You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
# Tidied up ?
sub IrcActionHook {
my ($who, $channel, $message) = @_;
&process($who, 'public action', $message);
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&status("<$who/$channel> $origMessage");
} else {
&status("[$who] $origMessage");
sub IrcMsgHook {
my ($type, $channel, $who, $message) = @_;
if ($type =~ /public/i) {
&process($who, $type, $message);
&status("<$who/$channel> $origMessage");
if ($type =~ /private/i) {
if (($params{'mode'} eq 'IRC') && ($who eq $prevwho)) {
$delay = time() - $prevtime;
if (0 and $delay < 1) {
# this is where to put people on ignore if they flood you
if (IsFlag("o") ne "o") {
&msg($who, "You will be ignored -- flood detected.");
&postInc(ignore => $who);
&log_line("ignoring ".$who);
return if (($message eq $prevmsg) && ($delay < 10));
} else {
$prevcount = 0;
$firsttime = time;
$prevtime = time unless ($message eq $prevmsg);
$prevmsg = $message;
$prevwho = $who;
&process($who, $type, $message);
&status("[$who] $origMessage");
sub hook_dcc_request {
my($type, $text) = @_;
if ($type =~ /chat/i) {
&status("received dcc chat request from $who : $text");
my($locWho) = $who;
$locWho =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$locWho =~ s/\W//;
&docommand("dcc chat ".$who);
&msg('='.$who, "Hello, ".$who);
return '';
sub hook_dcc_chat {
my($locWho, $message)=@_;
$msgType = "dcc_chat";
my($saveWho) = $who;
$who = "=".$who;
&process($who, $msgType, $message);
$who = $saveWho;
return '';