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What do you want?
2 years ago
Why do you do what you do each day?
What do you think you are here for?
2 years ago
What are you doing with this day, today?
What are you searching for?
What are you looking at?
Have you learned something new today? This week?
What filters would you apply to your mood right now if it was an analogue film?
Is this what you really want to do, or it is your way of delaying your realisation?
2 years ago
If you could be any animal for a day, which one would you choose and why?
If you could be any animal for a day, how would you experience the world differently?
Do you speak horse language? (wild question)
If you were Kim, who would that person be? (wild question)
What does your body need today?
What does your mind need today?
What does your soul need today?
If your life was a treasure hunt what would you be searching for?
How would you describe your personality?
What would a person that loves you tell you if know you are suffering?
2 years ago
If you were in search of a new identity, what clues would you need to find it?
If you were a pirate, what kind of treasure would you be searching for?
If you were a pirate, what obstacles would you face on your journey?
If you owned a boat, to which destination you would go first and why?
Think of your favourite food. How does it make you feel when looking at it? And when eating it?
What is one "yes" that you have been ignoring lately?
What advice would you give to someone else who is experiencing loss?
What emotions have you been experiencing lately?
How has your relationship with others changed in the last five years?
How have your thoughts and beliefs about life and death changed in the last five years?
What positive memories can you hold on to about a person you have lost?
What activities or hobbies bring you comfort in times of grief?
How can you take care of yourself during hard times?
What were the six things you wanted to be when you were a kid?
2 years ago
What is time? How can you describe it?
What is beauty? How can you describe it?
What is happiness? How can you describe it?
What is love? How can you describe it?
What is faith? How can you describe it?
What is hope? How can you describe it?
What is fear? How can you describe it?
What is play? How can you describe it?
What is a ritual? How can you describe it?
What is a game? How can you describe it?
How does your body feel when you are in pain?
How does your body feel when you are in love?
How does your body feel when you are anxious?
How does your body feel when you are excited?
Do you talk negatively to yourself? Explain.
2 years ago
Are you mean to yourself? If yes, why? If not, also why?
Think of all your past partners. What are some qualities and traits they had in common?
Is sex usually the best aspect of a relationship or the worst for you?
What do your friends say about your partners?
Did you ever have any kind of unwanted touch from a friend, a partner or a family member?
Did you ever have any kind of unwanted touch from a stranger?
What does sex mean for you?
How does sex make you feel?
How does thinking about sex make you feel?
2 years ago
What words, metaphors or images do you associate with sex?
What is your attitude towards your body?
Do you have any tendencies for self-sabotage, procrastination or self-doubt?
Do you feel like a victim sometime?
Do you believe you have control over the way events unfold in your life?
2 years ago
How much sex is normal for you?
Were your first sexual experiences positive or negative?
How did you learn about sexuality?
2 years ago
What are your values around sexuality?
2 years ago
What losses have you experienced in your life, and how have you coped with them in the past?
What self-care practices have you incorporated into your daily routine to help you cope with grief?
What self-care practices have you incorporated into your daily routine to help you cope with anxiety?
2 years ago
What new perspectives have you gained about life as a result of loss in the past?
What triggers your feelings of grief, and how can you manage them when they arise?
How has your sense of identity been affected by a loss?
How can you stay connected to someone you lost even though they are no longer physically present?
What role does forgiveness play in your healing process after experiencing loss?
What can you do to take care of your physical health during times of grieving?
What can you do to take care of your mental health during times of grieving?
2 years ago
How can you create a support network that will help you through difficult times?
What have your friends taught you about friendship?
What have your friends taught you about life?
What have your friends taught you about love?
What ideas have changed your life?
What subconscious behaviours are keeping you from the life you want?
In which direction has your life expanded in the last five years?
Are you afraid of being who you truly are?
Are you afraid of being seen the way you truly are?
2 years ago
Have you adapted to a certain way of thinking?
Do you suppress your feelings?
Do you experience anger frequently?
Do you feel emotionally triggered by people's words or actions towards you?
What are your thoughts on anger?
What are your thoughts on fear?
What are your thoughts on hate?
2 years ago
Have your thoughts been chosen for you?
Who do you trust? Why?
Who do you don't trust? Why?
2 years ago
Have you forced yourself to forget something painful?
What is art for?
What are friends for?
What is money for?
What is labour for?
Are you lonely?
What are you most afraid of losing?
Do you feel lonely around other people? Why?
Do you feel lonely when you are alone? Why?
2 years ago
What sort of things has made you envious recently?
What sort of things has made you smile recently?
What sort of things has made you laugh recently?
Do you enjoy laughing?
Who made you laugh recently?
What is making you passionate about your life?
2 years ago
What bothers you (in the world)?
How would you like to shape this world?
What is your favourite place and why?
How do you feel when you are in a place you love?
2 years ago
What do you love to do?
What main activities keep you busy daily?
2 years ago
When (if) do you experience flow?
Which things give you energy?
Which things inhibit you?
What is holding you back?
2 years ago
Which 3 thoughts made you smile today?
Which 5 things are you most grateful for today?
2 years ago
How do people see you differently than you see yourself?
What are the 3 characteristics you hope others see in you?
Who has qualities you aspire to develop?
Who inspires you?
What are the 3 things you cant live without? Why?
2 years ago
What are your core values?
Are you being true to your values?
Who or what has helped you on your path?
Who or what can help you on your path ahead?
