define("ace/ext/spellcheck",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/event","ace/editor","ace/config"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var event = require("../lib/event"); exports.contextMenuHandler = function(e){ var host =; var text = host.textInput.getElement(); if (!host.selection.isEmpty()) return; var c = host.getCursorPosition(); var r = host.session.getWordRange(c.row, c.column); var w = host.session.getTextRange(r); host.session.tokenRe.lastIndex = 0; if (!host.session.tokenRe.test(w)) return; var PLACEHOLDER = "\x01\x01"; var value = w + " " + PLACEHOLDER; text.value = value; text.setSelectionRange(w.length, w.length + 1); text.setSelectionRange(0, 0); text.setSelectionRange(0, w.length); var afterKeydown = false; event.addListener(text, "keydown", function onKeydown() { event.removeListener(text, "keydown", onKeydown); afterKeydown = true; }); host.textInput.setInputHandler(function(newVal) { console.log(newVal , value, text.selectionStart, text.selectionEnd) if (newVal == value) return ''; if (newVal.lastIndexOf(value, 0) === 0) return newVal.slice(value.length); if (newVal.substr(text.selectionEnd) == value) return newVal.slice(0, -value.length); if (newVal.slice(-2) == PLACEHOLDER) { var val = newVal.slice(0, -2); if (val.slice(-1) == " ") { if (afterKeydown) return val.substring(0, text.selectionEnd); val = val.slice(0, -1); host.session.replace(r, val); return ""; } } return newVal; }); }; var Editor = require("../editor").Editor; require("../config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", { spellcheck: { set: function(val) { var text = this.textInput.getElement(); text.spellcheck = !!val; if (!val) this.removeListener("nativecontextmenu", exports.contextMenuHandler); else this.on("nativecontextmenu", exports.contextMenuHandler); }, value: true } }); }); define("kitchen-sink/inline_editor",["require","exports","module","ace/line_widgets","ace/editor","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/lib/dom","ace/commands/default_commands"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var LineWidgets = require("ace/line_widgets").LineWidgets; var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor; var Renderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var dom = require("ace/lib/dom"); require("ace/commands/default_commands").commands.push({ name: "openInlineEditor", bindKey: "F3", exec: function(editor) { var split = window.env.split; var s = editor.session; var inlineEditor = new Editor(new Renderer()); var splitSession = split.$cloneSession(s); var row = editor.getCursorPosition().row; if (editor.session.lineWidgets && editor.session.lineWidgets[row]) { editor.session.lineWidgets[row].destroy(); return; } var rowCount = 10; var w = { row: row, fixedWidth: true, el: dom.createElement("div"), editor: editor }; var el = w.el; el.appendChild(inlineEditor.container); if (!editor.session.widgetManager) { editor.session.widgetManager = new LineWidgets(editor.session); editor.session.widgetManager.attach(editor); } var h = rowCount*editor.renderer.layerConfig.lineHeight; = h + "px"; = "absolute"; = "4"; = "solid blue 2px"; = "solid blue 2px"; inlineEditor.setSession(splitSession); editor.session.widgetManager.addLineWidget(w); var kb = { handleKeyboard:function(_,hashId, keyString) { if (hashId === 0 && keyString === "esc") { w.destroy(); return true; } } }; w.destroy = function() { editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(kb); s.widgetManager.removeLineWidget(w); }; editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(kb); inlineEditor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(kb); editor.on("changeSession", function(e) { w.el.parentNode && w.el.parentNode.removeChild(w.el); }); inlineEditor.setTheme("ace/theme/solarized_light"); } }); }); define("kitchen-sink/dev_util",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) { function isStrict() { try { return !arguments.callee.caller.caller.caller} catch(e){ return true } } function warn() { if (isStrict()) { console.error("trying to access to global variable"); } } function def(o, key, get) { try { Object.defineProperty(o, key, { configurable: true, get: get, set: function(val) { delete o[key]; o[key] = val; } }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } } def(window, "ace", function(){ warn(); return window.env.editor }); def(window, "editor", function(){ warn(); return window.env.editor }); def(window, "session", function(){ warn(); return window.env.editor.session }); def(window, "split", function(){ warn(); return window.env.split }); }); define("ace/ext/modelist",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var modes = []; function getModeForPath(path) { var mode = modesByName.text; var fileName = path.split(/[\/\\]/).pop(); for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) { if (modes[i].supportsFile(fileName)) { mode = modes[i]; break; } } return mode; } var Mode = function(name, caption, extensions) { = name; this.caption = caption; this.mode = "ace/mode/" + name; this.extensions = extensions; if (/\^/.test(extensions)) { var re = extensions.replace(/\|(\^)?/g, function(a, b){ return "$|" + (b ? "^" : "^.*\\."); }) + "$"; } else { var re = "^.*\\.(" + extensions + ")$"; } this.extRe = new RegExp(re, "gi"); }; Mode.prototype.supportsFile = function(filename) { return filename.match(this.extRe); }; var supportedModes = { ABAP: ["abap"], ActionScript:["as"], ADA: ["ada|adb"], Apache_Conf: ["^htaccess|^htgroups|^htpasswd|^conf|htaccess|htgroups|htpasswd"], AsciiDoc: ["asciidoc"], Assembly_x86:["asm"], AutoHotKey: ["ahk"], BatchFile: ["bat|cmd"], C9Search: ["c9search_results"], C_Cpp: ["cpp|c|cc|cxx|h|hh|hpp"], Cirru: ["cirru|cr"], Clojure: ["clj|cljs"], Cobol: ["CBL|COB"], coffee: ["coffee|cf|cson|^Cakefile"], ColdFusion: ["cfm"], CSharp: ["cs"], CSS: ["css"], Curly: ["curly"], D: ["d|di"], Dart: ["dart"], Diff: ["diff|patch"], Dockerfile: ["^Dockerfile"], Dot: ["dot"], Eiffel: ["e"], Erlang: ["erl|hrl"], EJS: ["ejs"], Forth: ["frt|fs|ldr"], FTL: ["ftl"], Gcode: ["gcode"], Gherkin: ["feature"], Gitignore: ["^.gitignore"], Glsl: ["glsl|frag|vert"], golang: ["go"], Groovy: ["groovy"], HAML: ["haml"], Handlebars: ["hbs|handlebars|tpl|mustache"], Haskell: ["hs"], haXe: ["hx"], HTML: ["html|htm|xhtml"], HTML_Ruby: ["erb|rhtml|html.erb"], INI: ["ini|conf|cfg|prefs"], Jack: ["jack"], Jade: ["jade"], Java: ["java"], JavaScript: ["js|jsm"], JSON: ["json"], JSONiq: ["jq"], JSP: ["jsp"], JSX: ["jsx"], Julia: ["jl"], LaTeX: ["tex|latex|ltx|bib"], LESS: ["less"], Liquid: ["liquid"], Lisp: ["lisp"], LiveScript: ["ls"], LogiQL: ["logic|lql"], LSL: ["lsl"], Lua: ["lua"], LuaPage: ["lp"], Lucene: ["lucene"], Makefile: ["^Makefile|^GNUmakefile|^makefile|^OCamlMakefile|make"], MATLAB: ["matlab"], Markdown: ["md|markdown"], MEL: ["mel"], MySQL: ["mysql"], MUSHCode: ["mc|mush"], Nix: ["nix"], ObjectiveC: ["m|mm"], OCaml: ["ml|mli"], Pascal: ["pas|p"], Perl: ["pl|pm"], pgSQL: ["pgsql"], PHP: ["php|phtml"], Powershell: ["ps1"], Praat: ["praat|praatscript|psc|proc"], Prolog: ["plg|prolog"], Properties: ["properties"], Protobuf: ["proto"], Python: ["py"], R: ["r"], RDoc: ["Rd"], RHTML: ["Rhtml"], Ruby: ["rb|ru|gemspec|rake|^Guardfile|^Rakefile|^Gemfile"], Rust: ["rs"], SASS: ["sass"], SCAD: ["scad"], Scala: ["scala"], Smarty: ["smarty|tpl"], Scheme: ["scm|rkt"], SCSS: ["scss"], SH: ["sh|bash|^.bashrc"], SJS: ["sjs"], Space: ["space"], snippets: ["snippets"], Soy_Template:["soy"], SQL: ["sql"], Stylus: ["styl|stylus"], SVG: ["svg"], Tcl: ["tcl"], Tex: ["tex"], Text: ["txt"], Textile: ["textile"], Toml: ["toml"], Twig: ["twig"], Typescript: ["ts|typescript|str"], Vala: ["vala"], VBScript: ["vbs|vb"], Velocity: ["vm"], Verilog: ["v|vh|sv|svh"], XML: ["xml|rdf|rss|wsdl|xslt|atom|mathml|mml|xul|xbl"], XQuery: ["xq"], YAML: ["yaml|yml"] }; var nameOverrides = { ObjectiveC: "Objective-C", CSharp: "C#", golang: "Go", C_Cpp: "C and C++", coffee: "CoffeeScript", HTML_Ruby: "HTML (Ruby)", FTL: "FreeMarker" }; var modesByName = {}; for (var name in supportedModes) { var data = supportedModes[name]; var displayName = (nameOverrides[name] || name).replace(/_/g, " "); var filename = name.toLowerCase(); var mode = new Mode(filename, displayName, data[0]); modesByName[filename] = mode; modes.push(mode); } module.exports = { getModeForPath: getModeForPath, modes: modes, modesByName: modesByName }; }); define("kitchen-sink/file_drop",["require","exports","module","ace/config","ace/lib/event","ace/ext/modelist","ace/editor"], function(require, exports, module) { var config = require("ace/config"); var event = require("ace/lib/event"); var modelist = require("ace/ext/modelist"); module.exports = function(editor) { event.addListener(editor.container, "dragover", function(e) { var types = e.dataTransfer.types; if (types &&, 'Files') !== -1) return event.preventDefault(e); }); event.addListener(editor.container, "drop", function(e) { var file; try { file = e.dataTransfer.files[0]; if (window.FileReader) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() { var mode = modelist.getModeForPath(; editor.session.doc.setValue(reader.result); editor.session.setMode(mode.mode); editor.session.modeName =; }; reader.readAsText(file); } return event.preventDefault(e); } catch(err) { return event.stopEvent(e); } }); }; var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor; config.defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", { loadDroppedFile: { set: function() { module.exports(this); }, value: true } }); }); define("ace/theme/textmate",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; exports.isDark = false; exports.cssClass = "ace-tm"; exports.cssText = ".ace-tm .ace_gutter {\ background: #f0f0f0;\ color: #333;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_print-margin {\ width: 1px;\ background: #e8e8e8;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_fold {\ background-color: #6B72E6;\ }\ .ace-tm {\ background-color: #FFFFFF;\ color: black;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_cursor {\ color: black;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_invisible {\ color: rgb(191, 191, 191);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_storage,\ .ace-tm .ace_keyword {\ color: blue;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_constant {\ color: rgb(197, 6, 11);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_constant.ace_buildin {\ color: rgb(88, 72, 246);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_constant.ace_language {\ color: rgb(88, 92, 246);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_constant.ace_library {\ color: rgb(6, 150, 14);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_invalid {\ background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1);\ color: red;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_support.ace_function {\ color: rgb(60, 76, 114);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_support.ace_constant {\ color: rgb(6, 150, 14);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_support.ace_type,\ .ace-tm .ace_support.ace_class {\ color: rgb(109, 121, 222);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_keyword.ace_operator {\ color: rgb(104, 118, 135);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_string {\ color: rgb(3, 106, 7);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_comment {\ color: rgb(76, 136, 107);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_comment.ace_doc {\ color: rgb(0, 102, 255);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_comment.ace_doc.ace_tag {\ color: rgb(128, 159, 191);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_constant.ace_numeric {\ color: rgb(0, 0, 205);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_variable {\ color: rgb(49, 132, 149);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_xml-pe {\ color: rgb(104, 104, 91);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_entity.ace_name.ace_function {\ color: #0000A2;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_heading {\ color: rgb(12, 7, 255);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_list {\ color:rgb(185, 6, 144);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_meta.ace_tag {\ color:rgb(0, 22, 142);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_string.ace_regex {\ color: rgb(255, 0, 0)\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_selection {\ background: rgb(181, 213, 255);\ }\ .ace-tm.ace_multiselect .ace_selection.ace_start {\ box-shadow: 0 0 3px 0px white;\ border-radius: 2px;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_step {\ background: rgb(252, 255, 0);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_stack {\ background: rgb(164, 229, 101);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_bracket {\ margin: -1px 0 0 -1px;\ border: 1px solid rgb(192, 192, 192);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_active-line {\ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_gutter-active-line {\ background-color : #dcdcdc;\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_selected-word {\ background: rgb(250, 250, 255);\ border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 250);\ }\ .ace-tm .ace_indent-guide {\ background: url(\"\") right repeat-y;\ }\ "; var dom = require("../lib/dom"); dom.importCssString(exports.cssText, exports.cssClass); }); define("ace/ext/whitespace",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/lang"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var lang = require("../lib/lang"); exports.$detectIndentation = function(lines, fallback) { var stats = []; var changes = []; var tabIndents = 0; var prevSpaces = 0; var max = Math.min(lines.length, 1000); for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (!/^\s*[^*+\-\s]/.test(line)) continue; if (line[0] == "\t") tabIndents++; var spaces = line.match(/^ */)[0].length; if (spaces && line[spaces] != "\t") { var diff = spaces - prevSpaces; if (diff > 0 && !(prevSpaces%diff) && !(spaces%diff)) changes[diff] = (changes[diff] || 0) + 1; stats[spaces] = (stats[spaces] || 0) + 1; } prevSpaces = spaces; while (i < max && line[line.length - 1] == "\\") line = lines[i++]; } function getScore(indent) { var score = 0; for (var i = indent; i < stats.length; i += indent) score += stats[i] || 0; return score; } var changesTotal = changes.reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}, 0); var first = {score: 0, length: 0}; var spaceIndents = 0; for (var i = 1; i < 12; i++) { var score = getScore(i); if (i == 1) { spaceIndents = score; score = stats[1] ? 0.9 : 0.8; if (!stats.length) score = 0 } else score /= spaceIndents; if (changes[i]) score += changes[i] / changesTotal; if (score > first.score) first = {score: score, length: i}; } if (first.score && first.score > 1.4) var tabLength = first.length; if (tabIndents > spaceIndents + 1) return {ch: "\t", length: tabLength}; if (spaceIndents > tabIndents + 1) return {ch: " ", length: tabLength}; }; exports.detectIndentation = function(session) { var lines = session.getLines(0, 1000); var indent = exports.$detectIndentation(lines) || {}; if ( session.setUseSoftTabs( == " "); if (indent.length) session.setTabSize(indent.length); return indent; }; exports.trimTrailingSpace = function(session, trimEmpty) { var doc = session.getDocument(); var lines = doc.getAllLines(); var min = trimEmpty ? -1 : 0; for (var i = 0, l=lines.length; i < l; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var index =\s+$/); if (index > min) doc.removeInLine(i, index, line.length); } }; exports.convertIndentation = function(session, ch, len) { var oldCh = session.getTabString()[0]; var oldLen = session.getTabSize(); if (!len) len = oldLen; if (!ch) ch = oldCh; var tab = ch == "\t" ? ch: lang.stringRepeat(ch, len); var doc = session.doc; var lines = doc.getAllLines(); var cache = {}; var spaceCache = {}; for (var i = 0, l=lines.length; i < l; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var match = line.match(/^\s*/)[0]; if (match) { var w = session.$getStringScreenWidth(match)[0]; var tabCount = Math.floor(w/oldLen); var reminder = w%oldLen; var toInsert = cache[tabCount] || (cache[tabCount] = lang.stringRepeat(tab, tabCount)); toInsert += spaceCache[reminder] || (spaceCache[reminder] = lang.stringRepeat(" ", reminder)); if (toInsert != match) { doc.removeInLine(i, 0, match.length); doc.insertInLine({row: i, column: 0}, toInsert); } } } session.setTabSize(len); session.setUseSoftTabs(ch == " "); }; exports.$parseStringArg = function(text) { var indent = {}; if (/t/.test(text)) = "\t"; else if (/s/.test(text)) = " "; var m = text.match(/\d+/); if (m) indent.length = parseInt(m[0], 10); return indent; }; exports.$parseArg = function(arg) { if (!arg) return {}; if (typeof arg == "string") return exports.$parseStringArg(arg); if (typeof arg.text == "string") return exports.$parseStringArg(arg.text); return arg; }; exports.commands = [{ name: "detectIndentation", exec: function(editor) { exports.detectIndentation(editor.session); } }, { name: "trimTrailingSpace", exec: function(editor) { exports.trimTrailingSpace(editor.session); } }, { name: "convertIndentation", exec: function(editor, arg) { var indent = exports.$parseArg(arg); exports.convertIndentation(editor.session,, indent.length); } }, { name: "setIndentation", exec: function(editor, arg) { var indent = exports.$parseArg(arg); indent.length && editor.session.setTabSize(indent.length); && editor.session.setUseSoftTabs( == " "); } }]; }); define("kitchen-sink/doclist",["require","exports","module","ace/edit_session","ace/undomanager","ace/lib/net","ace/ext/modelist"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession; var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager; var net = require("ace/lib/net"); var modelist = require("ace/ext/modelist"); var fileCache = {}; function initDoc(file, path, doc) { if (doc.prepare) file = doc.prepare(file); var session = new EditSession(file); session.setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); doc.session = session; doc.path = path; =; if (doc.wrapped) { session.setUseWrapMode(true); session.setWrapLimitRange(80, 80); } var mode = modelist.getModeForPath(path); session.modeName =; session.setMode(mode.mode); return session; } function makeHuge(txt) { for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) txt += txt; return txt; } var docs = { "docs/javascript.js": {order: 1, name: "JavaScript"}, "docs/latex.tex": {name: "LaTeX", wrapped: true}, "docs/": {name: "Markdown", wrapped: true}, "docs/": {name: "MUSHCode", wrapped: true}, "docs/pgsql.pgsql": {name: "pgSQL", wrapped: true}, "docs/plaintext.txt": {name: "Plain Text", prepare: makeHuge, wrapped: true}, "docs/sql.sql": {name: "SQL", wrapped: true}, "docs/textile.textile": {name: "Textile", wrapped: true}, "docs/c9search.c9search_results": "C9 Search Results", "docs/mel.mel": "MEL", "docs/Nix.nix": "Nix" }; var ownSource = { }; var hugeDocs = { "build/src/ace.js": "", "build/src-min/ace.js": "" }; modelist.modes.forEach(function(m) { var ext = m.extensions.split("|")[0]; if (ext[0] === "^") { path = ext.substr(1); } else { var path = + "." + ext; } path = "docs/" + path; if (!docs[path]) { docs[path] = {name: m.caption}; } else if (typeof docs[path] == "object" && !docs[path].name) { docs[path].name = m.caption; } }); if (window.require && window.require.s) try { for (var path in window.require.s.contexts._.defined) { if (path.indexOf("!") != -1) path = path.split("!").pop(); else path = path + ".js"; ownSource[path] = ""; } } catch(e) {} function sort(list) { return list.sort(function(a, b) { var cmp = (b.order || 0) - (a.order || 0); return cmp || &&; }); } function prepareDocList(docs) { var list = []; for (var path in docs) { var doc = docs[path]; if (typeof doc != "object") doc = {name: doc || path}; doc.path = path; doc.desc =^(ace|docs|demo|build)\//, ""); if (doc.desc.length > 18) doc.desc = doc.desc.slice(0, 7) + ".." + doc.desc.slice(-9); fileCache[] = doc; list.push(doc); } return list; } function loadDoc(name, callback) { var doc = fileCache[name]; if (!doc) return callback(null); if (doc.session) return callback(doc.session); var path = doc.path; var parts = path.split("/"); if (parts[0] == "docs") path = "demo/kitchen-sink/" + path; else if (parts[0] == "ace") path = "lib/" + path; net.get(path, function(x) { initDoc(x, path, doc); callback(doc.session); }); } module.exports = { fileCache: fileCache, docs: sort(prepareDocList(docs)), ownSource: prepareDocList(ownSource), hugeDocs: prepareDocList(hugeDocs), initDoc: initDoc, loadDoc: loadDoc }; module.exports.all = { "Mode Examples":, "Huge documents": module.exports.hugeDocs, "own source": module.exports.ownSource }; }); define("ace/ext/themelist",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; require("ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers"); var themeData = [ ["Chrome" ], ["Clouds" ], ["Crimson Editor" ], ["Dawn" ], ["Dreamweaver" ], ["Eclipse" ], ["GitHub" ], ["Solarized Light"], ["TextMate" ], ["Tomorrow" ], ["XCode" ], ["Kuroir"], ["KatzenMilch"], ["Ambiance" ,"ambiance" , "dark"], ["Chaos" ,"chaos" , "dark"], ["Clouds Midnight" ,"clouds_midnight" , "dark"], ["Cobalt" ,"cobalt" , "dark"], ["idle Fingers" ,"idle_fingers" , "dark"], ["krTheme" ,"kr_theme" , "dark"], ["Merbivore" ,"merbivore" , "dark"], ["Merbivore Soft" ,"merbivore_soft" , "dark"], ["Mono Industrial" ,"mono_industrial" , "dark"], ["Monokai" ,"monokai" , "dark"], ["Pastel on dark" ,"pastel_on_dark" , "dark"], ["Solarized Dark" ,"solarized_dark" , "dark"], ["Terminal" ,"terminal" , "dark"], ["Tomorrow Night" ,"tomorrow_night" , "dark"], ["Tomorrow Night Blue" ,"tomorrow_night_blue" , "dark"], ["Tomorrow Night Bright","tomorrow_night_bright" , "dark"], ["Tomorrow Night 80s" ,"tomorrow_night_eighties" , "dark"], ["Twilight" ,"twilight" , "dark"], ["Vibrant Ink" ,"vibrant_ink" , "dark"] ]; exports.themesByName = {}; exports.themes = { var name = data[1] || data[0].replace(/ /g, "_").toLowerCase(); var theme = { caption: data[0], theme: "ace/theme/" + name, isDark: data[2] == "dark", name: name }; exports.themesByName[name] = theme; return theme; }); }); define("kitchen-sink/layout",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/event","ace/edit_session","ace/undomanager","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/editor","ace/multi_select","ace/theme/textmate"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var dom = require("ace/lib/dom"); var event = require("ace/lib/event"); var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession; var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager; var Renderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor; var MultiSelect = require("ace/multi_select").MultiSelect; dom.importCssString("\ splitter {\ border: 1px solid #C6C6D2;\ width: 0px;\ cursor: ew-resize;\ z-index:10}\ splitter:hover {\ margin-left: -2px;\ width:3px;\ border-color: #B5B4E0;\ }\ ", "splitEditor"); exports.edit = function(el) { if (typeof(el) == "string") el = document.getElementById(el); var editor = new Editor(new Renderer(el, require("ace/theme/textmate"))); editor.resize(); event.addListener(window, "resize", function() { editor.resize(); }); return editor; }; var SplitRoot = function(el, theme, position, getSize) { = position || "relative"; this.container = el; this.getSize = getSize || this.getSize; this.resize = this.