#!/usr/bin/python """ This module contains an OpenSoundControl implementation (in Pure Python), based (somewhat) on the good old 'SimpleOSC' implementation by Daniel Holth & Clinton McChesney. This implementation is intended to still be 'simple' to the user, but much more complete (with OSCServer & OSCClient classes) and much more powerful (the OSCMultiClient supports subscriptions & message-filtering, OSCMessage & OSCBundle are now proper container-types) =============================================================================== OpenSoundControl =============================================================================== OpenSoundControl is a network-protocol for sending (small) packets of addressed data over network sockets. This OSC-implementation supports the classical UDP/IP protocol for sending and receiving packets but provides as well support for TCP/IP streaming, whereas the message size is prepended as int32 (big endian) before each message/packet. OSC-packets come in two kinds: - OSC-messages consist of an 'address'-string (not to be confused with a (host:port) network-address!), followed by a string of 'typetags' associated with the message's arguments (ie. 'payload'), and finally the arguments themselves, encoded in an OSC-specific way. The OSCMessage class makes it easy to create & manipulate OSC-messages of this kind in a 'pythonesque' way (that is, OSCMessage-objects behave a lot like lists) - OSC-bundles are a special type of OSC-message containing only OSC-messages as 'payload'. Recursively. (meaning; an OSC-bundle could contain other OSC-bundles, containing OSC-bundles etc.) OSC-bundles start with the special keyword '#bundle' and do not have an OSC-address (but the OSC-messages a bundle contains will have OSC-addresses!). Also, an OSC-bundle can have a timetag, essentially telling the receiving server to 'hold' the bundle until the specified time. The OSCBundle class allows easy cration & manipulation of OSC-bundles. For further information see also http://opensoundcontrol.org/spec-1_0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To send OSC-messages, you need an OSCClient, and to receive OSC-messages you need an OSCServer. The OSCClient uses an 'AF_INET / SOCK_DGRAM' type socket (see the 'socket' module) to send binary representations of OSC-messages to a remote host:port address. The OSCServer listens on an 'AF_INET / SOCK_DGRAM' type socket bound to a local port, and handles incoming requests. Either one-after-the-other (OSCServer) or in a multi-threaded / multi-process fashion (ThreadingOSCServer/ ForkingOSCServer). If the Server has a callback-function (a.k.a. handler) registered to 'deal with' (i.e. handle) the received message's OSC-address, that function is called, passing it the (decoded) message. The different OSCServers implemented here all support the (recursive) un- bundling of OSC-bundles, and OSC-bundle timetags. In fact, this implementation supports: - OSC-messages with 'i' (int32), 'f' (float32), 'd' (double), 's' (string) and 'b' (blob / binary data) types - OSC-bundles, including timetag-support - OSC-address patterns including '*', '?', '{,}' and '[]' wildcards. (please *do* read the OSC-spec! http://opensoundcontrol.org/spec-1_0 it explains what these things mean.) In addition, the OSCMultiClient supports: - Sending a specific OSC-message to multiple remote servers - Remote server subscription / unsubscription (through OSC-messages, of course) - Message-address filtering. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SimpleOSC: Copyright (c) Daniel Holth & Clinton McChesney. pyOSC: Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Artem Baguinski et al., Stock, V2_Lab, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Streaming support (OSC over TCP): Copyright (c) 2010 Uli Franke , Weiss Engineering, Uster, Switzerland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.3.0 - 27 Dec. 2007 Started out to extend the 'SimpleOSC' implementation (v0.2.3) by Daniel Holth & Clinton McChesney. Rewrote OSCMessage Added OSCBundle v0.3.1 - 3 Jan. 2008 Added OSClient Added OSCRequestHandler, loosely based on the original CallbackManager Added OSCServer Removed original CallbackManager Adapted testing-script (the 'if __name__ == "__main__":' block at the end) to use new Server & Client v0.3.2 - 5 Jan. 2008 Added 'container-type emulation' methods (getitem(), setitem(), __iter__() & friends) to OSCMessage Added ThreadingOSCServer & ForkingOSCServer - 6 Jan. 2008 Added OSCMultiClient Added command-line options to testing-script (try 'python OSC.py --help') v0.3.3 - 9 Jan. 2008 Added OSC-timetag support to OSCBundle & OSCRequestHandler Added ThreadingOSCRequestHandler v0.3.4 - 13 Jan. 2008 Added message-filtering to OSCMultiClient Added subscription-handler to OSCServer Added support fon numpy/scipy int & float types. (these get converted to 'standard' 32-bit OSC ints / floats!) Cleaned-up and added more Docstrings v0.3.5 - 14 aug. 2008 Added OSCServer.reportErr(...) method v0.3.6 - 19 April 2010 Added Streaming support (OSC over TCP) Updated documentation Moved pattern matching stuff into separate class (OSCAddressSpace) to facilitate implementation of different server and client architectures. Callbacks feature now a context (object oriented) but dynamic function inspection keeps the code backward compatible Moved testing code into separate testbench (testbench.py) v0.3.7 - 2 Mar. 2013 Added True and False nonstandard type tag ----------------- Original Comments ----------------- > Open SoundControl for Python > Copyright (C) 2002 Daniel Holth, Clinton McChesney > > This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under > the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free > Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any > later version. > > This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY > WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A > PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more > details. > > You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along > with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 > Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA > > For questions regarding this module contact Daniel Holth > or visit http://www.stetson.edu/~ProctoLogic/ > > Changelog: > 15 Nov. 2001: > Removed dependency on Python 2.0 features. > - dwh > 13 Feb. 2002: > Added a generic callback handler. > - dwh """ import math, re, socket, select, string, struct, sys, threading, time, types, array, errno, inspect from SocketServer import UDPServer, DatagramRequestHandler, ForkingMixIn, ThreadingMixIn, StreamRequestHandler, TCPServer from contextlib import closing global version version = ("0.3","6", "$Rev: 6382 $"[6:-2]) global FloatTypes FloatTypes = [types.FloatType] global IntTypes IntTypes = [types.IntType] global NTP_epoch from calendar import timegm NTP_epoch = timegm((1900,1,1,0,0,0)) # NTP time started in 1 Jan 1900 del timegm global NTP_units_per_second NTP_units_per_second = 0x100000000 # about 232 picoseconds ## # numpy/scipy support: ## try: from numpy import typeDict for ftype in ['float32', 'float64', 'float128']: try: FloatTypes.append(typeDict[ftype]) except KeyError: pass for itype in ['int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64']: try: IntTypes.append(typeDict[itype]) IntTypes.append(typeDict['u' + itype]) except KeyError: pass # thanks for those... del typeDict, ftype, itype except ImportError: pass ###### # # OSCMessage classes # ###### class OSCMessage(object): """ Builds typetagged OSC messages. OSCMessage objects are container objects for building OSC-messages. On the 'front' end, they behave much like list-objects, and on the 'back' end they generate a binary representation of the message, which can be sent over a network socket. OSC-messages consist of an 'address'-string (not to be confused with a (host, port) IP-address!), followed by a string of 'typetags' associated with the message's arguments (ie. 'payload'), and finally the arguments themselves, encoded in an OSC-specific way. On the Python end, OSCMessage are lists of arguments, prepended by the message's address. The message contents can be manipulated much like a list: >>> msg = OSCMessage("/my/osc/address") >>> msg.append('something') >>> msg.insert(0, 'something else') >>> msg[1] = 'entirely' >>> msg.extend([1,2,3.]) >>> msg += [4, 5, 6.] >>> del msg[3:6] >>> msg.pop(-2) 5 >>> print msg /my/osc/address ['something else', 'entirely', 1, 6.0] OSCMessages can be concatenated with the + operator. In this case, the resulting OSCMessage inherits its address from the left-hand operand. The right-hand operand's address is ignored. To construct an 'OSC-bundle' from multiple OSCMessage, see OSCBundle! Additional methods exist for retreiving typetags or manipulating items as (typetag, value) tuples. """ def __init__(self, address="", *args): """Instantiate a new OSCMessage. The OSC-address can be specified with the 'address' argument. The rest of the arguments are appended as data. """ self.clear(address) if len(args)>0: self.append(*args) def setAddress(self, address): """Set or change the OSC-address """ self.address = address def clear(self, address=""): """Clear (or set a new) OSC-address and clear any arguments appended so far """ self.address = address self.clearData() def clearData(self): """Clear any arguments appended so far """ self.typetags = "," self.message = "" def append(self, argument, typehint=None): """Appends data to the message, updating the typetags based on the argument's type. If the argument is a blob (counted string) pass in 'b' as typehint. 'argument' may also be a list or tuple, in which case its elements will get appended one-by-one, all using the provided typehint """ if type(argument) == types.DictType: argument = argument.items() elif isinstance(argument, OSCMessage): raise TypeError("Can only append 'OSCMessage' to 'OSCBundle'") if hasattr(argument, '__iter__'): for arg in argument: self.append(arg, typehint) return if typehint == 'b': binary = OSCBlob(argument) tag = 'b' elif typehint == 't': binary = OSCTimeTag(argument) tag = 't' else: tag, binary = OSCArgument(argument, typehint) self.typetags += tag self.message += binary def getBinary(self): """Returns the binary representation of the message """ binary = OSCString(self.address) binary += OSCString(self.typetags) binary += self.message return binary def __repr__(self): """Returns a string containing the decode Message """ return str(decodeOSC(self.getBinary())) def __str__(self): """Returns the Message's address and contents as a string. """ return "%s %s" % (self.address, str(self.values())) def __len__(self): """Returns the number of arguments appended so far """ return (len(self.typetags) - 1) def __eq__(self, other): """Return True if two OSCMessages have the same address & content """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return (self.address == other.address) and (self.typetags == other.typetags) and (self.message == other.message) def __ne__(self, other): """Return (not self.