from playsound import playsound from time import sleep import random def playasound(sound): print("playing " + sound) #playsound(sound) def menu(): connection = int(input(""" For the random museum, press 1. For the overlapping connections, press 2. For mol1and2, press 3. To hear this menu again, press 0.""")) match connection: case 1: randomMuseum() case 2: overlappingConnections() case 3: mol1and2() case 0: menu() def randomMuseum(): complength = int(input("How long will you listen for?")) while(complength>0): sound = "mus-" + "%02d" % random.randint(0, 25) + ".wav" playasound(sound) complength -= 1 def overlappingConnections(): side = int(input(""" Overlapping Connections is a re-enactment of a transatlantic telephone conversation between two lovers in 1986. To hear her story, press 1. To hear his story, press 2. """)) match side: case 1: sound = "20230516-xpub-overlapping-connections-annmarie-1.wav" case 2: sound = "20230516-xpub-overlapping-connections-seamus-1.wav" playasound(sound) def mol1and2(): side = int(input(""" mol1and2 is a telephone play based on a dialogue between three people on two teletypewriters, originally written at the Houweling Telecom Museum, Rotterdam. To hear mol1 press 2. To hear mol2 press 1. To hear mol1and2 press 0. To hear mol3 press 7. To return to the menu press 5 5 5 5 5 5 5. To hear this menu again press 6.""")) match side: case 2: sound = "20230516-xpub-mol1.wav" case 1: sound = "20230516-xpub-mol2.wav" case 0: sound = "20230516-xpub-mol1and2.wav" case 7: sound = "20230516-xpub-mol3.wav" case 5: menu() case 6: mol1and2() playasound(sound) print(""" ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Welcome to the telephone opera-tor! This is a publication of xpub ... etc ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- """) while(True): menu() print(""" If you would like to listen again, please hold. Otherwise, thank you for listening now please hang up.""") print(""" ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Thank you, have a nice day! ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- """)