# yt-dlp installed with pip
# nb: you may need to update yt-dlp frequently to keep up with changes made by commercial services
# to prevent downloading tools like yt-dlp to stay working!
# pip install --upgrade yt-dlp
# Download the playlist, writing info in json
yt-dlp "https://www.mixcloud.com/radiowormrotterdam/playlists/worm-25/" --write-info-json
# let's move the files to a sub-folder
mkdir worm25
mv *.info.json *.webm worm25
# _.........._
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# IN the early days of computer history
# on computers using DOS (or Disk Operating System)
# file names needed to conform to a very strict standard
# of 8 letters, with only A-Z , dash -, and underscore _ , and numbers 0-9
# (and no spaces!)
# plus a 3 letter extension indicating the type of file
# for example README.TXT
# Copy one file in this folder and give it a short name
cp worm25/WORM\ 25:\ A\ history\ of\ WORM\ in\ 25\ Objects\ \#1:\ Mia\ on\ the\ hand-towel\ dispenser\ \(04.06.24\)\ \[radiowormrotterdam_worm-25-a-history-of-worm-in-25-objects-1-mia-o
n-the-hand-towel-dispenser-040624\].webm w25mia.webm
# __
# .,-;-;-,. /'_\
# _/_/_/_|_\_\) /
# '-<_><_><_><_>=/\
# `/_/====/_/-'\_\
# "" "" ""
# it may seem pointless to move files around and rename them with short names
# BUT...
# coding/working with the commandline requires A LOT OF FOCUS
# so steps to reduce "cognitive load" like sifting through long lists of confusing filenames
# that make working on the commandline slower and *harder to read*
# are really worthwhile!
# Also when working with digital materials, it's often tempting to try to
# address an entire collection (in this case all the recordings, and the whole hour of each recording)
# BUT ...
# it's really important when testing things out that you focus on a small sample
# in this way you make experimentation, including the *necessary errors
# and missteps*, as fluid as possible to stay in the flow,
# so that you can get through the bugs
# to the interesting results that will give you the energy
# and confidence to keep going!
# so in this case....
# get something working for a 60 second sample
# THEN once you know it works...
# apply it to the whole hour long recording
# and eventually all the recordsings of the playlist
# Working with a long file also can take a lot of time when experimenting
# use ffmpeg to make a 30 second extract
# -ss is start time, -t duration (duration of final extract)
# at the same time, convert the wav to mp3 (for the browser)
ffmpeg -i w25mia.webm -ss 120 -t 60 w25mia60.wav
# use vosk to transribe, to srt
# nb: worm25_mia_60wav is an INPUT and needs to already exist
# worm25_mia_60.srt is an OUTPUT and will be (re)created
vosk-transcriber -l en-us -i w25mia60.wav -t srt -o w25mia60.srt
# SRT (SubRip Subtitle) comes from
# practices of PIRATE CURATION
# where films would be ripped from DVDs
# and distributed as video files
# SRT is then a simple (and small) text format for
# the missing subtitles, that can then
# be translated into many languages
# and distributed separately from the (heavier) video files
# Also due to the editability and understandability
# the format was so popular, that it became the
# basis of the W3C's web standard (web) VTT
# see also: https://www.opensubtitles.com/
# The two are nearly the same except
# the file needs to have a "header" (the first line should be:)
# And the timecodes use a dot instead of a comma..
# SO
# 00:00:00,075 --> 00:00:02,610
# in SRT becomes in VTT:
# 00:00:00.075 --> 00:00:02.610
# let's use a python script to convert from srt to vtt
scripts/srt2vtt.py w25mia60.srt w25mia60.vtt
# make an mp3 for the browser
ffmpeg -i w25mia60.wav w25mia60.mp3
# adjust vtt.html to point to the mp3 + vtt
# LOOK AT vtt.html
# NB: to see captions, we need to use <video> even though we just have <audio>
# This seesm to work in Firefox but not Chrome/Chromium.
# NB the video is made 100% width and a fixed (small) height to make the caption size nice
# BUT...
# It would be even better to style the captions ourselves and bring them into the page
# like other HTML content!
# VTT tracks can also trigger the *oncue* event, which means we can program CUSTOM title behaviors!
# LOOK AT vtt_basic.html
# and vtt_custom.html