$resize.bind(this); event.addListener(el.ownerDocument.defaultView, "resize", this.resize); this.editor = this.createEditor(); }; (function(){ this.createEditor = function() { var el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = this.$editorCSS; = "position: absolute; top:0px; bottom:0px"; this.$container.appendChild(el); var session = new EditSession(""); var editor = new Editor(new Renderer(el, this.$theme)); this.$editors.push(editor); editor.setFontSize(this.$fontSize); return editor; }; this.$resize = function() { var size = this.getSize(this.container); this.rect = { x: size.left, y:, w: size.width, h: size.height }; this.item.resize(this.rect); }; this.getSize = function(el) { return el.getBoundingClientRect(); }; this.destroy = function() { var win = this.container.ownerDocument.defaultView; event.removeListener(win, "resize", this.resize); }; }).call(SplitRoot.prototype); var Split = function(){ }; (function(){ this.execute = function(options) { this.$u.execute(options); }; }).call(Split.prototype); exports.singleLineEditor = function(el) { var renderer = new Renderer(el); = "hidden"; renderer.screenToTextCoordinates = function(x, y) { var pos = this.pixelToScreenCoordinates(x, y); return this.session.screenToDocumentPosition( Math.min(this.session.getScreenLength() - 1, Math.max(pos.row, 0)), Math.max(pos.column, 0) ); }; renderer.$maxLines = 4; renderer.setStyle("ace_one-line"); var editor = new Editor(renderer); new MultiSelect(editor); editor.session.setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); editor.renderer.setHighlightGutterLine(false); editor.$mouseHandler.$focusWaitTimout = 0; return editor; }; }); define("kitchen-sink/token_tooltip",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/event","ace/range","ace/tooltip"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var dom = require("ace/lib/dom"); var oop = require("ace/lib/oop"); var event = require("ace/lib/event"); var Range = require("ace/range").Range; var Tooltip = require("ace/tooltip").Tooltip; function TokenTooltip (editor) { if (editor.tokenTooltip) return;, editor.container); editor.tokenTooltip = this; this.editor = editor; this.update = this.update.bind(this); this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this); this.onMouseOut = this.onMouseOut.bind(this); event.addListener(editor.renderer.scroller, "mousemove", this.onMouseMove); event.addListener(editor.renderer.content, "mouseout", this.onMouseOut); } oop.inherits(TokenTooltip, Tooltip); (function(){ this.token = {}; this.range = new Range(); this.update = function() { this.$timer = null; var r = this.editor.renderer; if (this.lastT - (r.timeStamp || 0) > 1000) { r.rect = null; r.timeStamp = this.lastT; this.maxHeight = window.innerHeight; this.maxWidth = window.innerWidth; } var canvasPos = r.rect || (r.rect = r.scroller.getBoundingClientRect()); var offset = (this.x + r.scrollLeft - canvasPos.left - r.$padding) / r.characterWidth; var row = Math.floor((this.y + r.scrollTop - / r.lineHeight); var col = Math.round(offset); var screenPos = {row: row, column: col, side: offset - col > 0 ? 1 : -1}; var session = this.editor.session; var docPos = session.screenToDocumentPosition(screenPos.row, screenPos.column); var token = session.getTokenAt(docPos.row, docPos.column); if (!token && !session.getLine(docPos.row)) { token = { type: "", value: "", state: session.bgTokenizer.getState(0) }; } if (!token) { session.removeMarker(this.marker); this.hide(); return; } var tokenText = token.type; if (token.state) tokenText += "|" + token.state; if (token.merge) tokenText += "\n merge"; if (token.stateTransitions) tokenText += "\n " + token.stateTransitions.join("\n "); if (this.tokenText != tokenText) { this.setText(tokenText); this.width = this.getWidth(); this.height = this.getHeight(); this.tokenText = tokenText; }, this.x, this.y); this.token = token; session.removeMarker(this.marker); this.range = new Range(docPos.row, token.start, docPos.row, token.start + token.value.length); this.marker = session.addMarker(this.range, "ace_bracket", "text"); }; this.onMouseMove = function(e) { this.x = e.clientX; this.y = e.clientY; if (this.isOpen) { this.lastT = e.timeStamp; this.setPosition(this.x, this.y); } if (!this.$timer) this.$timer = setTimeout(this.update, 100); }; this.onMouseOut = function(e) { if (e && e.currentTarget.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return; this.hide(); this.editor.session.removeMarker(this.marker); this.$timer = clearTimeout(this.$timer); }; this.setPosition = function(x, y) { if (x + 10 + this.width > this.maxWidth) x = window.innerWidth - this.width - 10; if (y > window.innerHeight * 0.75 || y + 20 + this.height > this.maxHeight) y = y - this.height - 30;, x + 10, y + 20); }; this.destroy = function() { this.onMouseOut(); event.removeListener(this.editor.renderer.scroller, "mousemove", this.onMouseMove); event.removeListener(this.editor.renderer.content, "mouseout", this.onMouseOut); delete this.editor.tokenTooltip; }; }).call(TokenTooltip.prototype); exports.TokenTooltip = TokenTooltip; }); define("kitchen-sink/util",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/event","ace/edit_session","ace/undomanager","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/editor","ace/multi_select"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var dom = require("ace/lib/dom"); var event = require("ace/lib/event"); var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession; var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager; var Renderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor; var MultiSelect = require("ace/multi_select").MultiSelect; exports.createEditor = function(el) { return new Editor(new Renderer(el)); }; exports.createSplitEditor = function(el) { if (typeof(el) == "string") el = document.getElementById(el); var e0 = document.createElement("div"); var s = document.createElement("splitter"); var e1 = document.createElement("div"); el.appendChild(e0); el.appendChild(e1); el.appendChild(s); = = = "absolute"; = "relative"; var split = {$container: el}; split.editor0 = split[0] = new Editor(new Renderer(e0)); split.editor1 = split[1] = new Editor(new Renderer(e1)); split.splitter = s; s.ratio = 0.5; split.resize = function resize(){ var height = el.parentNode.clientHeight - el.offsetTop; var total = el.clientWidth; var w1 = total * s.ratio; var w2 = total * (1- s.ratio); = w1 - 1 + "px"; = = height + "px"; var st0 = split[0]; var st1 = split[1]; st0.width = w1 + "px"; st1.width = w2 + "px"; st0.left = 0 + "px"; st1.left = w1 + "px"; = = "0px"; st0.height = st1.height = height + "px"; split[0].resize(); split[1].resize(); }; split.onMouseDown = function(e) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var x = e.clientX; var y = e.clientY; var button = e.button; if (button !== 0) { return; } var onMouseMove = function(e) { x = e.clientX; y = e.clientY; }; var onResizeEnd = function(e) { clearInterval(timerId); }; var onResizeInterval = function() { s.ratio = (x - rect.left) / rect.width; split.resize(); }; event.capture(s, onMouseMove, onResizeEnd); var timerId = setInterval(onResizeInterval, 40); return e.preventDefault(); }; event.addListener(s, "mousedown", split.onMouseDown); event.addListener(window, "resize", split.resize); split.resize(); return split; }; exports.stripLeadingComments = function(str) { if(str.slice(0,2)=='/*') { var j = str.indexOf('*/')+2; str = str.substr(j); } return str.trim() + "\n"; }; exports.saveOption = function(el, val) { if (!el.onchange && !el.onclick) return; if ("checked" in el) { if (val !== undefined) el.checked = val; localStorage && localStorage.setItem(, el.checked ? 1 : 0); } else { if (val !== undefined) el.value = val; localStorage && localStorage.setItem(, el.value); } }; exports.bindCheckbox = function(id, callback, noInit) { if (typeof id == "string") var el = document.getElementById(id); else { var el = id; id =; } var el = document.getElementById(id); if (localStorage && localStorage.getItem(id)) el.checked = localStorage.getItem(id) == "1"; var onCheck = function() { callback(!!el.checked); exports.saveOption(el); }; el.onclick = onCheck; noInit || onCheck(); return el; }; exports.bindDropdown = function(id, callback, noInit) { if (typeof id == "string") var el = document.getElementById(id); else { var el = id; id =; } if (localStorage && localStorage.getItem(id)) el.value = localStorage.getItem(id); var onChange = function() { callback(el.value); exports.saveOption(el); }; el.onchange = onChange; noInit || onChange(); }; exports.fillDropdown = function(el, values) { if (typeof el == "string") el = document.getElementById(el); dropdown(values).forEach(function(e) { el.appendChild(e); }); }; function elt(tag, attributes, content) { var el = dom.createElement(tag); if (typeof content == "string") { el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content)); } else if (content) { content.forEach(function(ch) { el.appendChild(ch); }); } for (var i in attributes) el.setAttribute(i, attributes[i]); return el; } function optgroup(values) { return { if (typeof item == "string") item = {name: item, caption: item}; return elt("option", {value: item.value ||}, item.caption || item.desc); }); } function dropdown(values) { if (Array.isArray(values)) return optgroup(values); return Object.keys(values).map(function(i) { return elt("optgroup", {"label": i}, optgroup(values[i])); }); } }); define("ace/ext/elastic_tabstops_lite",["require","exports","module","ace/editor","ace/config"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var ElasticTabstopsLite = function(editor) { this.$editor = editor; var self = this; var changedRows = []; var recordChanges = false; this.onAfterExec = function() { recordChanges = false; self.processRows(changedRows); changedRows = []; }; this.onExec = function() { recordChanges = true; }; this.onChange = function(e) { var range = if (recordChanges) { if (changedRows.indexOf(range.start.row) == -1) changedRows.push(range.start.row); if (range.end.row != range.start.row) changedRows.push(range.end.row); } }; }; (function() { this.processRows = function(rows) { this.$inChange = true; var checkedRows = []; for (var r = 0, rowCount = rows.length; r < rowCount; r++) { var row = rows[r]; if (checkedRows.indexOf(row) > -1) continue; var cellWidthObj = this.$findCellWidthsForBlock(row); var cellWidths = this.$setBlockCellWidthsToMax(cellWidthObj.cellWidths); var rowIndex = cellWidthObj.firstRow; for (var w = 0, l = cellWidths.length; w < l; w++) { var widths = cellWidths[w]; checkedRows.push(rowIndex); this.$adjustRow(rowIndex, widths); rowIndex++; } } this.$inChange = false; }; this.$findCellWidthsForBlock = function(row) { var cellWidths = [], widths; var rowIter = row; while (rowIter >= 0) { widths = this.$cellWidthsForRow(rowIter); if (widths.length == 0) break; cellWidths.unshift(widths); rowIter--; } var firstRow = rowIter + 1; rowIter = row; var numRows = this.$editor.session.getLength(); while (rowIter < numRows - 1) { rowIter++; widths = this.$cellWidthsForRow(rowIter); if (widths.length == 0) break; cellWidths.push(widths); } return { cellWidths: cellWidths, firstRow: firstRow }; }; this.$cellWidthsForRow = function(row) { var selectionColumns = this.$selectionColumnsForRow(row); var tabs = [-1].concat(this.$tabsForRow(row)); var widths = { return 0; } ).slice(1); var line = this.$editor.session.getLine(row); for (var i = 0, len = tabs.length - 1; i < len; i++) { var leftEdge = tabs[i]+1; var rightEdge = tabs[i+1]; var rightmostSelection = this.$rightmostSelectionInCell(selectionColumns, rightEdge); var cell = line.substring(leftEdge, rightEdge); widths[i] = Math.max(cell.replace(/\s+$/g,'').length, rightmostSelection - leftEdge); } return widths; }; this.$selectionColumnsForRow = function(row) { var selections = [], cursor = this.$editor.getCursorPosition(); if (this.$editor.session.getSelection().isEmpty()) { if (row == cursor.row) selections.push(cursor.column); } return selections; }; this.$setBlockCellWidthsToMax = function(cellWidths) { var startingNewBlock = true, blockStartRow, blockEndRow, maxWidth; var columnInfo = this.$izip_longest(cellWidths); for (var c = 0, l = columnInfo.length; c < l; c++) { var column = columnInfo[c]; if (!column.push) { console.error(column); continue; } column.push(NaN); for (var r = 0, s = column.length; r < s; r++) { var width = column[r]; if (startingNewBlock) { blockStartRow = r; maxWidth = 0; startingNewBlock = false; } if (isNaN(width)) { blockEndRow = r; for (var j = blockStartRow; j < blockEndRow; j++) { cellWidths[j][c] = maxWidth; } startingNewBlock = true; } maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, width); } } return cellWidths; }; this.$rightmostSelectionInCell = function(selectionColumns, cellRightEdge) { var rightmost = 0; if (selectionColumns.length) { var lengths = []; for (var s = 0, length = selectionColumns.length; s < length; s++) { if (selectionColumns[s] <= cellRightEdge) lengths.push(s); else lengths.push(0); } rightmost = Math.max.apply(Math, lengths); } return rightmost; }; this.$tabsForRow = function(row) { var rowTabs = [], line = this.$editor.session.getLine(row), re = /\t/g, match; while ((match = re.exec(line)) != null) { rowTabs.push(match.index); } return rowTabs; }; this.$adjustRow = function(row, widths) { var rowTabs = this.$tabsForRow(row); if (rowTabs.length == 0) return; var bias = 0, location = -1; var expandedSet = this.$izip(widths, rowTabs); for (var i = 0, l = expandedSet.length; i < l; i++) { var w = expandedSet[i][0], it = expandedSet[i][1]; location += 1 + w; it += bias; var difference = location - it; if (difference == 0) continue; var partialLine = this.$editor.session.getLine(row).substr(0, it ); var strippedPartialLine = partialLine.replace(/\s*$/g, ""); var ispaces = partialLine.length - strippedPartialLine.length; if (difference > 0) { this.$editor.session.getDocument().insertInLine({row: row, column: it + 1}, Array(difference + 1).join(" ") + "\t"); this.$editor.session.getDocument().removeInLine(row, it, it + 1); bias += difference; } if (difference < 0 && ispaces >= -difference) { this.$editor.session.getDocument().removeInLine(row, it + difference, it); bias += difference; } } }; this.$izip_longest = function(iterables) { if (!iterables[0]) return []; var longest = iterables[0].length; var iterablesLength = iterables.length; for (var i = 1; i < iterablesLength; i++) { var iLength = iterables[i].length; if (iLength > longest) longest = iLength; } var expandedSet = []; for (var l = 0; l < longest; l++) { var set = []; for (var i = 0; i < iterablesLength; i++) { if (iterables[i][l] === "") set.push(NaN); else set.push(iterables[i][l]); } expandedSet.push(set); } return expandedSet; }; this.$izip = function(widths, tabs) { var size = widths.length >= tabs.length ? tabs.length : widths.length; var expandedSet = []; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { var set = [ widths[i], tabs[i] ]; expandedSet.push(set); } return expandedSet; }; }).call(ElasticTabstopsLite.prototype); exports.ElasticTabstopsLite = ElasticTabstopsLite; var Editor = require("../editor").Editor; require("../config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", { useElasticTabstops: { set: function(val) { if (val) { if (!this.elasticTabstops) this.elasticTabstops = new ElasticTabstopsLite(this); this.commands.on("afterExec", this.elasticTabstops.onAfterExec); this.commands.on("exec", this.elasticTabstops.onExec); this.on("change", this.elasticTabstops.onChange); } else if (this.elasticTabstops) { this.commands.removeListener("afterExec", this.elasticTabstops.onAfterExec); this.commands.removeListener("exec", this.elasticTabstops.onExec); this.removeListener("change", this.elasticTabstops.onChange); } } } }); }); define("ace/occur",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/range","ace/search","ace/edit_session","ace/search_highlight","ace/lib/dom"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var Range = require("./range").Range; var Search = require("./search").Search; var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession; var SearchHighlight = require("./search_highlight").SearchHighlight; function Occur() {} oop.inherits(Occur, Search); (function() { this.enter = function(editor, options) { if (!options.needle) return false; var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); this.displayOccurContent(editor, options); var translatedPos = this.originalToOccurPosition(editor.session, pos); editor.moveCursorToPosition(translatedPos); return true; } this.exit = function(editor, options) { var pos = options.translatePosition && editor.getCursorPosition(); var translatedPos = pos && this.occurToOriginalPosition(editor.session, pos); this.displayOriginalContent(editor); if (translatedPos) editor.moveCursorToPosition(translatedPos); return true; } this.highlight = function(sess, regexp) { var hl = sess.$occurHighlight = sess.$occurHighlight || sess.addDynamicMarker( new SearchHighlight(null, "ace_occur-highlight", "text")); hl.setRegexp(regexp); sess._emit("changeBackMarker"); // force highlight layer redraw } this.displayOccurContent = function(editor, options) { this.$originalSession = editor.session; var found = this.matchingLines(editor.session, options); var lines = { return foundLine.content; }); var occurSession = new EditSession(lines.join('\n')); occurSession.$occur = this; occurSession.$occurMatchingLines = found; editor.setSession(occurSession); this.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = this.$originalSession.$useEmacsStyleLineStart; occurSession.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = this.$useEmacsStyleLineStart; this.highlight(occurSession,; occurSession._emit('changeBackMarker'); } this.displayOriginalContent = function(editor) { editor.setSession(this.$originalSession); this.$originalSession.$useEmacsStyleLineStart = this.$useEmacsStyleLineStart; } this.originalToOccurPosition = function(session, pos) { var lines = session.$occurMatchingLines; var nullPos = {row: 0, column: 0}; if (!lines) return nullPos; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].row === pos.row) return {row: i, column: pos.column}; } return nullPos; } this.occurToOriginalPosition = function(session, pos) { var lines = session.$occurMatchingLines; if (!lines || !lines[pos.row]) return pos; return {row: lines[pos.row].row, column: pos.column}; } this.matchingLines = function(session, options) { options = oop.mixin({}, options); if (!session || !options.needle) return []; var search = new Search(); search.set(options); return search.findAll(session).reduce(function(lines, range) { var row = range.start.row; var last = lines[lines.length-1]; return last && last.row === row ? lines : lines.concat({row: row, content: session.getLine(row)}); }, []); } }).call(Occur.prototype); var dom = require('./lib/dom'); dom.importCssString(".ace_occur-highlight {\n\ border-radius: 4px;\n\ background-color: rgba(87, 255, 8, 0.25);\n\ position: absolute;\n\ z-index: 4;\n\ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n\ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n\ box-sizing: border-box;\n\ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(91, 255, 50);\n\ }\n\ .ace_dark .ace_occur-highlight {\n\ background-color: rgb(80, 140, 85);\n\ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(60, 120, 70);\n\ }\n", "incremental-occur-highlighting"); exports.Occur = Occur; }); define("ace/commands/occur_commands",["require","exports","module","ace/config","ace/occur","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/lib/oop"], function(require, exports, module) { var config = require("../config"), Occur = require("../occur").Occur; var occurStartCommand = { name: "occur", exec: function(editor, options) { var alreadyInOccur = !!editor.session.$occur; var occurSessionActive = new Occur().enter(editor, options); if (occurSessionActive && !alreadyInOccur) OccurKeyboardHandler.installIn(editor); }, readOnly: true }; var occurCommands = [{ name: "occurexit", bindKey: 'esc|Ctrl-G', exec: function(editor) { var occur = editor.session.$occur; if (!occur) return; occur.exit(editor, {}); if (!editor.session.$occur) OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom(editor); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "occuraccept", bindKey: 'enter', exec: function(editor) { var occur = editor.session.