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class Employee {
def name, salary
boolean manager
String toString() { return name }
def emps = [new Employee(name:'Guillaume', manager:true, salary:200),
new Employee(name:'Graeme', manager:true, salary:200),
new Employee(name:'Dierk', manager:false, salary:151),
new Employee(name:'Bernd', manager:false, salary:50)]
def managers(emps) {
emps.findAll { e -> e.isManager() }
assert emps[0..1] == managers(emps) // [Guillaume, Graeme]
def highPaid(emps) {
threshold = 150
emps.findAll { e -> e.salary > threshold }
assert emps[0..2] == highPaid(emps) // [Guillaume, Graeme, Dierk]
def paidMore(amount) {
{ e -> e.salary > amount}
def highPaid = paidMore(150)
assert highPaid(emps[0]) // true
assert emps[0..2] == emps.findAll(highPaid)
def filename = 'test.txt'
new File(filename).withReader{ reader -> doSomethingWith(reader) }
def readersText
def doSomethingWith(reader) { readersText = reader.text }
assert new File(filename).text == readersText