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vars it, p
p = {label, value|
print("\n" + label)
-- Create an array from 0 to 15
p("range", i-collect(range(5)))
-- Create an array from 0 to 15 and break up in chunks of 4
p("chunked range", i-collect(i-chunk(4, range(16))))
-- Check if all or none items in stream pass test.
p("all < 60 in range(60)", i-all?({i|i<60}, range(60)))
p("any < 60 in range(60)", i-any?({i|i>60}, range(60)))
p("all < 60 in range(70)", i-all?({i|i<60}, range(70)))
p("any < 60 in range(70)", i-any?({i|i>60}, range(70)))
-- Zip three different collections together
p("zipped", i-collect(i-zip(
i-map({i|i*i}, range(10))
vars names, person, i, doubles, lengths, cubeRange
names = ["Thorin", "Dwalin", "Balin", "Bifur", "Bofur", "Bombur", "Oin",
"Gloin", "Ori", "Nori", "Dori", "Fili", "Kili", "Bilbo", "Gandalf"]
for name in names {
if name != "Bilbo" && name != "Gandalf" {
person = {name: "Tim", age: 30}
for key, value in person {
print(key + " = " + value)
i = 0
while i < 10 {
i = i + 1
for i in range(10) {
print(i + 1)
for i in range(10) {
print(10 - i)
-- Dynamic object that gives the first 10 doubles
doubles = {
@len: {| 10 }
@get: {key|
if key is Integer { key * key }
print("#doubles", #doubles)
for k, v in doubles {
print([k, v])
-- Dynamic object that has names list as keys and string lenth as values
lengths = {
@keys: {| names }
@get: {key|
if key is String { #key }
print ("Lengths")
for k, v in lengths {
print([k, v])
cubeRange = {n|
vars i, v
i = 0
@call: {|
v = i
i = i + 1
if v < n { v * v * v }
for k, v in cubeRange(5) {
print([k, v])
for k, v in "Hello World" {
print([k, v])
print([i for i in range(10)])
print([i for i in range(20) if i % 3])
-- Example showing how to do parallel work using split..and
base = {bootstrap, target-dir|
split {
copy("res", target-dir)
} and {
if newer("src/*.less", target-dir + "/style.css") {
lessc("src/" + bootstrap + ".less", target-dir + "/style.css")
} and {
build("src/" + bootstrap + ".js", target-dir + "/app.js")
vars Dragon, pet
Dragon = {name|
vars asleep, stuff-in-belly, stuff-in-intestine,
feed, walk, put-to-bed, toss, rock,
hungry?, poopy?, passage-of-time
asleep = false
stuff-in-belly = 10 -- He's full.
stuff-in-intestine = 0 -- He doesn't need to go.
print(name + ' is born.')
feed = {|
print('You feed ' + name + '.')
stuff-in-belly = 10
walk = {|
print('You walk ' + name + ".")
stuff-in-intestine = 0
put-to-bed = {|
print('You put ' + name + ' to bed.')
asleep = true
for i in range(3) {
if asleep {
if asleep {
print(name + ' snores, filling the room with smoke.')
if asleep {
asleep = false
print(name + ' wakes up slowly.')
toss = {|
print('You toss ' + name + ' up into the air.')
print('He giggles, which singes your eyebrows.')
rock = {|
print('You rock ' + name + ' gently.')
asleep = true
print('He briefly dozes off...')
if asleep {
asleep = false
print('...but wakes when you stop.')
hungry? = {|
stuff-in-belly <= 2
poopy? = {|
stuff-in-intestine >= 8
passage-of-time = {|
if stuff-in-belly > 0 {
-- Move food from belly to intestine
stuff-in-belly = stuff-in-belly - 1
stuff-in-intestine = stuff-in-intestine + 1
} else { -- Our dragon is starving!
if asleep {
asleep = false
print('He wakes up suddenly!')
print(name + ' is starving! In desperation, he ate YOU!')
abort "died"
if stuff-in-intestine >= 10 {
stuff-in-intestine = 0
print('Whoops! ' + name + ' had an accident...')
if hungry?() {
if asleep {
asleep = false
print('He wakes up suddenly!')
print(name + "'s stomach grumbles...")
if poopy?() {
if asleep {
asleep = false
print('He wakes up suddenly!')
print(name + ' does the potty dance...')
-- Export the public interface to this closure object.
feed: feed
walk: walk
put-to-bed: put-to-bed
toss: toss
rock: rock
pet = Dragon('Norbert')