You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.8 KiB

ace.define("ace/mode/eiffel_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../lib/oop");
var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules;
var EiffelHighlightRules = function() {
var keywords = "across|agent|alias|all|attached|as|assign|attribute|check|" +
"class|convert|create|debug|deferred|detachable|do|else|elseif|end|" +
"ensure|expanded|export|external|feature|from|frozen|if|inherit|" +
"inspect|invariant|like|local|loop|not|note|obsolete|old|once|" +
"Precursor|redefine|rename|require|rescue|retry|select|separate|" +
var operatorKeywords = "and|implies|or|xor";
var languageConstants = "Void";
var booleanConstants = "True|False";
var languageVariables = "Current|Result";
var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({
"constant.language": languageConstants,
"constant.language.boolean": booleanConstants,
"variable.language": languageVariables,
"keyword.operator": operatorKeywords,
"keyword": keywords
}, "identifier", true);
this.$rules = {
"start": [{
token : "comment.line.double-dash",
regex : /--.*$/
}, {
token : "string.quoted.double",
regex : /"(?:%"|[^%])*?"/
}, {
token : "string.quoted.other", // "[ ]" aligned verbatim string
regex : /"\[/,
next: "aligned_verbatim_string"
}, {
token : "string.quoted.other", // "{ }" non-aligned verbatim string
regex : /"\{/,
next: "non-aligned_verbatim_string"
}, {
token : "constant.character",
regex : /'(?:%%|%T|%R|%N|%F|%'|[^%])'/
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // real
regex : /(?:\d(?:_?\d)*\.|\.\d)(?:\d*[eE][+-]?\d+)?\b/
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // integer
regex : /\d(?:_?\d)*\b/
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // hex
regex : /0[xX][a-fA-F\d](?:_?[a-fA-F\d])*\b/
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // octal
regex : /0[cC][0-7](?:_?[0-7])*\b/
token : "constant.numeric", // bin
regex : /0[bB][01](?:_?[01])*\b/
}, {
token : "keyword.operator",
regex : /\+|\-|\*|\/|\\\\|\/\/|\^|~|\/~|<|>|<=|>=|\/=|=|:=|\|\.\.\||\.\./
}, {
token : "keyword.operator", // punctuation
regex : /\.|:|,|;\b/
}, {
token : function (v) {
var result = keywordMapper (v);
if (result === "identifier" && v === v.toUpperCase ()) {
result = "";
return result;
regex : /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d_]*\b/
}, {
token : "paren.lparen",
regex : /[\[({]/
}, {
token : "paren.rparen",
regex : /[\])}]/
}, {
token : "text",
regex : /\s+/
"aligned_verbatim_string" : [{
token : "string", // closing multi-line comment
regex : /]"/,
next : "start"
}, {
token : "string", // comment spanning whole line
regex : /[^(?:\]")]+/
"non-aligned_verbatim_string" : [{
token : "string.quoted.other", // closing multi-line comment
regex : /}"/,
next : "start"
}, {
token : "string.quoted.other", // comment spanning whole line
regex : /[^(?:\}")]+/
oop.inherits(EiffelHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules);
exports.EiffelHighlightRules = EiffelHighlightRules;
ace.define("ace/mode/eiffel",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text","ace/mode/eiffel_highlight_rules","ace/range"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../lib/oop");
var TextMode = require("./text").Mode;
var EiffelHighlightRules = require("./eiffel_highlight_rules").EiffelHighlightRules;
var Range = require("../range").Range;
var Mode = function() {
this.HighlightRules = EiffelHighlightRules;
oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode);
(function() {
this.lineCommentStart = "--";
this.$id = "ace/mode/eiffel";
exports.Mode = Mode;