silly serious naïve smart focused dreamy hungry sad embarassed fantastic stressed caring moody angry frustrated big little gardners are pruning swatching grafting composting gleaning fermenting tilling fertilizing crop rotating fallowing weeding companion planting broadcasting booklets index cards etherpads books e-books html scripts texts python scripts poems stories pdfs carrier bag libraries bootleg libraries hero libraries made out of chocolate marzipan peanut butter mozzarella jam butter gingerbread tomato sauce candy custard cookie dough honey parmesan cheese camembert sour grapes maple syrup

XPUB is a two-year Master course that prepares students to critically engage with societal issues within the fast chaging field of art, design and cultural production.

XPUB'S interests in publishing are twofold:

First, publishing as the inquiry and participation into the technological frameworks, political context and cultural processes through which things are made public;

and second, publishing as the desire to expand the means of discourse circulation beyond print media and its direct digital translation, so as to create publics in the age of post-digital networks.


Return address: XPUB studio
Wijnhaven 61 (4th floor)
3011 WJ Rotterdam

XPUB welcomes practitioners to approach publishing from the perspective of multi-, inter- and transdiciplinary practices.

Reverse: Adaptation of House of Ada, homage to Allison Knowle's House of Dust and an exercise by first-year XPUB student Ada Varriale in the context of Special Issue #19: How Do We Library That?.