$occur; if (!occur) return; occur.exit(editor, {translatePosition: true}); if (!editor.session.$occur) OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom(editor); }, readOnly: true }]; var HashHandler = require("../keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); function OccurKeyboardHandler() {} oop.inherits(OccurKeyboardHandler, HashHandler); ;(function() { this.isOccurHandler = true; this.attach = function(editor) {, occurCommands, editor.commands.platform); this.$editor = editor; } var handleKeyboard$super = this.handleKeyboard; this.handleKeyboard = function(data, hashId, key, keyCode) { var cmd = handleKeyboard$, data, hashId, key, keyCode); return (cmd && cmd.command) ? cmd : undefined; } }).call(OccurKeyboardHandler.prototype); OccurKeyboardHandler.installIn = function(editor) { var handler = new this(); editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(handler); editor.commands.addCommands(occurCommands); } OccurKeyboardHandler.uninstallFrom = function(editor) { editor.commands.removeCommands(occurCommands); var handler = editor.getKeyboardHandler(); if (handler.isOccurHandler) editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(handler); } exports.occurStartCommand = occurStartCommand; }); define("ace/commands/incremental_search_commands",["require","exports","module","ace/config","ace/lib/oop","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/commands/occur_commands"], function(require, exports, module) { var config = require("../config"); var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var HashHandler = require("../keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var occurStartCommand = require("./occur_commands").occurStartCommand; exports.iSearchStartCommands = [{ name: "iSearch", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-F", mac: "Command-F"}, exec: function(editor, options) { config.loadModule(["core", "ace/incremental_search"], function(e) { var iSearch = e.iSearch = e.iSearch || new e.IncrementalSearch(); iSearch.activate(editor, options.backwards); if (options.jumpToFirstMatch); }); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "iSearchBackwards", exec: function(editor, jumpToNext) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {backwards: true}); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "iSearchAndGo", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-K", mac: "Command-G"}, exec: function(editor, jumpToNext) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {jumpToFirstMatch: true, useCurrentOrPrevSearch: true}); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "iSearchBackwardsAndGo", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Shift-K", mac: "Command-Shift-G"}, exec: function(editor) { editor.execCommand('iSearch', {jumpToFirstMatch: true, backwards: true, useCurrentOrPrevSearch: true}); }, readOnly: true }]; exports.iSearchCommands = [{ name: "restartSearch", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-F", mac: "Command-F"}, exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.cancelSearch(true); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "searchForward", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-S|Ctrl-K", mac: "Ctrl-S|Command-G"}, exec: function(iSearch, options) { options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch = true;; }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "searchBackward", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-R|Ctrl-Shift-K", mac: "Ctrl-R|Command-Shift-G"}, exec: function(iSearch, options) { options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch = true; options.backwards = true;; }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "extendSearchTerm", exec: function(iSearch, string) { iSearch.addString(string); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "extendSearchTermSpace", bindKey: "space", exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.addString(' '); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "shrinkSearchTerm", bindKey: "backspace", exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.removeChar(); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: 'confirmSearch', bindKey: 'return', exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.deactivate(); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: 'cancelSearch', bindKey: 'esc|Ctrl-G', exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.deactivate(true); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: 'occurisearch', bindKey: 'Ctrl-O', exec: function(iSearch) { var options = oop.mixin({}, iSearch.$options); iSearch.deactivate(); occurStartCommand.exec(iSearch.$editor, options); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "yankNextWord", bindKey: "Ctrl-w", exec: function(iSearch) { var ed = iSearch.$editor, range = ed.selection.getRangeOfMovements(function(sel) { sel.moveCursorWordRight(); }), string = ed.session.getTextRange(range); iSearch.addString(string); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: "yankNextChar", bindKey: "Ctrl-Alt-y", exec: function(iSearch) { var ed = iSearch.$editor, range = ed.selection.getRangeOfMovements(function(sel) { sel.moveCursorRight(); }), string = ed.session.getTextRange(range); iSearch.addString(string); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }, { name: 'recenterTopBottom', bindKey: 'Ctrl-l', exec: function(iSearch) { iSearch.$editor.execCommand('recenterTopBottom'); }, readOnly: true, isIncrementalSearchCommand: true }]; function IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler(iSearch) { this.$iSearch = iSearch; } oop.inherits(IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler, HashHandler); ;(function() { this.attach = function(editor) { var iSearch = this.$iSearch;, exports.iSearchCommands, editor.commands.platform); this.$commandExecHandler = editor.commands.addEventListener('exec', function(e) { if (!e.command.isIncrementalSearchCommand) return undefined; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return e.command.exec(iSearch, e.args || {}); }); } this.detach = function(editor) { if (!this.$commandExecHandler) return; editor.commands.removeEventListener('exec', this.$commandExecHandler); delete this.$commandExecHandler; } var handleKeyboard$super = this.handleKeyboard; this.handleKeyboard = function(data, hashId, key, keyCode) { if (((hashId === 1/*ctrl*/ || hashId === 8/*command*/) && key === 'v') || (hashId === 1/*ctrl*/ && key === 'y')) return null; var cmd = handleKeyboard$, data, hashId, key, keyCode); if (cmd.command) { return cmd; } if (hashId == -1) { var extendCmd = this.commands.extendSearchTerm; if (extendCmd) { return {command: extendCmd, args: key}; } } return {command: "null", passEvent: hashId == 0 || hashId == 4}; } }).call(IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler.prototype); exports.IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler = IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler; }); define("ace/incremental_search",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/range","ace/search","ace/search_highlight","ace/commands/incremental_search_commands","ace/lib/dom","ace/commands/command_manager","ace/editor","ace/config"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var Range = require("./range").Range; var Search = require("./search").Search; var SearchHighlight = require("./search_highlight").SearchHighlight; var iSearchCommandModule = require("./commands/incremental_search_commands"); var ISearchKbd = iSearchCommandModule.IncrementalSearchKeyboardHandler; function IncrementalSearch() { this.$options = {wrap: false, skipCurrent: false}; this.$keyboardHandler = new ISearchKbd(this); } oop.inherits(IncrementalSearch, Search); ;(function() { this.activate = function(ed, backwards) { this.$editor = ed; this.$startPos = this.$currentPos = ed.getCursorPosition(); this.$options.needle = ''; this.$options.backwards = backwards; ed.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.$keyboardHandler); this.$originalEditorOnPaste = ed.onPaste; ed.onPaste = this.onPaste.bind(this); this.$mousedownHandler = ed.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind(this)); this.selectionFix(ed); this.statusMessage(true); } this.deactivate = function(reset) { this.cancelSearch(reset); var ed = this.$editor; ed.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(this.$keyboardHandler); if (this.$mousedownHandler) { ed.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.$mousedownHandler); delete this.$mousedownHandler; } ed.onPaste = this.$originalEditorOnPaste; this.message(''); } this.selectionFix = function(editor) { if (editor.selection.isEmpty() && !editor.session.$emacsMark) { editor.clearSelection(); } } this.highlight = function(regexp) { var sess = this.$editor.session, hl = sess.$isearchHighlight = sess.$isearchHighlight || sess.addDynamicMarker( new SearchHighlight(null, "ace_isearch-result", "text")); hl.setRegexp(regexp); sess._emit("changeBackMarker"); // force highlight layer redraw } this.cancelSearch = function(reset) { var e = this.$editor; this.$prevNeedle = this.$options.needle; this.$options.needle = ''; if (reset) { e.moveCursorToPosition(this.$startPos); this.$currentPos = this.$startPos; } else { e.pushEmacsMark && e.pushEmacsMark(this.$startPos, false); } this.highlight(null); return Range.fromPoints(this.$currentPos, this.$currentPos); } this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle = function(moveToNext, needleUpdateFunc) { if (!this.$editor) return null; var options = this.$options; if (needleUpdateFunc) { options.needle =, options.needle || '') || ''; } if (options.needle.length === 0) { this.statusMessage(true); return this.cancelSearch(true); }; options.start = this.$currentPos; var session = this.$editor.session, found = this.find(session); if (found) { if (options.backwards) found = Range.fromPoints(found.end, found.start); this.$editor.moveCursorToPosition(found.end); if (moveToNext) this.$currentPos = found.end; this.highlight( } this.statusMessage(found); return found; } this.addString = function(s) { return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(false, function(needle) { return needle + s; }); } this.removeChar = function(c) { return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(false, function(needle) { return needle.length > 0 ? needle.substring(0, needle.length-1) : needle; }); } = function(options) { options = options || {}; this.$options.backwards = !!options.backwards; this.$currentPos = this.$editor.getCursorPosition(); return this.highlightAndFindWithNeedle(true, function(needle) { return options.useCurrentOrPrevSearch && needle.length === 0 ? this.$prevNeedle || '' : needle; }); } this.onMouseDown = function(evt) { this.deactivate(); return true; } this.onPaste = function(text) { this.addString(text); } this.statusMessage = function(found) { var options = this.$options, msg = ''; msg += options.backwards ? 'reverse-' : ''; msg += 'isearch: ' + options.needle; msg += found ? '' : ' (not found)'; this.message(msg); } this.message = function(msg) { if (this.$editor.showCommandLine) { this.$editor.showCommandLine(msg); this.$editor.focus(); } else { console.log(msg); } } }).call(IncrementalSearch.prototype); exports.IncrementalSearch = IncrementalSearch; var dom = require('./lib/dom'); dom.importCssString && dom.importCssString("\ .ace_marker-layer .ace_isearch-result {\ position: absolute;\ z-index: 6;\ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\ box-sizing: border-box;\ }\ div.ace_isearch-result {\ border-radius: 4px;\ background-color: rgba(255, 200, 0, 0.5);\ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(255, 200, 0);\ }\ .ace_dark div.ace_isearch-result {\ background-color: rgb(100, 110, 160);\ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgb(80, 90, 140);\ }", "incremental-search-highlighting"); var commands = require("./commands/command_manager"); (function() { this.setupIncrementalSearch = function(editor, val) { if (this.usesIncrementalSearch == val) return; this.usesIncrementalSearch = val; var iSearchCommands = iSearchCommandModule.iSearchStartCommands; var method = val ? 'addCommands' : 'removeCommands'; this[method](iSearchCommands); }; }).call(commands.CommandManager.prototype); var Editor = require("./editor").Editor; require("./config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", { useIncrementalSearch: { set: function(val) { this.keyBinding.$handlers.forEach(function(handler) { if (handler.setupIncrementalSearch) { handler.setupIncrementalSearch(this, val); } }); this._emit('incrementalSearchSettingChanged', {isEnabled: val}); } } }); }); define("ace/split",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/event_emitter","ace/editor","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/edit_session"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var Editor = require("./editor").Editor; var Renderer = require("./virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession; var Split = function(container, theme, splits) { this.BELOW = 1; this.BESIDE = 0; this.$container = container; this.$theme = theme; this.$splits = 0; this.$editorCSS = ""; this.$editors = []; this.$orientation = this.BESIDE; this.setSplits(splits || 1); this.$cEditor = this.$editors[0]; this.on("focus", function(editor) { this.$cEditor = editor; }.bind(this)); }; (function(){ oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.$createEditor = function() { var el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = this.$editorCSS; = "position: absolute; top:0px; bottom:0px"; this.$container.appendChild(el); var editor = new Editor(new Renderer(el, this.$theme)); editor.on("focus", function() { this._emit("focus", editor); }.bind(this)); this.$editors.push(editor); editor.setFontSize(this.$fontSize); return editor; }; this.setSplits = function(splits) { var editor; if (splits < 1) { throw "The number of splits have to be > 0!"; } if (splits == this.$splits) { return; } else if (splits > this.$splits) { while (this.$splits < this.$editors.length && this.$splits < splits) { editor = this.$editors[this.$splits]; this.$container.appendChild(editor.container); editor.setFontSize(this.$fontSize); this.$splits ++; } while (this.$splits < splits) { this.$createEditor(); this.$splits ++; } } else { while (this.$splits > splits) { editor = this.$editors[this.$splits - 1]; this.$container.removeChild(editor.container); this.$splits --; } } this.resize(); }; this.getSplits = function() { return this.$splits; }; this.getEditor = function(idx) { return this.$editors[idx]; }; this.getCurrentEditor = function() { return this.$cEditor; }; this.focus = function() { this.$cEditor.focus(); }; this.blur = function() { this.$cEditor.blur(); }; this.setTheme = function(theme) { this.$editors.forEach(function(editor) { editor.setTheme(theme); }); }; this.setKeyboardHandler = function(keybinding) { this.$editors.forEach(function(editor) { editor.setKeyboardHandler(keybinding); }); }; this.forEach = function(callback, scope) { this.$editors.forEach(callback, scope); }; this.$fontSize = ""; this.setFontSize = function(size) { this.$fontSize = size; this.forEach(function(editor) { editor.setFontSize(size); }); }; this.$cloneSession = function(session) { var s = new EditSession(session.getDocument(), session.getMode()); var undoManager = session.getUndoManager(); if (undoManager) { var undoManagerProxy = new UndoManagerProxy(undoManager, s); s.setUndoManager(undoManagerProxy); } s.$informUndoManager = lang.delayedCall(function() { s.$deltas = []; }); s.setTabSize(session.getTabSize()); s.setUseSoftTabs(session.getUseSoftTabs()); s.setOverwrite(session.getOverwrite()); s.setBreakpoints(session.getBreakpoints()); s.setUseWrapMode(session.getUseWrapMode()); s.setUseWorker(session.getUseWorker()); s.setWrapLimitRange(session.$wrapLimitRange.min, session.$wrapLimitRange.max); s.$foldData = session.$cloneFoldData(); return s; }; this.setSession = function(session, idx) { var editor; if (idx == null) { editor = this.$cEditor; } else { editor = this.$editors[idx]; } var isUsed = this.$editors.some(function(editor) { return editor.session === session; }); if (isUsed) { session = this.$cloneSession(session); } editor.setSession(session); return session; }; this.getOrientation = function() { return this.$orientation; }; this.setOrientation = function(orientation) { if (this.$orientation == orientation) { return; } this.$orientation = orientation; this.resize(); }; this.resize = function() { var width = this.$container.clientWidth; var height = this.$container.clientHeight; var editor; if (this.$orientation == this.BESIDE) { var editorWidth = width / this.$splits; for (var i = 0; i < this.$splits; i++) { editor = this.$editors[i]; = editorWidth + "px"; = "0px"; = i * editorWidth + "px"; = height + "px"; editor.resize(); } } else { var editorHeight = height / this.$splits; for (var i = 0; i < this.$splits; i++) { editor = this.$editors[i]; = width + "px"; = i * editorHeight + "px"; = "0px"; = editorHeight + "px"; editor.resize(); } } }; }).call(Split.prototype); function UndoManagerProxy(undoManager, session) { this.$u = undoManager; this.$doc = session; } (function() { this.execute = function(options) { this.$u.execute(options); }; this.undo = function() { var selectionRange = this.$u.undo(true); if (selectionRange) { this.$doc.selection.setSelectionRange(selectionRange); } }; this.redo = function() { var selectionRange = this.$u.redo(true); if (selectionRange) { this.$doc.selection.setSelectionRange(selectionRange); } }; this.reset = function() { this.$u.reset(); }; this.hasUndo = function() { return this.$u.hasUndo(); }; this.hasRedo = function() { return this.$u.hasRedo(); }; }).call(UndoManagerProxy.prototype); exports.Split = Split; }); define("ace/keyboard/vim/registers",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) { "never use strict"; module.exports = { _default: { text: "", isLine: false } }; }); define("ace/keyboard/vim/maps/util",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/vim/registers","ace/lib/dom"], function(require, exports, module) { var registers = require("../registers"); var dom = require("../../../lib/dom"); dom.importCssString('.insert-mode .ace_cursor{\ border-left: 2px solid #333333;\ }\ .ace_dark.insert-mode .ace_cursor{\ border-left: 2px solid #eeeeee;\ }\ .normal-mode .ace_cursor{\ border: 0!important;\ background-color: red;\ opacity: 0.5;\ }', 'vimMode'); module.exports = { onVisualMode: false, onVisualLineMode: false, currentMode: 'normal', noMode: function(editor) { editor.unsetStyle('insert-mode'); editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode'); if (editor.commands.recording) editor.commands.toggleRecording(editor); editor.setOverwrite(false); }, insertMode: function(editor) { this.currentMode = 'insert'; editor.setStyle('insert-mode'); editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode'); editor.setOverwrite(false); editor.keyBinding.$data.buffer = ""; editor.keyBinding.$data.vimState = "insertMode"; this.onVisualMode = false; this.onVisualLineMode = false; if(this.onInsertReplaySequence) { editor.commands.macro = this.onInsertReplaySequence; editor.commands.replay(editor); this.onInsertReplaySequence = null; this.normalMode(editor); } else { editor._emit("changeStatus"); if(!editor.commands.recording) editor.commands.toggleRecording(editor); } }, normalMode: function(editor) { this.currentMode = 'normal'; editor.unsetStyle('insert-mode'); editor.setStyle('normal-mode'); editor.clearSelection(); var pos; if (!editor.getOverwrite()) { pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); if (pos.column > 0) editor.navigateLeft(); } editor.setOverwrite(true); editor.keyBinding.$data.buffer = ""; editor.keyBinding.$data.vimState = "start"; this.onVisualMode = false; this.onVisualLineMode = false; editor._emit("changeStatus"); if (editor.commands.recording) { editor.commands.toggleRecording(editor); return editor.commands.macro; } else { return []; } }, visualMode: function(editor, lineMode) { if ( (this.onVisualLineMode && lineMode) || (this.onVisualMode && !lineMode) ) { this.normalMode(editor); return; } editor.setStyle('insert-mode'); editor.unsetStyle('normal-mode'); editor._emit("changeStatus"); if (lineMode) { this.onVisualLineMode = true; } else { this.onVisualMode = true; this.onVisualLineMode = false; } }, getRightNthChar: function(editor, cursor, ch, n) { var line = editor.getSession().getLine(cursor.row); var matches = line.substr(cursor.column + 1).split(ch); return n < matches.length ? matches.slice(0, n).join(ch).length : null; }, getLeftNthChar: function(editor, cursor, ch, n) { var line = editor.getSession().getLine(cursor.row); var matches = line.substr(0, cursor.column).split(ch); return n < matches.length ? matches.slice(-1 * n).join(ch).length : null; }, toRealChar: function(ch) { if (ch.length === 1) return ch; if (/^shift-./.test(ch)) return ch[ch.length - 1].toUpperCase(); else return ""; }, copyLine: function(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); editor.selection.moveTo(pos.row, pos.column); editor.selection.selectLine(); registers._default.isLine = true; registers._default.text = editor.getCopyText().replace(/\n$/, ""); editor.selection.moveTo(pos.row, pos.column); } }; }); define("ace/keyboard/vim/maps/motions",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/vim/maps/util","ace/search","ace/range"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var util = require("./util"); var keepScrollPosition = function(editor, fn) { var scrollTopRow = editor.renderer.getScrollTopRow(); var initialRow = editor.getCursorPosition().row; var diff = initialRow - scrollTopRow; fn &&; editor.renderer.scrollToRow(editor.getCursorPosition().row - diff); }; function Motion(m) { if (typeof m == "function") { var getPos = m; m = this; } else { var getPos = m.getPos; } m.nav = function(editor, range, count, param) { var a = getPos(editor, range, count, param, false); if (!a) return; editor.selection.moveTo(a.row, a.column); }; m.sel = function(editor, range, count, param) { var a = getPos(editor, range, count, param, true); if (!a) return; editor.selection.selectTo(a.row, a.column); }; return m; } var nonWordRe = /[\s.