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* @license es6-shim Copyright 2013-2016 by Paul Miller (
* and contributors, MIT License
* es6-shim: v0.35.4
* see
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* JavaScript is all like "You images are done yet or what?"
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3 years ago
3 years ago
!//Hello, $name.//
!!//Where would you like to go?//
3 years ago
[[→ ⚀|nest 1]]
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3 years ago
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</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="2" name="home" tags="" position="1300,325" size="100,100">!Nested narratives: //what is left to discuss?//
3 years ago
!!Special Issue #18 — Weekly Release #5
What if a group of people writes a piece that starts (or ends) with the same sentence?
__If we censor art what is left to discuss?__
Apparently, a lot. Pay attention to every word, draw your focus on the paper. The five contributions that compose this audio piece are not only defining what censorship is; they are, instead, giving an open overview of a wide range of meanings to this word, creating the feeling that censorship does not have fixed boundaries as someone could think.
The release of this week is a collaboratively written text recorded as audio pieces by the composers.
The method chosen for the collective writing is inter-dependent and inter-connected, but at the same time allows everyone to work at their own pace.
3 years ago
The structure is built up on the refrain &quot;if we censor art what is left to discuss&quot; that produced different scenarios and visions with the same beginning or end. The idea is that every piece can go one after the other and that new pieces of text could be added, producing a never-ending collective writing piece:
3 years ago
if we censor art what is left to discuss&lt;&lt;cycle &quot;$week5contribs&quot; autoselect&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;option &quot;: the reasons, the motivations behind the censorship of art perhaps.&quot; &quot;contrib2&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;option &quot; but&quot; &quot;contrib5&quot;&gt;&gt;
3 years ago
&lt;&lt;option &quot; expression and representation are not the same thing&quot; &quot;contrib3&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;option &quot; and I guess I am not the most qualified to talk&quot; &quot;contrib4&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;option &quot;? What does art mean to us?&quot; &quot;contrib1&quot;&gt;&gt;
3 years ago
While listening to this piece, we invite you to pay heed to the words coming out of the speakers and to doodle/draw on a piece of paper. The result will be part of the documentation for this release.
!!What would you like to do?
[[→ Listen|listen]]
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[[→ Drag|]]
!!Contributors(*) &amp; Caretakers(**)
Miriam Schöb(*)
Mitsa Chaida-Michelakou(*)
Ål Nik (Alexandra Nikolova)(*, **)
Supisara Burapachaisri(*, **)
Francesco Luzzana(*)
Emma Prato(*, **)
Jian Haake(*)
Erica Gargaglione(*)
Gersande Schellinx(*)
3 years ago
Chaeyoung Kim(*)</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="3" name="StoryInit" tags="" position="600,200" size="100,100">&lt;&lt;cacheaudio &quot;five-mix&quot; &quot;music/five-mix.mp3&quot;&gt;&gt; </tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="4" name="nest 1 submit" tags="" position="875,825" size="100,100">[[SI#18|home]] &gt; [[Expand|expand]] &gt; Nest 1
!//Thanks for expanding our nest!//
3 years ago
__Person A:__
if we censor art what is left to discuss?
__Person B:__
what does art mean to us?
__Person A:__
A calling
A gut feeling you cant ignore
(For lack of a better word) a labor of love
A cryptic yet decipherable language
A way to say something without actually saying it (some things cant be expressed through just words)
__Person B:__
the way I can address and express my most pressing thoughts and feelings
the way I can address a topic that I am passionate about
__Person A:__
art as a mode of there always an addressee? sometimes i feel like i&#39;m expressing into a void..
__Person B:__
do you ever feel uncomfortable to share what you have created?
__Person A:__
sometimes, when something still feels half-baked or isnt yet in a digestible state. But at the same time, this uncomfortable feeling is part of the process, and accepting and going along with it can take you to unexpected and even more interesting places.
__Person B:__
when I doubt myself; sometimes I fear what people will think about it. Perhaps I am afraid of harsh critique or feeling that my work is a joke. Sometimes I don&#39;t believe my work is good enough. Sometimes I feel I will be misunderstood. Or whatever I do doesn&#39;t matter at all.
__Person A:__
does the environment youre in shape your practice/creation process?
__Person B:__
all the time. I am so easy to be influenced by things happening around me. I think I am quite sensitive. I observe and feel things and then I need to digest them and get them out of my system.
__Person A:__
i can relate. it can also be difficult when you&#39;re trying to go with the motions and haven&#39;t properly digested some things yet / are still in the marinating process.
