Update 'web/oracle/interpretationtext.md'

ada 2 years ago
parent ffd97230ad
commit f02743b157

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ If you want to arrive at a more fleshed-out narrative, you may choose to do a bi
#### ✧ **Dream well!**
**✳ 42. the coffee**
**✳ 42. the coffee or 'o ccafè**
.keywords: beginnings, unformed potential, taking a risk, answering a 'call', trusting in the universe, overcoming self-doubt, embracing uncertainty.
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ If the Coffee appears reversed, it is a warning. The coffee will spill and it ma
**✳** zodiac correspondence: all signs, the universe.
**✳ 66. the two spinsters**
**✳ 66. the two spinsters or e ddoie zetelle**
.keywords: magic, manifestation, setting intentions, directing energy consciously, willpower, concentration, having all the resources you need.
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ If the Spinsters have appeared reversed, it is a sign that you are ignoring your
**✳** zodiac correspondence: gemini & virgo.
**✳ 63. the bride**
**✳ 63. the bride or 'a sposa**
. keywords: intuition, subconscious, higher wisdom, knowing something you can't explain, stillness, meditation, spell-work and ritual.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ If you are facing a reversed Bride, it is an invitation to examine when you igno
**✳** zodiac correspondence: cancer & pisces.
**✳ 52. the mother**
**✳ 52. the mother or 'a mamma**
.keywords: maternal figure, familiar love, abundance, life force, strong protection, dignity.
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ The Mother has appeared reversed. Juno's warlike nature is more active than her
**✳** zodiac correspondence: libra.
**✳ 84. the church**
**✳ 84. the church or 'a chiesa**
.keywords: belief systems, ancestry, study, tradition, conformity, learning about the past.
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ The Church is upside down. Its integrity is questioned the status quo stumbles.
**✳** zodiac correspondence: taurus, libra & capricorn.
**✳ 69. the upside down**
**✳ 69. the upside down or sott'e ncoppa**
- .keywords: love (of all kinds), making heart-centred choices, compassion, partnerships and relationships, equilibrium, harmony.
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Due to the nature of this card, up is down and down is up. However you pull this
**✳** zodiac correspondence: gemini.
**✳ 35. the bird**
**✳ 35. the bird or l'aucelluzz**
.keywords: focused *action, s*elf-belief and confidence, commitment, drive and determination, hard, passionate work, assertion.
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ When reversed, the Bird is spinning further and further out of control. It may b
**✳** zodiac correspondence: cancer.
**✳ 28. the breasts**
**✳ 28. the breasts or 'e zzizze**
.keywords: inner strength and courage, dignified resistance, emotional labour, heart.
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ The lion is now overpowering as the Breasts appear upside down. This is an indic
**✳** zodiac correspondence: leo.
**✳ 65. the crying**
**✳ 65. the crying or 'o chianto**
.keywords: introspection, solitude, retreat, working things through on your own, claiming space and time for you, self-guided or guided study.
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ The tears fall upon you as the Crying card is reversed. You have relied on yours
**✳** zodiac correspondence: virgo.
**✳ 82. the set table**
**✳ 82. the set table or 'a tavula mbandita**
.keywords: positive luck, change, predictions and prophesies, feeling like something is 'destined' to happen, an interconnected bigger picture.
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ The Set Table has been turned the wrong way. This indicated elements outside you
**✳** zodiac correspondence: aquarius, leo, taurus & scorpio
**✳ 60. the lament**
**✳ 60. the lament or se lamenta**
.keywords: truth, logical thought, objectivity, binary thinking, justice, fairness, balance, accountability, social justice principles, intersectionality.
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ When the Lament appears reversed it indicates a flawed system, a hidden truth or
**✳** zodiac correspondence: libra.
**✳ 85. purgatory's souls**
**✳ 85. purgatory's souls or ll'aneme o priatorio**
.keywords: passivity, cost, holding back, patience, allowing events to unfold, meditation and mindful practice, inner peace, self-acceptance, overcoming ego
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ As Purgatory's Souls appear reversed, they tell a different story. They are not
**✳** zodiac correspondence: pisces.
**✳ 48. the talking dead**
**✳ 48. the talking dead or 'o muorto che pparla**
.keywords: the ending of a cycle, letting go and saying goodbye, a ritual to honour change, not resisting, honouring the seasons of life.
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ If the card is reversed it appears that the Talking Dead is being forced to be s
**✳** zodiac correspondence: scorpio.
**✳ 48. warm soup**
**✳ 68. warm soup or 'a zuppa cotta**
.keywords: balance, harmony, blending of dualities, seeking the middle path, not making extreme decisions, taking a non-binary attitude, testing the waters, self-care, grace, gentleness.
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ A **✳** tarot correspondence: 13. temperance.
**✳** zodiac correspondence: sagittarius.
**✳ 77. the devils**
**✳ 77. the devils or 'e riavule**
.keywords: bondage, addiction, materialism, destructive behaviours, harmful cycles, choosing to get free, or choosing not to get free, confronting fear, committing to your freedom.
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ The Devil being upside down immediately reveals the bondage, you are aware of yo
**✳** zodiac correspondence: capricorn.
**✳ 83. the storm**
**✳ 83. the storm or 'o maletiempo**
.keywords: revolution, disaster, shock, mourning, blowing apart old structures, demolition of the status quo, toppling systems of power, potential, rebuilding after disaster, a blessing in disguise as a disaster, rehabilitation, regeneration.
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ In this situation, the Storm that topples the pine tree is coming from within. T
**✳** zodiac correspondence: scorpio & aries.
**✳ 25. christmas**
**✳ 25. christmas or natale**
.keywords: hope, love and support, coming home to yourself, self-care, healing, being true to yourself, being guided by your intuition, integrity, honesty, a positive new start or new vision.
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ In a warm room, a candle-lit Christmas appears next to a window. On the windowsi
**✳** zodiac correspondence: aquarius.
**✳ 48. blood**
**✳ 18. blood or 'o sangue**
.keywords: shadow work, getting in touch with your wild nature, listening deeply to your intuition, secrets, signs and symbols, non-rational, witchcraft, magic and spell-work, lies and deception, deceiving yourself, wearing a mask.
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ When reversed, the Blood shows a moon shining in the front. The inner confusion
**✳** zodiac correspondence: pisces.
**✳ 19. laughter**
**✳ 19. laughter or 'a resata**
.keywords: positivity, saying yes, joy, practising gratitude, success, things coming together, life's simple pleasures, allowing yourself to simply be, connecting to a dynamic life force.
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ A Christmas tree sits lit by candles, next to a window. On the windowsill sits a
**✳** zodiac correspondence: aquarius.
**✳ 18. the gossiping woman**
**✳ 43. the gossiping woman or 'a donna o' barcone**
.keywords: liberation, freedom, casting off shackles, laying down of old baggage, total accountability for self, integrity, honesty, forgiveness, allowing yourself to move forwards.
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ Now the Gossiping Woman can not see you. This is an indication that you refuse t
**✳** zodiac correspondence: scorpio.
**✳ 45. the good wine**
**✳ 45. the good wine 'o vino **
.keywords: completion, a sense of wholeness, knowing who you are in the world, having a sense of place, feeling deeply connected to all things, reaching your goal, celebration, jubilation.