\/\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=\[\]{}`~?]/; var wordSeparatorRe = /[.\/\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=\[\]{}`~?]/; var whiteRe = /\s/; var StringStream = function(editor, cursor) { var sel = editor.selection; this.range = sel.getRange(); cursor = cursor || sel.selectionLead; this.row = cursor.row; this.col = cursor.column; var line = editor.session.getLine(this.row); var maxRow = editor.session.getLength(); = line[this.col] || '\n'; this.skippedLines = 0; = function() { = line[++this.col] || this.handleNewLine(1); return; }; this.prev = function() { = line[--this.col] || this.handleNewLine(-1); return; }; this.peek = function(dir) { var ch = line[this.col + dir]; if (ch) return ch; if (dir == -1) return '\n'; if (this.col == line.length - 1) return '\n'; return editor.session.getLine(this.row + 1)[0] || '\n'; }; this.handleNewLine = function(dir) { if (dir == 1){ if (this.col == line.length) return '\n'; if (this.row == maxRow - 1) return ''; this.col = 0; this.row ++; line = editor.session.getLine(this.row); this.skippedLines++; return line[0] || '\n'; } if (dir == -1) { if (this.row === 0) return ''; this.row --; line = editor.session.getLine(this.row); this.col = line.length; this.skippedLines--; return '\n'; } }; this.debug = function() { console.log(line.substring(0, this.col)+'|''\''+this.col+'\''+line.substr(this.col+1)); }; }; var Search = require("../../../search").Search; var search = new Search(); function find(editor, needle, dir) { search.$options.needle = needle; search.$options.backwards = dir == -1; return search.find(editor.session); } var Range = require("../../../range").Range; var LAST_SEARCH_MOTION = {}; module.exports = { "w": new Motion(function(editor) { var str = new StringStream(editor); if ( && wordSeparatorRe.test( { while ( && wordSeparatorRe.test(; } else { while ( && !nonWordRe.test(; } while ( && whiteRe.test( && str.skippedLines < 2); str.skippedLines == 2 && str.prev(); return {column: str.col, row: str.row}; }), "W": new Motion(function(editor) { var str = new StringStream(editor); while( && !(whiteRe.test( && !whiteRe.test(str.peek(1))) && str.skippedLines < 2); if (str.skippedLines == 2) str.prev(); else; return {column: str.col, row: str.row}; }), "b": new Motion(function(editor) { var str = new StringStream(editor); str.prev(); while ( && whiteRe.test( && str.skippedLines > -2) str.prev(); if ( && wordSeparatorRe.test( { while ( && wordSeparatorRe.test( str.prev(); } else { while ( && !nonWordRe.test( str.prev(); } &&; return {column: str.col, row: str.row}; }), "B": new Motion(function(editor) { var str = new StringStream(editor); str.prev(); while( && !(!whiteRe.test( && whiteRe.test(str.peek(-1))) && str.skippedLines > -2) str.prev(); if (str.skippedLines == -2); return {column: str.col, row: str.row}; }), "e": new Motion(function(editor) { var str = new StringStream(editor);; while ( && whiteRe.test(; if ( && wordSeparatorRe.test( { while ( && wordSeparatorRe.test(; } else { while ( && !nonWordRe.test(; } && str.prev(); return {column: str.col, row: str.row}; }), "E": new Motion(function(editor) { var str = new StringStream(editor);; while( && !(!whiteRe.test( && whiteRe.test(str.peek(1)))); return {column: str.col, row: str.row}; }), "l": { nav: function(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var col = pos.column; var lineLen = editor.session.getLine(pos.row).length; if (lineLen && col !== lineLen) editor.navigateRight(); }, sel: function(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var col = pos.column; var lineLen = editor.session.getLine(pos.row).length; if (lineLen && col !== lineLen) //In selection mode you can select the newline editor.selection.selectRight(); } }, "h": { nav: function(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); if (pos.column > 0) editor.navigateLeft(); }, sel: function(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); if (pos.column > 0) editor.selection.selectLeft(); } }, "H": { nav: function(editor) { var row = editor.renderer.getScrollTopRow(); editor.moveCursorTo(row); }, sel: function(editor) { var row = editor.renderer.getScrollTopRow(); editor.selection.selectTo(row); } }, "M": { nav: function(editor) { var topRow = editor.renderer.getScrollTopRow(); var bottomRow = editor.renderer.getScrollBottomRow(); var row = topRow + ((bottomRow - topRow) / 2); editor.moveCursorTo(row); }, sel: function(editor) { var topRow = editor.renderer.getScrollTopRow(); var bottomRow = editor.renderer.getScrollBottomRow(); var row = topRow + ((bottomRow - topRow) / 2); editor.selection.selectTo(row); } }, "L": { nav: function(editor) { var row = editor.renderer.getScrollBottomRow(); editor.moveCursorTo(row); }, sel: function(editor) { var row = editor.renderer.getScrollBottomRow(); editor.selection.selectTo(row); } }, "k": { nav: function(editor) { editor.navigateUp(); }, sel: function(editor) { editor.selection.selectUp(); } }, "j": { nav: function(editor) { editor.navigateDown(); }, sel: function(editor) { editor.selection.selectDown(); } }, "i": { param: true, sel: function(editor, range, count, param) { switch (param) { case "w": editor.selection.selectWord(); break; case "W": editor.selection.selectAWord(); break; case "(": case "{": case "[": var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var end = editor.session.$findClosingBracket(param, cursor, /paren/); if (!end) return; var start = editor.session.$findOpeningBracket(editor.session.$brackets[param], cursor, /paren/); if (!start) return; start.column ++; editor.selection.setSelectionRange(Range.fromPoints(start, end)); break; case "'": case '"': case "/": var end = find(editor, param, 1); if (!end) return; var start = find(editor, param, -1); if (!start) return; editor.selection.setSelectionRange(Range.fromPoints(start.end, end.start)); break; } } }, "a": { param: true, sel: function(editor, range, count, param) { switch (param) { case "w": editor.selection.selectAWord(); break; case "W": editor.selection.selectAWord(); break; case ")": case "}": case "]": param = editor.session.$brackets[param]; case "(": case "{": case "[": var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var end = editor.session.$findClosingBracket(param, cursor, /paren/); if (!end) return; var start = editor.session.$findOpeningBracket(editor.session.$brackets[param], cursor, /paren/); if (!start) return; end.column ++; editor.selection.setSelectionRange(Range.fromPoints(start, end)); break; case "'": case "\"": case "/": var end = find(editor, param, 1); if (!end) return; var start = find(editor, param, -1); if (!start) return; end.column ++; editor.selection.setSelectionRange(Range.fromPoints(start.start, end.end)); break; } } }, "f": new Motion({ param: true, handlesCount: true, getPos: function(editor, range, count, param, isSel, isRepeat) { if (param == "space") param = " "; if (!isRepeat) LAST_SEARCH_MOTION = {ch: "f", param: param}; var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var column = util.getRightNthChar(editor, cursor, param, count || 1); if (typeof column === "number") { cursor.column += column + (isSel ? 2 : 1); return cursor; } } }), "F": new Motion({ param: true, handlesCount: true, getPos: function(editor, range, count, param, isSel, isRepeat) { if (param == "space") param = " "; if (!isRepeat) LAST_SEARCH_MOTION = {ch: "F", param: param}; var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var column = util.getLeftNthChar(editor, cursor, param, count || 1); if (typeof column === "number") { cursor.column -= column + 1; return cursor; } } }), "t": new Motion({ param: true, handlesCount: true, getPos: function(editor, range, count, param, isSel, isRepeat) { if (param == "space") param = " "; if (!isRepeat) LAST_SEARCH_MOTION = {ch: "t", param: param}; var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var column = util.getRightNthChar(editor, cursor, param, count || 1); if (isRepeat && column == 0 && !(count > 1)) column = util.getRightNthChar(editor, cursor, param, 2); if (typeof column === "number") { cursor.column += column + (isSel ? 1 : 0); return cursor; } } }), "T": new Motion({ param: true, handlesCount: true, getPos: function(editor, range, count, param, isSel, isRepeat) { if (param == "space") param = " "; if (!isRepeat) LAST_SEARCH_MOTION = {ch: "T", param: param}; var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var column = util.getLeftNthChar(editor, cursor, param, count || 1); if (isRepeat && column === 0 && !(count > 1)) column = util.getLeftNthChar(editor, cursor, param, 2); if (typeof column === "number") { cursor.column -= column; return cursor; } } }), ";": new Motion({ handlesCount: true, getPos: function(editor, range, count, param, isSel) { var ch =; if (!ch) return; return module.exports[ch].getPos( editor, range, count, LAST_SEARCH_MOTION.param, isSel, true ); } }), ",": new Motion({ handlesCount: true, getPos: function(editor, range, count, param, isSel) { var ch =; if (!ch) return; var up = ch.toUpperCase(); ch = ch === up ? ch.toLowerCase() : up; return module.exports[ch].getPos( editor, range, count, LAST_SEARCH_MOTION.param, isSel, true ); } }), "^": { nav: function(editor) { editor.navigateLineStart(); }, sel: function(editor) { editor.selection.selectLineStart(); } }, "$": { handlesCount: true, nav: function(editor, range, count, param) { if (count > 1) { editor.navigateDown(count-1); } editor.navigateLineEnd(); }, sel: function(editor, range, count, param) { if (count > 1) { editor.selection.moveCursorBy(count-1, 0); } editor.selection.selectLineEnd(); } }, "0": new Motion(function(ed) { return {row: ed.selection.lead.row, column: 0}; }), "G": { nav: function(editor, range, count, param) { if (!count && count !== 0) { // Stupid JS count = editor.session.getLength(); } editor.gotoLine(count); }, sel: function(editor, range, count, param) { if (!count && count !== 0) { // Stupid JS count = editor.session.getLength(); } editor.selection.selectTo(count, 0); } }, "g": { param: true, nav: function(editor, range, count, param) { switch(param) { case "m": console.log("Middle line"); break; case "e": console.log("End of prev word"); break; case "g": editor.gotoLine(count || 0); case "u": editor.gotoLine(count || 0); case "U": editor.gotoLine(count || 0); } }, sel: function(editor, range, count, param) { switch(param) { case "m": console.log("Middle line"); break; case "e": console.log("End of prev word"); break; case "g": editor.selection.selectTo(count || 0, 0); } } }, "o": { nav: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = count || 1; var content = ""; while (0 < count--) content += "\n"; if (content.length) { editor.navigateLineEnd(); editor.insert(content); util.insertMode(editor); } } }, "O": { nav: function(editor, range, count, param) { var row = editor.getCursorPosition().row; count = count || 1; var content = ""; while (0 < count--) content += "\n"; if (content.length) { if(row > 0) { editor.navigateUp(); editor.navigateLineEnd(); editor.insert(content); } else { editor.session.insert({row: 0, column: 0}, content); editor.navigateUp(); } util.insertMode(editor); } } }, "%": new Motion(function(editor){ var brRe = /[\[\]{}()]/g; var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var ch = editor.session.getLine(cursor.row)[cursor.column]; if (!brRe.test(ch)) { var range = find(editor, brRe); if (!range) return; cursor = range.start; } var match = editor.session.findMatchingBracket({ row: cursor.row, column: cursor.column + 1 }); return match; }), "{": new Motion(function(ed) { var session = ed.session; var row = session.selection.lead.row; while(row > 0 && !/\S/.test(session.getLine(row))) row--; while(/\S/.test(session.getLine(row))) row--; return {column: 0, row: row}; }), "}": new Motion(function(ed) { var session = ed.session; var l = session.getLength(); var row = session.selection.lead.row; while(row < l && !/\S/.test(session.getLine(row))) row++; while(/\S/.test(session.getLine(row))) row++; return {column: 0, row: row}; }), "ctrl-d": { nav: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.selection.clearSelection(); keepScrollPosition(editor, editor.gotoPageDown); }, sel: function(editor, range, count, param) { keepScrollPosition(editor, editor.selectPageDown); } }, "ctrl-u": { nav: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.selection.clearSelection(); keepScrollPosition(editor, editor.gotoPageUp); }, sel: function(editor, range, count, param) { keepScrollPosition(editor, editor.selectPageUp); } }, "`": new Motion({ param: true, handlesCount: true, getPos: function(editor, range, count, param, isSel) { var s = editor.session; var marker = s.vimMarkers && s.vimMarkers[param]; if (marker) { return marker.getPosition(); } } }), "'": new Motion({ param: true, handlesCount: true, getPos: function(editor, range, count, param, isSel) { var s = editor.session; var marker = s.vimMarkers && s.vimMarkers[param]; if (marker) { var pos = marker.getPosition(); var line = editor.session.getLine(pos.row); pos.column =\S/); if (pos.column == -1) pos.column = line.length; return pos; } }, isLine: true }) }; module.exports.backspace = module.exports.left = module.exports.h; = module.exports['return'] = module.exports.right = module.exports.l; module.exports.up = module.exports.k; module.exports.down = module.exports.j; module.exports.pagedown = module.exports["ctrl-d"]; module.exports.pageup = module.exports["ctrl-u"]; module.exports.home = module.exports["0"]; module.exports.end = module.exports["$"]; }); define("ace/keyboard/vim/maps/operators",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/vim/maps/util","ace/keyboard/vim/registers","ace/range"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var util = require("./util"); var registers = require("../registers"); var Range = require("../../../range").Range; module.exports = { "d": { selFn: function(editor, range, count, param) { registers._default.text = editor.getCopyText(); registers._default.isLine = util.onVisualLineMode; if(util.onVisualLineMode) editor.removeLines(); else editor.session.remove(range); util.normalMode(editor); }, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = count || 1; switch (param) { case "d": registers._default.text = ""; registers._default.isLine = true; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { editor.selection.selectLine(); registers._default.text += editor.getCopyText(); var selRange = editor.getSelectionRange(); if (!selRange.isMultiLine()) { var row = selRange.start.row - 1; var col = editor.session.getLine(row).length selRange.setStart(row, col); editor.session.remove(selRange); editor.selection.clearSelection(); break; } editor.session.remove(selRange); editor.selection.clearSelection(); } registers._default.text = registers._default.text.replace(/\n$/, ""); break; default: if (range) { editor.selection.setSelectionRange(range); registers._default.text = editor.getCopyText(); registers._default.isLine = false; editor.session.remove(range); editor.selection.clearSelection(); } } } }, "c": { selFn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.session.remove(range); util.insertMode(editor); }, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = count || 1; switch (param) { case "c": editor.$blockScrolling++; editor.selection.$moveSelection(function() { editor.selection.moveCursorBy(count - 1, 0); }); var rows = editor.$getSelectedRows(); range = new Range(rows.first, 0, rows.last, Infinity); editor.session.remove(range); editor.$blockScrolling--; util.insertMode(editor); break; default: if (range) { editor.session.remove(range); util.insertMode(editor); } } } }, "y": { selFn: function(editor, range, count, param) { registers._default.text = editor.getCopyText(); registers._default.isLine = util.onVisualLineMode; editor.selection.clearSelection(); util.normalMode(editor); }, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = count || 1; if (param && param.isLine) param = "y"; switch (param) { case "y": var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); editor.selection.selectLine(); for (var i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { editor.selection.moveCursorDown(); } registers._default.text = editor.getCopyText().replace(/\n$/, ""); editor.selection.clearSelection(); registers._default.isLine = true; editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); break; default: if (range) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); editor.selection.setSelectionRange(range); registers._default.text = editor.getCopyText(); registers._default.isLine = false; editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row, pos.column); } } } }, ">": { selFn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = count || 1; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { editor.indent(); } util.normalMode(editor); }, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = parseInt(count || 1, 10); switch (param) { case ">": var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); editor.selection.selectLine(); for (var i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { editor.selection.moveCursorDown(); } editor.indent(); editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); editor.navigateLineEnd(); editor.navigateLineStart(); break; } } }, "<": { selFn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = count || 1; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { editor.blockOutdent(); } util.normalMode(editor); }, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = count || 1; switch (param) { case "<": var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); editor.selection.selectLine(); for (var i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { editor.selection.moveCursorDown(); } editor.blockOutdent(); editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); editor.navigateLineEnd(); editor.navigateLineStart(); break; } } } }; }); "use strict" define("ace/keyboard/vim/maps/aliases",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) { module.exports = { "x": { operator: { ch: "d", count: 1 }, motion: { ch: "l", count: 1 } }, "X": { operator: { ch: "d", count: 1 }, motion: { ch: "h", count: 1 } }, "D": { operator: { ch: "d", count: 1 }, motion: { ch: "$", count: 1 } }, "C": { operator: { ch: "c", count: 1 }, motion: { ch: "$", count: 1 } }, "s": { operator: { ch: "c", count: 1 }, motion: { ch: "l", count: 1 } }, "S": { operator: { ch: "c", count: 1 }, param: "c" } }; }); define("ace/keyboard/vim/commands",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/lang","ace/keyboard/vim/maps/util","ace/keyboard/vim/maps/motions","ace/keyboard/vim/maps/operators","ace/keyboard/vim/maps/aliases","ace/keyboard/vim/registers"], function(require, exports, module) { "never use strict"; var lang = require("../../lib/lang"); var util = require("./maps/util"); var motions = require("./maps/motions"); var operators = require("./maps/operators"); var alias = require("./maps/aliases"); var registers = require("./registers"); var NUMBER = 1; var OPERATOR = 2; var MOTION = 3; var ACTION = 4; var HMARGIN = 8; // Minimum amount of line separation between margins; var repeat = function repeat(fn, count, args) { while (0 < count--) fn.apply(this, args); }; var ensureScrollMargin = function(editor) { var renderer = editor.renderer; var pos = renderer.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition(); var top =; var margin = HMARGIN * renderer.layerConfig.lineHeight; if (2 * margin > renderer.$size.scrollerHeight) margin = renderer.$size.scrollerHeight / 2; if (renderer.scrollTop > top - margin) { renderer.session.setScrollTop(top - margin); } if (renderer.scrollTop + renderer.$size.scrollerHeight < top + margin + renderer.lineHeight) { renderer.session.setScrollTop(top + margin + renderer.lineHeight - renderer.