<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>click</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="graduation.css"> <body> <span id = "parentbutton"><button onclick = "addbutton1()">click</button></span> <!-- script to create new button --> <script> var countclicks = 0; function addbutton1() { var myspan = document.getElementById("parentbutton"); // creating button element var newbutton = document.createElement('BUTTON'); // creating text to be //displayed on button var text = document.createTextNode("click"); // appending text to button newbutton.appendChild(text); // appending button to div myspan.appendChild(newbutton); // giving the button a click attribute newbutton.setAttribute("onclick","addbutton1()"); // add click sound to buttons const audio = new Audio("https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/play-mp3/387"); audio.play(); // total sum of clicks and cleaning of the screen frim buttons countclicks = countclicks + 1; console.log("countclicks", countclicks); if (countclicks >= 406){ document.body.innerHTML = ""; alert("Congratulations buddy! You clicked 406 times and you built an entire wall out of clicks. What a productive day!"); } } </script> </body> </head> </html>