__Person B:__
when I am forced to create after a quick snack, I feel like the outcome is not really solid. I need more time to process the things before I am able to reflect and turn them into something valuable. But then, when I know what I want to do, I can do it really fast.
__Person A:__
what do you (or would like to) refrain from in your artistic practice?
__Person B:__
fear and holding myself back. Easier said than done though.
__Person A:__
but this push and pull is also where growth happens :)
__Person B:__
we&#39;re growing up all the time :D
__Person A:__
is there a common refrain in your creations? An uncommon one youd like to see more of or experiment with? for me i feel like there is or is taking shape but hasn&#39;t quite crystallized yet..
__Person B:__
I feel like my music is always in different genres. I am constantly trying out new things and aesthetics but then a lot of people still say they recognise my &quot;voice&quot;. I guess, the refrain is me. I am looking for one that I can see, but it is actually the one other people see, that matters.
__Person A:__
...what is left to discuss?
3 years ago
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!//Thanks for expanding our nest!//
3 years ago
If we censor art what is left to discuss: the reasons, the motivations behind the censorship of art perhaps. Or would that also be censored? Something like the liar&#39;s paradox as mentioned by Dennis the Pillow in Everything is Alive. Is censorship openly discussed when censorship is also taking place? Can censorship be discuss simultaneously while it is happening? &quot;I am lying&quot; says the liar. Would censored art be censored to discuss? A motivation to rename, rebrand, re-contextualise. Be under the radar, under-scrutinized in opposition to overanalysed.
If we understand art what is left to discuss? In a book I am currently reading, Weight of the Earth The Tape Journals of David Wojnarowicz, I read the following: &quot;I liked that things carry the possibility for unlimited interpretations.&quot; Oh how I like this image. Oh how I rediscover this thought I&#39;ve had at many occasions: that of a text with million of stories. Well, each set of eyes has a different rhythm, a singular attention span, personal assumptions of certain words and sentences and definitions; some might skip over a sentence, some letters, misconstruct a narration or a structure... so many variables depending of the reader. These different circumstances put together, leave the text to interpretation, leave the &quot;things&quot; with &quot;the possibility for unlimited interpretations.&quot;
If we misunderstand art what is left to discuss? I am 126 pages into the book and for the first time I smile and fold the bottom of the page, underline this sentence as not to forget its placement. Not that I didn&#39;t enjoy the book until that moment, but there is something in this sentence I recognised. Something I wanted to mark down, as to acknowledge it and be able to come back to it at any given moment. Not to censor, rather to underline.
What is left to discuss? The ones that I stroke out. I left them out, for they are too concrete.
Does it trigger your curiosity? If it beeps, does it trigger your imagination? If it is highlighted, is there any way you would not read it? Probably your eyes would roll back over, again and again. Like marbles, sliding towards the highlighted sentences. Like magnets, drawn to their opposites: a fluorescent body, so unnatural to our eyes that they are not to be missed. Impossible to ignore, a coloured scream.
If we underline censorship what is left to art? The questions above triggered me to overlap the acts of highlighting and censoring and deleting. During the Japanese Colonial Period in Korea and from the 60s to the 80s during the military government, a lot of newspapers were censored, published as blank blocks or with blackened lines, a colourless shout. Highlighting and deleting texts within the line are the same movements. They offer different outcomes, with different intentions. To highlight becomes a form of militantism, to delete presents a twisted kind of activism. A space to enhance words, another to strike absence.
For now I want to highlight this sentence, &quot;Not to censor, rather to underline&quot;.