$size.scrollerHeight); } }; var actions = exports.actions = { "z": { param: true, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { switch (param) { case "z": editor.renderer.alignCursor(null, 0.5); break; case "t": editor.renderer.alignCursor(null, 0); break; case "b": editor.renderer.alignCursor(null, 1); break; case "c": editor.session.onFoldWidgetClick(range.start.row, {domEvent:{target :{}}}); break; case "o": editor.session.onFoldWidgetClick(range.start.row, {domEvent:{target :{}}}); break; case "C": editor.session.foldAll(); break; case "O": editor.session.unfold(); break; } } }, "r": { param: true, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { if (param && param.length) { if (param.length > 1) param = param == "return" ? "\n" : param == "tab" ? "\t" : param; repeat(function() { editor.insert(param); }, count || 1); editor.navigateLeft(); } } }, "R": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { util.insertMode(editor); editor.setOverwrite(true); } }, "~": { fn: function(editor, range, count) { repeat(function() { var range = editor.selection.getRange(); if (range.isEmpty()) range.end.column++; var text = editor.session.getTextRange(range); var toggled = text.toUpperCase(); if (toggled != text) editor.session.replace(range, toggled); else if (text.toLowerCase() != text) editor.session.replace(range, text.toLowerCase()) else editor.navigateRight(); }, count || 1); } }, "*": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.selection.selectWord(); editor.findNext(); ensureScrollMargin(editor); var r = editor.selection.getRange(); editor.selection.setSelectionRange(r, true); } }, "#": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.selection.selectWord(); editor.findPrevious(); ensureScrollMargin(editor); var r = editor.selection.getRange(); editor.selection.setSelectionRange(r, true); } }, "m": { param: true, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var s = editor.session; var markers = s.vimMarkers || (s.vimMarkers = {}); var c = editor.getCursorPosition(); if (!markers[param]) { markers[param] = editor.session.doc.createAnchor(c); } markers[param].setPosition(c.row, c.column, true); } }, "n": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var options = editor.getLastSearchOptions(); options.backwards = false; options.start = null; editor.selection.moveCursorRight(); editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.findNext(options); ensureScrollMargin(editor); var r = editor.selection.getRange(); r.end.row = r.start.row; r.end.column = r.start.column; editor.selection.setSelectionRange(r, true); } }, "N": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var options = editor.getLastSearchOptions(); options.backwards = true; options.start = null; editor.findPrevious(options); ensureScrollMargin(editor); var r = editor.selection.getRange(); r.end.row = r.start.row; r.end.column = r.start.column; editor.selection.setSelectionRange(r, true); } }, "v": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.selection.selectRight(); util.visualMode(editor, false); }, acceptsMotion: true }, "V": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var row = editor.getCursorPosition().row; editor.selection.moveTo(row, 0); editor.selection.selectLineEnd(); editor.selection.visualLineStart = row; util.visualMode(editor, true); }, acceptsMotion: true }, "Y": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { util.copyLine(editor); } }, "p": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var defaultReg = registers._default; editor.setOverwrite(false); if (defaultReg.isLine) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); pos.column = editor.session.getLine(pos.row).length; var text = lang.stringRepeat("\n" + defaultReg.text, count || 1); editor.session.insert(pos, text); editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row + 1, 0); } else { editor.navigateRight(); editor.insert(lang.stringRepeat(defaultReg.text, count || 1)); editor.navigateLeft(); } editor.setOverwrite(true); editor.selection.clearSelection(); } }, "P": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var defaultReg = registers._default; editor.setOverwrite(false); if (defaultReg.isLine) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); pos.column = 0; var text = lang.stringRepeat(defaultReg.text + "\n", count || 1); editor.session.insert(pos, text); editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); } else { editor.insert(lang.stringRepeat(defaultReg.text, count || 1)); } editor.setOverwrite(true); editor.selection.clearSelection(); } }, "J": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var session = editor.session; range = editor.getSelectionRange(); var pos = {row: range.start.row, column: range.start.column}; count = count || range.end.row - range.start.row; var maxRow = Math.min(pos.row + (count || 1), session.getLength() - 1); range.start.column = session.getLine(pos.row).length; range.end.column = session.getLine(maxRow).length; range.end.row = maxRow; var text = ""; for (var i = pos.row; i < maxRow; i++) { var nextLine = session.getLine(i + 1); text += " " + /^\s*(.*)$/.exec(nextLine)[1] || ""; } session.replace(range, text); editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row, pos.column); } }, "u": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = parseInt(count || 1, 10); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { editor.undo(); } editor.selection.clearSelection(); } }, "ctrl-r": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = parseInt(count || 1, 10); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { editor.redo(); } editor.selection.clearSelection(); } }, ":": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var val = ":"; if (count > 1) val = ".,.+" + count + val; if (editor.showCommandLine) editor.showCommandLine(val); } }, "/": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { if (editor.showCommandLine) editor.showCommandLine("/"); } }, "?": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { if (editor.showCommandLine) editor.showCommandLine("?"); } }, ".": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { util.onInsertReplaySequence = inputBuffer.lastInsertCommands; var previous = inputBuffer.previous; if (previous) // If there is a previous action inputBuffer.exec(editor, previous.action, previous.param); } }, "ctrl-x": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.modifyNumber(-(count || 1)); } }, "ctrl-a": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.modifyNumber(count || 1); } } }; var inputBuffer = exports.inputBuffer = { accepting: [NUMBER, OPERATOR, MOTION, ACTION], currentCmd: null, currentCount: "", pendingCount: "", status: "", operator: null, motion: null, lastInsertCommands: [], push: function(editor, ch, keyId) { var status = this.status; var isKeyHandled = true; this.idle = false; var wObj = this.waitingForParam; if (/^numpad\d+$/i.test(ch)) ch = ch.substr(6); if (wObj) { this.exec(editor, wObj, ch); } else if (!(ch === "0" && !this.currentCount.length) && (/^\d+$/.test(ch) && this.isAccepting(NUMBER))) { this.currentCount += ch; this.currentCmd = NUMBER; this.accepting = [NUMBER, OPERATOR, MOTION, ACTION]; } else if (!this.operator && this.isAccepting(OPERATOR) && operators[ch]) { this.operator = { ch: ch, count: this.getCount() }; this.currentCmd = OPERATOR; this.accepting = [NUMBER, MOTION, ACTION]; this.exec(editor, { operator: this.operator }); } else if (motions[ch] && this.isAccepting(MOTION)) { this.currentCmd = MOTION; var ctx = { operator: this.operator, motion: { ch: ch, count: this.getCount() } }; if (motions[ch].param) this.waitForParam(ctx); else this.exec(editor, ctx); } else if (alias[ch] && this.isAccepting(MOTION)) { alias[ch].operator.count = this.getCount(); this.exec(editor, alias[ch]); } else if (actions[ch] && this.isAccepting(ACTION)) { var actionObj = { action: { fn: actions[ch].fn, count: this.getCount() } }; if (actions[ch].param) { this.waitForParam(actionObj); } else { this.exec(editor, actionObj); } if (actions[ch].acceptsMotion) this.idle = false; } else if (this.operator) { this.operator.count = this.getCount(); this.exec(editor, { operator: this.operator }, ch); } else { isKeyHandled = ch.length == 1; this.reset(); } if (this.waitingForParam || this.motion || this.operator) { this.status += ch; } else if (this.currentCount) { this.status = this.currentCount; } else if (this.status) { this.status = ""; } if (this.status != status) editor._emit("changeStatus"); return isKeyHandled; }, waitForParam: function(cmd) { this.waitingForParam = cmd; }, getCount: function() { var count = this.currentCount || this.pendingCount; this.currentCount = ""; this.pendingCount = count; return count && parseInt(count, 10); }, exec: function(editor, action, param) { var m = action.motion; var o = action.operator; var a = action.action; if (!param) param = action.param; if (o) { this.previous = { action: action, param: param }; } if (o && !editor.selection.isEmpty()) { if (operators[].selFn) { operators[].selFn(editor, editor.getSelectionRange(), o.count, param); this.reset(); } return; } else if (!m && !a && o && param) { operators[].fn(editor, null, o.count, param); this.reset(); } else if (m) { var run = function(fn) { if (fn && typeof fn === "function") { // There should always be a motion if (m.count && !motionObj.handlesCount) repeat(fn, m.count, [editor, null, m.count, param]); else fn(editor, null, m.count, param); } }; var motionObj = motions[]; var selectable = motionObj.sel; if (!o) { if ((util.onVisualMode || util.onVisualLineMode) && selectable) run(motionObj.sel); else run(motionObj.nav); } else if (selectable) { repeat(function() { run(motionObj.sel); operators[].fn(editor, editor.getSelectionRange(), o.count, motionObj.param ? motionObj : param); }, o.count || 1); } this.reset(); } else if (a) { a.fn(editor, editor.getSelectionRange(), a.count, param); this.reset(); } handleCursorMove(editor); }, isAccepting: function(type) { return this.accepting.indexOf(type) !== -1; }, reset: function() { this.operator = null; this.motion = null; this.currentCount = ""; this.pendingCount = ""; this.status = ""; this.accepting = [NUMBER, OPERATOR, MOTION, ACTION]; this.idle = true; this.waitingForParam = null; } }; function setPreviousCommand(fn) { inputBuffer.previous = { action: { action: { fn: fn } } }; } exports.coreCommands = { start: { exec: function start(editor) { util.insertMode(editor); setPreviousCommand(start); } }, startBeginning: { exec: function startBeginning(editor) { editor.navigateLineStart(); util.insertMode(editor); setPreviousCommand(startBeginning); } }, stop: { exec: function stop(editor) { inputBuffer.reset(); util.onVisualMode = false; util.onVisualLineMode = false; inputBuffer.lastInsertCommands = util.normalMode(editor); } }, append: { exec: function append(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var lineLen = editor.session.getLine(pos.row).length; if (lineLen) editor.navigateRight(); util.insertMode(editor); setPreviousCommand(append); } }, appendEnd: { exec: function appendEnd(editor) { editor.navigateLineEnd(); util.insertMode(editor); setPreviousCommand(appendEnd); } } }; var handleCursorMove = exports.onCursorMove = function(editor, e) { if (util.currentMode === 'insert' || handleCursorMove.running) return; else if(!editor.selection.isEmpty()) { handleCursorMove.running = true; if (util.onVisualLineMode) { var originRow = editor.selection.visualLineStart; var cursorRow = editor.getCursorPosition().row; if(originRow <= cursorRow) { var endLine = editor.session.getLine(cursorRow); editor.selection.moveTo(originRow, 0); editor.selection.selectTo(cursorRow, endLine.length); } else { var endLine = editor.session.getLine(originRow); editor.selection.moveTo(originRow, endLine.length); editor.selection.selectTo(cursorRow, 0); } } handleCursorMove.running = false; return; } else { if (e && (util.onVisualLineMode || util.onVisualMode)) { editor.selection.clearSelection(); util.normalMode(editor); } handleCursorMove.running = true; var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var lineLen = editor.session.getLine(pos.row).length; if (lineLen && pos.column === lineLen) editor.navigateLeft(); handleCursorMove.running = false; } }; }); define("ace/keyboard/vim",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/vim/commands","ace/keyboard/vim/maps/util","ace/lib/useragent"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var cmds = require("./vim/commands"); var coreCommands = cmds.coreCommands; var util = require("./vim/maps/util"); var useragent = require("../lib/useragent"); var startCommands = { "i": { command: coreCommands.start }, "I": { command: coreCommands.startBeginning }, "a": { command: coreCommands.append }, "A": { command: coreCommands.appendEnd }, "ctrl-f": { command: "gotopagedown" }, "ctrl-b": { command: "gotopageup" } }; exports.handler = { $id: "ace/keyboard/vim", handleMacRepeat: function(data, hashId, key) { if (hashId == -1) { data.inputChar = key; data.lastEvent = "input"; } else if (data.inputChar && data.$lastHash == hashId && data.$lastKey == key) { if (data.lastEvent == "input") { data.lastEvent = "input1"; } else if (data.lastEvent == "input1") { return true; } } else { data.$lastHash = hashId; data.$lastKey = key; data.lastEvent = "keypress"; } }, updateMacCompositionHandlers: function(editor, enable) { var onCompositionUpdateOverride = function(text) { if (util.currentMode !== "insert") { var el = this.textInput.getElement(); el.blur(); el.focus(); el.value = text; } else { this.onCompositionUpdateOrig(text); } }; var onCompositionStartOverride = function(text) { if (util.currentMode === "insert") { this.onCompositionStartOrig(text); } }; if (enable) { if (!editor.onCompositionUpdateOrig) { editor.onCompositionUpdateOrig = editor.onCompositionUpdate; editor.onCompositionUpdate = onCompositionUpdateOverride; editor.onCompositionStartOrig = editor.onCompositionStart; editor.onCompositionStart = onCompositionStartOverride; } } else { if (editor.onCompositionUpdateOrig) { editor.onCompositionUpdate = editor.onCompositionUpdateOrig; editor.onCompositionUpdateOrig = null; editor.onCompositionStart = editor.onCompositionStartOrig; editor.onCompositionStartOrig = null; } } }, handleKeyboard: function(data, hashId, key, keyCode, e) { if (hashId !== 0 && (!key || keyCode == -1)) return null; var editor = data.editor; var vimState = data.vimState || "start"; if (hashId == 1) key = "ctrl-" + key; if (key == "ctrl-c") { if (!useragent.isMac && editor.getCopyText()) { editor.once("copy", function() { if (vimState == "start") coreCommands.stop.exec(editor); else editor.selection.clearSelection(); }); return {command: "null", passEvent: true}; } return {command: coreCommands.stop}; } else if ((key == "esc" && hashId === 0) || key == "ctrl-[") { return {command: coreCommands.stop}; } else if (vimState == "start") { if (useragent.isMac && this.handleMacRepeat(data, hashId, key)) { hashId = -1; key = data.inputChar; } if (hashId == -1 || hashId == 1 || hashId === 0 && key.length > 1) { if (cmds.inputBuffer.idle && startCommands[key]) return startCommands[key]; var isHandled = cmds.inputBuffer.push(editor, key); if (!isHandled && hashId !== -1) return; return {command: "null", passEvent: !isHandled}; } else if (key == "esc" && hashId === 0) { return {command: coreCommands.stop}; } else if (hashId === 0 || hashId == 4) { return {command: "null", passEvent: true}; } } else { if (key == "ctrl-w") { return {command: "removewordleft"}; } } }, attach: function(editor) { editor.on("click", exports.onCursorMove); if (util.currentMode !== "insert") cmds.coreCommands.stop.exec(editor); editor.$vimModeHandler = this; this.updateMacCompositionHandlers(editor, true); }, detach: function(editor) { editor.removeListener("click", exports.onCursorMove); util.noMode(editor); util.currentMode = "normal"; this.updateMacCompositionHandlers(editor, false); }, actions: cmds.actions, getStatusText: function() { if (util.currentMode == "insert") return "INSERT"; if (util.onVisualMode) return (util.onVisualLineMode ? "VISUAL LINE " : "VISUAL ") + cmds.inputBuffer.status; return cmds.inputBuffer.status; } }; exports.onCursorMove = function(e) { cmds.onCursorMove(e.editor, e); exports.onCursorMove.scheduled = false; }; }); define("ace/ext/statusbar",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/lang"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var dom = require("ace/lib/dom"); var lang = require("ace/lib/lang"); var StatusBar = function(editor, parentNode) { this.element = dom.createElement("div"); this.element.className = "ace_status-indicator"; = "display: inline-block;"; parentNode.appendChild(this.element); var statusUpdate = lang.delayedCall(function(){ this.updateStatus(editor) }.bind(this)); editor.on("changeStatus", function() { statusUpdate.schedule(100); }); editor.on("changeSelection", function() { statusUpdate.schedule(100); }); }; (function(){ this.updateStatus = function(editor) { var status = []; function add(str, separator) { str && status.push(str, separator || "|"); } if (editor.$vimModeHandler) add(editor.$vimModeHandler.getStatusText()); else if (editor.commands.recording) add("REC"); var c = editor.selection.lead; add(c.row + ":" + c.column, " "); if (!editor.selection.isEmpty()) { var r = editor.getSelectionRange(); add("(" + (r.end.row - r.start.row) + ":" +(r.end.column - r.start.column) + ")"); } status.pop(); this.element.textContent = status.join(""); }; }).call(StatusBar.prototype); exports.StatusBar = StatusBar; }); define("ace/snippets",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/event_emitter","ace/lib/lang","ace/range","ace/anchor","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/tokenizer","ace/lib/dom","ace/editor"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var Range = require("./range").Range; var Anchor = require("./anchor").Anchor; var HashHandler = require("./keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var Tokenizer = require("./tokenizer").Tokenizer; var comparePoints = Range.comparePoints; var SnippetManager = function() { this.snippetMap = {}; this.snippetNameMap = {}; }; (function() { oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.getTokenizer = function() { function TabstopToken(str, _, stack) { str = str.substr(1); if (/^\d+$/.test(str) && !stack.inFormatString) return [{tabstopId: parseInt(str, 10)}]; return [{text: str}]; } function escape(ch) { return "(?:[^\\\\" + ch + "]|\\\\.)"; } SnippetManager.$tokenizer = new Tokenizer({ start: [ {regex: /:/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) { if (stack.length && stack[0].expectIf) { stack[0].expectIf = false; stack[0].elseBranch = stack[0]; return [stack[0]]; } return ":"; }}, {regex: /\\./, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) { var ch = val[1]; if (ch == "}" && stack.length) { val = ch; }else if ("`$\\".indexOf(ch) != -1) { val = ch; } else if (stack.inFormatString) { if (ch == "n") val = "\n"; else if (ch == "t") val = "\n"; else if ("ulULE".indexOf(ch) != -1) { val = {changeCase: ch, local: ch > "a"}; } } return [val]; }}, {regex: /}/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) { return [stack.length ? stack.shift() : val]; }}, {regex: /\$(?:\d+|\w+)/, onMatch: TabstopToken}, {regex: /\$\{[\dA-Z_a-z]+/, onMatch: function(str, state, stack) { var t = TabstopToken(str.substr(1), state, stack); stack.unshift(t[0]); return t; }, next: "snippetVar"}, {regex: /\n/, token: "newline", merge: false} ], snippetVar: [ {regex: "\\|" + escape("\\|") + "*\\|", onMatch: function(val, state, stack) { stack[0].choices = val.slice(1, -1).split(","); }, next: "start"}, {regex: "/(" + escape("/") + "+)/(?:(" + escape("/") + "*)/)(\\w*):?", onMatch: function(val, state, stack) { var ts = stack[0]; ts.fmtString = val; val = this.splitRegex.exec(val); ts.guard = val[1]; ts.fmt = val[2]; ts.flag = val[3]; return ""; }, next: "start"}, {regex: "`" + escape("`") + "*`", onMatch: function(val, state, stack) { stack[0].code = val.splice(1, -1); return ""; }, next: "start"}, {regex: "\\?", onMatch: function(val, state, stack) { if (stack[0]) stack[0].expectIf = true; }, next: "start"}, {regex: "([^:}\\\\]|\\\\.)*:?", token: "", next: "start"} ], formatString: [ {regex: "/(" + escape("/") + "+)/", token: "regex"}, {regex: "", onMatch: function(val, state, stack) { stack.inFormatString = true; }, next: "start"} ] }); SnippetManager.prototype.getTokenizer = function() { return SnippetManager.$tokenizer; }; return SnippetManager.$tokenizer; }; this.tokenizeTmSnippet = function(str, startState) { return this.getTokenizer().getLineTokens(str, startState) { return x.value || x; }); }; this.$getDefaultValue = function(editor, name) { if (/^[A-Z]\d+$/.test(name)) { var i = name.substr(1); return (this.variables[name[0] + "__"] || {})[i]; } if (/^\d+$/.test(name)) { return (this.variables.__ || {})[name]; } name = name.replace(/^TM_/, ""); if (!editor) return; var s = editor.session; switch(name) { case "CURRENT_WORD": var r = s.getWordRange(); case "SELECTION": case "SELECTED_TEXT": return s.getTextRange(r); case "CURRENT_LINE": return s.getLine(editor.getCursorPosition().row); case "PREV_LINE": // not possible in textmate return s.getLine(editor.getCursorPosition().row - 1); case "LINE_INDEX": return editor.getCursorPosition().column; case "LINE_NUMBER": return editor.getCursorPosition().row + 1; case "SOFT_TABS": return s.getUseSoftTabs() ? "YES" : "NO"; case "TAB_SIZE": return s.getTabSize(); case "FILENAME": case "FILEPATH": return ""; case "FULLNAME": return "Ace"; } }; this.variables = {}; this.getVariableValue = function(editor, varName) { if (this.variables.hasOwnProperty(varName)) return this.variables[varName](editor, varName) || ""; return this.$getDefaultValue(editor, varName) || ""; }; this.tmStrFormat = function(str, ch, editor) { var flag = ch.flag || ""; var re = ch.guard; re = new RegExp(re, flag.replace(/[^gi]/, "")); var fmtTokens = this.tokenizeTmSnippet(ch.fmt, "formatString"); var _self = this; var formatted = str.replace(re, function() { _self.variables.__ = arguments; var fmtParts = _self.resolveVariables(fmtTokens, editor); var gChangeCase = "E"; for (var i = 0; i < fmtParts.length; i++) { var ch = fmtParts[i]; if (typeof ch == "object") { fmtParts[i] = ""; if (ch.changeCase && ch.local) { var next = fmtParts[i + 1]; if (next && typeof next == "string") { if (ch.changeCase == "u") fmtParts[i] = next[0].toUpperCase(); else fmtParts[i] = next[0].toLowerCase(); fmtParts[i + 1] = next.substr(1); } } else if (ch.changeCase) { gChangeCase = ch.changeCase; } } else if (gChangeCase == "U") { fmtParts[i] = ch.toUpperCase(); } else if (gChangeCase == "L") { fmtParts[i] = ch.toLowerCase(); } } return fmtParts.join(""); }); this.variables.__ = null; return formatted; }; this.resolveVariables = function(snippet, editor) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < snippet.length; i++) { var ch = snippet[i]; if (typeof ch == "string") { result.push(ch); } else if (typeof ch != "object") { continue; } else if (ch.skip) { gotoNext(ch); } else if (ch.processed < i) { continue; } else if (ch.text) { var value = this.getVariableValue(editor, ch.text); if (value && ch.fmtString) value = this.tmStrFormat(value, ch); ch.processed = i; if (ch.expectIf == null) { if (value) { result.push(value); gotoNext(ch); } } else { if (value) { ch.skip = ch.elseBranch; } else gotoNext(ch); } } else if (ch.tabstopId != null) { result.push(ch); } else if (ch.changeCase != null) { result.push(ch); } } function gotoNext(ch) { var i1 = snippet.indexOf(ch, i + 1); if (i1 != -1) i = i1; } return result; }; this.insertSnippetForSelection = function(editor, snippetText) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = editor.session.getLine(cursor.row); var tabString = editor.session.getTabString(); var indentString = line.match(/^\s*/)[0]; if (cursor.column < indentString.length) indentString = indentString.slice(0, cursor.column); var tokens = this.tokenizeTmSnippet(snippetText); tokens = this.resolveVariables(tokens, editor); tokens = { if (x == "\n") return x + indentString; if (typeof x == "string") return x.replace(/\t/g, tabString); return x; }); var tabstops = []; tokens.forEach(function(p, i) { if (typeof p != "object") return; var id = p.tabstopId; var ts = tabstops[id]; if (!ts) { ts = tabstops[id] = []; ts.index = id; ts.value = ""; } if (ts.indexOf(p) !