You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
1.6 KiB

1 year ago
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, render_template
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
UPLOAD_FOLDER = os.path.join("static", "media")
media = {
"beer.gif": ["beer"],
"bell.gif": ["beer", "cafe de bel", "bell"],
"box.gif": ["box"],
"cafe-de-bel": ["coffee", "bell", "beer", "cafe de bel"],
"cloud-storm.gif": ["cloud", "storm"],
"cloud.gif": ["cloud"],
"coffee.gif": ["coffee", "cafe fe bel"],
"er-beer.gif": ["emergency beer"],
"hands.gif": ["joking", "okay", "sure"],
"hurry.gif": ["time", "hurry", "pebbles"],
"iloveu.gif": ["i love you", "i see you", "i feel you", "i miss you"],
"oper-strike.gif": ["operator", "worker", "woman", "strike"],
"operator.gif": ["operator", "worker", "woman"],
"pdf-impose.gif": ["pdf impose", "makarena"],
"pebbles.gif": ["time", "clockwise", "anticlockwise"],
"strike.gif": ["strike", "worker", "woman", "operator"]
1 year ago
# media = ["operator", "worker", "woman"]
def home():
text = ["operator", "worker", "operator strike", "strike", "(k)not","pebbles","time","hurry","clockwise","anticlockwise","cloud","teletype","box","emergency beer","beer","cafe de bel","coffee","bell","food","breakfast","I love you"]
return render_template("template-index.html", text=text)
def word(word):
wordmedia = []
for item in media:
if word in media[item]:
print("wordmedia: ")
return render_template("template-word.html", word=word, wordmedia=wordmedia, media=media, path=UPLOAD_FOLDER)