__eq__(other)) """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __add__(self, values): """Returns a copy of self, with the contents of 'values' appended (see the 'extend()' method, below) """ msg = self.copy() msg.extend(values) return msg def __iadd__(self, values): """Appends the contents of 'values' (equivalent to 'extend()', below) Returns self """ self.extend(values) return self def __radd__(self, values): """Appends the contents of this OSCMessage to 'values' Returns the extended 'values' (list or tuple) """ out = list(values) out.extend(self.values()) if type(values) == types.TupleType: return tuple(out) return out def _reencode(self, items): """Erase & rebuild the OSCMessage contents from the given list of (typehint, value) tuples""" self.clearData() for item in items: self.append(item[1], item[0]) def values(self): """Returns a list of the arguments appended so far """ return decodeOSC(self.getBinary())[2:] def tags(self): """Returns a list of typetags of the appended arguments """ return list(self.typetags.lstrip(',')) def items(self): """Returns a list of (typetag, value) tuples for the arguments appended so far """ out = [] values = self.values() typetags = self.tags() for i in range(len(values)): out.append((typetags[i], values[i])) return out def __contains__(self, val): """Test if the given value appears in the OSCMessage's arguments """ return (val in self.values()) def __getitem__(self, i): """Returns the indicated argument (or slice) """ return self.values()[i] def __delitem__(self, i): """Removes the indicated argument (or slice) """ items = self.items() del items[i] self._reencode(items) def _buildItemList(self, values, typehint=None): if isinstance(values, OSCMessage): items = values.items() elif type(values) == types.ListType: items = [] for val in values: if type(val) == types.TupleType: items.append(val[:2]) else: items.append((typehint, val)) elif type(values) == types.TupleType: items = [values[:2]] else: items = [(typehint, values)] return items def __setitem__(self, i, val): """Set indicatated argument (or slice) to a new value. 'val' can be a single int/float/string, or a (typehint, value) tuple. Or, if 'i' is a slice, a list of these or another OSCMessage. """ items = self.items() new_items = self._buildItemList(val) if type(i) != types.SliceType: if len(new_items) != 1: raise TypeError("single-item assignment expects a single value or a (typetag, value) tuple") new_items = new_items[0] # finally... items[i] = new_items self._reencode(items) def setItem(self, i, val, typehint=None): """Set indicated argument to a new value (with typehint) """ items = self.items() items[i] = (typehint, val) self._reencode(items) def copy(self): """Returns a deep copy of this OSCMessage """ msg = self.__class__(self.address) msg.typetags = self.typetags msg.message = self.message return msg def count(self, val): """Returns the number of times the given value occurs in the OSCMessage's arguments """ return self.values().count(val) def index(self, val): """Returns the index of the first occurence of the given value in the OSCMessage's arguments. Raises ValueError if val isn't found """ return self.values().index(val) def extend(self, values): """Append the contents of 'values' to this OSCMessage. 'values' can be another OSCMessage, or a list/tuple of ints/floats/strings """ items = self.items() + self._buildItemList(values) self._reencode(items) def insert(self, i, val, typehint = None): """Insert given value (with optional typehint) into the OSCMessage at the given index. """ items = self.items() for item in reversed(self._buildItemList(val)): items.insert(i, item) self._reencode(items) def popitem(self, i): """Delete the indicated argument from the OSCMessage, and return it as a (typetag, value) tuple. """ items = self.items() item = items.pop(i) self._reencode(items) return item def pop(self, i): """Delete the indicated argument from the OSCMessage, and return it. """ return self.popitem(i)[1] def reverse(self): """Reverses the arguments of the OSCMessage (in place) """ items = self.items() items.reverse() self._reencode(items) def remove(self, val): """Removes the first argument with the given value from the OSCMessage. Raises ValueError if val isn't found. """ items = self.items() # this is not very efficient... i = 0 for (t, v) in items: if (v == val): break i += 1 else: raise ValueError("'%s' not in OSCMessage" % str(m)) # but more efficient than first calling self.values().index(val), # then calling self.items(), which would in turn call self.values() again... del items[i] self._reencode(items) def __iter__(self): """Returns an iterator of the OSCMessage's arguments """ return iter(self.values()) def __reversed__(self): """Returns a reverse iterator of the OSCMessage's arguments """ return reversed(self.values()) def itervalues(self): """Returns an iterator of the OSCMessage's arguments """ return iter(self.values()) def iteritems(self): """Returns an iterator of the OSCMessage's arguments as (typetag, value) tuples """ return iter(self.items()) def itertags(self): """Returns an iterator of the OSCMessage's arguments' typetags """ return iter(self.tags()) class OSCBundle(OSCMessage): """Builds a 'bundle' of OSC messages. OSCBundle objects are container objects for building OSC-bundles of OSC-messages. An OSC-bundle is a special kind of OSC-message which contains a list of OSC-messages (And yes, OSC-bundles may contain other OSC-bundles...) OSCBundle objects behave much the same as OSCMessage objects, with these exceptions: - if an item or items to be appended or inserted are not OSCMessage objects, OSCMessage objectss are created to encapsulate the item(s) - an OSC-bundle does not have an address of its own, only the contained OSC-messages do. The OSCBundle's 'address' is inherited by any OSCMessage the OSCBundle object creates. - OSC-bundles have a timetag to tell the receiver when the bundle should be processed. The default timetag value (0) means 'immediately' """ def __init__(self, address="", time=0): """Instantiate a new OSCBundle. The default OSC-address for newly created OSCMessages can be specified with the 'address' argument The bundle's timetag can be set with the 'time' argument """ super(OSCBundle, self).__init__(address) self.timetag = time def __str__(self): """Returns the Bundle's contents (and timetag, if nonzero) as a string. """ if (self.timetag > 0.): out = "#bundle (%s) [" % self.getTimeTagStr() else: out = "#bundle [" if self.__len__(): for val in self.values(): out += "%s, " % str(val) out = out[:-2] # strip trailing space and comma return out + "]" def setTimeTag(self, time): """Set or change the OSCBundle's TimeTag In 'Python Time', that's floating seconds since the Epoch """ if time >= 0: self.timetag = time def getTimeTagStr(self): """Return the TimeTag as a human-readable string """ fract, secs = math.modf(self.timetag) out = time.ctime(secs)[11:19] out += ("%.3f" % fract)[1:] return out def append(self, argument, typehint = None): """Appends data to the bundle, creating an OSCMessage to encapsulate the provided argument unless this is already an OSCMessage. Any newly created OSCMessage inherits the OSCBundle's address at the time of creation. If 'argument' is an iterable, its elements will be encapsuated by a single OSCMessage. Finally, 'argument' can be (or contain) a dict, which will be 'converted' to an OSCMessage; - if 'addr' appears in the dict, its value overrides the OSCBundle's address - if 'args' appears in the dict, its value(s) become the OSCMessage's arguments """ if isinstance(argument, OSCMessage): binary = OSCBlob(argument.getBinary()) else: msg = OSCMessage(self.address) if type(argument) == types.DictType: if 'addr' in argument: msg.setAddress(argument['addr']) if 'args' in argument: msg.append(argument['args'], typehint) else: msg.append(argument, typehint) binary = OSCBlob(msg.getBinary()) self.message += binary self.typetags += 'b' def getBinary(self): """Returns the binary representation of the message """ binary = OSCString("#bundle") binary += OSCTimeTag(self.timetag) binary += self.message return binary def _reencapsulate(self, decoded): if decoded[0] == "#bundle": msg = OSCBundle() msg.setTimeTag(decoded[1]) for submsg in decoded[2:]: msg.append(self._reencapsulate(submsg)) else: msg = OSCMessage(decoded[0]) tags = decoded[1].lstrip(',') for i in range(len(tags)): msg.append(decoded[2+i], tags[i]) return msg def values(self): """Returns a list of the OSCMessages appended so far """ out = [] for decoded in decodeOSC(self.getBinary())[2:]: out.append(self._reencapsulate(decoded)) return out def __eq__(self, other): """Return True if two OSCBundles have the same timetag & content """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return (self.timetag == other.timetag) and (self.typetags == other.typetags) and (self.message == other.message) def copy(self): """Returns a deep copy of this OSCBundle """ copy = super(OSCBundle, self).copy() copy.timetag = self.timetag return copy ###### # # OSCMessage encoding functions # ###### def OSCString(next): """Convert a string into a zero-padded OSC String. The length of the resulting string is always a multiple of 4 bytes. The string ends with 1 to 4 zero-bytes ('\x00') """ OSCstringLength = math.ceil((len(next)+1) / 4.0) * 4 return struct.pack(">%ds" % (OSCstringLength), str(next)) def OSCBlob(next): """Convert a string into an OSC Blob. An OSC-Blob is a binary encoded block of data, prepended by a 'size' (int32). The size is always a mutiple of 4 bytes. The blob ends with 0 to 3 zero-bytes ('\x00') """ if type(next) in types.StringTypes: OSCblobLength = math.ceil((len(next)) / 4.0) * 4 binary = struct.pack(">i%ds" % (OSCblobLength), OSCblobLength, next) else: binary = "" return binary def OSCArgument(next, typehint=None): """ Convert some Python types to their OSC binary representations, returning a (typetag, data) tuple. """ if not typehint: if type(next) in FloatTypes: binary = struct.pack(">f", float(next)) tag = 'f' elif type(next) in IntTypes: binary = struct.pack(">i", int(next)) tag = 'i' else: binary = OSCString(next) tag = 's' elif typehint == 'd': try: binary = struct.pack(">d", float(next)) tag = 'd' except ValueError: binary = OSCString(next) tag = 's' elif typehint == 'f': try: binary = struct.pack(">f", float(next)) tag = 'f' except ValueError: binary = OSCString(next) tag = 's' elif typehint == 'i': try: binary = struct.pack(">i", int(next)) tag = 'i' except ValueError: binary = OSCString(next) tag = 's' else: binary = OSCString(next) tag = 's' return (tag, binary) def OSCTimeTag(time): """Convert a time in floating seconds to its OSC binary representation """ if time > 0: fract, secs = math.modf(time) secs = secs - NTP_epoch binary = struct.pack('>LL', long(secs), long(fract * NTP_units_per_second)) else: binary = struct.pack('>LL', 0L, 1L) return binary ###### # # OSCMessage decoding functions # ###### def _readString(data): """Reads the next (null-terminated) block of data """ length = string.find(data,"\0") nextData = int(math.ceil((length+1) / 4.0) * 4) return (data[0:length], data[nextData:]) def _readBlob(data): """Reads the next (numbered) block of data """ length = struct.unpack(">i", data[0:4])[0] nextData = int(math.ceil((length) / 4.0) * 4) + 4 return (data[4:length+4], data[nextData:]) def _readInt(data): """Tries to interpret the next 4 bytes of the data as a 32-bit integer. """ if(len(data)<4): print "Error: too few bytes for int", data, len(data) rest = data integer = 0 else: integer = struct.unpack(">i", data[0:4])[0] rest = data[4:] return (integer, rest) def _readLong(data): """Tries to interpret the next 8 bytes of the data as a 64-bit signed integer. """ high, low = struct.unpack(">ll", data[0:8]) big = (long(high) << 32) + low rest = data[8:] return (big, rest) def _readTimeTag(data): """Tries to interpret the next 8 bytes of the data as a TimeTag. """ high, low = struct.unpack(">LL", data[0:8]) if (high == 0) and (low <= 1): time = 0.0 else: time = int(NTP_epoch + high) + float(low / NTP_units_per_second) rest = data[8:] return (time, rest) def _readFloat(data): """Tries to interpret the next 4 bytes of the data as a 32-bit float. """ if(len(data)<4): print "Error: too few bytes for float", data, len(data) rest = data float = 0 else: float = struct.unpack(">f", data[0:4])[0] rest = data[4:] return (float, rest) def _readDouble(data): """Tries to interpret the next 8 bytes of the data as a 64-bit float. """ if(len(data)<8): print "Error: too few bytes for double", data, len(data) rest = data float = 0 else: float = struct.unpack(">d", data[0:8])[0] rest = data[8:] return (float, rest) def _readFalse(data): """ (non standard) OSC Type tag: 'F' False. No bytes are allocated in the argument data. """ return (False, data) def _readTrue(data): """ (non standard) OSC Type tag: 'T' True. No bytes are allocated in the argument data. """ return (True, data) def decodeOSC(data): """Converts a binary OSC message to a Python list. """ table = {"i":_readInt, "f":_readFloat, "s":_readString, "b":_readBlob, "d":_readDouble, "t":_readTimeTag, "F":_readFalse, "T":_readTrue} decoded = [] address, rest = _readString(data) if address.startswith(","): typetags = address address = "" else: typetags = "" if address == "#bundle": time, rest = _readTimeTag(rest) decoded.append(address) decoded.append(time) while len(rest)>0: length, rest = _readInt(rest) decoded.append(decodeOSC(rest[:length])) rest = rest[length:] elif len(rest)>0: if not len(typetags): typetags, rest = _readString(rest) decoded.append(address) decoded.append(typetags) if typetags.startswith(","): for tag in typetags[1:]: value, rest = table[tag](rest) decoded.append(value) else: raise OSCError("OSCMessage's typetag-string lacks the magic ','") return decoded ###### # # Utility functions # ###### def hexDump(bytes): """ Useful utility; prints the string in hexadecimal. """ print "byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F" num = len(bytes) for i in range(num): if (i) % 16 == 0: line = "%02X0 : " % (i/16) line += "%02X " % ord(bytes[i]) if (i+1) % 16 == 0: print "%s: %s" % (line, repr(bytes[i-15:i+1])) line = "" bytes_left = num % 16 if bytes_left: print "%s: %s" % (line.ljust(54), repr(bytes[-bytes_left:])) def getUrlStr(*args): """Convert provided arguments to a string in 'host:port/prefix' format Args can be: - (host, port) - (host, port), prefix - host, port - host, port, prefix """ if not len(args): return "" if type(args[0]) == types.TupleType: host = args[0][0] port = args[0][1] args = args[1:] else: host = args[0] port = args[1] args = args[2:] if len(args): prefix = args[0] else: prefix = "" if len(host) and (host != ''): try: (host, _, _) = socket.gethostbyaddr(host) except socket.error: pass else: host = 'localhost' if type(port) == types.IntType: return "%s:%d%s" % (host, port, prefix) else: return host + prefix def parseUrlStr(url): """Convert provided string in 'host:port/prefix' format to it's components Returns ((host, port), prefix) """ if not (type(url) in types.StringTypes and len(url)): return (None, '') i = url.find("://") if i > -1: url = url[i+3:] i = url.find(':') if i > -1: host = url[:i].strip() tail = url[i+1:].strip() else: host = '' tail = url for i in range(len(tail)): if not tail[i].isdigit(): break else: i += 1 portstr = tail[:i].strip() tail = tail[i:].strip() found = len(tail) for c in ('/', '+', '-', '*'): i = tail.find(c) if (i > -1) and (i < found): found = i head = tail[:found].strip() prefix = tail[found:].strip() prefix = prefix.strip('/') if len(prefix) and prefix[0] not in ('+', '-', '*'): prefix = '/' + prefix if len(head) and not len(host): host = head if len(host): try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass try: port = int(portstr) except ValueError: port = None return ((host, port), prefix) ###### # # OSCClient class # ###### class OSCClient(object): """Simple OSC Client. Handles the sending of OSC-Packets (OSCMessage or OSCBundle) via a UDP-socket """ # set outgoing socket buffer size sndbuf_size = 4096 * 8 def __init__(self, server=None): """Construct an OSC Client. - server: Local OSCServer-instance this client will use the socket of for transmissions. If none is supplied, a socket will be created. """ self.socket = None self.setServer(server) self.client_address = None def _setSocket(self, skt): """Set and configure client socket""" if self.socket != None: self.close() self.socket = skt self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, self.sndbuf_size) self._fd = self.socket.fileno() def _ensureConnected(self, address): """Make sure client has a socket connected to address""" if not self.socket: if len(address) == 4: address_family = socket.AF_INET6 else: address_family = socket.AF_INET self._setSocket(socket.socket(address_family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)) self.socket.connect(address) def setServer(self, server): """Associate this Client with given server. The Client will send from the Server's socket. The Server will use this Client instance to send replies. """ if server == None: if hasattr(self,'server') and self.server: if self.server.client != self: raise OSCClientError("Internal inconsistency") self.server.client.close() self.server.client = None self.server = None return if not isinstance(server, OSCServer): raise ValueError("'server' argument is not a valid OSCServer object") self._setSocket(server.socket.dup()) self.server = server if self.server.client != None: self.server.client.close() self.server.client = self def close(self): """Disconnect & close the Client's socket """ if self.socket != None: self.socket.close() self.socket = None def __str__(self): """Returns a string containing this Client's Class-name, software-version and the remote-address it is connected to (if any) """ out = self.__class__.__name__ out += " v%s.%s-%s" % version addr = self.address() if addr: out += " connected to osc://%s" % getUrlStr(addr) else: out += " (unconnected)" return out def __eq__(self, other): """Compare function. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if self.socket and other.socket: sockEqual = cmp(self.socket._sock, other.socket._sock) else: sockEqual = (self.socket == None and other.socket == None) if not sockEqual: return False if self.server and other.server: return cmp(self.server, other.server) else: return self.server == None and other.server == None def __ne__(self, other): """Compare function. """ return not self.__eq__(other) def address(self): """Returns a (host,port) tuple of the remote server this client is connected to or None if not connected to any server. """ try: if self.socket: return self.socket.getpeername() else: return None except socket.error: return None def connect(self, address): """Bind to a specific OSC server: the 'address' argument is a (host, port) tuple - host: hostname of the remote OSC server, - port: UDP-port the remote OSC server listens to. """ try: self._ensureConnected(address) self.client_address = address except socket.error, e: self.client_address = None raise OSCClientError("SocketError: %s" % str(e)) if self.server != None: self.server.return_port = address[1] def sendto(self, msg, address, timeout=None): """Send the given OSCMessage to the specified address. - msg: OSCMessage (or OSCBundle) to be sent - address: (host, port) tuple specifing remote server to send the message to - timeout: A timeout value for attempting to send. If timeout == None, this call blocks until socket is available for writing. Raises OSCClientError when timing out while waiting for the socket. """ if not isinstance(msg, OSCMessage): raise TypeError("'msg' argument is not an OSCMessage or OSCBundle object") ret = select.select([],[self._fd], [], timeout) try: ret[1].index(self._fd) except: # for the very rare case this might happen raise OSCClientError("Timed out waiting for file descriptor") try: self._ensureConnected(address) self.socket.sendall(msg.getBinary()) if self.client_address: self.socket.connect(self.client_address) except socket.error, e: if e[0] in (7, 65): # 7 = 'no address associated with nodename', 65 = 'no route to host' raise