== -1) return; ts.push(p); var i1 = tokens.indexOf(p, i + 1); if (i1 === -1) return; var value = tokens.slice(i + 1, i1); var isNested = value.some(function(t) {return typeof t === "object"}); if (isNested && !ts.value) { ts.value = value; } else if (value.length && (!ts.value || typeof ts.value !== "string")) { ts.value = value.join(""); } }); tabstops.forEach(function(ts) {ts.length = 0}); var expanding = {}; function copyValue(val) { var copy = []; for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { var p = val[i]; if (typeof p == "object") { if (expanding[p.tabstopId]) continue; var j = val.lastIndexOf(p, i - 1); p = copy[j] || {tabstopId: p.tabstopId}; } copy[i] = p; } return copy; } for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var p = tokens[i]; if (typeof p != "object") continue; var id = p.tabstopId; var i1 = tokens.indexOf(p, i + 1); if (expanding[id]) { if (expanding[id] === p) expanding[id] = null; continue; } var ts = tabstops[id]; var arg = typeof ts.value == "string" ? [ts.value] : copyValue(ts.value); arg.unshift(i + 1, Math.max(0, i1 - i)); arg.push(p); expanding[id] = p; tokens.splice.apply(tokens, arg); if (ts.indexOf(p) === -1) ts.push(p); } var row = 0, column = 0; var text = ""; tokens.forEach(function(t) { if (typeof t === "string") { if (t[0] === "\n"){ column = t.length - 1; row ++; } else column += t.length; text += t; } else { if (!t.start) t.start = {row: row, column: column}; else t.end = {row: row, column: column}; } }); var range = editor.getSelectionRange(); var end = editor.session.replace(range, text); var tabstopManager = new TabstopManager(editor); var selectionId = editor.inVirtualSelectionMode && editor.selection.index; tabstopManager.addTabstops(tabstops, range.start, end, selectionId); }; this.insertSnippet = function(editor, snippetText) { var self = this; if (editor.inVirtualSelectionMode) return self.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippetText); editor.forEachSelection(function() { self.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippetText); }, null, {keepOrder: true}); if (editor.tabstopManager) editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); }; this.$getScope = function(editor) { var scope = editor.session.$mode.$id || ""; scope = scope.split("/").pop(); if (scope === "html" || scope === "php") { if (scope === "php" && !editor.session.$mode.inlinePhp) scope = "html"; var c = editor.getCursorPosition(); var state = editor.session.getState(c.row); if (typeof state === "object") { state = state[0]; } if (state.substring) { if (state.substring(0, 3) == "js-") scope = "javascript"; else if (state.substring(0, 4) == "css-") scope = "css"; else if (state.substring(0, 4) == "php-") scope = "php"; } } return scope; }; this.getActiveScopes = function(editor) { var scope = this.$getScope(editor); var scopes = [scope]; var snippetMap = this.snippetMap; if (snippetMap[scope] && snippetMap[scope].includeScopes) { scopes.push.apply(scopes, snippetMap[scope].includeScopes); } scopes.push("_"); return scopes; }; this.expandWithTab = function(editor, options) { var self = this; var result = editor.forEachSelection(function() { return self.expandSnippetForSelection(editor, options); }, null, {keepOrder: true}); if (result && editor.tabstopManager) editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); return result; }; this.expandSnippetForSelection = function(editor, options) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = editor.session.getLine(cursor.row); var before = line.substring(0, cursor.column); var after = line.substr(cursor.column); var snippetMap = this.snippetMap; var snippet; this.getActiveScopes(editor).some(function(scope) { var snippets = snippetMap[scope]; if (snippets) snippet = this.findMatchingSnippet(snippets, before, after); return !!snippet; }, this); if (!snippet) return false; if (options && options.dryRun) return true; editor.session.doc.removeInLine(cursor.row, cursor.column - snippet.replaceBefore.length, cursor.column + snippet.replaceAfter.length ); this.variables.M__ = snippet.matchBefore; this.variables.T__ = snippet.matchAfter; this.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippet.content); this.variables.M__ = this.variables.T__ = null; return true; }; this.findMatchingSnippet = function(snippetList, before, after) { for (var i = snippetList.length; i--;) { var s = snippetList[i]; if (s.startRe && !s.startRe.test(before)) continue; if (s.endRe && !s.endRe.test(after)) continue; if (!s.startRe && !s.endRe) continue; s.matchBefore = s.startRe ? s.startRe.exec(before) : [""]; s.matchAfter = s.endRe ? s.endRe.exec(after) : [""]; s.replaceBefore = s.triggerRe ? s.triggerRe.exec(before)[0] : ""; s.replaceAfter = s.endTriggerRe ? s.endTriggerRe.exec(after)[0] : ""; return s; } }; this.snippetMap = {}; this.snippetNameMap = {}; this.register = function(snippets, scope) { var snippetMap = this.snippetMap; var snippetNameMap = this.snippetNameMap; var self = this; if (!snippets) snippets = []; function wrapRegexp(src) { if (src && !/^\^?\(.*\)\$?$|^\\b$/.test(src)) src = "(?:" + src + ")"; return src || ""; } function guardedRegexp(re, guard, opening) { re = wrapRegexp(re); guard = wrapRegexp(guard); if (opening) { re = guard + re; if (re && re[re.length - 1] != "$") re = re + "$"; } else { re = re + guard; if (re && re[0] != "^") re = "^" + re; } return new RegExp(re); } function addSnippet(s) { if (!s.scope) s.scope = scope || "_"; scope = s.scope; if (!snippetMap[scope]) { snippetMap[scope] = []; snippetNameMap[scope] = {}; } var map = snippetNameMap[scope]; if ( { var old = map[]; if (old) self.unregister(old); map[] = s; } snippetMap[scope].push(s); if (s.tabTrigger && !s.trigger) { if (!s.guard && /^\w/.test(s.tabTrigger)) s.guard = "\\b"; s.trigger = lang.escapeRegExp(s.tabTrigger); } s.startRe = guardedRegexp(s.trigger, s.guard, true); s.triggerRe = new RegExp(s.trigger, "", true); s.endRe = guardedRegexp(s.endTrigger, s.endGuard, true); s.endTriggerRe = new RegExp(s.endTrigger, "", true); } if (snippets && snippets.content) addSnippet(snippets); else if (Array.isArray(snippets)) snippets.forEach(addSnippet); this._signal("registerSnippets", {scope: scope}); }; this.unregister = function(snippets, scope) { var snippetMap = this.snippetMap; var snippetNameMap = this.snippetNameMap; function removeSnippet(s) { var nameMap = snippetNameMap[s.scope||scope]; if (nameMap && nameMap[]) { delete nameMap[]; var map = snippetMap[s.scope||scope]; var i = map && map.indexOf(s); if (i >= 0) map.splice(i, 1); } } if (snippets.content) removeSnippet(snippets); else if (Array.isArray(snippets)) snippets.forEach(removeSnippet); }; this.parseSnippetFile = function(str) { str = str.replace(/\r/g, ""); var list = [], snippet = {}; var re = /^#.*|^({[\s\S]*})\s*$|^(\S+) (.*)$|^((?:\n*\t.*)+)/gm; var m; while (m = re.exec(str)) { if (m[1]) { try { snippet = JSON.parse(m[1]); list.push(snippet); } catch (e) {} } if (m[4]) { snippet.content = m[4].replace(/^\t/gm, ""); list.push(snippet); snippet = {}; } else { var key = m[2], val = m[3]; if (key == "regex") { var guardRe = /\/((?:[^\/\\]|\\.)*)|$/g; snippet.guard = guardRe.exec(val)[1]; snippet.trigger = guardRe.exec(val)[1]; snippet.endTrigger = guardRe.exec(val)[1]; snippet.endGuard = guardRe.exec(val)[1]; } else if (key == "snippet") { snippet.tabTrigger = val.match(/^\S*/)[0]; if (! = val; } else { snippet[key] = val; } } } return list; }; this.getSnippetByName = function(name, editor) { var snippetMap = this.snippetNameMap; var snippet; this.getActiveScopes(editor).some(function(scope) { var snippets = snippetMap[scope]; if (snippets) snippet = snippets[name]; return !!snippet; }, this); return snippet; }; }).call(SnippetManager.prototype); var TabstopManager = function(editor) { if (editor.tabstopManager) return editor.tabstopManager; editor.tabstopManager = this; this.$onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); this.$onChangeSelection = lang.delayedCall(this.onChangeSelection.bind(this)).schedule; this.$onChangeSession = this.onChangeSession.bind(this); this.$onAfterExec = this.onAfterExec.bind(this); this.attach(editor); }; (function() { this.attach = function(editor) { this.index = 0; this.ranges = []; this.tabstops = []; this.$openTabstops = null; this.selectedTabstop = null; this.editor = editor; this.editor.on("change", this.$onChange); this.editor.on("changeSelection", this.$onChangeSelection); this.editor.on("changeSession", this.$onChangeSession); this.editor.commands.on("afterExec", this.$onAfterExec); this.editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler); }; this.detach = function() { this.tabstops.forEach(this.removeTabstopMarkers, this); this.ranges = null; this.tabstops = null; this.selectedTabstop = null; this.editor.removeListener("change", this.$onChange); this.editor.removeListener("changeSelection", this.$onChangeSelection); this.editor.removeListener("changeSession", this.$onChangeSession); this.editor.commands.removeListener("afterExec", this.$onAfterExec); this.editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler); this.editor.tabstopManager = null; this.editor = null; }; this.onChange = function(e) { var changeRange =; var isRemove =[0] == "r"; var start = changeRange.start; var end = changeRange.end; var startRow = start.row; var endRow = end.row; var lineDif = endRow - startRow; var colDiff = end.column - start.column; if (isRemove) { lineDif = -lineDif; colDiff = -colDiff; } if (!this.$inChange && isRemove) { var ts = this.selectedTabstop; var changedOutside = ts && !ts.some(function(r) { return comparePoints(r.start, start) <= 0 && comparePoints(r.end, end) >= 0; }); if (changedOutside) return this.detach(); } var ranges = this.ranges; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var r = ranges[i]; if (r.end.row < start.row) continue; if (isRemove && comparePoints(start, r.start) < 0 && comparePoints(end, r.end) > 0) { this.removeRange(r); i--; continue; } if (r.start.row == startRow && r.start.column > start.column) r.start.column += colDiff; if (r.end.row == startRow && r.end.column >= start.column) r.end.column += colDiff; if (r.start.row >= startRow) r.start.row += lineDif; if (r.end.row >= startRow) r.end.row += lineDif; if (comparePoints(r.start, r.end) > 0) this.removeRange(r); } if (!ranges.length) this.detach(); }; this.updateLinkedFields = function() { var ts = this.selectedTabstop; if (!ts || !ts.hasLinkedRanges) return; this.$inChange = true; var session = this.editor.session; var text = session.getTextRange(ts.firstNonLinked); for (var i = ts.length; i--;) { var range = ts[i]; if (!range.linked) continue; var fmt = exports.snippetManager.tmStrFormat(text, range.original); session.replace(range, fmt); } this.$inChange = false; }; this.onAfterExec = function(e) { if (e.command && !e.command.readOnly) this.updateLinkedFields(); }; this.onChangeSelection = function() { if (!this.editor) return; var lead = this.editor.selection.lead; var anchor = this.editor.selection.anchor; var isEmpty = this.editor.selection.isEmpty(); for (var i = this.ranges.length; i--;) { if (this.ranges[i].linked) continue; var containsLead = this.ranges[i].contains(lead.row, lead.column); var containsAnchor = isEmpty || this.ranges[i].contains(anchor.row, anchor.column); if (containsLead && containsAnchor) return; } this.detach(); }; this.onChangeSession = function() { this.detach(); }; this.tabNext = function(dir) { var max = this.tabstops.length; var index = this.index + (dir || 1); index = Math.min(Math.max(index, 1), max); if (index == max) index = 0; this.selectTabstop(index); if (index === 0) this.detach(); }; this.selectTabstop = function(index) { this.$openTabstops = null; var ts = this.tabstops[this.index]; if (ts) this.addTabstopMarkers(ts); this.index = index; ts = this.tabstops[this.index]; if (!ts || !ts.length) return; this.selectedTabstop = ts; if (!this.editor.inVirtualSelectionMode) { var sel = this.editor.multiSelect; sel.toSingleRange(ts.firstNonLinked.clone()); for (var i = ts.length; i--;) { if (ts.hasLinkedRanges && ts[i].linked) continue; sel.addRange(ts[i].clone(), true); } if (sel.ranges[0]) sel.addRange(sel.ranges[0].clone()); } else { this.editor.selection.setRange(ts.firstNonLinked); } this.editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler); }; this.addTabstops = function(tabstops, start, end) { if (!this.$openTabstops) this.$openTabstops = []; if (!tabstops[0]) { var p = Range.fromPoints(end, end); moveRelative(p.start, start); moveRelative(p.end, start); tabstops[0] = [p]; tabstops[0].index = 0; } var i = this.index; var arg = [i + 1, 0]; var ranges = this.ranges; tabstops.forEach(function(ts, index) { var dest = this.$openTabstops[index] || ts; for (var i = ts.length; i--;) { var p = ts[i]; var range = Range.fromPoints(p.start, p.end || p.start); movePoint(range.start, start); movePoint(range.end, start); range.original = p; range.tabstop = dest; ranges.push(range); if (dest != ts) dest.unshift(range); else dest[i] = range; if (p.fmtString) { range.linked = true; dest.hasLinkedRanges = true; } else if (!dest.firstNonLinked) dest.firstNonLinked = range; } if (!dest.firstNonLinked) dest.hasLinkedRanges = false; if (dest === ts) { arg.push(dest); this.$openTabstops[index] = dest; } this.addTabstopMarkers(dest); }, this); if (arg.length > 2) { if (this.tabstops.length) arg.push(arg.splice(2, 1)[0]); this.tabstops.splice.apply(this.tabstops, arg); } }; this.addTabstopMarkers = function(ts) { var session = this.editor.session; ts.forEach(function(range) { if (!range.markerId) range.markerId = session.addMarker(range, "ace_snippet-marker", "text"); }); }; this.removeTabstopMarkers = function(ts) { var session = this.editor.session; ts.forEach(function(range) { session.removeMarker(range.markerId); range.markerId = null; }); }; this.removeRange = function(range) { var i = range.tabstop.indexOf(range); range.tabstop.splice(i, 1); i = this.ranges.indexOf(range); this.ranges.splice(i, 1); this.editor.session.removeMarker(range.markerId); if (!range.tabstop.length) { i = this.tabstops.indexOf(range.tabstop); if (i != -1) this.tabstops.splice(i, 1); if (!this.tabstops.length) this.detach(); } }; this.keyboardHandler = new HashHandler(); this.keyboardHandler.bindKeys({ "Tab": function(ed) { if (exports.snippetManager && exports.snippetManager.expandWithTab(ed)) { return; } ed.tabstopManager.tabNext(1); }, "Shift-Tab": function(ed) { ed.tabstopManager.tabNext(-1); }, "Esc": function(ed) { ed.tabstopManager.detach(); }, "Return": function(ed) { return false; } }); }).call(TabstopManager.prototype); var changeTracker = {}; changeTracker.onChange = Anchor.prototype.onChange; changeTracker.setPosition = function(row, column) { this.pos.row = row; this.pos.column = column; }; changeTracker.update = function(pos, delta, $insertRight) { this.$insertRight = $insertRight; this.pos = pos; this.onChange(delta); }; var movePoint = function(point, diff) { if (point.row == 0) point.column += diff.column; point.row += diff.row; }; var moveRelative = function(point, start) { if (point.row == start.row) point.column -= start.column; point.row -= start.row; }; require("./lib/dom").importCssString("\ .ace_snippet-marker {\ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\ box-sizing: border-box;\ background: rgba(194, 193, 208, 0.09);\ border: 1px dotted rgba(211, 208, 235, 0.62);\ position: absolute;\ }"); exports.snippetManager = new SnippetManager(); var Editor = require("./editor").Editor; (function() { this.insertSnippet = function(content, options) { return exports.snippetManager.insertSnippet(this, content, options); }; this.expandSnippet = function(options) { return exports.snippetManager.expandWithTab(this, options); }; }).call(Editor.prototype); }); define("ace/ext/emmet",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/editor","ace/snippets","ace/range","resources","resources","range","tabStops","resources","utils","actions","ace/config"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var HashHandler = require("ace/keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor; var snippetManager = require("ace/snippets").snippetManager; var Range = require("ace/range").Range; var emmet; Editor.prototype.indexToPosition = function(index) { return this.session.doc.indexToPosition(index); }; Editor.prototype.positionToIndex = function(pos) { return this.session.doc.positionToIndex(pos); }; function AceEmmetEditor() {} AceEmmetEditor.prototype = { setupContext: function(editor) { this.ace = editor; this.indentation = editor.session.getTabString(); if (!emmet) emmet = window.emmet; emmet.require("resources").setVariable("indentation", this.indentation); this.$syntax = null; this.$syntax = this.getSyntax(); }, getSelectionRange: function() { var range = this.ace.getSelectionRange(); return { start: this.ace.positionToIndex(range.start), end: this.ace.positionToIndex(range.end) }; }, createSelection: function(start, end) { this.ace.selection.setRange({ start: this.ace.indexToPosition(start), end: this.ace.indexToPosition(end) }); }, getCurrentLineRange: function() { var row = this.ace.getCursorPosition().row; var lineLength = this.ace.session.getLine(row).length; var index = this.ace.positionToIndex({row: row, column: 0}); return { start: index, end: index + lineLength }; }, getCaretPos: function(){ var pos = this.ace.getCursorPosition(); return this.ace.positionToIndex(pos); }, setCaretPos: function(index){ var pos = this.ace.indexToPosition(index); this.ace.selection.moveToPosition(pos); }, getCurrentLine: function() { var row = this.ace.getCursorPosition().row; return this.ace.session.getLine(row); }, replaceContent: function(value, start, end, noIndent) { if (end == null) end = start == null ? this.getContent().length : start; if (start == null) start = 0; var editor = this.ace; var range = Range.fromPoints(editor.indexToPosition(start), editor.indexToPosition(end)); editor.session.remove(range); range.end = range.start; value = this.$updateTabstops(value); snippetManager.insertSnippet(editor, value) }, getContent: function(){ return this.ace.getValue(); }, getSyntax: function() { if (this.$syntax) return this.$syntax; var syntax = this.ace.session.$modeId.split("/").pop(); if (syntax == "html" || syntax == "php") { var cursor = this.ace.getCursorPosition(); var state = this.ace.session.getState(cursor.row); if (typeof state != "string") state = state[0]; if (state) { state = state.split("-"); if (state.length > 1) syntax = state[0]; else if (syntax == "php") syntax = "html"; } } return syntax; }, getProfileName: function() { switch(this.getSyntax()) { case "css": return "css"; case "xml": case "xsl": return "xml"; case "html": var profile = emmet.require("resources").getVariable("profile"); if (!profile) profile = this.ace.session.getLines(0,2).join("").search(/]+XHTML/i) != -1 ? "xhtml": "html"; return profile; } return "xhtml"; }, prompt: function(title) { return prompt(title); }, getSelection: function() { return this.ace.session.getTextRange(); }, getFilePath: function() { return ""; }, $updateTabstops: function(value) { var base = 1000; var zeroBase = 0; var lastZero = null; var range = emmet.require('range'); var ts = emmet.require('tabStops'); var settings = emmet.require('resources').getVocabulary("user"); var tabstopOptions = { tabstop: function(data) { var group = parseInt(, 10); var isZero = group === 0; if (isZero) group = ++zeroBase; else group += base; var placeholder = data.placeholder; if (placeholder) { placeholder = ts.processText(placeholder, tabstopOptions); } var result = '${' + group + (placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : '') + '}'; if (isZero) { lastZero = range.create(data.start, result); } return result }, escape: function(ch) { if (ch == '$') return '\\$'; if (ch == '\\') return '\\\\'; return ch; } }; value = ts.processText(value, tabstopOptions); if (settings.variables['insert_final_tabstop'] && !/\$\{0\}$/.test(value)) { value += '${0}'; } else if (lastZero) { value = emmet.require('utils').replaceSubstring(value, '${0}', lastZero); } return value; } }; var keymap = { expand_abbreviation: {"mac": "ctrl+alt+e", "win": "alt+e"}, match_pair_outward: {"mac": "ctrl+d", "win": "ctrl+,"}, match_pair_inward: {"mac": "ctrl+j", "win": "ctrl+shift+0"}, matching_pair: {"mac": "ctrl+alt+j", "win": "alt+j"}, next_edit_point: "alt+right", prev_edit_point: "alt+left", toggle_comment: {"mac": "command+/", "win": "ctrl+/"}, split_join_tag: {"mac": "shift+command+'", "win": "shift+ctrl+`"}, remove_tag: {"mac": "command+'", "win": "shift+ctrl+;"}, evaluate_math_expression: {"mac": "shift+command+y", "win": "shift+ctrl+y"}, increment_number_by_1: "ctrl+up", decrement_number_by_1: "ctrl+down", increment_number_by_01: "alt+up", decrement_number_by_01: "alt+down", increment_number_by_10: {"mac": "alt+command+up", "win": "shift+alt+up"}, decrement_number_by_10: {"mac": "alt+command+down", "win": "shift+alt+down"}, select_next_item: {"mac": "shift+command+.", "win": "shift+ctrl+."