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<div id="content"><h1 id="long-time">Long Time</h1>
<h2 id="six-sigma-fortune-telling">Six Sigma Fortune Telling</h2>
<p>The future cannot be predicted with certainty, but our current
understanding in various scientific fields means we can predict some
far-future events, if only in the broadest outline. These fields include
astrophysics, particle physics, evolutionary biology, plate tectonics
and sociology. The far future begins after the end of the current
millennium, in 3001 CE, the start of the 4th millennium, and continues
until the furthest reaches of future time. This timeline includes
alternative future events that address unresolved scientific questions,
and is, in fact, not six sigma accurate at all.</p>
<p>This timeline (based on Wikipedia’s <a
of the Far Future</a>) claims to make accurate predictions far into the
future at timescales that are difficult to comprehend; beyond our
lifetimes, beyond the death of the earth, beyond the death of atoms. The
scientific method claims to have an intense relationship to the material
world which is “orders of magnitude” more accurate than other ways of
interacting with and understanding where we are. The scientist often
pits themself as “against” the fortune-teller, the tarot reader, or the
mystic, and yet they make even bigger claims about our collective
future. Is there any way to disprove the scientist’s method in their own
<p>This web-based game attempts to highlight the uselessness of this
approach. Sometimes a human can have no effect on the extreme truth that
science offers, or to put it more usefully, sometimes, science has
nothing to offer humans. This timeline uses scientific and objective
distance to avoid the most inevitable and obvious event in the future:
your own death. Death is non-relational: no one can die in one’s place,
and we cannot understand our own death through the death of others
(Heidegger, 1962). Just like the scientist, the philosopher doesn’t have
much to offer solace here. So where do we go to talk about death?</p>
<img src="long-time-2.png" alt="Screenshot from the game" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Screenshot from the game</figcaption>
<div class="centered-image">
<img src="long-time-3.png" alt="The future isn’t coming" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">The future isn’t coming</figcaption>
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