Things for the graduation show 2024
Go to file
ada 258e0f3141 more name stuff
ada trying to add my website sillies
aglaia pic
backplaces@829dbb26e8 ada's website part
colophon somehting with colophon
fonts font and footer
introduction generated html. fixed typos
irmak generated html. fixed typos
print trying to add my website sillies
reviews ada's website part
specialissue19 generated html. fixed typos
specialissue20 generated html. fixed typos
specialissue21 generated html. fixed typos
specialissuesintro generated html. fixed typos
stephen ada try web
temp more name stuff
.gitignore image stuffs folder structure created fixed broken image links. Some formatting things folder structure created
index.html Update 'index.html'
slash.svg add provisional exhibition plan Update ''
webpage.template.html web template

Do websites have readmes? What about catalogues?

This is a collection of xpub projects

Each folder contains html documents which display on the internet and other places. The other files in the folder like images and audio are linked to in that html. The folders sometimes include css files to style the html pages.

This is a book

The folder /print/ contains an index.html file where paged.js magics it into a book. The index.html file is generated by running, created from all the md files in the project.

This is a website

Each folder is a section on the website. A post hook links it to (working title), so everything in the git is published to the internet. The html files are generated by running, created from all the md files in the project.