}, select_previous_item: {"mac": "shift+command+,", "win": "shift+ctrl+,"}, reflect_css_value: {"mac": "shift+command+r", "win": "shift+ctrl+r"}, encode_decode_data_url: {"mac": "shift+ctrl+d", "win": "ctrl+'"}, expand_abbreviation_with_tab: "Tab", wrap_with_abbreviation: {"mac": "shift+ctrl+a", "win": "shift+ctrl+a"} }; var editorProxy = new AceEmmetEditor(); exports.commands = new HashHandler(); exports.runEmmetCommand = function(editor) { editorProxy.setupContext(editor); if (editorProxy.getSyntax() == "php") return false; var actions = emmet.require("actions"); if (this.action == "expand_abbreviation_with_tab") { if (!editor.selection.isEmpty()) return false; } if (this.action == "wrap_with_abbreviation") { return setTimeout(function() {"wrap_with_abbreviation", editorProxy); }, 0); } try { var result =, editorProxy); } catch(e) { editor._signal("changeStatus", typeof e == "string" ? e : e.message); console.log(e); result = false } return result; }; for (var command in keymap) { exports.commands.addCommand({ name: "emmet:" + command, action: command, bindKey: keymap[command], exec: exports.runEmmetCommand, multiSelectAction: "forEach" }); } var onChangeMode = function(e, target) { var editor = target; if (!editor) return; var modeId = editor.session.$modeId; var enabled = modeId && /css|less|scss|sass|stylus|html|php/.test(modeId); if (e.enableEmmet === false) enabled = false; if (enabled) editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(exports.commands); else editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(exports.commands); }; exports.AceEmmetEditor = AceEmmetEditor; require("ace/config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", { enableEmmet: { set: function(val) { this[val ? "on" : "removeListener"]("changeMode", onChangeMode); onChangeMode({enableEmmet: !!val}, this); }, value: true } }); exports.setCore = function(e) {emmet = e;}; }); define("ace/autocomplete/popup",["require","exports","module","ace/edit_session","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/editor","ace/range","ace/lib/event","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/dom"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var EditSession = require("../edit_session").EditSession; var Renderer = require("../virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var Editor = require("../editor").Editor; var Range = require("../range").Range; var event = require("../lib/event"); var lang = require("../lib/lang"); var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var $singleLineEditor = function(el) { var renderer = new Renderer(el); renderer.$maxLines = 4; var editor = new Editor(renderer); editor.setHighlightActiveLine(false); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); editor.renderer.setHighlightGutterLine(false); editor.$mouseHandler.$focusWaitTimout = 0; editor.$highlightTagPending = true; return editor; }; var AcePopup = function(parentNode) { var el = dom.createElement("div"); var popup = new $singleLineEditor(el); if (parentNode) parentNode.appendChild(el); = "none"; = "default"; popup.renderer.setStyle("ace_autocomplete"); popup.setOption("displayIndentGuides", false); popup.setOption("dragDelay", 150); var noop = function(){}; popup.focus = noop; popup.$isFocused = true; popup.renderer.$cursorLayer.restartTimer = noop; popup.renderer.$ = 0; popup.renderer.$maxLines = 8; popup.renderer.$keepTextAreaAtCursor = false; popup.setHighlightActiveLine(false); popup.session.highlight(""); popup.session.$searchHighlight.clazz = "ace_highlight-marker"; popup.on("mousedown", function(e) { var pos = e.getDocumentPosition(); popup.selection.moveToPosition(pos); selectionMarker.start.row = selectionMarker.end.row = pos.row; e.stop(); }); var lastMouseEvent; var hoverMarker = new Range(-1,0,-1,Infinity); var selectionMarker = new Range(-1,0,-1,Infinity); = popup.session.addMarker(selectionMarker, "ace_active-line", "fullLine"); popup.setSelectOnHover = function(val) { if (!val) { = popup.session.addMarker(hoverMarker, "ace_line-hover", "fullLine"); } else if ( { popup.session.removeMarker(; = null; } }; popup.setSelectOnHover(false); popup.on("mousemove", function(e) { if (!lastMouseEvent) { lastMouseEvent = e; return; } if (lastMouseEvent.x == e.x && lastMouseEvent.y == e.y) { return; } lastMouseEvent = e; lastMouseEvent.scrollTop = popup.renderer.scrollTop; var row = lastMouseEvent.getDocumentPosition().row; if (hoverMarker.start.row != row) { if (! popup.setRow(row); setHoverMarker(row); } }); popup.renderer.on("beforeRender", function() { if (lastMouseEvent && hoverMarker.start.row != -1) { lastMouseEvent.$pos = null; var row = lastMouseEvent.getDocumentPosition().row; if (! popup.setRow(row); setHoverMarker(row, true); } }); popup.renderer.on("afterRender", function() { var row = popup.getRow(); var t = popup.renderer.$textLayer; var selected = t.element.childNodes[row - t.config.firstRow]; if (selected == t.selectedNode) return; if (t.selectedNode) dom.removeCssClass(t.selectedNode, "ace_selected"); t.selectedNode = selected; if (selected) dom.addCssClass(selected, "ace_selected"); }); var hideHoverMarker = function() { setHoverMarker(-1) }; var setHoverMarker = function(row, suppressRedraw) { if (row !== hoverMarker.start.row) { hoverMarker.start.row = hoverMarker.end.row = row; if (!suppressRedraw) popup.session._emit("changeBackMarker"); popup._emit("changeHoverMarker"); } }; popup.getHoveredRow = function() { return hoverMarker.start.row; }; event.addListener(popup.container, "mouseout", hideHoverMarker); popup.on("hide", hideHoverMarker); popup.on("changeSelection", hideHoverMarker); popup.session.doc.getLength = function() { return; }; popup.session.doc.getLine = function(i) { var data =[i]; if (typeof data == "string") return data; return (data && data.value) || ""; }; var bgTokenizer = popup.session.bgTokenizer; bgTokenizer.$tokenizeRow = function(row) { var data =[row]; var tokens = []; if (!data) return tokens; if (typeof data == "string") data = {value: data}; if (!data.caption) data.caption = data.value ||; var last = -1; var flag, c; for (var i = 0; i < data.caption.length; i++) { c = data.caption[i]; flag = data.matchMask & (1 << i) ? 1 : 0; if (last !== flag) { tokens.push({type: data.className || "" + ( flag ? "completion-highlight" : ""), value: c}); last = flag; } else { tokens[tokens.length - 1].value += c; } } if (data.meta) { var maxW = popup.renderer.$size.scrollerWidth / popup.renderer.layerConfig.characterWidth; if (data.meta.length + data.caption.length < maxW - 2) tokens.push({type: "rightAlignedText", value: data.meta}); } return tokens; }; bgTokenizer.$updateOnChange = noop; bgTokenizer.start = noop; popup.session.$computeWidth = function() { return this.screenWidth = 0; }; popup.isOpen = false; popup.isTopdown = false; = []; popup.setData = function(list) { = list || []; popup.setValue(lang.stringRepeat("\n", list.length), -1); popup.setRow(0); }; popup.getData = function(row) { return[row]; }; popup.getRow = function() { return selectionMarker.start.row; }; popup.setRow = function(line) { line = Math.max(-1, Math.min(, line)); if (selectionMarker.start.row != line) { popup.selection.clearSelection(); selectionMarker.start.row = selectionMarker.end.row = line || 0; popup.session._emit("changeBackMarker"); popup.moveCursorTo(line || 0, 0); if (popup.isOpen) popup._signal("select"); } }; popup.on("changeSelection", function() { if (popup.isOpen) popup.setRow(popup.selection.lead.row); }); popup.hide = function() { = "none"; this._signal("hide"); popup.isOpen = false; }; = function(pos, lineHeight, topdownOnly) { var el = this.container; var screenHeight = window.innerHeight; var screenWidth = window.innerWidth; var renderer = this.renderer; var maxH = renderer.$maxLines * lineHeight * 1.4; var top = + this.$borderSize; if (top + maxH > screenHeight - lineHeight && !topdownOnly) { = ""; = screenHeight - top + "px"; popup.isTopdown = false; } else { top += lineHeight; = top + "px"; = ""; popup.isTopdown = true; } = ""; this.renderer.$textLayer.checkForSizeChanges(); var left = pos.left; if (left + el.offsetWidth > screenWidth) left = screenWidth - el.offsetWidth; = left + "px"; this._signal("show"); lastMouseEvent = null; popup.isOpen = true; }; popup.getTextLeftOffset = function() { return this.$borderSize + this.renderer.$padding + this.$imageSize; }; popup.$imageSize = 0; popup.$borderSize = 1; return popup; }; dom.importCssString("\ .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_marker-layer .ace_active-line {\ background-color: #CAD6FA;\ z-index: 1;\ }\ .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_line-hover {\ border: 1px solid #abbffe;\ margin-top: -1px;\ background: rgba(233,233,253,0.4);\ }\ .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_line-hover {\ position: absolute;\ z-index: 2;\ }\ .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_scroller {\ background: none;\ border: none;\ box-shadow: none;\ }\ .ace_rightAlignedText {\ color: gray;\ display: inline-block;\ position: absolute;\ right: 4px;\ text-align: right;\ z-index: -1;\ }\ .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_completion-highlight{\ color: #000;\ text-shadow: 0 0 0.01em;\ }\ .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete {\ width: 280px;\ z-index: 200000;\ background: #fbfbfb;\ color: #444;\ border: 1px lightgray solid;\ position: fixed;\ box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);\ line-height: 1.4;\ }"); exports.AcePopup = AcePopup; }); define("ace/autocomplete/util",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; exports.parForEach = function(array, fn, callback) { var completed = 0; var arLength = array.length; if (arLength === 0) callback(); for (var i = 0; i < arLength; i++) { fn(array[i], function(result, err) { completed++; if (completed === arLength) callback(result, err); }); } }; var ID_REGEX = /[a-zA-Z_0-9\$\-\u00A2-\uFFFF]/; exports.retrievePrecedingIdentifier = function(text, pos, regex) { regex = regex || ID_REGEX; var buf = []; for (var i = pos-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (regex.test(text[i])) buf.push(text[i]); else break; } return buf.reverse().join(""); }; exports.retrieveFollowingIdentifier = function(text, pos, regex) { regex = regex || ID_REGEX; var buf = []; for (var i = pos; i < text.length; i++) { if (regex.test(text[i])) buf.push(text[i]); else break; } return buf; }; }); define("ace/autocomplete",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/autocomplete/popup","ace/autocomplete/util","ace/lib/event","ace/lib/lang","ace/snippets"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var HashHandler = require("./keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var AcePopup = require("./autocomplete/popup").AcePopup; var util = require("./autocomplete/util"); var event = require("./lib/event"); var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var snippetManager = require("./snippets").snippetManager; var Autocomplete = function() { this.autoInsert = true; this.autoSelect = true; this.keyboardHandler = new HashHandler(); this.keyboardHandler.bindKeys(this.commands); this.blurListener = this.blurListener.bind(this); this.changeListener = this.changeListener.bind(this); this.mousedownListener = this.mousedownListener.bind(this); this.mousewheelListener = this.mousewheelListener.bind(this); this.changeTimer = lang.delayedCall(function() { this.updateCompletions(true); }.bind(this)); }; (function() { this.gatherCompletionsId = 0; this.$init = function() { this.popup = new AcePopup(document.body || document.documentElement); this.popup.on("click", function(e) { this.insertMatch(); e.stop(); }.bind(this)); this.popup.focus = this.editor.focus.bind(this.editor); }; this.openPopup = function(editor, prefix, keepPopupPosition) { if (!this.popup) this.$init(); this.popup.setData(this.completions.filtered); var renderer = editor.renderer; this.popup.setRow(this.autoSelect ? 0 : -1); if (!keepPopupPosition) { this.popup.setTheme(editor.getTheme()); this.popup.setFontSize(editor.getFontSize()); var lineHeight = renderer.layerConfig.lineHeight; var pos = renderer.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition(this.base, true); pos.left -= this.popup.getTextLeftOffset(); var rect = editor.container.getBoundingClientRect(); += - renderer.layerConfig.offset; pos.left += rect.left - editor.renderer.scrollLeft; pos.left += renderer.$gutterLayer.gutterWidth;, lineHeight); } }; this.detach = function() { this.editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler);"changeSelection", this.changeListener);"blur", this.blurListener);"mousedown", this.mousedownListener);"mousewheel", this.mousewheelListener); this.changeTimer.cancel(); if (this.popup && this.popup.isOpen) { this.gatherCompletionsId += 1; this.popup.hide(); } if (this.base) this.base.detach(); this.activated = false; this.completions = this.base = null; }; this.changeListener = function(e) { var cursor = this.editor.selection.lead; if (cursor.row != this.base.row || cursor.column < this.base.column) { this.detach(); } if (this.activated) this.changeTimer.schedule(); else this.detach(); }; this.blurListener = function() { var el = document.activeElement; if (el != this.editor.textInput.getElement() && el.parentNode != this.popup.container) this.detach(); }; this.mousedownListener = function(e) { this.detach(); }; this.mousewheelListener = function(e) { this.detach(); }; this.goTo = function(where) { var row = this.popup.getRow(); var max = this.popup.session.getLength() - 1; switch(where) { case "up": row = row <= 0 ? max : row - 1; break; case "down": row = row >= max ? -1 : row + 1; break; case "start": row = 0; break; case "end": row = max; break; } this.popup.setRow(row); }; this.insertMatch = function(data) { if (!data) data = this.popup.getData(this.popup.getRow()); if (!data) return false; if (data.completer && data.completer.insertMatch) { data.completer.insertMatch(this.editor); } else { if (this.completions.filterText) { var ranges = this.editor.selection.getAllRanges(); for (var i = 0, range; range = ranges[i]; i++) { range.start.column -= this.completions.filterText.length; this.editor.session.remove(range); } } if (data.snippet) snippetManager.insertSnippet(this.editor, data.snippet); else this.editor.execCommand("insertstring", data.value || data); } this.detach(); }; this.commands = { "Up": function(editor) { editor.completer.goTo("up"); }, "Down": function(editor) { editor.completer.goTo("down"); }, "Ctrl-Up|Ctrl-Home": function(editor) { editor.completer.goTo("start"); }, "Ctrl-Down|Ctrl-End": function(editor) { editor.completer.goTo("end"); }, "Esc": function(editor) { editor.completer.detach(); }, "Space": function(editor) { editor.completer.detach(); editor.insert(" ");}, "Return": function(editor) { return editor.completer.insertMatch(); }, "Shift-Return": function(editor) { editor.completer.insertMatch(true); }, "Tab": function(editor) { var result = editor.completer.insertMatch(); if (!result && !editor.tabstopManager) editor.completer.goTo("down"); else return result; }, "PageUp": function(editor) { editor.completer.popup.gotoPageUp(); }, "PageDown": function(editor) { editor.completer.popup.gotoPageDown(); } }; this.gatherCompletions = function(editor, callback) { var session = editor.getSession(); var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = session.getLine(pos.row); var prefix = util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier(line, pos.column); this.base = session.doc.createAnchor(pos.row, pos.column - prefix.length); var matches = []; var total = editor.completers.length; editor.completers.forEach(function(completer, i) { completer.getCompletions(editor, session, pos, prefix, function(err, results) { if (!err) matches = matches.concat(results); var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = session.getLine(pos.row); callback(null, { prefix: util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier(line, pos.column, results[0] && results[0].identifierRegex), matches: matches, finished: (--total === 0) }); }); }); return true; }; this.showPopup = function(editor) { if (this.editor) this.detach(); this.activated = true; this.editor = editor; if (editor.completer != this) { if (editor.completer) editor.completer.detach(); editor.completer = this; } editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler); editor.on("changeSelection", this.changeListener); editor.on("blur", this.blurListener); editor.on("mousedown", this.mousedownListener); editor.on("mousewheel", this.mousewheelListener); this.updateCompletions(); }; this.updateCompletions = function(keepPopupPosition) { if (keepPopupPosition && this.base && this.completions) { var pos = this.editor.getCursorPosition(); var prefix = this.editor.session.getTextRange({start: this.base, end: pos}); if (prefix == this.completions.filterText) return; this.completions.setFilter(prefix); if (!this.completions.filtered.length) return this.detach(); if (this.completions.filtered.length == 1 && this.completions.filtered[0].value == prefix && !this.completions.filtered[0].snippet) return this.detach(); this.openPopup(this.editor, prefix, keepPopupPosition); return; } var _id = this.gatherCompletionsId; this.gatherCompletions(this.editor, function(err, results) { var detachIfFinished = function() { if (!results.finished) return; return this.detach(); }.bind(this); var prefix = results.prefix; var matches = results && results.matches; if (!matches || !matches.length) return detachIfFinished(); if (prefix.indexOf(results.prefix) !== 0 || _id != this.gatherCompletionsId) return; this.completions = new FilteredList(matches); this.completions.setFilter(prefix); var filtered = this.completions.filtered; if (!filtered.length) return detachIfFinished(); if (filtered.length == 1 && filtered[0].value == prefix && !filtered[0].snippet) return detachIfFinished(); if (this.autoInsert && filtered.length == 1) return this.insertMatch(filtered[0]); this.openPopup(this.editor, prefix, keepPopupPosition); }.bind(this)); }; this.cancelContextMenu = function() { this.editor.$mouseHandler.cancelContextMenu(); }; }).call(Autocomplete.prototype); Autocomplete.startCommand = { name: "startAutocomplete", exec: function(editor) { if (!editor.completer) editor.completer = new Autocomplete(); editor.completer.autoInsert = editor.completer.autoSelect = true; editor.completer.showPopup(editor); editor.completer.cancelContextMenu(); }, bindKey: "Ctrl-Space|Ctrl-Shift-Space|Alt-Space" }; var FilteredList = function(array, filterText, mutateData) { this.all = array; this.filtered = array; this.filterText = filterText || ""; }; (function(){ this.setFilter = function(str) { if (str.length > this.filterText && str.lastIndexOf(this.filterText, 0) === 0) var matches = this.filtered; else var matches = this.all; this.filterText = str; matches = this.filterCompletions(matches, this.filterText); matches = matches.sort(function(a, b) { return b.exactMatch - a.exactMatch || b.score - a.score; }); var prev = null; matches = matches.filter(function(item){ var caption = item.value || item.caption || item.snippet; if (caption === prev) return false; prev = caption; return true; }); this.filtered = matches; }; this.filterCompletions = function(items, needle) { var results = []; var upper = needle.toUpperCase(); var lower = needle.toLowerCase(); loop: for (var i = 0, item; item = items[i]; i++) { var caption = item.value || item.caption || item.snippet; if (!caption) continue; var lastIndex = -1; var matchMask = 0; var penalty = 0; var index, distance; for (var j = 0; j < needle.length; j++) { var i1 = caption.indexOf(lower[j], lastIndex + 1); var i2 = caption.indexOf(upper[j], lastIndex + 1); index = (i1 >= 0) ? ((i2 < 0 || i1 < i2) ? i1 : i2) : i2; if (index < 0) continue loop; distance = index - lastIndex - 1; if (distance > 0) { if (lastIndex === -1) penalty += 10; penalty += distance; } matchMask = matchMask | (1 << index); lastIndex = index; } item.matchMask = matchMask; item.exactMatch = penalty ? 0 : 1; item.score = (item.score || 0) - penalty; results.push(item); } return results; }; }).call(FilteredList.prototype); exports.Autocomplete = Autocomplete; exports.FilteredList = FilteredList; }); define("ace/autocomplete/text_completer",["require","exports","module","ace/range"], function(require, exports, module) { var Range = require("../range").Range; var splitRegex = /[^a-zA-Z_0-9\$\-\u00C0-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w]+/; function getWordIndex(doc, pos) { var textBefore = doc.getTextRange(Range.fromPoints({row: 0, column:0}, pos)); return textBefore.split(splitRegex).length - 1; } function wordDistance(doc, pos) { var prefixPos = getWordIndex(doc, pos); var words = doc.getValue().split(splitRegex); var wordScores = Object.create(null); var currentWord = words[prefixPos]; words.forEach(function(word, idx) { if (!word || word === currentWord) return; var distance = Math.abs(prefixPos - idx); var score = words.length - distance; if (wordScores[word]) { wordScores[word] = Math.max(score, wordScores[word]); } else { wordScores[word] = score; } }); return wordScores; } exports.getCompletions = function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) { var wordScore = wordDistance(session, pos, prefix); var wordList = Object.keys(wordScore); callback(null, { return { caption: word, value: word, score: wordScore[word], meta: "local" }; })); }; }); define("ace/ext/language_tools",["require","exports","module","ace/snippets","ace/autocomplete","ace/config","ace/autocomplete/util","ace/autocomplete/text_completer","ace/editor","ace/config"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var snippetManager = require("../snippets").snippetManager; var Autocomplete = require("../autocomplete").Autocomplete; var config = require("../config"); var util = require("../autocomplete/util"); var textCompleter = require("../autocomplete/text_completer"); var keyWordCompleter = { getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) { var state = editor.session.getState(pos.row); var completions = session.