e else: raise OSCClientError("while sending to %s: %s" % (str(address), str(e))) def send(self, msg, timeout=None): """Send the given OSCMessage. The Client must be already connected. - msg: OSCMessage (or OSCBundle) to be sent - timeout: A timeout value for attempting to send. If timeout == None, this call blocks until socket is available for writing. Raises OSCClientError when timing out while waiting for the socket, or when the Client isn't connected to a remote server. """ if not isinstance(msg, OSCMessage): raise TypeError("'msg' argument is not an OSCMessage or OSCBundle object") if not self.socket: raise OSCClientError("Called send() on non-connected client") ret = select.select([],[self._fd], [], timeout) try: ret[1].index(self._fd) except: # for the very rare case this might happen raise OSCClientError("Timed out waiting for file descriptor") try: self.socket.sendall(msg.getBinary()) except socket.error, e: if e[0] in (7, 65): # 7 = 'no address associated with nodename', 65 = 'no route to host' raise e else: raise OSCClientError("while sending: %s" % str(e)) ###### # # FilterString Utility functions # ###### def parseFilterStr(args): """Convert Message-Filter settings in '+ - ...' format to a dict of the form { '':True, '':False, ... } Returns a list: ['', filters] """ out = {} if type(args) in types.StringTypes: args = [args] prefix = None for arg in args: head = None for plus in arg.split('+'): minus = plus.split('-') plusfs = minus.pop(0).strip() if len(plusfs): plusfs = '/' + plusfs.strip('/') if (head == None) and (plusfs != "/*"): head = plusfs elif len(plusfs): if plusfs == '/*': out = { '/*':True } # reset all previous filters else: out[plusfs] = True for minusfs in minus: minusfs = minusfs.strip() if len(minusfs): minusfs = '/' + minusfs.strip('/') if minusfs == '/*': out = { '/*':False } # reset all previous filters else: out[minusfs] = False if prefix == None: prefix = head return [prefix, out] def getFilterStr(filters): """Return the given 'filters' dict as a list of '+' | '-' filter-strings """ if not len(filters): return [] if '/*' in filters.keys(): if filters['/*']: out = ["+/*"] else: out = ["-/*"] else: if False in filters.values(): out = ["+/*"] else: out = ["-/*"] for (addr, bool) in filters.items(): if addr == '/*': continue if bool: out.append("+%s" % addr) else: out.append("-%s" % addr) return out # A translation-table for mapping OSC-address expressions to Python 're' expressions OSCtrans = string.maketrans("{,}?","(|).") def getRegEx(pattern): """Compiles and returns a 'regular expression' object for the given address-pattern. """ # Translate OSC-address syntax to python 're' syntax pattern = pattern.replace(".", r"\.") # first, escape all '.'s in the pattern. pattern = pattern.replace("(", r"\(") # escape all '('s. pattern = pattern.replace(")", r"\)") # escape all ')'s. pattern = pattern.replace("*", r".*") # replace a '*' by '.*' (match 0 or more characters) pattern = pattern.translate(OSCtrans) # change '?' to '.' and '{,}' to '(|)' return re.compile(pattern) ###### # # OSCMultiClient class # ###### class OSCMultiClient(OSCClient): """'Multiple-Unicast' OSC Client. Handles the sending of OSC-Packets (OSCMessage or OSCBundle) via a UDP-socket This client keeps a dict of 'OSCTargets'. and sends each OSCMessage to each OSCTarget The OSCTargets are simply (host, port) tuples, and may be associated with an OSC-address prefix. the OSCTarget's prefix gets prepended to each OSCMessage sent to that target. """ def __init__(self, server=None): """Construct a "Multi" OSC Client. - server: Local OSCServer-instance this client will use the socket of for transmissions. If none is supplied, a socket will be created. """ super(OSCMultiClient, self).__init__(server) self.targets = {} def _searchHostAddr(self, host): """Search the subscribed OSCTargets for (the first occurence of) given host. Returns a (host, port) tuple """ try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass for addr in self.targets.keys(): if host == addr[0]: return addr raise NotSubscribedError((host, None)) def _updateFilters(self, dst, src): """Update a 'filters' dict with values form another 'filters' dict: - src[a] == True and dst[a] == False: del dst[a] - src[a] == False and dst[a] == True: del dst[a] - a not in dst: dst[a] == src[a] """ if '/*' in src.keys(): # reset filters dst.clear() # 'match everything' == no filters if not src.pop('/*'): dst['/*'] = False # 'match nothing' for (addr, bool) in src.items(): if (addr in dst.keys()) and (dst[addr] != bool): del dst[addr] else: dst[addr] = bool def _setTarget(self, address, prefix=None, filters=None): """Add (i.e. subscribe) a new OSCTarget, or change the prefix for an existing OSCTarget. - address ((host, port) tuple): IP-address & UDP-port - prefix (string): The OSC-address prefix prepended to the address of each OSCMessage sent to this OSCTarget (optional) """ if address not in self.targets.keys(): self.targets[address] = ["",{}] if prefix != None: if len(prefix): # make sure prefix starts with ONE '/', and does not end with '/' prefix = '/' + prefix.strip('/') self.targets[address][0] = prefix if filters != None: if type(filters) in types.StringTypes: (_, filters) = parseFilterStr(filters) elif type(filters) != types.DictType: raise TypeError("'filters' argument must be a dict with {addr:bool} entries") self._updateFilters(self.targets[address][1], filters) def setOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None, filters=None): """Add (i.e. subscribe) a new OSCTarget, or change the prefix for an existing OSCTarget. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple) : The target server address & UDP-port or a 'host' (string) : The host will be looked-up - prefix (string): The OSC-address prefix prepended to the address of each OSCMessage sent to this OSCTarget (optional) """ if type(address) in types.StringTypes: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) elif (type(address) == types.TupleType): (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except: pass address = (host, port) else: raise TypeError("'address' argument must be a (host, port) tuple or a 'host' string") self._setTarget(address, prefix, filters) def setOSCTargetFromStr(self, url): """Adds or modifies a subscribed OSCTarget from the given string, which should be in the ':[/] [+/]|[-/] ...' format. """ (addr, tail) = parseUrlStr(url) (prefix, filters) = parseFilterStr(tail) self._setTarget(addr, prefix, filters) def _delTarget(self, address, prefix=None): """Delete the specified OSCTarget from the Client's dict. the 'address' argument must be a (host, port) tuple. If the 'prefix' argument is given, the Target is only deleted if the address and prefix match. """ try: if prefix == None: del self.targets[address] elif prefix == self.targets[address][0]: del self.targets[address] except KeyError: raise NotSubscribedError(address, prefix) def delOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None): """Delete the specified OSCTarget from the Client's dict. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple), or a hostname. If the 'prefix' argument is given, the Target is only deleted if the address and prefix match. """ if type(address) in types.StringTypes: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) if type(address) == types.TupleType: (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass address = (host, port) self._delTarget(address, prefix) def hasOSCTarget(self, address, prefix=None): """Return True if the given OSCTarget exists in the Client's dict. the 'address' argument can be a ((host, port) tuple), or a hostname. If the 'prefix' argument is given, the return-value is only True if the address and prefix match. """ if type(address) in types.StringTypes: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) if type(address) == types.TupleType: (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass address = (host, port) if address in self.targets.keys(): if prefix == None: return True elif prefix == self.targets[address][0]: return True return False def getOSCTargets(self): """Returns the dict of OSCTargets: {addr:[prefix, filters], ...} """ out = {} for ((host, port), pf) in self.targets.items(): try: (host, _, _) = socket.gethostbyaddr(host) except socket.error: pass out[(host, port)] = pf return out def getOSCTarget(self, address): """Returns the OSCTarget matching the given address as a ((host, port), [prefix, filters]) tuple. 'address' can be a (host, port) tuple, or a 'host' (string), in which case the first matching OSCTarget is returned Returns (None, ['',{}]) if address not found. """ if type(address) in types.StringTypes: address = self._searchHostAddr(address) if (type(address) == types.TupleType): (host, port) = address[:2] try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass address = (host, port) if (address in self.targets.keys()): try: (host, _, _) = socket.gethostbyaddr(host) except socket.error: pass return ((host, port), self.targets[address]) return (None, ['',{}]) def clearOSCTargets(self): """Erases all OSCTargets from the Client's dict """ self.targets = {} def updateOSCTargets(self, dict): """Update the Client's OSCTargets dict with the contents of 'dict' The given dict's items MUST be of the form { (host, port):[prefix, filters], ... } """ for ((host, port), (prefix, filters)) in dict.items(): val = [prefix, {}] self._updateFilters(val[1], filters) try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.error: pass self.targets[(host, port)] = val def getOSCTargetStr(self, address): """Returns the OSCTarget matching the given address as a ('osc://:[]', ['', ...])' tuple. 'address' can be a (host, port) tuple, or a 'host' (string), in which case the first matching OSCTarget is returned Returns (None, []) if address not found. """ (addr, (prefix, filters)) = self.getOSCTarget(address) if addr == None: return (None, []) return ("osc://%s" % getUrlStr(addr, prefix), getFilterStr(filters)) def getOSCTargetStrings(self): """Returns a list of all OSCTargets as ('osc://:[]', ['', ...])' tuples. """ out = [] for (addr, (prefix, filters)) in self.targets.items(): out.append(("osc://%s" % getUrlStr(addr, prefix), getFilterStr(filters))) return out def connect(self, address): """The OSCMultiClient isn't allowed to connect to any specific address. """ return NotImplemented def sendto(self, msg, address, timeout=None): """Send the given OSCMessage. The specified address is ignored. Instead this method calls send() to send the message to all subscribed clients. - msg: OSCMessage (or OSCBundle) to be sent - address: (host, port) tuple specifing remote server to send the message to - timeout: A timeout value for attempting to send. If timeout == None, this call blocks until socket is available for writing. Raises OSCClientError when timing out while waiting for the socket. """ self.send(msg, timeout) def _filterMessage(self, filters, msg): """Checks the given OSCMessge against the given filters. 