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ace.define("ace/snippets/sql",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
exports.snippetText = "snippet tbl\n\
create table ${1:table} (\n\
snippet col\n\
${1:name} ${2:type} ${3:default ''} ${4:not null}\n\
snippet ccol\n\
${1:name} varchar2(${2:size}) ${3:default ''} ${4:not null}\n\
snippet ncol\n\
${1:name} number ${3:default 0} ${4:not null}\n\
snippet dcol\n\
${1:name} date ${3:default sysdate} ${4:not null}\n\
snippet ind\n\
create index ${3:$1_$2} on ${1:table}(${2:column});\n\
snippet uind\n\
create unique index ${1:name} on ${2:table}(${3:column});\n\
snippet tblcom\n\
comment on table ${1:table} is '${2:comment}';\n\
snippet colcom\n\
comment on column ${1:table}.${2:column} is '${3:comment}';\n\
snippet addcol\n\
alter table ${1:table} add (${2:column} ${3:type});\n\
snippet seq\n\
create sequence ${1:name} start with ${2:1} increment by ${3:1} minvalue ${4:1};\n\
snippet s*\n\
select * from ${1:table}\n\
exports.scope = "sql";