/* (c) 2014 Michael Murtaugh and contributors to the Digital Publishing Toolkit License: GPL3 This code has been developed as part of the [Digital Publishing Toolkit](http://digitalpublishingtoolkit.org). with the support of Institute for [Network Cultures](http://networkcultures.org) and [Creating 010](http://creating010.com). */ var editor_factory = aa_aceeditor(window.ace), editor = editor_factory.get_editor(), editor_elt = d3.select(editor.elt), cgi_url = d3.select("link[rel='cgi-url']").attr("href"), preview_div = d3.select("#editor") .append("div") .attr("class", "preview"), preview_iframe = preview_div .append("iframe"), make_div = d3.select("#editor") .append("div") .attr("class", "make"), make_body = make_div.append("div") .attr("class", "body"), make_icon = make_div .append("div") .attr("class", "icon"), make_gear = make_icon .append("div") .attr("class", "gear"); function url_for (script) { return cgi_url+script+"?p=" + encodeURIComponent(project); } function path_for_href (href) { var p = new RegExp("^/projects/([^/]+)/(.*)$"), m = href.match(p); if (m != null) { return m[2]; } } editor.save(function (data) { console.log("save", data); $.ajax({ url: url_for("save.cgi"), method: "post", data: { text: data.text, f: path_for_href(data.href) }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { // console.log("save.success", data); refresh_listing(); }, error: function (err) { console.log("save error", err); } }) }); make_body .append("div") .attr("class", "stdout"); make_body .append("div") .attr("class", "stderr"); make_gear.on("click", toggle_make); var make_height = 300; function open_make () { var cur_height = parseInt(make_div.style("height")); if (cur_height == 0) { make_div.style("height", make_height+"px"); } } function close_make () { var cur_height = parseInt(make_div.style("height")); if (cur_height > 0) { make_div.style("height", 0); } } function toggle_make () { var cur_height = parseInt(make_div.style("height")); if (cur_height > 0) { make_height = cur_height; make_div.style("height", 0); } else { make_div.style("height", make_height+"px"); } } aa_frames(document.getElementById("split")); document.getElementById("editor").appendChild(editor.elt); var activeURL; function updateActiveItem () { var item = d3.selectAll("#listing div.item") .classed("active", function (d) { return d.url == activeURL; }); } function edit (url, done, forceReload) { activeURL = url; editor.href(url, done, forceReload); editor.aceeditor.focus(); editor_elt .style("display", "block"); preview_div .style("display", "none"); close_make(); updateActiveItem(); // make_div.style("display", "none"); } function preview (url) { activeURL = url; preview_div .style("display", "block"); editor_elt .style("display", "none"); preview_iframe .attr("src", url); close_make(); updateActiveItem(); // make_div.style("display", "none"); } function make (path, done) { // console.log("make", path); var make_url = url_for("make.cgi"); make_busy(true); open_make(); make_url += "&f="+encodeURIComponent(path); // 1. DRY-RUN TO SEE THE COMMAND THAT *WILL* HAPPEN NEXT // (and display it) d3.json(make_url+"&n=1", function (data) { d3.select("#editor .make .stdout").text(data.stdout); d3.select("#editor .make .stderr").text(data.stderr); if (data.returncode == 0) { // NOW MAKE FOR REAL d3.json(make_url, function (data) { console.log("make done", data); d3.select("#editor .make .stdout").text(data.stdout); d3.select("#editor .make .stderr").text(data.stderr); if (data.returncode == 0) { close_make(); } make_busy(false); refresh_listing(done); // nb done will get called with refresh data, not make data }); } }) } function make_busy (val) { make_div.classed("busy", val); } function select_all () { d3.selectAll("#listing div.item").each(item_select); update_selection(); } function delete_selection () { var items_selected = d3.selectAll("#listing div.selected"), num_selected = items_selected.size(), paths = items_selected.data().map(function (d) { return d.path }); if (num_selected == 0) return; var ok = confirm("Delete "+num_selected+" selected file"+((num_selected==1)?"":"s") + "?"); if (ok) { $.ajax({ url: url_for("rm.cgi"), method: "post", data: { 'f[]': paths }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { items_selected.each(item_deselect); update_selection(); // console.log("rm response", data); refresh_listing(); } }); } } function download_selection () { var items_selected = d3.selectAll("#listing div.selected"), num_selected = items_selected.size(), paths = items_selected.data().map(function (d) { return d.path }); if (num_selected == 0) return; var ok = true; //confirm("Download "+num_selected+" selected file"+((num_selected==1)?"":"s") + "?"); if (ok) { var url = url_for("download.cgi"); url += paths.map(function(x) { return "&f[]="+encodeURIComponent(x); }).join(""); // console.log("download", url); preview_iframe .attr("src", url); items_selected.each(item_deselect); update_selection(); } } var longclick_begin; function item_select (d) { var elt = d3.select(this), eltwidth = $("a", this).width(); elt .classed("selected", true) .select("input.itemcheckbox") .property("checked", true); if (d.exists) { elt .append("input") .attr("type", "text") .attr("class", "rename") .property("value", d.path) .style("width", eltwidth+"px"); elt.select("a").classed("rename", true); } } function item_deselect (d) { var elt = d3.select(this); elt .classed("selected", false) .select("input.itemcheckbox") .property("checked", false); elt.select("a").classed("rename", false); elt .select("input.rename") .remove(); } function checkbox_click (d) { var checked = d3.select(this).property("checked"); if (checked) { d3.select(this.parentNode).each(item_select); } else { d3.select(this.parentNode).each(item_deselect); } update_selection(); } function item_longclick(d) { d3.select(this.parentNode).each(item_select); update_selection(); } function update_selection() { var items_all = d3.selectAll("#listing div.item"), items_selected = d3.selectAll("#listing div.selected"), numselected = items_selected.size(), selfunk = d3.select("#listing .selection_functions"), regfunk = d3.select("#listing .regular_functions"); if (numselected >= 1) { selfunk.style("display", "inline"); regfunk.style("display", "none"); } else { selfunk.style("display", "none"); regfunk.style("display", "inline") } } function listing_cancel () { d3.selectAll("#listing div.selected").each(item_deselect); update_selection(); } function rename () { var ss = d3.selectAll("#listing a.rename"), frompaths = [], topaths = []; if (ss.size() == 0) { $("#listing .listing_rename_buttons").hide(); return; } var ok = true; // confirm("Rename "+ss.size()+" file"+((ss==1)?"":"s") + "?"); if (ok) { ss.each(function (d) { var newpath = d3.select(this.parentNode).select("input.rename").property("value"); frompaths.push(d.path); topaths.push(newpath); }); console.log("data", frompaths, topaths); $.ajax({ url: url_for("mv.cgi"), method: "post", data: { 'f[]': frompaths, 't[]': topaths }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { // console.log("success", data); listing_cancel(); refresh_listing(); }, error: function () { listing_cancel(); } }); } else { listing_cancel(); } } function refresh_listing(done) { d3.json(url_for("listing.cgi"), function (data) { // console.log("data", data); var div = d3.select("#listing .body"); item = div .selectAll("div.item") .data(data.items, function (d) { return d.path }); var newitem = item.enter() .append("div") .attr("class", "item"); newitem .append("input") .attr("class", "itemcheckbox") .attr("type", "checkbox") .on("change", checkbox_click); newitem .append("a") .text(function(d) { return d.path }) .attr("href", function (d) { return d.url }) .on("click", function (d) { var that = this; d3.event.preventDefault(); if (d3.select(this).classed("rename")) return; if (longclick_begin) { click_time = new Date().getTime() - longclick_begin; if (click_time > 700 && click_time < 2500) { item_longclick.call(this, d); return; } } if (d.remake) { // alert("make"); activeURL = d.url; updateActiveItem(); make(d.path, function () { // re-get the d in case of change! var d = d3.select(that).datum(); // console.log("d", d, d.binary, d.url); if (!d.binary) { // force reload! console.log("force reload") edit(d.url, null, true); } else { preview(d.url); } }); return false; } else if (!d.binary) { edit(d.url); } else { preview(d.url); } }) .on("mousedown", function () { longclick_begin = new Date().getTime(); }); // console.log("item.update", item); item .select("a") .classed("normal", function (d) { return d.exists && !d.remake }) .classed("make", function (d) { return d.exists && d.remake }) .classed("potential", function (d) { return !d.exists }) .classed("exists", function (d) { return d.exists }) .classed("remake", function (d) { return d.remake }); item.exit() .remove(); item.order(); if (done) { done.call(data, data); } }); } refresh_listing(); $("#listing .body").niceScroll({cursorcolor:"#0F0"}); $("#editor .make .body").niceScroll({cursorcolor:"#0F0"}); $("#listing_select_all").click(select_all); $("#listing_refresh").click(refresh_listing); $("#listing_delete").click(delete_selection); $("#listing_download").click(download_selection); $("#listing_rename").click(rename); $("#listing_cancel").click(listing_cancel); // $("#listing_select_all").click(select_all); /* File drop */ $(function () { $('#listing').fileupload({ url: url_for("upload.cgi"), dataType: 'json', done: function (e, data) { refresh_listing(); console.log(data.result); //$.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) { // $('

').text(file.name).appendTo(document.body); //}); } }); });