#!/bin/sh # Script to open a browser to current branch # Repo formats: # ssh git@github.com:richoH/gh_pr.git # http https://richoH@github.com/richoH/gh_pr.git # git git://github.com/richoH/gh_pr.git username=`git config --get github.user` get_repo() { git remote -v | grep ${@:-$username} | while read remote; do if repo=`echo $remote | grep -E -o "git@github.com:[^ ]*"`; then echo $repo | sed -e "s/^git@github\.com://" -e "s/\.git$//" exit 1 fi if repo=`echo $remote | grep -E -o "https?://([^@]*@)?github.com/[^ ]*\.git"`; then echo $repo | sed -e "s|^https?://||" -e "s/^.*github\.com\///" -e "s/\.git$//" exit 1 fi if repo=`echo $remote | grep -E -o "git://github.com/[^ ]*\.git"`; then echo $repo | sed -e "s|^git://github.com/||" -e "s/\.git$//" exit 1 fi done if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Couldn't find a valid remote" >&2 exit 1 fi } echo ${#x[@]} if repo=`get_repo $@`; then branch=`git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null` echo "http://github.com/$repo/pull/new/${branch##refs/heads/}" else exit 1 fi