package Weather;
# kevin lenzo (C) 1999 -- get the weather forcast NOAA.
# feel free to use, copy, cut up, and modify, but if
# you do something cool with it, let me know.
# 16-SEP-99 lenzo@cs.cmu.edu switched to LWP::UA and
# put in a timeout.
my $no_weather;
my $cache_time = 60 * 40 ; # 40 minute cache time
my $default = 'KAGC';
$no_weather = 0;
eval "use LWP::UserAgent";
$no_weather++ if ($@);
sub Weather::NOAA::get {
my ($station) = shift;
$station = uc($station);
my $result;
if ($no_weather) {
return 0;
} else {
if (exists $cache{$station}) {
my ($time, $response) = split $; , $cache{$station};
if ((time() - $time) < $cache_time) {
return $response;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
if (my $proxy = main::getparam('httpproxy')) { $ua->proxy('http', $proxy) };
my $request = new HTTP::Request('GET', "http://tgsv22.nws.noaa.gov/weather/current/$station.html");
my $response = $ua->request($request);
if (!$response->is_success) {
return "Something failed in connecting to the NOAA web server. Try again later.";
$content = $response->content;
if ($content =~ /ERROR/i) {
return "I can't find that station code (see http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/curcond.html for locations codes)";
$content =~ s|.*?current weather conditions.*?||is;
$content =~ s|.*?
my $place = $1;
chomp $place;
$content =~ s|.*?