\s$//;
my @filtered = grep /\Q$msgFilter\E/, @poss unless $msgFilter eq "NOFILTER";
if (@filtered) {
$theMsg = $filtered[int(rand(@filtered))];
$theMsg =~ s/^\s*//;
} elsif (@poss > 1 && $msgFilter eq "NOFILTER") {
$theMsg = $poss[int(rand(@poss))];
$theMsg =~ s/^\s*//;
} else {
if ($msgFilter eq "NOFILTER" || $result =~ /\Q$msgFilter\E/) {
$theMsg = $result;
} else {
$theMsg = q!<reply>Hmm. No matches for that, $who.!;
$theMsg =~ s/\\\|/\|/g;
} else {
$theMsg = $result;
$skipReply = 0;
if ($theMsg ne "") {
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
my $interval = time() - $prevTime;
if ( ($param{'mode'} eq 'IRC' )
&& getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval')
&& ($theMsg eq $prevMsg)
&& ((time()-$prevTime) < getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval'))) {
&status("repeat ignored ($interval secs < ".getparam('repeatIgnoreInterval').")");
$skipReply = 1;
$theMsg = "NOREPLY";
$prevTime = time();
} else {
$skipReply = 0;
$prevTime = time() unless ($theMsg eq $prevMsg);
$prevMsg = $theMsg;
# by now $theMsg should contain the result, or null
# this global is nto a great idea
$shortReply = 0;
$noReply = 0;
if (0 and $theMsg =~ s/^\s*<noreply>\s*//i) {
# specially defined type. No reply. Experimental.
$noReply = 1;
return 'NOREPLY';
if (!$msgType) {
$msgType = 'private';
&status("NO MSG TYPE / set to private\n");
if ($literal) {
$orig_Y =~ s/^literal //;
$theMsg = "$who: $orig_Y =$theVerb= $theMsg";
return $theMsg;
if ($msgType !~ /private/ and $theMsg =~ s/^\s*<reply>\s*//i) {
# specially defined type. only remove '<reply>'
$shortReply = 1;
} elsif (getparam('rss') and $theMsg =~ m/(<(?:rss|rdf)\s*=\s*(\S+)>)/i) {
# specially defined type. get and process an RSS (RDF Site Summary)
my ($replace, $rdf_loc) = ($1,$2);
$shortReply = 1;
$rdf_loc =~ s/^\"+//;
$rdf_loc =~ s/\"+$//;
if ($rdf_loc !~ /^(ht|f)tp:/) {
&msg($who, "$orig_Y: bad RSS [$rdf_loc] (not an HTTP or FTP location)");
} else {
my $result = &get_headlines($rdf_loc);
if ($result =~ s/^error: //) {
$theMsg = "couldn't get the headlines: $result";
} else {
$theMsg =~ s/\Q$replace\E/$result/;
$theMsg = "$who: $theMsg";
} elsif ($msgType !~ /private/ and
$theMsg =~ s/^\s*<action>\s*(.*)/\cAACTION $1\cA/i) {
# specially defined type. only remove '<action>' and make it an action
$shortReply = 1;
} else { # not a short reply
if (!$infobots{$nuh} and $theVerb =~ /is/) {
my($x) = int(rand(16));
# oh this could be done much better
if ($x <= 5) {
$theMsg= "$orig_Y is $theMsg";
if ($x == 6) {
$theMsg= "i think $orig_Y is $theMsg";
if ($x == 7) {
$theMsg= "hmmm... $orig_Y is $theMsg";
if ($x == 8) {
$theMsg= "it has been said that $orig_Y is $theMsg";
if ($x == 9) {
$theMsg= "$orig_Y is probably $theMsg";
if ($x == 10) {
$theMsg =~ s/[.!?]+$//;
$theMsg= "rumour has it $orig_Y is $theMsg";
# $theMsg .= " dumbass";
if ($x == 11) {
$theMsg= "i heard $orig_Y was $theMsg";
if ($x == 12) {
$theMsg= "somebody said $orig_Y was $theMsg";
if ($x == 13) {
$theMsg= "i guess $orig_Y is $theMsg";
if ($x == 14) {
$theMsg= "well, $orig_Y is $theMsg";
if ($x == 15) {
$theMsg =~ s/[.!?]+$//;
$theMsg= "$orig_Y is, like, $theMsg";
} else {
$theMsg = "$orig_Y $theVerb $theMsg" if ($theMsg !~ /^\s*$/);
my $safeWho = &purifyNick($who);
if (!$shortReply) {
# shouldn't this be in switchPerson?
# this is fixing the person for going back out
# /^onz! privmsg rurl :*** noctcp: omega42 is/: nested *?+ in regexp at /usr/users/infobot/infobot-current/src/ line 266, <FH> chunk 176.
if ($theMsg =~ s/^$safeWho is/you are/i) { # fix the person
} else {
$theMsg =~ s/^$param{'nick'} is /i am /ig;
$theMsg =~ s/ $param{'nick'} is / i am /ig;
$theMsg =~ s/^$param{'nick'} was /i was /ig;
$theMsg =~ s/ $param{'nick'} was / i was /ig;
if ($addressed) {
$theMsg =~ s/^you are (\.*)/i am $1/ig;
$theMsg =~ s/ you are (\.*)/ i am $1/ig;
} else {
if ($theMsg =~ /^you are / or $theMsg =~ / you are /) {
$theMsg = 'NOREPLY';
$theMsg =~ s/ $param{'ident'}\'?s / my /ig;
$theMsg =~ s/^$safeWho\'?s /$safeWho, your /i;
$theMsg =~ s/ $safeWho\'?s / your /ig;
if (1) { # $date, $time
$curDate = scalar(localtime());
chomp $curDate;
$curDate =~ s/\:\d+(\s+\w+)\s+\d+$/$1/;
$theMsg =~ s/\$date/$curDate/gi;
$curDate =~ s/\w+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+//;
$theMsg =~ s/\$time/$curDate/gi;
$theMsg =~ s/\$who/$who/gi;
if (1) { # variables. like $me or \me
$theMsg =~ s/(\\){1,}([^\s\\]+)/$1/g;
$theMsg =~ s/^\s*//;
$theMsg =~ s/\s+$//;
if (getparam('filter')) {
require "src/";
$theMsg = &filter($theMsg);
if ($theMsg =~ /\S/) {
return $theMsg;
} else {
return undef;