# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997 # doce++ for the first version of this! sub ispell { my $in = $_[0]; $in =~ s/^\s+//; $in =~ s/\s+$//; return "$in looks funny" unless $in =~ /^\w+$/; #derr@rostrum# ispell -a #@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 10/10/95 #peice #& peice 4 0: peace, pence, piece, price my @tr = `echo $in | ispell -a -S`; if (grep /^\*/, @tr) { my $result = "'$in' may be spelled correctly"; if ($msgType =~ /private/) { &msg($who, $result); } else { &say("$who: $result"); } } else { @tr = grep /^\s*&/, @tr; chomp $tr[0]; ($junk, $word, $junk, $junk, @rest) = split(/\ |\,\ /,$tr[0]); my $result = "Possible spellings for $in: @rest"; if (scalar(@rest) == 0) { $result = "I can't find alternate spellings for '$in'"; } if ($msgType =~ /private/) { &msg($who, $result); } else { &say($result); } } return ''; } 1;