Talking Documents

Act -1 introduction to the project

Act 0 - story line - Winjhaven building February 2024

Act 1 - Postal Address Application Scenario - Wijnhaven

Act 2 - Call with the municipality of Rotterdam after the rejection of my application for a postal address - Art Meets Radical Openess Festival at Linz

Act 3 - Objection Letter - Art Meets Radical Openess Festival at Linz May 2024

Act 4 - deregistartion Question/Email communication with the University [Deleted Scene]

Act 5 - Email communication with the agency asking for my deposit - Gemeente May 2024

Act 6 - Deregistartion from the Netherlands Application form - Gemeente Rotterdam May 2024

Act 7 - Confirmation document of deregistration from the Netherlands application - read alone at my illegal sublet-

Appendix - Passport reading session - XPUB studio February 2024

Performing the Bureaucratic Border(line)s