Personal contradictory experiences

In the context of the question:
What compels us to publish content online?

I came up with the question, why do I publish content on social media, because I felt this contradiction; having the urge to post, but then feeling awkward after doing it. I often wondered, did I need to upload this photo of myself wandering at ease down the road to Nordereilland? Or did I have to post that song from Bauhaus which says “Your mornings will be brighter… Break the line… Tear up rules… Make the most of a million times no...”? Nobody cares. Or that time that I wrote on my wall a quote from Kazantzakis about hope and freedom. Oh, so embarrassing! When I look back on my online activity, I don’t understand this craving for posting. The more I think about it; it is not really about the content. It is just the feeling that I need to leave my footprints online. Is this a kind of fetishism? Constructing the image of my digital self and exposing it regularly to smaller or bigger audiences gives me in return a place of existence in the online world. There I can get information about the lives of others, but also likes, followers, and all the rest required to build a good reputation.

Such a personalised world is an excellent field for further infiltration of marketing in social relations. Nevertheless, within the same field, I could claim that by following user accounts I carefully choose and by participating in network communities, I am able to discuss issues that I am interested in, while having access to information that is not available in other kinds of media.

Still, as far as sociality is concerned:

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