Update 'web/poinxs/index.html'

lorenzo 7 months ago
parent fd0a5333fb
commit 60c0cd6ad8

@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ width: 44vw;
A critical counter map looking at city marketing/planning versus the city living and experience. It's a parody on postcard surreality and apps/websites portraying cool and flashy 2D/3D imagery without the complicated dimensions of the city without showing what's behind the scenes.</h3>
<h4> Rotterdam is 'back on the map'. POINXS questions that map and looks at a city that has become less livable and affordable and reports the bugs from a hill that leads to a dead end pavement, via private transport to wheelchair inaccessible hotspots with ambitions to become a multi-user platform for reporting other people's POINXS. </h4>
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Before we start, what does inaccess mean?: "Not being able to access something". Using Disability and Inaffordance as points of departure. Having certain impairments opens your eyes to closed systems. The world changes drastically as you're not being able to enter multiple spaces. Making a 'regular' space into a 'liminal' space for wheelchairs.
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How can we afford to live in a city obsessed with future plans and what are the planned inhabitants? A city that grants access for corporations but refuse access based on income, education, etc.