Which things do you think you need luck for?
What are 3 things that are always on your to-do list?
What nice thing did you do for someone else in the past 24 hours?
Who do you want/need in your peer group?
What is your most precious possession? Why?
Who in your life do you trust the most?
What (if) is your addiction?
2 years ago
What is your biggest fuck-up?
What makes you sad?
What makes you cry?
2 years ago
What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
What are the things you want to be? Why?
What is stopping you from doing the things you should be doing?
2 years ago
Which things do you have room for in your life?
What things do you need to make room for in your life?
What has been important to you so far in life?
What is your secret magic power?
What character are you playing in this world?
What part of yourself would you be excited to share with others?
2 years ago
What did you want to be when you were younger? How does what you do now relate to this?
What did you love to do as a kid?
Which 3 people have had a major influence on you?
Which 2 events have had a major influence on you?
What is your secret big dream?
What makes you happy?
What gives you courage?
What gives you strength?
What gives you joy?
What are the 3 thoughts that you have a lot?
What character trait do you have that pushes people away?
In what areas of your life are you settling?
Which 3 things are you proud of?
Which 3 compliments do you often get?
What type of criticism do you often get?
2 years ago
Where do you go to recharge your batteries?
When are you at your most creative?
What is your favourite book and why?
What is your favourite movie and why?
What is your favourite game and why?
2 years ago
Who motivates you most in life?
2 years ago
What is an inspiration to you?
2 years ago
When do you feel inspired?
How do you feel when you are inspired?
In which areas of your life would you like to experience more inspiration, and why?
What things do you think it is too late for?
What do you want to achieve?
Do you feel afraid of being judged?
Are you afraid of being vulnerable?
What has surprised you when (if) you have met people from other countries?
What is one thing you will never fear?
What is one thing that scares you the most about people?
Do you enjoy spending time in nature? Why?
Do you enjoy spending time in open water? Why?
Do you enjoy spending time with people? Why?
2 years ago
What were three situations where you persevered even when the odds were against you?
What would you like to experience in your life?
What is most important to you at this moment?
What would you like to learn in life?
What are you not saying “no” to in your life's important areas?
With whom and in what situations do you find it most difficult to say no?
2 years ago
Do you beat yourselves up after saying “no” to someone or something?
What do you miss out on due to the inability to assert yourself?
What bodily symptoms have you been overlooking?
What is the hidden story behind your inability to say no if that's what you think?
2 years ago
What are the limiting core beliefs you constructed about yourself?
In what situations do you deny your own needs?
2 years ago
Are you responsible for other people's feelings and experiences?
Do you feel responsible for other people's feelings and experiences?
Where have you ignored the "yes" that wanted to be said?
What desire to play or explore you have ignored?
What joys you have denied yourself?
2 years ago
What scares you?
One question you are afraid to ask?
Have you ever been scared of showing someone how much they mean to you?
Do you feel hard to love?
Do you think things can be different next time?
Who is the first person you want to share good news with?
2 years ago
Who is the first person you want to share bad news with?
Who are you avoiding?
What are you avoiding?
What is one compliment you still remember?
2 years ago
Who is your comfort person?
What title would you give to this chapter of your life?
What title would you give to this chapter of your sex life?
Who do you wish you were with right now?
What is a dream you have let go of? Why?
2 years ago
How would you describe the feeling of being in love in one word?
You know you are in love when____?
What would your younger self not believe about your life today?
Do you think culture is important?
In your opinion, what are things that define a culture?
If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?
Would you ever consider dating someone from another culture?
What is considered rude in your culture?
What does it mean to be polite in your culture?
If aliens visited your country, what might surprise them?
What does "culture shock" mean to you?
Have you ever experienced culture shock?
Are you direct when you talk to someone?
Do you sugarcoat things when you give feedback?
What rituals do you practice?
What are your favourite rituals/customs?
What rituals do you think should be revised?
What rituals do you think should no longer be practised?
What rituals do you think should be imported into your culture?
What is your favourite food and how often do you eat it?
Which foods taste bad to you?
Have you tried growing your own food?
Why do you think are people in some places still hungry?
How do you judge food? By taste, appearance, smell, or feel?
Pick one food to represent you. Why did you choose it?
What unhealthy food do you love?
What country food do you like?
What kinds of food can you cook?
Do you enjoy trying new foods, or do you prefer to stick to familiar dishes?
Have you tried any new foods recently?
What role does exercise play in your daily routine?
How do you feel after moving your body? (exercise)
Are you a fruit or veggie person?
Whats your favourite drink? Why?
Whats your favourite snack? Why?
Do you like trying new foods?
What is your comfort food?
What is your favourite game?
What kind of games do you like to play?
How do you feel about competition in games? And in real life?
Are there any genres of games that you dont like or dont play often? Why not?
What effect do you think video games have on peoples mental health?
Do you like long games that take dozens of hours to complete or shorter games that can be completed in a few hours?
Do you prefer competitive or cooperative games?
What do you think makes a good game?
What do you think is the most important aspect of a game?
What do you think is the most underrated aspect of a game?
What do you think is the most overrated aspect of a game?
What are your thoughts on freedom of expression?
What are your thoughts on voting?
What comes to mind when you hear the word freedom?
Do you have as much freedom as you want in your life?
Was there a time in your life when you had a lack of freedom?
What would it be like to live where there is little freedom of choice?
Can freedom damage a country?
What does freedom feel like to you?