re-reimplementation of a classic bot in javascript
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
Michael Murtaugh 45d2eda038 added local server script 6 年前
LICENSE.txt added $ saved statements 6 年前
doctor.js various changes, bugfixes with goto 6 年前
doctor.json json loading directly 6 年前
doctor.txt various changes, bugfixes with goto 6 年前
eliza.html json loading directly 6 年前
eliza.js various changes, bugfixes with goto 6 年前
eliza.jsonp.html json loading directly 6 年前
eliza.responsivevoice.html json loading directly 6 年前 added $ saved statements 6 年前
instructions.txt eliza in js following charles hayden's classic java implementation 6 年前 eliza in js following charles hayden's classic java implementation 6 年前
makefile json loading directly 6 年前 added local server script 6 年前
speech.html json loading directly 6 年前
speech.js json loading directly 6 年前