# RENDER TEMPLATE: # http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/intro/#basic-api-usage from jinja2 import Template htmlfragment = """

{{ content }}

""" template = Template(htmlfragment) title = template.render(content="XPuB tries JINJA (What??)", id="elementid") # print(htmlrendered) # CONTROL STRUCTURES: loops and if conditions # http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/templates/#list-of-control-structures users_html = Template(''' ''') xpub1 = ["Pedro", "Rita", "Simon", "Artemis", "Bo", "Biyi", "Tancredi"] xpub2 = ["Tash", "Angeliki", "Alice", "Alex", "Joca", "Zalan"] # render the same template with 2 different lists, a string users_1 = users_html.render(users=xpub1) users_2 = users_html.render(users=xpub2) users_2 = users_html.render(users="xpub2") # print(users_1, users_2) # TEMPLATE-INHERITANCE # http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/templates/#template-inheritance from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader from jinja2.environment import Environment env = Environment() # loads templates from the file system env.loader = FileSystemLoader('.') # Loads templates from the current directory tmpl = env.get_template('child.html') # get the template # which itself inherit base.html template tmpl_render = tmpl.render(mytitle="xpUB", content=title + users_1 + users_2) # render the template print(tmpl_render) # save with open("index.html", "w") as index: index.write(tmpl_render)