# parameter settings file for the infobot # kevin lenzo (lenzo@cs.cmu.edu) # note: # '$var' means a parameter that has been named; it is interpolated. # By convention, things with '.ext' (extensions) are text files, and # things with hyphens in them are DBM file prefixes, used for run-time # learning or state maintenance. # # Nota Bene: Comment out attributes you don't want. Note that the # word "false" is actually a true value! use 0 or comment # out options you don't want. # the internal name for this bot ident xpubbot # the nickname we want wantNick $ident # the prefix of the dbm files dbname $ident # where to put logging info logfile $dbname.log # plusplus, an idea hijacked from CMU zephyr community, # and dkindred++ in particular. Otherwise known # as 'karma'. this is persistant between shutdowns. plusplus $dbname-karma # persistant "seen" db seen $dbname-seen # do we have an ignore database? uncomment this if not. ignore $dbname-ignore # should we ALWAYS close and reopen dbm on update? # some systems don't do commitment until quit. # # 0 => never force sync # 1 => force sync on every update # N => force sync every Nth update commitDBM 5 # Explicitly set the database module. The default is AnyDBM_File. If # you want to use any shared database files (via sharedDBMs) you have to # set this to DB_File. #DBMModule DB_File # Specify an extension which should be added to all database names. By # default this is empty. #DBMExt .db # Specify which databases will be shared among multiple infobots on the # same machine, and so require locking. By default none are shared. If # you use this at all you have to set DBMModule to DB_File. This can be # a list of database names, or /all (which means every database), or # /all-but-ignore (which means every database except the ignore list). # # As of this writing, the databases are: # # is main database, for singular factoids # are main database, for plural factoids # ignore ignored nicks and user/host patterns # plusplus karma # seen last seen info by each nick #sharedDBMs is are plusplus #sharedDBMs /all #sharedDBMs /all-but-ignore # X is Y # max length of X (the key, # the 'left hand side' (LHS) of an assignment, # or the first argument) maxKeySize 50 # max length of Y (value or data, the 'right hand side', or 2nd argument) maxDataSize 400 # REQUIRE, OPTIONAL, REJECT for different behaviour with URLs # REQUIRE means it will need to be a url type (e.g. file:, http:) # OPTIONAL will take anything # REJECT will not accept any urls. this makes it easy to # run 2 with different nicks and styles. acceptUrl OPTIONAL # IRC-related params ircuser $ident realname $ident # server irc.infobot.org server irc.freenode.net port 6667 allowed_channels #xpub #infobot #$ident #test # channels to join # use #channel,key (thanks to tile++) for keyed channels # join_channels #infobot #$ident join_channels #xpub # server password, if needed # server_pass myserverpassword # vhost support... if you have a vhost, you can use this, # otherwise it won't work. # inm++, elph++ for this :) # vhost_name f00.bar.org # nickServ_pass foo # chanServ_pass bar # addressing is when you name the bot. if this is REQUIRE, # the bot should only speak when spoken to. BUT it may listen. # anything else will mean it can barge in when it thinks it # knows something. # "shutup" determines whether you can switch modes on the # fly with the bot. if you use REQUIRE for addressing, you # probably want to comment out the shutup line. addressing OPTIONAL # shutup TRUE # ansi screen control is available from 0.32 onwards # value of 1 means to use ANSI, 0 means generic bold ansi_control 1 # things we may or may not want to allow. 1 = allow, 0 otherwise. # do you want to be a desktop calc? perlMath 1 fortranMath 0 # do you want to allow DNS lookup/Internic/Traceroute? allowDNS 1 allowTraceroute 1 allowInternic 1 # ord/chr etc allowConv 1 # tell so-and-so about such-and-such allowTelling 1 # let any old joe update stuff. if this is 0, you'll have to # either change some code, do everything with e.g. update_db, # or do something else arcane to get factoids in. allowUpdate 1 # How much verbage to display on the console VERBOSITY 1 # the magic hack word to unignore everyone unignoreWord unignore-everyone # where configuration and help files and such live, the default is the # files subdir of the main directory confdir conf # my help file. this will get confdir prepended # you may want to change this to $ident.help helpfile infobot.help srcdir src extradir extras # within how long of getting the same reply should # we not respond (irc mode only). in seconds. repeatIgnoreInterval 8 # in what contexts do we let people make the bot leave a # channel (this is an or'd list; public private) allowLeave public # our user list default file (in miscdir) # you may want to change this to $ident.users userList infobot.users # channel list, specifies options which differ from the defaults, by # channel. channelList infobot.channels # default quit message quitMsg regrouping; bbiab # how long does something have to be before we'll just volunteer # the answer without a question mark, question, or being addressed minVolunteerLength 8 # other bots to ask for help # friendlyBots url purl script mrapi # sane defines that ALWAYS overwrite existing values at startup # this is a prefix for the files (sane-is.txt, sane-are.txt) sanePrefix sane # allow weather and METAR lookups, respectively. These should # actually be turned into a user modes. mendel++. Require # LWP and metar requires Geo::METAR. weather true metar true # babelfish translator. jdf++. requires LWP, not included. babel true # slashdot headlines. requires LWP, not included. get it from CPAN. slash true # insult and excuse servers insult true excuse true # google search.. simon++ . expanded to www search using several # engines since it was so easy once you have WWW::Search. # use "update" if you want it to update the db, or comment # out if you don't want it. requires WWW::Search, not included. # use "forceupdate" to force a db update on every google search. wwwsearch update # general headline-getter. uses RDF. (LotR++) rss true # purldoc perl documentation lookup DMasque++, HJ++ purldoc true purldoc_trigger purldoc purldoc_max_public 3 # speller. requires the ispell program. ispell true #zippy quotes (infobot, yow or infobot, be zippy) zippy true # the magic 8ball (divine) magic8_answers $miscdir/magic8.txt # exchange rates (exchange 233 DEM to USD) exchange true # stock quotes stockquotes true