3 years ago
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3 years ago
if we censor art
what is left to discuss
expression and representation are not the same thing
i once had a dream
if we censor art
are we hiding the lies
if we censor art
are we hiding the truth
if we censor art
people will still be tired
if we censor art
what should we talk about
are we response-able
if we censor art
what should we talk about
if we censor art
who will start a conversation
if we discuss art
what is left to censor
everything starts from within
if we discuss art
where can we start
from within
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
and who is left out
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
but in a relational way
but with certain limitations
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
can be abusive and oppressive
and cynical
when it makes everything relative
is there freedom to un-be
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
of being dust accumulated on archived folders
of being the expression of denied evidences
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
social pressure
does it have a voice
or is it polyphonic
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
social pressure
is something you cannot escape from
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
the prosecutor
cannot have the loudest voice
the prosecutor
has left the room
the public opinion
has agency
the public opinion
has left the room
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
the victim
is not alone
the victim
wants to speak
the victim
was forgotten
if we discuss art
will you be able to sleep
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
the ground
and below the sky
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
the surface
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
i dont compromise with censorship
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
if the words are not enough
the artwork must speak for itself
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
if the words are not enough
to censor
if a gesture is not enough
if the words are not enough
to censor
what gesture is the next step
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
can hurt somebody else
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
grows bigger and bigger
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
is something that cuts you off
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to hide painful truths
a painless truth is a lie
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to prevent damage
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to protect someone you love
i dont know
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to protect someone you love
then what is your protection about
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
i would smuggle a glimpse of truth
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
this entangled world
if we discuss art
would you censor art
and what is art then
if we discuss censorship
who is allowed to speak
and who has been silenced
shall we pretend nothing happened
shall we have a coffee one of these days
shall we pretend nothing happened
wait did you get a new haircut
shall we pretend nothing happened
what did you have for dinner
shall we pretend nothing happened
what is your star sign
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
in the spotlight
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
intertwined and dependent
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
aware of what they leave behind
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
because there are no words
the conversation ends
silence around you makes you think
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
because there are no words
this is where it starts
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
dont be afraid
to call it proscription
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
what is left to say
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
and there is no understanding
of the why
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
because something is being forgotten
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is a black mark
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is a ripped off corner
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is redressing mistakes
it is makeup on a bruise
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is redressing mistakes
it was somebody else s fault
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
it feels awkward again
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
there is an elephant in the room
the clouds in the sky
would they continue their travels
the clouds in the sky
would they move on
3 years ago
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3 years ago
!If we censor art what is left to discuss?
3 years ago
__If we censor art what is left to discuss__: the reasons, the motivations behind the censorship of art perhaps. Or would that also be censored? Something like the liar&#39;s paradox as mentioned by Dennis the Pillow in Everything is Alive. Is censorship openly discussed when censorship is also taking place? Can censorship be discuss simultaneously while it is happening? &quot;I am lying&quot; says the liar. Would censored art be censored to discuss? A motivation to rename, rebrand, re-contextualise. Be under the radar, under-scrutinized in opposition to overanalysed.
3 years ago
If we understand art what is left to discuss? In a book I am currently reading, Weight of the Earth The Tape Journals of David Wojnarowicz, I read the following: &quot;I liked that things carry the possibility for unlimited interpretations.&quot; Oh how I like this image. Oh how I rediscover this thought I&#39;ve had at many occasions: that of a text with million of stories. Well, each set of eyes has a different rhythm, a singular attention span, personal assumptions of certain words and sentences and definitions; some might skip over a sentence, some letters, misconstruct a narration or a structure... so many variables depending of the reader. These different circumstances put together, leave the text to interpretation, leave the &quot;things&quot; with &quot;the possibility for unlimited interpretations.&quot;
If we misunderstand art what is left to discuss? I am 126 pages into the book and for the first time I smile and fold the bottom of the page, underline this sentence as not to forget its placement. Not that I didn&#39;t enjoy the book until that moment, but there is something in this sentence I recognised. Something I wanted to mark down, as to acknowledge it and be able to come back to it at any given moment. Not to censor, rather to underline.
What is left to discuss? The ones that I stroke out. I left them out, for they are too concrete.
Does it trigger your curiosity? If it beeps, does it trigger your imagination? If it is highlighted, is there any way you would not read it? Probably your eyes would roll back over, again and again. Like marbles, sliding towards the highlighted sentences. Like magnets, drawn to their opposites: a fluorescent body, so unnatural to our eyes that they are not to be missed. Impossible to ignore, a coloured scream.
If we underline censorship what is left to art? The questions above triggered me to overlap the acts of highlighting and censoring and deleting. During the Japanese Colonial Period in Korea and from the 60s to the 80s during the military government, a lot of newspapers were censored, published as blank blocks or with blackened lines, a colourless shout. Highlighting and deleting texts within the line are the same movements. They offer different outcomes, with different intentions. To highlight becomes a form of militantism, to delete presents a twisted kind of activism. A space to enhance words, another to strike absence.
For now I want to highlight this sentence, &quot;Not to censor, rather to underline&quot;.
