aglaia 7 months ago
parent 6408296381
commit 9cbddd41ab

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ The notion of hospitality is excessively instrumentalized within the Greek conte
Hospitality can function as a filtration mechanism that permits access lets in the ones who deserve it, those who have “passports, valid visas, adequate bank statements, or invitations” (Khosravi, 2010). By doing this, unproductive hospitality is being avoided due to sovereign states border regulations and checks. Conditional hospitality, is about worthiness, is directed towards migrants deemed good and productive skilled and capable for assimilation- or a tiny minority of vulnerable and marginalized asylum seekers who lack representation. Only in a world where the nation-states boundaries have been dismantled and where the undocumented, stateless, non-citizens are unconditionally accepted, only at this moment, we are able to imagine the “political and ethical survival of humankind” (Agamben, 2000). Hospitality does not seem a matter of choice but a profound urgency, if humanity desires to foster a future together.
#### “the right to have rights”<sup><span class="margin-note">(Arendt, as cited by Khosravi, 2010, p.121)</span></sup>
#### “the right to have rights”<sup><span class="margin-note">(Arendt, as cited by Khosravi, 2010, p.121)</span></sup> T
What about the crossers who managed to travel and reach the desirable “there”, the ones who transcended the borders and the control checks of the ministries of defense<sup><span class="margin-note">One of the tactics for regulating or preventing the so-called unproductive hospitality is border control checks. According to the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands, “the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (RNLM) combats cross-border crime and makes an important contribution to national security. Checks are still performed at the external borders of the Schengen area. In the Netherlands, this means guarding the European external border at airports and seaports, and along the coast. By participating in Frontex, the European border control agency, the RNLM makes an important contribution to the control of Europes external borders in other EU member states. There is one single EU external border.” (Border Controls, 2017)</span></sup>, the ones who enter but do not own papers, the paperless? What does it mean to be documented and what is inefficiently documented within a territory? They are threatened if they get caught by authorities and also according to the official narrative, they threaten. Since the physical mechanisms of bordering did not succeed in repulsing them, the bureaucratic border appears as an additional layer of filtration. The undocumented are non-citizens, they might be crossers or burners<sup><span class="margin-note">I would like to refer to the practice of Harragas introduced by my friend Rabab as a counter-act of dealing or breaking or burning the multilayered borders. The burners or Harragas is a term alluding to the migrants practice of burning their identity papers and personal documents in order to prevent identification by authorities in Europe. Crucially this moving out is in defiance of the bureaucratic rules and their elaborate visa systems. Those who engage in harraga, burn borders to enter European territories. “They do not, however, burn the bridges to the people and places they depart from. To these, they keep all kinds of links. For, as they burn borders, they dont move away from their place of origin. Harraga is about expanding living space” (Mcharek, 2020).</span></sup> , both, or even none. “Undocumented migrants and unauthorized border crossers are polluted and polluting because of their very unclassifiability” (Borelli, Poy, Rué, 2023). The loss of citizenship, denaturalisation, makes somebody denaturalised, they are rendered unnatural. “Citizenship has become the nature of being human” (Koshravi, 2010).
