You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

92 lines
2.2 KiB

if ((scalar(@ARGV) != 3) || (grep /^-/, @ARGV)) {
print "\n";
print " usage: $0 <logfile> <nickname> <dbmstem>\n";
print "\n";
print " undo the updates entered by nickname that appear\n";
print " in an infobot log file\n";
print "\n";
print " <logfile> is an infobot text log file\n";
print "\n";
print " <nickname> is the nickname whose effects you\n";
print " want to undo (without the brackets, of course)\n";
print "\n";
print " <dbmstem> the the basename of the dbm db\n";
print " (e.g. 'infobot-')\n";
print "\n";
($logfile, $nickname, $dbmstem) = @ARGV;
open(IN, $logfile)
|| die "can\'t open $logfile as source\n";
if (not $test = 0) {
dbmopen(%dbis, "$dbmstem-is", 0755)
|| die "Couldn't dbmopen \"$dbmstem-is\"";
dbmopen(%dbare, "$dbmstem-are", 0755)
|| die "Couldn't dbmopen \"$dbmstem-are\"";
$| = 1;
while (<IN>) {
next unless s/^(\d+) \[(\d+)\] (\S+): <(\S+)> //;
@attr{qw/time entry type nick/} = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
next unless $attr{'nick'} =~ /^$nickname/i;
if ($attr{'type'} eq 'update') {
@attr{qw(X verb corrupted Y)} = /^\'(.*?) =(is|are)=> (.*?)\'; was \'(.*)\'$/;
$attr{X} =~ s/^\s*//;
$attr{X} =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$attr{Y} =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($attr{verb} eq 'is') {
$dbis{$attr{X}} = $attr{Y};
} else {
$dbare{$attr{X}} = $attr{Y};
push @undo, "enter: $attr{X} =$attr{verb}=> $attr{Y}";
} elsif ($attr{'type'} eq 'forget') {
$attr{X} = $_;
warn "* can't handle 'forget' easily until 0.43.5: forget $_\n";
} elsif ($attr{'type'} eq 'enter') {
$attr{qw/X verb Y/} = /^(.*?) =(is|are)=> (.*)$/;
push @undo, "delete: $1 =$2=> $3";
while ($act = pop @undo) {
($type, $X, $verb, $Y) = $act =~ /^(\S+): (.*?) =(\S+)=> (.*)$/;
if ($type eq 'enter') {
print "ENTER $X <=$verb= $Y\n";
if ($verb eq "is") {
$dbis{$X} = $Y;
} else {
$dbare{$X} = $Y;
} elsif ($type eq 'delete') {
print "DELETE $X <=$verb= $Y\n";
if ($verb eq "is") {
delete $dbis{$X};
} else {
delete $dbare{$X};