'filters' is a dict containing OSC-address:bool pairs. If 'msg' is an OSCBundle, recursively filters its constituents. Returns None if the message is to be filtered, else returns the message. or Returns a copy of the OSCBundle with the filtered messages removed. """ if isinstance(msg, OSCBundle): out = msg.copy() msgs = out.values() out.clearData() for m in msgs: m = self._filterMessage(filters, m) if m: # this catches 'None' and empty bundles. out.append(m) elif isinstance(msg, OSCMessage): if '/*' in filters.keys(): if filters['/*']: out = msg else: out = None elif False in filters.values(): out = msg else: out = None else: raise TypeError("'msg' argument is not an OSCMessage or OSCBundle object") expr = getRegEx(msg.address) for addr in filters.keys(): if addr == '/*': continue match = expr.match(addr) if match and (match.end() == len(addr)): if filters[addr]: out = msg else: out = None break return out def _prefixAddress(self, prefix, msg): """Makes a copy of the given OSCMessage, then prepends the given prefix to The message's OSC-address. If 'msg' is an OSCBundle, recursively prepends the prefix to its constituents. """ out = msg.copy() if isinstance(msg, OSCBundle): msgs = out.values() out.clearData() for m in msgs: out.append(self._prefixAddress(prefix, m)) elif isinstance(msg, OSCMessage): out.setAddress(prefix + out.address) else: raise TypeError("'msg' argument is not an OSCMessage or OSCBundle object") return out def send(self, msg, timeout=None): """Send the given OSCMessage to all subscribed OSCTargets - msg: OSCMessage (or OSCBundle) to be sent - timeout: A timeout value for attempting to send. If timeout == None, this call blocks until socket is available for writing. Raises OSCClientError when timing out while waiting for the socket. """ for (address, (prefix, filters)) in self.targets.items(): if len(filters): out = self._filterMessage(filters, msg) if not out: # this catches 'None' and empty bundles. continue else: out = msg if len(prefix): out = self._prefixAddress(prefix, msg) binary = out.getBinary() ret = select.select([],[self._fd], [], timeout) try: ret[1].index(self._fd) except: # for the very rare case this might happen raise OSCClientError("Timed out waiting for file descriptor") try: while len(binary): sent = self.socket.sendto(binary, address) binary = binary[sent:] except socket.error, e: if e[0] in (7, 65): # 7 = 'no address associated with nodename', 65 = 'no route to host' raise e else: raise OSCClientError("while sending to %s: %s" % (str(address), str(e))) class OSCAddressSpace: def __init__(self): self.callbacks = {} def addMsgHandler(self, address, callback): """Register a handler for an OSC-address - 'address' is the OSC address-string. the address-string should start with '/' and may not contain '*' - 'callback' is the function called for incoming OSCMessages that match 'address'. The callback-function will be called with the same arguments as the 'msgPrinter_handler' below """ for chk in '*?,[]{}# ': if chk in address: raise OSCServerError("OSC-address string may not contain any characters in '*?,[]{}# '") if type(callback) not in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType): raise OSCServerError("Message callback '%s' is not callable" % repr(callback)) if address != 'default': address = '/' + address.strip('/') self.callbacks[address] = callback def delMsgHandler(self, address): """Remove the registered handler for the given OSC-address """ del self.callbacks[address] def getOSCAddressSpace(self): """Returns a list containing all OSC-addresses registerd with this Server. """ return self.callbacks.keys() def dispatchMessage(self, pattern, tags, data, client_address): """Attmept to match the given OSC-address pattern, which may contain '*', against all callbacks registered with the OSCServer. Calls the matching callback and returns whatever it returns. If no match is found, and a 'default' callback is registered, it calls that one, or raises NoCallbackError if a 'default' callback is not registered. - pattern (string): The OSC-address of the receied message - tags (string): The OSC-typetags of the receied message's arguments, without ',' - data (list): The message arguments """ if len(tags) != len(data): raise OSCServerError("Malformed OSC-message; got %d typetags [%s] vs. %d values" % (len(tags), tags, len(data))) expr = getRegEx(pattern) replies = [] matched = 0 for addr in self.callbacks.keys(): match = expr.match(addr) if match and (match.end() == len(addr)): reply = self.callbacks[addr](pattern, tags, data, client_address) matched += 1 if isinstance(reply, OSCMessage): replies.append(reply) elif reply != None: raise TypeError("Message-callback %s did not return OSCMessage or None: %s" % (self.server.callbacks[addr], type(reply))) if matched == 0: if 'default' in self.callbacks: reply = self.callbacks['default'](pattern, tags, data, client_address) if isinstance(reply, OSCMessage): replies.append(reply) elif reply != None: raise TypeError("Message-callback %s did not return OSCMessage or None: %s" % (self.server.callbacks['default'], type(reply))) else: raise NoCallbackError(pattern) return replies ###### # # OSCRequestHandler classes # ###### class OSCRequestHandler(DatagramRequestHandler): """RequestHandler class for the OSCServer """ def setup(self): """Prepare RequestHandler. Unpacks request as (packet, source socket address) Creates an empty list for replies. """ (self.packet, self.socket) = self.request self.replies = [] def _unbundle(self, decoded): """Recursive bundle-unpacking function""" if decoded[0] != "#bundle": self.replies += self.server.dispatchMessage(decoded[0], decoded[1][1:], decoded[2:], self.client_address) return now = time.time() timetag = decoded[1] if (timetag > 0.) and (timetag > now): time.sleep(timetag - now) for msg in decoded[2:]: self._unbundle(msg) def handle(self): """Handle incoming OSCMessage """ decoded = decodeOSC(self.packet) if not len(decoded): return self._unbundle(decoded) def finish(self): """Finish handling OSCMessage. Send any reply returned by the callback(s) back to the originating client as an OSCMessage or OSCBundle """ if self.server.return_port: self.client_address = (self.client_address[0], self.server.return_port) if len(self.replies) > 1: msg = OSCBundle() for reply in self.replies: msg.append(reply) elif len(self.replies) == 1: msg = self.replies[0] else: return self.server.client.sendto(msg, self.client_address) class ThreadingOSCRequestHandler(OSCRequestHandler): """Multi-threaded OSCRequestHandler; Starts a new RequestHandler thread for each unbundled OSCMessage """ def _unbundle(self, decoded): """Recursive bundle-unpacking function This version starts a new thread for each sub-Bundle found in the Bundle, then waits for all its children to finish. """ if decoded[0] != "#bundle": self.replies += self.server.dispatchMessage(decoded[0], decoded[1][1:], decoded[2:], self.client_address) return now = time.time() timetag = decoded[1] if (timetag > 0.) and (timetag > now): time.sleep(timetag - now) now = time.time() children = [] for msg in decoded[2:]: t = threading.Thread(target = self._unbundle, args = (msg,)) t.start() children.append(t) # wait for all children to terminate for t in children: t.join() ###### # # OSCServer classes # ###### class OSCServer(UDPServer, OSCAddressSpace): """A Synchronous OSCServer Serves one request at-a-time, until the OSCServer is closed. The OSC address-pattern is matched against a set of OSC-adresses that have been registered to the server with a callback-function. If the adress-pattern of the message machtes the registered address of a callback, that function is called. """ # set the RequestHandlerClass, will be overridden by ForkingOSCServer & ThreadingOSCServer RequestHandlerClass = OSCRequestHandler # define a socket timeout, so the serve_forever loop can actually exit. socket_timeout = 1 # DEBUG: print error-tracebacks (to stderr)? print_tracebacks = False def __init__(self, server_address, client=None, return_port=0): """Instantiate an OSCServer. - server_address ((host, port) tuple): the local host & UDP-port the server listens on - client (OSCClient instance): The OSCClient used to send replies from this server. If none is supplied (default) an OSCClient will be created. - return_port (int): if supplied, sets the default UDP destination-port for replies coming from this server. """ UDPServer.__init__(self, server_address, self.RequestHandlerClass) OSCAddressSpace.__init__(self) self.setReturnPort(return_port) self.error_prefix = "" self.info_prefix = "/info" self.socket.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) self.running = False self.client = None if client == None: self.client = OSCClient(server=self) else: self.setClient(client) def setClient(self, client): """Associate this Server with a new local Client instance, closing the Client this Server is currently using. """ if not isinstance(client, OSCClient): raise ValueError("'client' argument is not a valid OSCClient object") if client.server != None: raise OSCServerError("Provided OSCClient already has an OSCServer-instance: %s" % str(client.server)) # Server socket is already listening at this point, so we can't use the client's socket. # we'll have to force our socket on the client... client_address = client.address() # client may be already connected client.close() # shut-down that socket # force our socket upon the client client.setServer(self) if client_address: client.connect(client_address) if not self.return_port: self.return_port = client_address[1] def serve_forever(self): """Handle one request at a time until server is closed.""" self.running = True while self.running: self.handle_request() # this times-out when no data arrives. def close(self): """Stops serving requests, closes server (socket), closes used client """ self.running = False self.client.close() self.server_close() def __str__(self): """Returns a string containing this Server's Class-name, software-version and local bound address (if any) """ out = self.