from __future__ import print_function import csv, os, sys from datetime import datetime from time import sleep import OSC # open a connection to pd client = OSC.OSCClient() address = '', 4000 # 57120==SC client.connect( address ) # set the address for all following messages print ("1.client stderr", file=sys.stderr) msg = OSC.OSCMessage() # OSCresponder name: '/touch' msg.setAddress("/twitter-ikstem") #msg.append('hello from python') #client.send(msg) #os.system('xzcat /media/floppy/twittersonification.csv.xz > /tmp/twittersonification.csv') #floppydisk os.system('xzcat twittersonification.csv.xz > /tmp/twittersonification.csv') #lokaal then = None with open('/tmp/twittersonification.csv', 'rU') as csvfile: file = csv.DictReader(csvfile) print ("2.opening file stderr", file=sys.stderr) #csv.DictReader(csvfile)(["time"] + ['time']) i=0 sleep_time=1 for row in file: print ("3.row stderr", file=sys.stderr) i+=1 t = row['time'] print ("4.time stderr", file=sys.stderr) t = float(t) now = datetime.fromtimestamp(t) #[]dictreader reads the rowheader #print now, row if then: ti = (now-then).total_seconds() #print ti/100 sleep_time = ti/1000 print ("5.msg stderr", file=sys.stderr) #msg.append( row['text'].lower() ) #client.send(msg) #msg.clearData() if "#ikstem" in row['text'].lower() and '#gestemd' in row['text'].lower(): msg.append( ['both', str(now)] ) elif '#ikstem' in row['text'].lower(): msg.append( ['#ikstem', str(now) ]) elif '#gestemd' in row['text'].lower(): msg.append( ['#gestemd', str(now)] ) # msg.append( [ str(row['text']) ] ) # send an osc message to pd #print msg#[ i, row['text'], str(now)] sleep(sleep_time) client.send(msg) msg.clearData() then = now print ("6.last print stderr", file=sys.stderr)