You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
3.6 KiB

4 years ago
# infobot copyright (C) kevin lenzo 1997-98
if (!(%digits)) {
%digits = (
"first", "1",
"second", "2",
"third", "3",
"fourth", "4",
"fifth", "5",
"sixth", "6",
"seventh", "7",
"eighth", "8",
"ninth", "9",
"tenth", "10",
"one", "1",
"two", "2",
"three", "3",
"four", "4",
"five", "5",
"six", "6",
"seven", "7",
"eight", "8",
"nine", "9",
"ten", "10"
sub math {
my $in = $_[0];
# Math handling.
foreach $x (keys %digits) {
$in =~ s/\b$x\b/$digits{$x}/g;
if (getparam('fortranMath')) {
if ($in =~ /^calc\s+(.+)$/) {
$parm = $1;
$parm =~ s/\s//g;
#$parm =~ s/[a-zA-Z]//g;
status("bc: $parm");
open(P, "echo '$parm'|bc 2>&1 |"); # dgl++
$tmp = '';
@prevs = ();
foreach $line (<P>) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\\$//;
$line =~ s/\(standard_in\) 1: /$who: /;
$tmp = 0;
foreach $p (@prevs) {
if ($p eq $line) {
$tmp = 1;
if ($tmp == 0 && $line !~ /illegal character/) {
push(@prevs, $line);
return undef;
if (getparam('perlMath')) {
if (($in !~ /^\s*$/) and ($in !~ /(\d+\.){2,}/)) {
my($locMsg) = $in;
foreach (keys %digits) {
$locMsg =~ s/$_/$digits{$_}/g;
while ($locMsg =~ /(exp ([\w\d]+))/) {
$exp = $1;
$val = exp($2);
$locMsg =~ s/$exp/+$val/g;
while ($locMsg =~ /(hex2dec\s*([0-9A-Fa-f]+))/) {
$exp = $1;
$val = hex($2);
$locMsg =~ s/$exp/+$val/g;
if ($locMsg =~ /^\s*(dec2hex\s*(\d+))\s*\?*/) {
$exp = $1;
$val = sprintf("%x", "$2");
$locMsg =~ s/$exp/+$val/g;
$e = exp(1);
$locMsg =~ s/\be\b/$e/;
while ($locMsg =~ /(log\s*((\d+\.?\d*)|\d*\.?\d+))\s*/) {
$exp = $1;
$res = $2;
if ($res == 0) { $val = "Infinity";}
else { $val = log($res); } ;
$locMsg =~ s/$exp/+$val/g;
while ($locMsg =~ /(bin2dec ([01]+))/) {
$exp = $1;
$val = join ('', unpack ("B*", $2)) ;
$locMsg =~ s/$exp/+$val/g;
while ($locMsg =~ /(dec2bin (\d+))/) {
$exp = $1;
$val = join('', unpack('B*', pack('N', $2)));
$val =~ s/^0+//;
$locMsg =~ s/$exp/+$val/g;
$locMsg =~ s/ to the / ** /g;
$locMsg =~ s/\btimes\b/\*/g;
$locMsg =~ s/\bdiv(ided by)? /\/ /g;
$locMsg =~ s/\bover /\/ /g;
$locMsg =~ s/\bsquared/\*\*2 /g;
$locMsg =~ s/\bcubed/\*\*3 /g;
$locMsg =~ s/\bto\s+(\d+)(r?st|nd|rd|th)?( power)?/\*\*$1 /ig;
$locMsg =~ s/\bpercent of/*0.01*/ig;
$locMsg =~ s/\bpercent/*0.01/ig;
$locMsg =~ s/\% of\b/*0.01*/g;
$locMsg =~ s/\%/*0.01/g;
$locMsg =~ s/\bsquare root of (\d+)/$1 ** 0.5 /ig;
$locMsg =~ s/\bcubed? root of (\d+)/$1 **(1.0\/3.0) /ig;
$locMsg =~ s/ of / * /;
$locMsg =~ s/(bit(-| )?)?xor(\'?e?d( with))?/\^/g;
$locMsg =~ s/(bit(-| )?)?or(\'?e?d( with))?/\|/g;
$locMsg =~ s/bit(-| )?and(\'?e?d( with))?/\& /g;
$locMsg =~ s/(plus|and)/+/ig;
if (($locMsg =~ /^\s*[-\d*+\s()\/^\.\|\&\*\!]+\s*$/)
&& ($locMsg !~ /^\s*\(?\d+\.?\d*\)?\s*$/)
&& ($locMsg !~ /^\s*$/)
&& ($locMsg !~ /^\s*[( )]+\s*$/))
# $tmpMsg = $locMsg;
$locMsg = eval($locMsg);
if ($locMsg =~ /^[-+\de\.]+$/) {
# $locMsg = sprintf("%1.12f", $locMsg);
$locMsg =~ s/\.0+$//;
$locMsg =~ s/(\.\d+)000\d+/$1/;
if (length($locMsg) > 30) {
$locMsg = "a number with quite a few digits...";
return $locMsg;
} else {
$locMsg = undef;
return undef;