__class__.__name__ out += " v%s.%s-%s" % version addr = self.address() if addr: out += " listening on osc://%s" % getUrlStr(addr) else: out += " (unbound)" return out def __eq__(self, other): """Compare function. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return cmp(self.socket._sock, other.socket._sock) def __ne__(self, other): """Compare function. """ return not self.__eq__(other) def address(self): """Returns a (host,port) tuple of the local address this server is bound to, or None if not bound to any address. """ try: return self.socket.getsockname() except socket.error: return None def setReturnPort(self, port): """Set the destination UDP-port for replies returning from this server to the remote client """ if (port > 1024) and (port < 65536): self.return_port = port else: self.return_port = None def setSrvInfoPrefix(self, pattern): """Set the first part of OSC-address (pattern) this server will use to reply to server-info requests. """ if len(pattern): pattern = '/' + pattern.strip('/') self.info_prefix = pattern def setSrvErrorPrefix(self, pattern=""): """Set the OSC-address (pattern) this server will use to report errors occuring during received message handling to the remote client. If pattern is empty (default), server-errors are not reported back to the client. """ if len(pattern): pattern = '/' + pattern.strip('/') self.error_prefix = pattern def addDefaultHandlers(self, prefix="", info_prefix="/info", error_prefix="/error"): """Register a default set of OSC-address handlers with this Server: - 'default' -> noCallback_handler the given prefix is prepended to all other callbacks registered by this method: - ' serverInfo_handler - ' -> msgPrinter_handler - '/print' -> msgPrinter_handler and, if the used Client supports it; - '/subscribe' -> subscription_handler - '/unsubscribe' -> subscription_handler Note: the given 'error_prefix' argument is also set as default 'error_prefix' for error-messages *sent from* this server. This is ok, because error-messages generally do not elicit a reply from the receiver. To do this with the serverInfo-prefixes would be a bad idea, because if a request received on '/info' (for example) would send replies to '/info', this could potentially cause a never-ending loop of messages! Do *not* set the 'info_prefix' here (for incoming serverinfo requests) to the same value as given to the setSrvInfoPrefix() method (for *replies* to incoming serverinfo requests). For example, use '/info' for incoming requests, and '/inforeply' or '/serverinfo' or even just '/print' as the info-reply prefix. """ self.error_prefix = error_prefix self.addMsgHandler('default', self.noCallback_handler) self.addMsgHandler(prefix + info_prefix, self.serverInfo_handler) self.addMsgHandler(prefix + error_prefix, self.msgPrinter_handler) self.addMsgHandler(prefix + '/print', self.msgPrinter_handler) if isinstance(self.client, OSCMultiClient): self.addMsgHandler(prefix + '/subscribe', self.subscription_handler) self.addMsgHandler(prefix + '/unsubscribe', self.subscription_handler) def printErr(self, txt): """Writes 'OSCServer: txt' to sys.stderr """ sys.stderr.write("OSCServer: %s\n" % txt) def sendOSCerror(self, txt, client_address): """Sends 'txt', encapsulated in an OSCMessage to the default 'error_prefix' OSC-addres. Message is sent to the given client_address, with the default 'return_port' overriding the client_address' port, if defined. """ lines = txt.split('\n') if len(lines) == 1: msg = OSCMessage(self.error_prefix) msg.append(lines[0]) elif len(lines) > 1: msg = OSCBundle(self.error_prefix) for line in lines: msg.append(line) else: return if self.return_port: client_address = (client_address[0], self.return_port) self.client.sendto(msg, client_address) def reportErr(self, txt, client_address): """Writes 'OSCServer: txt' to sys.stderr If self.error_prefix is defined, sends 'txt' as an OSC error-message to the client(s) (see printErr() and sendOSCerror()) """ self.printErr(txt) if len(self.error_prefix): self.sendOSCerror(txt, client_address) def sendOSCinfo(self, txt, client_address): """Sends 'txt', encapsulated in an OSCMessage to the default 'info_prefix' OSC-addres. Message is sent to the given client_address, with the default 'return_port' overriding the client_address' port, if defined. """ lines = txt.split('\n') if len(lines) == 1: msg = OSCMessage(self.info_prefix) msg.append(lines[0]) elif len(lines) > 1: msg = OSCBundle(self.info_prefix) for line in lines: msg.append(line) else: return if self.return_port: client_address = (client_address[0], self.return_port) self.client.sendto(msg, client_address) ### # Message-Handler callback functions ### def handle_error(self, request, client_address): """Handle an exception in the Server's callbacks gracefully. Writes the error to sys.stderr and, if the error_prefix (see setSrvErrorPrefix()) is set, sends the error-message as reply to the client """ (e_type, e) = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.printErr("%s on request from %s: %s" % (e_type.__name__, getUrlStr(client_address), str(e))) if self.print_tracebacks: import traceback traceback.print_exc() # XXX But this goes to stderr! if len(self.error_prefix): self.sendOSCerror("%s: %s" % (e_type.__name__, str(e)), client_address) def noCallback_handler(self, addr, tags, data, client_address): """Example handler for OSCMessages. All registerd handlers must accept these three arguments: - addr (string): The OSC-address pattern of the received Message (the 'addr' string has already been matched against the handler's registerd OSC-address, but may contain '*'s & such) - tags (string): The OSC-typetags of the received message's arguments. (without the preceding comma) - data (list): The OSCMessage's arguments Note that len(tags) == len(data) - client_address ((host, port) tuple): the host & port this message originated from. a Message-handler function may return None, but it could also return an OSCMessage (or OSCBundle), which then gets sent back to the client. This handler prints a "No callback registered to handle ..." message. Returns None """ self.reportErr("No callback registered to handle OSC-address '%s'" % addr, client_address) def msgPrinter_handler(self, addr, tags, data, client_address): """Example handler for OSCMessages. All registerd handlers must accept these three arguments: - addr (string): The OSC-address pattern of the received Message (the 'addr' string has already been matched against the handler's registerd OSC-address, but may contain '*'s & such) - tags (string): The OSC-typetags of the received message's arguments. (without the preceding comma) - data (list): The OSCMessage's arguments Note that len(tags) == len(data) - client_address ((host, port) tuple): the host & port this message originated from. a Message-handler function may return None, but it could also return an OSCMessage (or OSCBundle), which then gets sent back to the client. This handler prints the received message. Returns None """ txt = "OSCMessage '%s' from %s: " % (addr, getUrlStr(client_address)) txt += str(data) self.printErr(txt) # strip trailing comma & space def serverInfo_handler(self, addr, tags, data, client_address): """Example handler for OSCMessages. All registerd handlers must accept these three arguments: - addr (string): The OSC-address pattern of the received Message (the 'addr' string has already been matched against the handler's registerd OSC-address, but may contain '*'s & such) - tags (string): The OSC-typetags of the received message's arguments. (without the preceding comma) - data (list): The OSCMessage's arguments Note that len(tags) == len(data) - client_address ((host, port) tuple): the host & port this message originated from. a Message-handler function may return None, but it could also return an OSCMessage (or OSCBundle), which then gets sent back to the client. This handler returns a reply to the client, which can contain various bits of information about this server, depending on the first argument of the received OSC-message: - 'help' | 'info' : Reply contains server type & version info, plus a list of available 'commands' understood by this handler - 'list' | 'ls' : Reply is a bundle of 'address ' messages, listing the server's OSC address-space. - 'clients' | 'targets' : Reply is a bundle of 'target osc://:[] [] [...]' messages, listing the local Client-instance's subscribed remote clients. """ if len(data) == 0: return None cmd = data.pop(0) reply = None if cmd in ('help', 'info'): reply = OSCBundle(self.info_prefix) reply.append(('server', str(self))) reply.append(('info_command', "ls | list : list OSC address-space")) reply.append(('info_command', "clients | targets : list subscribed clients")) elif cmd in ('ls', 'list'): reply = OSCBundle(self.info_prefix) for addr in self.callbacks.keys(): reply.append(('address', addr)) elif cmd in ('clients', 'targets'): if hasattr(self.client, 'getOSCTargetStrings'): reply = OSCBundle(self.info_prefix) for trg in self.client.getOSCTargetStrings(): reply.append(('target',) + trg) else: cli_addr = self.client.address() if cli_addr: reply = OSCMessage(self.info_prefix) reply.append(('target', "osc://%s/" % getUrlStr(cli_addr))) else: self.reportErr("unrecognized command '%s' in /info request from osc://%s. Try 'help'" % (cmd, getUrlStr(client_address)), client_address) return reply def _subscribe(self, data, client_address): """Handle the actual subscription. the provided 'data' is concatenated together to form a ':[] [] [...]' string, which is then passed to parseUrlStr() & parseFilterStr() to actually retreive , , etc. This 'long way 'round' approach (almost) guarantees that the subscription works, regardless of how the bits of the are encoded in 'data'. """ url = "" have_port = False for item in data: if (type(item) == types.IntType) and not have_port: url += ":%d" % item have_port = True elif type(item) in types.StringTypes: url += item (addr, tail) = parseUrlStr(url) (prefix, filters) = parseFilterStr(tail) if addr != None: (host, port) = addr if not host: host = client_address[0] if not port: port = client_address[1] addr = (host, port) else: addr = client_address self.client._setTarget(addr, prefix, filters) trg = self.client.getOSCTargetStr(addr) if