$mode.getCompletions(state, session, pos, prefix); callback(null, completions); } }; var snippetCompleter = { getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) { var snippetMap = snippetManager.snippetMap; var completions = []; snippetManager.getActiveScopes(editor).forEach(function(scope) { var snippets = snippetMap[scope] || []; for (var i = snippets.length; i--;) { var s = snippets[i]; var caption = || s.tabTrigger; if (!caption) continue; completions.push({ caption: caption, snippet: s.content, meta: s.tabTrigger && ! ? s.tabTrigger + "\u21E5 " : "snippet" }); } }, this); callback(null, completions); } }; var completers = [snippetCompleter, textCompleter, keyWordCompleter]; exports.addCompleter = function(completer) { completers.push(completer); }; exports.textCompleter = textCompleter; exports.keyWordCompleter = keyWordCompleter; exports.snippetCompleter = snippetCompleter; var expandSnippet = { name: "expandSnippet", exec: function(editor) { var success = snippetManager.expandWithTab(editor); if (!success) editor.execCommand("indent"); }, bindKey: "Tab" }; var onChangeMode = function(e, editor) { loadSnippetsForMode(editor.session.$mode); }; var loadSnippetsForMode = function(mode) { var id = mode.$id; if (!snippetManager.files) snippetManager.files = {}; loadSnippetFile(id); if (mode.modes) mode.modes.forEach(loadSnippetsForMode); }; var loadSnippetFile = function(id) { if (!id || snippetManager.files[id]) return; var snippetFilePath = id.replace("mode", "snippets"); snippetManager.files[id] = {}; config.loadModule(snippetFilePath, function(m) { if (m) { snippetManager.files[id] = m; if (!m.snippets && m.snippetText) m.snippets = snippetManager.parseSnippetFile(m.snippetText); snippetManager.register(m.snippets || [], m.scope); if (m.includeScopes) { snippetManager.snippetMap[m.scope].includeScopes = m.includeScopes; m.includeScopes.forEach(function(x) { loadSnippetFile("ace/mode/" + x); }); } } }); }; function getCompletionPrefix(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = editor.session.getLine(pos.row); var prefix = util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier(line, pos.column); editor.completers.forEach(function(completer) { if (completer.identifierRegexps) { completer.identifierRegexps.forEach(function(identifierRegex) { if (!prefix && identifierRegex) prefix = util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier(line, pos.column, identifierRegex); }); } }); return prefix; } var doLiveAutocomplete = function(e) { var editor = e.editor; var text = e.args || ""; var hasCompleter = editor.completer && editor.completer.activated; if ( === "backspace") { if (hasCompleter && !getCompletionPrefix(editor)) editor.completer.detach(); } else if ( === "insertstring") { var prefix = getCompletionPrefix(editor); if (prefix && !hasCompleter) { if (!editor.completer) { editor.completer = new Autocomplete(); } editor.completer.autoSelect = false; editor.completer.autoInsert = false; editor.completer.showPopup(editor); } } }; var Editor = require("../editor").Editor; require("../config").defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", { enableBasicAutocompletion: { set: function(val) { if (val) { if (!this.completers) this.completers = Array.isArray(val)? val: completers; this.commands.addCommand(Autocomplete.startCommand); } else { this.commands.removeCommand(Autocomplete.startCommand); } }, value: false }, enableLiveAutocompletion: { set: function(val) { if (val) { if (!this.completers) this.completers = Array.isArray(val)? val: completers; this.commands.on('afterExec', doLiveAutocomplete); } else { this.commands.removeListener('afterExec', doLiveAutocomplete); } }, value: false }, enableSnippets: { set: function(val) { if (val) { this.commands.addCommand(expandSnippet); this.on("changeMode", onChangeMode); onChangeMode(null, this); } else { this.commands.removeCommand(expandSnippet);"changeMode", onChangeMode); } }, value: false } }); }); define("ace/ext/beautify/php_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/token_iterator"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var TokenIterator = require("ace/token_iterator").TokenIterator; exports.newLines = [{ type: 'support.php_tag', value: '' }, { type: 'paren.lparen', value: '{', indent: true }, { type: 'paren.rparen', breakBefore: true, value: '}', indent: false }, { type: 'paren.rparen', breakBefore: true, value: '})', indent: false, dontBreak: true }, { type: 'comment' }, { type: 'text', value: ';' }, { type: 'text', value: ':', context: 'php' }, { type: 'keyword', value: 'case', indent: true, dontBreak: true }, { type: 'keyword', value: 'default', indent: true, dontBreak: true }, { type: 'keyword', value: 'break', indent: false, dontBreak: true }, { type: 'punctuation.doctype.end', value: '>' }, { type: 'meta.tag.punctuation.end', value: '>' }, { type: 'meta.tag.punctuation.begin', value: '<', blockTag: true, indent: true, dontBreak: true }, { type: 'meta.tag.punctuation.begin', value: '' ){ context = 'php'; } else if( token.type == 'support.php_tag' && token.value == '?>' ){ context = 'html'; } else if( token.type == '' && context != 'css' ){ context = 'css'; } else if( token.type == '' && context == 'css' ){ context = 'html'; } else if( token.type == '' && context != 'js' ){ context = 'js'; } else if( token.type == '' && context == 'js' ){ context = 'html'; } nextToken = iterator.stepForward(); if (nextToken && nextToken.type.indexOf('') == 0) { nextTag = nextToken.value; } if ( lastToken.type == 'support.php_tag' && lastToken.value == '' ) { dontBreak = false; } lastTag = tag; lastToken = token; token = nextToken; if (token===null) { break; } } return code; }; }); define("ace/ext/beautify",["require","exports","module","ace/token_iterator","ace/ext/beautify/php_rules"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var TokenIterator = require("ace/token_iterator").TokenIterator; var phpTransform = require("./beautify/php_rules").transform; exports.beautify = function(session) { var iterator = new TokenIterator(session, 0, 0); var token = iterator.getCurrentToken(); var context = session.$modeId.split("/").pop(); var code = phpTransform(iterator, context); session.doc.setValue(code); }; exports.commands = [{ name: "beautify", exec: function(editor) { exports.beautify(editor.session); }, bindKey: "Ctrl-Shift-B" }] }); define("kitchen-sink/demo",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers","ace/multi_select","ace/ext/spellcheck","kitchen-sink/inline_editor","kitchen-sink/dev_util","kitchen-sink/file_drop","ace/config","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/net","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/useragent","ace/lib/event","ace/theme/textmate","ace/edit_session","ace/undomanager","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/editor","ace/ext/whitespace","kitchen-sink/doclist","ace/ext/modelist","ace/ext/themelist","kitchen-sink/layout","kitchen-sink/token_tooltip","kitchen-sink/util","ace/ext/elastic_tabstops_lite","ace/incremental_search","ace/worker/worker_client","ace/split","ace/keyboard/vim","ace/ext/statusbar","ace/ext/emmet","ace/snippets","ace/ext/language_tools","ace/ext/beautify"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; require("ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers"); require("ace/multi_select"); require("ace/ext/spellcheck"); require("./inline_editor"); require("./dev_util"); require("./file_drop"); var config = require("ace/config"); config.init(); var env = {}; var dom = require("ace/lib/dom"); var net = require("ace/lib/net"); var lang = require("ace/lib/lang"); var useragent = require("ace/lib/useragent"); var event = require("ace/lib/event"); var theme = require("ace/theme/textmate"); var EditSession = require("ace/edit_session").EditSession; var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager; var HashHandler = require("ace/keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var Renderer = require("ace/virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var Editor = require("ace/editor").Editor; var whitespace = require("ace/ext/whitespace"); var doclist = require("./doclist"); var modelist = require("ace/ext/modelist"); var themelist = require("ace/ext/themelist"); var layout = require("./layout"); var TokenTooltip = require("./token_tooltip").TokenTooltip; var util = require("./util"); var saveOption = util.saveOption; var fillDropdown = util.fillDropdown; var bindCheckbox = util.bindCheckbox; var bindDropdown = util.bindDropdown; var ElasticTabstopsLite = require("ace/ext/elastic_tabstops_lite").ElasticTabstopsLite; var IncrementalSearch = require("ace/incremental_search").IncrementalSearch; var workerModule = require("ace/worker/worker_client"); if (location.href.indexOf("noworker") !== -1) { workerModule.WorkerClient = workerModule.UIWorkerClient; } var container = document.getElementById("editor-container"); var Split = require("ace/split").Split; var split = new Split(container, theme, 1); env.editor = split.getEditor(0); split.on("focus", function(editor) { env.editor = editor; updateUIEditorOptions(); }); env.split = split; window.env = env; var consoleEl = dom.createElement("div"); container.parentNode.appendChild(consoleEl); = "position:fixed; bottom:1px; right:0;\ border:1px solid #baf; z-index:100"; var cmdLine = new layout.singleLineEditor(consoleEl); cmdLine.editor = env.editor; env.editor.cmdLine = cmdLine; env.editor.showCommandLine = function(val) { this.cmdLine.focus(); if (typeof val == "string") this.cmdLine.setValue(val, 1); }; env.editor.commands.addCommands([{ name: "gotoline", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-L", mac: "Command-L"}, exec: function(editor, line) { if (typeof line == "object") { var arg = + " " + editor.getCursorPosition().row; editor.cmdLine.setValue(arg, 1); editor.cmdLine.focus(); return; } line = parseInt(line, 10); if (!isNaN(line)) editor.gotoLine(line); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "snippet", bindKey: {win: "Alt-C", mac: "Command-Alt-C"}, exec: function(editor, needle) { if (typeof needle == "object") { editor.cmdLine.setValue("snippet ", 1); editor.cmdLine.focus(); return; } var s = snippetManager.getSnippetByName(needle, editor); if (s) snippetManager.insertSnippet(editor, s.content); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "focusCommandLine", bindKey: "shift-esc|ctrl-`", exec: function(editor, needle) { editor.cmdLine.focus(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "nextFile", bindKey: "Ctrl-tab", exec: function(editor) { doclist.cycleOpen(editor, 1); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "previousFile", bindKey: "Ctrl-shift-tab", exec: function(editor) { doclist.cycleOpen(editor, -1); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "execute", bindKey: "ctrl+enter", exec: function(editor) { try { var r = window.eval(editor.getCopyText() || editor.getValue()); } catch(e) { r = e; } editor.cmdLine.setValue(r + ""); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "showKeyboardShortcuts", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Alt-h", mac: "Command-Alt-h"}, exec: function(editor) { config.loadModule("ace/ext/keybinding_menu", function(module) { module.init(editor); editor.showKeyboardShortcuts(); }); } }, { name: "increaseFontSize", bindKey: "Ctrl-=|Ctrl-+", exec: function(editor) { var size = parseInt(editor.getFontSize(), 10) || 12; editor.setFontSize(size + 1); } }, { name: "decreaseFontSize", bindKey: "Ctrl+-|Ctrl-_", exec: function(editor) { var size = parseInt(editor.getFontSize(), 10) || 12; editor.setFontSize(Math.max(size - 1 || 1)); } }, { name: "resetFontSize", bindKey: "Ctrl+0|Ctrl-Numpad0", exec: function(editor) { editor.setFontSize(12); } }]); env.editor.commands.addCommands(whitespace.commands); cmdLine.commands.bindKeys({ "Shift-Return|Ctrl-Return|Alt-Return": function(cmdLine) { cmdLine.insert("\n"); }, "Esc|Shift-Esc": function(cmdLine){ cmdLine.editor.focus(); }, "Return": function(cmdLine){ var command = cmdLine.getValue().split(/\s+/); var editor = cmdLine.editor; editor.commands.exec(command[0], editor, command[1]); editor.focus(); } }); cmdLine.commands.removeCommands(["find", "gotoline", "findall", "replace", "replaceall"]); var commands = env.editor.commands; commands.addCommand({ name: "save", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-S", mac: "Command-S"}, exec: function(arg) { var session = env.editor.session; var name =[^\/]+$/); localStorage.setItem( "saved_file:" + name, session.getValue() ); env.editor.cmdLine.setValue("saved "+ name); } }); commands.addCommand({ name: "load", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-O", mac: "Command-O"}, exec: function(arg) { var session = env.editor.session; var name =[^\/]+$/); var value = localStorage.getItem("saved_file:" + name); if (typeof value == "string") { session.setValue(value); env.editor.cmdLine.setValue("loaded "+ name); } else { env.editor.cmdLine.setValue("no previuos value saved for "+ name); } } }); var keybindings = { ace: null, // Null = use "default" keymapping vim: require("ace/keyboard/vim").handler, emacs: "ace/keyboard/emacs", custom: new HashHandler({ "gotoright": "Tab", "indent": "]", "outdent": "[", "gotolinestart": "^", "gotolineend": "$" }) }; var consoleHeight = 20; function onResize() { var left = env.split.$container.offsetLeft; var width = document.documentElement.clientWidth - left; = width + "px"; = document.documentElement.clientHeight - consoleHeight + "px"; env.split.resize(); = width + "px"; cmdLine.resize(); } window.onresize = onResize; onResize(); var docEl = document.getElementById("doc"); var modeEl = document.getElementById("mode"); var wrapModeEl = document.getElementById("soft_wrap"); var themeEl = document.getElementById("theme"); var foldingEl = document.getElementById("folding"); var selectStyleEl = document.getElementById("select_style"); var highlightActiveEl = document.getElementById("highlight_active"); var showHiddenEl = document.getElementById("show_hidden"); var showGutterEl = document.getElementById("show_gutter"); var showPrintMarginEl = document.getElementById("show_print_margin"); var highlightSelectedWordE = document.getElementById("highlight_selected_word"); var showHScrollEl = document.getElementById("show_hscroll"); var showVScrollEl = document.getElementById("show_vscroll"); var animateScrollEl = document.getElementById("animate_scroll"); var softTabEl = document.getElementById("soft_tab"); var behavioursEl = document.getElementById("enable_behaviours"); fillDropdown(docEl, doclist.all); fillDropdown(modeEl, modelist.modes); var modesByName = modelist.modesByName; bindDropdown("mode", function(value) { env.editor.session.setMode(modesByName[value].mode || modesByName.text.mode); env.editor.session.modeName = value; }); doclist.history = { return; }); doclist.history.index = 0; doclist.cycleOpen = function(editor, dir) { var h = this.history; h.index += dir; if (h.index >= h.length) h.index = 0; else if (h.index <= 0) h.index = h.length - 1; var s = h[h.index]; docEl.value = s; docEl.onchange(); }; doclist.addToHistory = function(name) { var h = this.history; var i = h.indexOf(name); if (i != h.index) { if (i != -1) h.splice(i, 1); h.index = h.push(name); } }; bindDropdown("doc", function(name) { doclist.loadDoc(name, function(session) { if (!session) return; doclist.addToHistory(; session = env.split.setSession(session); whitespace.detectIndentation(session); updateUIEditorOptions(); env.editor.focus(); }); }); function updateUIEditorOptions() { var editor = env.editor; var session = editor.session; session.setFoldStyle(foldingEl.value); saveOption(docEl,; saveOption(modeEl, session.modeName || "text"); saveOption(wrapModeEl, session.getUseWrapMode() ? session.getWrapLimitRange().min || "free" : "off"); saveOption(selectStyleEl, editor.getSelectionStyle() == "line"); saveOption(themeEl, editor.getTheme()); saveOption(highlightActiveEl, editor.getHighlightActiveLine()); saveOption(showHiddenEl, editor.getShowInvisibles()); saveOption(showGutterEl, editor.renderer.getShowGutter()); saveOption(showPrintMarginEl, editor.renderer.getShowPrintMargin()); saveOption(highlightSelectedWordE, editor.getHighlightSelectedWord()); saveOption(showHScrollEl, editor.renderer.getHScrollBarAlwaysVisible()); saveOption(animateScrollEl, editor.getAnimatedScroll()); saveOption(softTabEl, session.getUseSoftTabs()); saveOption(behavioursEl, editor.getBehavioursEnabled()); } themelist.themes.forEach(function(x){ x.value = x.theme }); fillDropdown(themeEl, { Bright: themelist.themes.filter(function(x){return !x.isDark}), Dark: themelist.themes.filter(function(x){return x.isDark}), }); event.addListener(themeEl, "mouseover", function(e){ themeEl.desiredValue =; if (!themeEl.$timer) themeEl.$timer = setTimeout(themeEl.updateTheme); }); event.addListener(themeEl, "mouseout", function(e){ themeEl.desiredValue = null; if (!themeEl.$timer) themeEl.$timer = setTimeout(themeEl.updateTheme, 20); }); themeEl.updateTheme = function(){ env.split.setTheme((themeEl.desiredValue || themeEl.selectedValue)); themeEl.$timer = null; }; bindDropdown("theme", function(value) { if (!value) return; env.editor.setTheme(value); themeEl.selectedValue = value; }); bindDropdown("keybinding", function(value) { env.editor.setKeyboardHandler(keybindings[value]); }); bindDropdown("fontsize", function(value) { env.split.setFontSize(value); }); bindDropdown("folding", function(value) { env.editor.session.setFoldStyle(value); env.editor.setShowFoldWidgets(value !== "manual"); }); bindDropdown("soft_wrap", function(value) { env.editor.setOption("wrap", value); }); bindCheckbox("select_style", function(checked) { env.editor.setOption("selectionStyle", checked ? "line" : "text"); }); bindCheckbox("highlight_active", function(checked) { env.editor.setHighlightActiveLine(checked); }); bindCheckbox("show_hidden", function(checked) { env.editor.setShowInvisibles(checked); }); bindCheckbox("display_indent_guides", function(checked) { env.editor.setDisplayIndentGuides(checked); }); bindCheckbox("show_gutter", function(checked) { env.editor.renderer.setShowGutter(checked); }); bindCheckbox("show_print_margin", function(checked) { env.editor.renderer.setShowPrintMargin(checked); }); bindCheckbox("highlight_selected_word", function(checked) { env.editor.setHighlightSelectedWord(checked); }); bindCheckbox("show_hscroll", function(checked) { env.editor.setOption("hScrollBarAlwaysVisible", checked); }); bindCheckbox("show_vscroll", function(checked) { env.editor.setOption("vScrollBarAlwaysVisible", checked); }); bindCheckbox("animate_scroll", function(checked) { env.editor.setAnimatedScroll(checked); }); bindCheckbox("soft_tab", function(checked) { env.editor.session.setUseSoftTabs(checked); }); bindCheckbox("enable_behaviours", function(checked) { env.editor.setBehavioursEnabled(checked); }); bindCheckbox("fade_fold_widgets", function(checked) { env.editor.setFadeFoldWidgets(checked); }); bindCheckbox("read_only", function(checked) { env.editor.setReadOnly(checked); }); bindCheckbox("scrollPastEnd", function(checked) { env.editor.setOption("scrollPastEnd", checked); }); bindDropdown("split", function(value) { var sp = env.split; if (value == "none") { sp.setSplits(1); } else { var newEditor = (sp.getSplits() == 1); sp.setOrientation(value == "below" ? sp.BELOW : sp.BESIDE); sp.setSplits(2); if (newEditor) { var session = sp.getEditor(0).session; var newSession = sp.setSession(session, 1); =; } } }); bindCheckbox("elastic_tabstops", function(checked) { env.editor.setOption("useElasticTabstops", checked); }); var iSearchCheckbox = bindCheckbox("isearch", function(checked) { env.editor.setOption("useIncrementalSearch", checked); }); env.editor.addEventListener('incrementalSearchSettingChanged', function(event) { iSearchCheckbox.checked = event.isEnabled; }); function synchroniseScrolling() { var s1 = env.split.$editors[0].session; var s2 = env.split.$editors[1].session; s1.on('changeScrollTop', function(pos) {s2.setScrollTop(pos)}); s2.on('changeScrollTop', function(pos) {s1.setScrollTop(pos)}); s1.on('changeScrollLeft', function(pos) {s2.setScrollLeft(pos)}); s2.on('changeScrollLeft', function(pos) {s1.setScrollLeft(pos)}); } bindCheckbox("highlight_token", function(checked) { var editor = env.editor; if (editor.tokenTooltip && !checked) { editor.tokenTooltip.destroy(); delete editor.tokenTooltip; } else if (checked) { editor.tokenTooltip = new TokenTooltip(editor); } }); var StatusBar = require("ace/ext/statusbar").StatusBar; new StatusBar(env.editor, cmdLine.container); var Emmet = require("ace/ext/emmet"); net.loadScript("", function() { Emmet.setCore(window.emmet); env.editor.setOption("enableEmmet", true); }); var snippetManager = require("ace/snippets").snippetManager; env.editSnippets = function() { var sp = env.split; if (sp.getSplits() == 2) { sp.setSplits(1); return; } sp.setSplits(1); sp.setSplits(2); sp.setOrientation(sp.BESIDE); var editor = sp.$editors[1]; var id = sp.$editors[0].session.$mode.$id || ""; var m = snippetManager.files[id]; if (!doclist["snippets/" + id]) { var text = m.snippetText; var s = doclist.initDoc(text, "", {}); s.setMode("ace/mode/snippets"); doclist["snippets/" + id] = s; } editor.on("blur", function() { m.snippetText = editor.getValue(); snippetManager.unregister(m.snippets); m.snippets = snippetManager.parseSnippetFile(m.snippetText, m.scope); snippetManager.register(m.snippets); }); sp.$editors[0].once("changeMode", function() { sp.setSplits(1); }); editor.setSession(doclist["snippets/" + id], 1); editor.focus(); }; require("ace/ext/language_tools"); env.editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: true, enableLiveAutocompletion: false, enableSnippets: true }); var beautify = require("ace/ext/beautify"); env.editor.commands.addCommands(beautify.commands); });