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We invite you to an unusual library visit.
Leeszaal, Rijnhoutplein 3, Rotterdam West.
Welcome! We are the first year students of the Experimental Publishing Master of Piet Zwart Institute, invite every librarian (librarians of their own library) to <i>garden</i> Leeszaal and discover what this library offers. We will see behind the curtains of how the <i>unwanted</i> books are kept in this library. Leeszaal is not a <i>real</i> library, it's an open-ended story where everyone is a member; a plot waiting to be tended to and tilled. Volunteers sort all the books that people contribute. Some of them aren't going to make it to the shelves. They will end up as a pile of paper in trash bins, waiting to be recycled. And that's ok.</p>
This evening is a memontary snapshot of the current state of a library see through the metaphor of gardening; pruning, gleaning, growing, grafting and harvesting. Garden Leeszaal is a a open conversation; a collective writing tool, a cooprative archive. We would like to ask everyone to think of the library as a garden. For us, being a gardener means caring; caring for the people and books that form this space.</p><br>
<h4>Why Leeszaal?</h4><br>
<i>- You walked into a library, it's warm inside, after the cold street of the city. You shake off your coat and look around the shelves. Talk, play, organise, learn!</i> <br>
<br>Leeszaal Rotterdam West is a residence's initiative. The old West has a long tradition of action. We don't accept what others decide for us, so we started thinking about an alternative: a Reading Room.<br> A former hammam has been transformed into an atmospheric reading , learning, experimenting and meeting place with received items and the craftmanship of interior architect Ruud Brugghe.<br> A culture bazaar.<br> from <a href=""></a>
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