trg[0] != None: reply = OSCMessage(self.info_prefix) reply.append(('target',) + trg) return reply def _unsubscribe(self, data, client_address): """Handle the actual unsubscription. the provided 'data' is concatenated together to form a ':[]' string, which is then passed to parseUrlStr() to actually retreive , & . This 'long way 'round' approach (almost) guarantees that the unsubscription works, regardless of how the bits of the are encoded in 'data'. """ url = "" have_port = False for item in data: if (type(item) == types.IntType) and not have_port: url += ":%d" % item have_port = True elif type(item) in types.StringTypes: url += item (addr, _) = parseUrlStr(url) if addr == None: addr = client_address else: (host, port) = addr if not host: host = client_address[0] if not port: try: (host, port) = self.client._searchHostAddr(host) except NotSubscribedError: port = client_address[1] addr = (host, port) try: self.client._delTarget(addr) except NotSubscribedError, e: txt = "%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e)) self.printErr(txt) reply = OSCMessage(self.error_prefix) reply.append(txt) return reply def subscription_handler(self, addr, tags, data, client_address): """Handle 'subscribe' / 'unsubscribe' requests from remote hosts, if the local Client supports this (i.e. OSCMultiClient). Supported commands: - 'help' | 'info' : Reply contains server type & version info, plus a list of available 'commands' understood by this handler - 'list' | 'ls' : Reply is a bundle of 'target osc://:[] [] [...]' messages, listing the local Client-instance's subscribed remote clients. - '[subscribe | listen | sendto | target] [ ...] : Subscribe remote client/server at , and/or set message-filters for messages being sent to the subscribed host, with the optional arguments. Filters are given as OSC-addresses (or '*') prefixed by a '+' (send matching messages) or a '-' (don't send matching messages). The wildcard '*', '+*' or '+/*' means 'send all' / 'filter none', and '-*' or '-/*' means 'send none' / 'filter all' (which is not the same as unsubscribing!) Reply is an OSCMessage with the (new) subscription; 'target osc://:[] [] [...]' - '[unsubscribe | silence | nosend | deltarget] : Unsubscribe remote client/server at If the given isn't subscribed, a NotSubscribedError-message is printed (and possibly sent) The given to the subscribe/unsubscribe handler should be of the form: '[osc://][][:][]', where any or all components can be omitted. If is not specified, the IP-address of the message's source is used. If is not specified, the is first looked up in the list of subscribed hosts, and if found, the associated port is used. If is not specified and is not yet subscribed, the message's source-port is used. If is specified on subscription, is prepended to the OSC-address of all messages sent to the subscribed host. If is specified on unsubscription, the subscribed host is only unsubscribed if the host, port and prefix all match the subscription. If is not specified on unsubscription, the subscribed host is unsubscribed if the host and port match the subscription. """ if not isinstance(self.client, OSCMultiClient): raise OSCServerError("Local %s does not support subsctiptions or message-filtering" % self.client.__class__.__name__) addr_cmd = addr.split('/')[-1] if len(data): if data[0] in ('help', 'info'): reply = OSCBundle(self.info_prefix) reply.append(('server', str(self))) reply.append(('subscribe_command', "ls | list : list subscribed targets")) reply.append(('subscribe_command', "[subscribe | listen | sendto | target] [ ...] : subscribe to messages, set filters")) reply.append(('subscribe_command', "[unsubscribe | silence | nosend | deltarget] : unsubscribe from messages")) return reply if data[0] in ('ls', 'list'): reply = OSCBundle(self.info_prefix) for trg in self.client.getOSCTargetStrings(): reply.append(('target',) + trg) return reply if data[0] in ('subscribe', 'listen', 'sendto', 'target'): return self._subscribe(data[1:], client_address) if data[0] in ('unsubscribe', 'silence', 'nosend', 'deltarget'): return self._unsubscribe(data[1:], client_address) if addr_cmd in ('subscribe', 'listen', 'sendto', 'target'): return self._subscribe(data, client_address) if addr_cmd in ('unsubscribe', 'silence', 'nosend', 'deltarget'): return self._unsubscribe(data, client_address) class ForkingOSCServer(ForkingMixIn, OSCServer): """An Asynchronous OSCServer. This server forks a new process to handle each incoming request. """ # set the RequestHandlerClass, will be overridden by ForkingOSCServer & ThreadingOSCServer RequestHandlerClass = ThreadingOSCRequestHandler class ThreadingOSCServer(ThreadingMixIn, OSCServer): """An Asynchronous OSCServer. This server starts a new thread to handle each incoming request. """ # set the RequestHandlerClass, will be overridden by ForkingOSCServer & ThreadingOSCServer RequestHandlerClass = ThreadingOSCRequestHandler ###### # # OSCError classes # ###### class OSCError(Exception): """Base Class for all OSC-related errors """ def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return self.message class OSCClientError(OSCError): """Class for all OSCClient errors """ pass class OSCServerError(OSCError): """Class for all OSCServer errors """ pass class NoCallbackError(OSCServerError): """This error is raised (by an OSCServer) when an OSCMessage with an 'unmatched' address-pattern is received, and no 'default' handler is registered. """ def __init__(self, pattern): """The specified 'pattern' should be the OSC-address of the 'unmatched' message causing the error to be raised. """ self.message = "No callback registered to handle OSC-address '%s'" % pattern class NotSubscribedError(OSCClientError): """This error is raised (by an OSCMultiClient) when an attempt is made to unsubscribe a host that isn't subscribed. """ def __init__(self, addr, prefix=None): if prefix: url = getUrlStr(addr, prefix) else: url = getUrlStr(addr, '') self.message = "Target osc://%s is not subscribed" % url ###### # # OSC over streaming transport layers (usually TCP) # # Note from the OSC 1.0 specifications about streaming protocols: # # The underlying network that delivers an OSC packet is responsible for # delivering both the contents and the size to the OSC application. An OSC # packet can be naturally represented by a datagram by a network protocol such # as UDP. In a stream-based protocol such as TCP, the stream should begin with # an int32 giving the size of the first packet, followed by the contents of the # first packet, followed by the size of the second packet, etc. # # The contents of an OSC packet must be either an OSC Message or an OSC Bundle. # The first byte of the packet's contents unambiguously distinguishes between # these two alternatives. # ###### class OSCStreamRequestHandler(StreamRequestHandler, OSCAddressSpace): """ This is the central class of a streaming OSC server. If a client connects to the server, the server instantiates a OSCStreamRequestHandler for each new connection. This is fundamentally different to a packet oriented server which has a single address space for all connections. This connection based (streaming) OSC server maintains an address space for each single connection, because usually tcp server spawn a new thread or process for each new connection. This would generate severe multithreading synchronization problems when each thread would operate on the same address space object. Therefore: To implement a streaming/TCP OSC server a custom handler must be implemented which implements the setupAddressSpace member in which it creates its own address space for this very connection. This has been done within the testbench and can serve as inspiration. """ def __init__(self, request, client_address, server): """ Initialize all base classes. The address space must be initialized before the stream request handler because the initialization function of the stream request handler calls the setup member which again requires an already initialized address space. """ self._txMutex = threading.Lock() OSCAddressSpace.__init__(self) StreamRequestHandler.__init__(self, request, client_address, server) def _unbundle(self, decoded): """Recursive bundle-unpacking function""" if decoded[0] != "#bundle": self.replies += self.dispatchMessage(decoded[0], decoded[1][1:], decoded[2:], self.client_address) return now = time.time() timetag = decoded[1] if (timetag > 0.) and (timetag > now): time.sleep(timetag - now) for msg in decoded[2:]: self._unbundle(msg) def setup(self): StreamRequestHandler.setup(self) print "SERVER: New client connection." self.setupAddressSpace() self.server._clientRegister(self) def setupAddressSpace(self): """ Override this function to customize your address space. """ pass def finish(self): StreamRequestHandler.finish(self) self.server._clientUnregister(self) print "SERVER: Client connection handled." def _transmit(self, data): sent = 0 while sent < len(data): tmp = self.connection.send(data[sent:]) if tmp == 0: return False sent += tmp return True def _transmitMsg(self, msg): """Send an OSC message over a streaming socket. Raises exception if it should fail. If everything is transmitted properly, True is returned. If socket has been closed, False. """ if not isinstance(msg, OSCMessage): raise TypeError("'msg' argument is not an OSCMessage or OSCBundle object") try: binary = msg.getBinary() length = len(binary) # prepend length of packet before the actual message (big endian) len_big_endian = array.array('c', '\0' * 4) struct.pack_into(">L", len_big_endian, 0, length) len_big_endian = len_big_endian.tostring() if self._transmit(len_big_endian) and self._transmit(binary): return True return False except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.EPIPE: # broken pipe return False raise e def _receive(self, count): """ Receive a certain amount of data from the socket and return it. If the remote end should be closed in the meanwhile None is returned. """ chunk = self.connection.recv(count) if not chunk or len(chunk) == 0: return None while len(chunk) < count: tmp = self.connection.recv(count - len(chunk)) if not tmp or len(tmp) == 0: return None chunk = chunk + tmp return chunk def _receiveMsg(self): """ Receive OSC message from a socket and decode. If an error occurs, None is returned, else the message. """ # get OSC packet size from stream which is prepended each transmission