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# infobot (c) 1997 Lenzo
sub parsectcp {
my ($nick, $user, $host, $type, $dest) = @_;
&status("CTCP $type $dest request from $nick");
if ($type =~ /^version/i) {
ctcpreply($nick, "VERSION", $version);
} elsif ($type =~ /^(echo|ping) ?(.*)/i) {
rawout("NOTICE $nick :\001PING $2\001");
# ctcpreply($nick, uc($1)." $2");
} elsif ($type =~ /^DCC /) {
&status("DCC attempt from $who (not supported, ignored)");
sub ctcpReplyParse {
my ($nick, $user, $host, $type, $reply) = @_;
&status("CTCP $type reply from $nick: $reply");
sub ctcpreply {
my ($rnick, $type, $reply) = @_;
rawout("NOTICE $rnick :\001$type $reply\001");