3 years ago
__if we censor art
what is left to discuss__
3 years ago
expression and representation are not the same thing
i once had a dream
if we censor art
are we hiding the lies
if we censor art
are we hiding the truth
if we censor art
people will still be tired
if we censor art
what should we talk about
are we response-able
if we censor art
what should we talk about
if we censor art
who will start a conversation
if we discuss art
what is left to censor
everything starts from within
if we discuss art
where can we start
from within
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
and who is left out
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
but in a relational way
but with certain limitations
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
can be abusive and oppressive
and cynical
when it makes everything relative
is there freedom to un-be
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
of being dust accumulated on archived folders
of being the expression of denied evidences
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
social pressure
does it have a voice
or is it polyphonic
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
social pressure
is something you cannot escape from
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
the prosecutor
cannot have the loudest voice
the prosecutor
has left the room
the public opinion
has agency
the public opinion
has left the room
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
the victim
is not alone
the victim
wants to speak
the victim
was forgotten
if we discuss art
will you be able to sleep
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
the ground
and below the sky
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
the surface
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
i dont compromise with censorship
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
if the words are not enough
the artwork must speak for itself
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
if the words are not enough
to censor
if a gesture is not enough
if the words are not enough
to censor
what gesture is the next step
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
can hurt somebody else
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
grows bigger and bigger
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
is something that cuts you off
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to hide painful truths
a painless truth is a lie
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to prevent damage
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to protect someone you love
i dont know
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to protect someone you love
then what is your protection about
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
i would smuggle a glimpse of truth
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
this entangled world
if we discuss art
would you censor art
and what is art then
if we discuss censorship
who is allowed to speak
and who has been silenced
shall we pretend nothing happened
shall we have a coffee one of these days
shall we pretend nothing happened
wait did you get a new haircut
shall we pretend nothing happened
what did you have for dinner
shall we pretend nothing happened
what is your star sign
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
in the spotlight
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
intertwined and dependent
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
aware of what they leave behind
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
because there are no words
the conversation ends
silence around you makes you think
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
because there are no words
this is where it starts
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
dont be afraid
to call it proscription
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
what is left to say
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
and there is no understanding
of the why
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
because something is being forgotten
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is a black mark
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is a ripped off corner
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is redressing mistakes
it is makeup on a bruise
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is redressing mistakes
it was somebody else s fault
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
it feels awkward again
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
there is an elephant in the room
the clouds in the sky
would they continue their travels
the clouds in the sky
would they move on
If we censor art what is left to discuss?
what is right not to say
not to explore
not to research
not to investigate
not to disturb
not to move
not to play around with
not to harm
not to modify
not to evolve
not to question
what is right not to issue
not to challenge
not to interrogate
not to query
what is right not to intrude
or not to invade
what is right not to mess
not to change
not to develop
not to analyze
not to evaluate
not to violate
not to bother
nor to bore
or to trouble
what is right not to analyze
not to consult
not to explore
not to investigate
not to probe
not to estimate
not to look into
not to care for
not to look for
what is right not to see
what is right not to choose
nor to pick
to want
to hear
nor to feel
what is right
not to deal with
not to stand for
nor to evoke
what is right
not to reflect on
not to think of
not to consider
not to remember
not to believe in
not to mention
what is right
not to understand
not to absorb
not to take over
not to control
nor to check
what is right not to collect
not to correct
nor to connect
what is right not to rush
what is right not to flash
not to smash
not to destroy
not to crash
what is right not to press
what i right not to compress
not to oppress
what is right
not to collection
not to exhibit
not to display
not to visualise
nor to admire
what is right not to
not to confess
not to say
not to convey
what is right not to illustrate
what not to diffract
not to diffuse
neither to share
what is right not to play with
not to start with
not to end with
not to
3 years ago
__if we censor art what is left to discuss__?
3 years ago
what does art mean to us?
A calling
A gut feeling you cant ignore
(For lack of a better word) a labor of love
A cryptic yet decipherable language
A way to say something without actually saying it (some things cant be expressed through just words)
the way I can address and express my most pressing thoughts and feelings
the way I can address a topic that I am passionate about
art as a mode of there always an addressee? sometimes i feel like i&#39;m expressing into a void..
do you ever feel uncomfortable to share what you have created?
sometimes, when something still feels half-baked or isnt yet in a digestible state. But at the same time, this uncomfortable feeling is part of the process, and accepting and going along with it can take you to unexpected and even more interesting places.
when I doubt myself; sometimes I fear what people will think about it. Perhaps I am afraid of harsh critique or feeling that my work is a joke. Sometimes I don&#39;t believe my work is good enough. Sometimes I feel I will be misunderstood. Or whatever I do doesn&#39;t matter at all.
does the environment youre in shape your practice/creation process?
all the time. I am so easy to be influenced by things happening around me. I think I am quite sensitive. I observe and feel things and then I need to digest them and get them out of my system.
i can relate. it can also be difficult when you&#39;re trying to go with the motions and haven&#39;t properly digested some things yet / are still in the marinating process.
when I am forced to create after a quick snack, I feel like the outcome is not really solid. I need more time to process the things before I am able to reflect and turn them into something valuable. But then, when I know what I want to do, I can do it really fast.
what do you (or would like to) refrain from in your artistic practice?
fear and holding myself back. Easier said than done though.
but this push and pull is also where growth happens :)
we&#39;re growing up all the time :D
is there a common refrain in your creations? An uncommon one youd like to see more of or experiment with? for me i feel like there is or is taking shape but hasn&#39;t quite crystallized yet..
