# # DEVELOPERS: # # This is the projects makefile # It determines how source files get converted # into an EPUB # You can change this file to adjust the process # and add new outputs. DOCX=$(shell ls *.docx) DOCX_MD = $(DOCX:%.docx=%.md) scripts=/usr/lib/cgi-bin sources=$(shell python $(scripts)/sources.py) all: publication.epub publication.icml publication.gif publication.epub: metadata.txt publication.md styles.css pandoc metadata.txt publication.md \ --table-of-contents \ --epub-stylesheet styles.css \ -o publication.epub publication.icml: publication.md styles.css pandoc publication.md --to ICML -o publication.icml # Concatenate all Markdown sources into a single file # Adding the filename as a unique identifier for footnotes #publication.md: $(sources) # cat $(sources) > publication.md publication.gif: publication.epub styles.css python $(scripts)/epubtrailer.py $< --background "#EEEEEE" --width 320 --height 240 --duration=0.5 -o $@ publication.md: metadata.txt $(sources) $(DOCX_MD) rm -f $@ cat metadata.txt > $@ $(foreach c,$(sources),pandoc --to markdown --id-prefix=$(c) $(c) >> $@; echo >> $@; echo >> $@;) echo "The End" >> $@ # cat metadata.txt >> $@ # $(scripts)/expand_toc.py toc.md --filter $(scripts)/chapter.sh | \ # python $(scripts)/enable_links_markdown.py >> $@ # MARKDOWN <= DOCX %.md: %.docx pandoc $< -o $@ # special rule for debugging variable names in this makefile print-%: @echo '$*=$($*)'