chunk = self._receive(4) if chunk == None: print "SERVER: Socket has been closed." return None # extract message length from big endian unsigned long (32 bit) slen = struct.unpack(">L", chunk)[0] # receive the actual message chunk = self._receive(slen) if chunk == None: print "SERVER: Socket has been closed." return None # decode OSC data and dispatch msg = decodeOSC(chunk) if msg == None: raise OSCError("SERVER: Message decoding failed.") return msg def handle(self): """ Handle a connection. """ # set socket blocking to avoid "resource currently not available" # exceptions, because the connection socket inherits the settings # from the listening socket and this times out from time to time # in order to provide a way to shut the server down. But we want # clean and blocking behaviour here self.connection.settimeout(None) print "SERVER: Entered server loop" try: while True: decoded = self._receiveMsg() if decoded == None: return elif len(decoded) <= 0: # if message decoding fails we try to stay in sync but print a message print "OSC stream server: Spurious message received." continue self.replies = [] self._unbundle(decoded) if len(self.replies) > 1: msg = OSCBundle() for reply in self.replies: msg.append(reply) elif len(self.replies) == 1: msg = self.replies[0] else: # no replies, continue receiving continue self._txMutex.acquire() txOk = self._transmitMsg(msg) self._txMutex.release() if not txOk: break except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET: # if connection has been reset by client, we do not care much # about it, we just assume our duty fullfilled print "SERVER: Connection has been reset by peer." else: raise e def sendOSC(self, oscData): """ This member can be used to transmit OSC messages or OSC bundles over the client/server connection. It is thread save. """ self._txMutex.acquire() result = self._transmitMsg(oscData) self._txMutex.release() return result """ TODO Note on threaded unbundling for streaming (connection oriented) transport: Threaded unbundling as implemented in ThreadingOSCServer must be implemented in a different way for the streaming variant, because contrary to the datagram version the streaming handler is instantiated only once per connection. This leads to the problem (if threaded unbundling is implemented as in OSCServer) that all further message reception is blocked until all (previously received) pending messages are processed. Each StreamRequestHandler should provide a so called processing queue in which all pending messages or subbundles are inserted to be processed in the future). When a subbundle or message gets queued, a mechanism must be provided that those messages get invoked when time asks for them. There are the following opportunities: - a timer is started which checks at regular intervals for messages in the queue (polling - requires CPU resources) - a dedicated timer is started for each message (requires timer resources) """ class OSCStreamingServer(TCPServer): """ A connection oriented (TCP/IP) OSC server. """ # define a socket timeout, so the serve_forever loop can actually exit. # with 2.6 and server.shutdown this wouldn't be necessary socket_timeout = 1 # this is the class which handles a new connection. Override this for a # useful customized server. See the testbench for an example RequestHandlerClass = OSCStreamRequestHandler def __init__(self, address): """Instantiate an OSCStreamingServer. - server_address ((host, port) tuple): the local host & UDP-port the server listens for new connections. """ self._clientList = [] self._clientListMutex = threading.Lock() TCPServer.__init__(self, address, self.RequestHandlerClass) self.socket.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) def serve_forever(self): """Handle one request at a time until server is closed. Had to add this since 2.5 does not support server.shutdown() """ self.running = True while self.running: self.handle_request() # this times-out when no data arrives. def start(self): """ Start the server thread. """ self._server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.serve_forever) self._server_thread.setDaemon(True) self._server_thread.start() def stop(self): """ Stop the server thread and close the socket. """ self.running = False self._server_thread.join() self.server_close() # 2.6 only #self.shutdown() def _clientRegister(self, client): """ Gets called by each request/connection handler when connection is established to add itself to the client list """ self._clientListMutex.acquire() self._clientList.append(client) self._clientListMutex.release() def _clientUnregister(self, client): """ Gets called by each request/connection handler when connection is lost to remove itself from the client list """ self._clientListMutex.acquire() self._clientList.remove(client) self._clientListMutex.release() def broadcastToClients(self, oscData): """ Send OSC message or bundle to all connected clients. """ result = True for client in self._clientList: result = result and client.sendOSC(oscData) return result class OSCStreamingServerThreading(ThreadingMixIn, OSCStreamingServer): pass """ Implements a server which spawns a separate thread for each incoming connection. Care must be taken since the OSC address space is for all the same. """ class OSCStreamingClient(OSCAddressSpace): """ OSC streaming client. A streaming client establishes a connection to a streaming server but must be able to handle replies by the server as well. To accomplish this the receiving takes place in a secondary thread, because no one knows if we have to expect a reply or not, i.e. synchronous architecture doesn't make much sense. Replies will be matched against the local address space. If message handlers access code of the main thread (where the client messages are sent to the server) care must be taken e.g. by installing sychronization mechanisms or by using an event dispatcher which can handle events originating from other threads. """ # set outgoing socket buffer size sndbuf_size = 4096 * 8 rcvbuf_size = 4096 * 8 def __init__(self): self._txMutex = threading.Lock() OSCAddressSpace.__init__(self) self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, self.sndbuf_size) self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, self.rcvbuf_size) self.socket.settimeout(1.0) self._running = False def _receiveWithTimeout(self, count): chunk = str() while len(chunk) < count: try: tmp = self.socket.recv(count - len(chunk)) except socket.timeout: if not self._running: print "CLIENT: Socket timed out and termination requested." return None else: continue except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET: print "CLIENT: Connection reset by peer." return None else: raise e if not tmp or len(tmp) == 0: print "CLIENT: Socket has been closed." return None chunk = chunk + tmp return chunk def _receiveMsgWithTimeout(self): """ Receive OSC message from a socket and decode. If an error occurs, None is returned, else the message. """ # get OSC packet size from stream which is prepended each transmission chunk = self._receiveWithTimeout(4) if not chunk: return None # extract message length from big endian unsigned long (32 bit) slen = struct.unpack(">L", chunk)[0] # receive the actual message chunk = self._receiveWithTimeout(slen) if not chunk: return None # decode OSC content msg = decodeOSC(chunk) if msg == None: raise OSCError("CLIENT: Message decoding failed.") return msg def _receiving_thread_entry(self): print "CLIENT: Entered receiving thread." self._running = True while self._running: decoded = self._receiveMsgWithTimeout() if not decoded: break elif len(decoded) <= 0: continue self.replies = [] self._unbundle(decoded) if len(self.replies) > 1: msg = OSCBundle() for reply in self.replies: msg.append(reply) elif len(self.replies) == 1: msg = self.replies[0] else: continue self._txMutex.acquire() txOk = self._transmitMsgWithTimeout(msg) self._txMutex.release() if not txOk: break print "CLIENT: Receiving thread terminated." def _unbundle(self, decoded): if decoded[0] != "#bundle": self.replies += self.dispatchMessage(decoded[0], decoded[1][1:], decoded[2:], self.socket.getpeername()) return now = time.time() timetag = decoded[1] if (timetag > 0.) and (timetag > now): time.sleep(timetag - now) for msg in decoded[2:]: self._unbundle(msg) def connect(self, address): self.socket.connect(address) self.receiving_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._receiving_thread_entry) self.receiving_thread.start() def close(self): # let socket time out self._running = False self.receiving_thread.join() self.socket.close() def _transmitWithTimeout(self, data): sent = 0 while sent < len(data): try: tmp = self.socket.send(data[sent:]) except socket.timeout: if not self._running: print "CLIENT: Socket timed out and termination requested." return False else: continue except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET: print "CLIENT: Connection reset by peer." return False else: raise e if tmp == 0: return False sent += tmp return True def _transmitMsgWithTimeout(self, msg): if not isinstance(msg, OSCMessage): raise TypeError("'msg' argument is not an OSCMessage or OSCBundle object") binary = msg.getBinary() length = len(binary) # prepend length of packet before the actual message (big endian) len_big_endian = array.array('c', '\0' * 4) struct.pack_into(">L", len_big_endian, 0, length) len_big_endian = len_big_endian.tostring() if self._transmitWithTimeout(len_big_endian) and self._transmitWithTimeout(binary): return True else: return False def sendOSC(self, msg): """Send an OSC message or bundle to the server. Returns True on success. """ self._txMutex.acquire() txOk = self._transmitMsgWithTimeout(msg) self._txMutex.release() return txOk def __str__(self): """Returns a string containing this Client's Class-name, software-version and the remote-address it is connected to (if any) """ out = self.__class__.__name__ out += " v%s.%s-%s" % version addr = self.socket.getpeername() if addr: out += " connected to osc://%s" % getUrlStr(addr) else: out += " (unconnected)" return out def __eq__(self, other): """Compare function. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False isequal = cmp(self.socket._sock, other.socket._sock) if isequal and self.server and other.server: return cmp(self.server, other.server) return isequal def __ne__(self, other): """Compare function. """ return not self.__eq__(other) # vim:noexpandtab