I feel like my music is always in different genres. I am constantly trying out new things and aesthetics but then a lot of people still say they recognise my &quot;voice&quot;. I guess, the refrain is me. I am looking for one that I can see, but it is actually the one other people see, that matters.
...what is left to discuss?
And I guess I am not the most qualified to talk
and perhaps that is my undoing&#39;s core
I can think of big, scary events that make us gather in the streets
or in white naked squares helpless to the gaze
designed for great speeches, markets and parades
for the troops, the students, the peaceful and the free
citizens that pace for individual growth and change
thorougly wash their hands and clean their face
and tho I liked your passion for our common democratic state
I can&#39;t but see the lines that orient and those that erase
what is censorship?
The state that in one evening shuts the public media station
that used to serve the unified nation while it shouldn&#39;t
that station that has been framing illegal the migration
and talks about terrorists and lazy and unskilled
the official fines for gay kisses on prime tv
the thankful tollerance as long as we&#39;re unseen
the murder of the sick body in the middle of the day
in the heart of the center by the presence of the crowd
by the aknowledged and the accepted and the normal
whose violence sets who is normal and abnormal
what is censorship?
The idea that I am someone else rather than me
I have been doing this since years
And I find it funny
That after a show
people come up to me and thank me
for making them feel something
and I ask myself if that is what were doing here
Artists make people feel something
Every once in a while
They come up to me with a smile
Big grin, gratified, happy eyes
Taken by surprise? Jokes aside
Leaving some words of gratitude
They really liked my attitude
Gave them some pleasure in their leisure
And I can promise, forever
Its always worth to spend some money
On the words leaving my mouth, honey
I can make you laugh and I can make you cry
You say youve been touched
I tell you why
You call us performers, I call us dealers
for emotions, you wanna see us
perform in motion like hyenas
We are here to fill arenas
Our stage is a shopping catalog
You can buy whatever you want
Everyone is coming by
to get entertained, to get satisfied
Tell me your needs, im gonna comply
I can do it all, youd be surprised
This minds as deep as your self esteem
This is why they call me the machine
I can give you the tears and I can give you the rage
when I come on stage and the show begins
Pulling strings like a violin, fueling the souls within
My ego is a diamond ring
Scene is set, youre my marionettes
Ill let you feel what you paid for
meet the machine you were waiting for
Our stage is a shopping catalog
You can buy whatever you want
Yes, were little sluts for attention
Guess, were a bit nuts with intention
But everyone is coming by
to get entertained, to get satisfied
Tell me your needs, were gonna comply
We can do it all, youd be surprised
Culture saves us on a daily basis
I know enough faces that can make it
go to my homie, he knows how to phrase it
when youre lonely, read his poetry
My friends making art here, breaking hearts here
making music that is too sick
I know painters and entertainers
and creators and animators
Forget the haters of labor
that does the haters a favor
By giving them the feels everyday
fulfilling needs here, being low paid
Standing ovation in a basement
big applause, no replacement
for the big names in the small spaces
and the small names are never displaced
People are hungry, they wanna see mommy
Mommys gotta feed them, like a Tsunami
Gobble the air coming outta my mouth
I model the sphere, I model the crowd
You wanna hear my wit and my thoughts
give me applause, Im not gonna pause
Try to stop me, its your loss
3 years ago
__If we tryna censor art,
what is left to discuss__
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!!This is a never-ending collective writing piece after all...
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3 years ago
__Person A:__
if we censor art what is left to discuss?
__Person B:__
what does art mean to us?
__Person A:__
A calling
A gut feeling you cant ignore
(For lack of a better word) a labor of love
A cryptic yet decipherable language
A way to say something without actually saying it (some things cant be expressed through just words)
__Person B:__
the way I can address and express my most pressing thoughts and feelings
the way I can address a topic that I am passionate about
__Person A:__
art as a mode of there always an addressee? sometimes i feel like i&#39;m expressing into a void..
__Person B:__
do you ever feel uncomfortable to share what you have created?
__Person A:__
sometimes, when something still feels half-baked or isnt yet in a digestible state. But at the same time, this uncomfortable feeling is part of the process, and accepting and going along with it can take you to unexpected and even more interesting places.
__Person B:__
when I doubt myself; sometimes I fear what people will think about it. Perhaps I am afraid of harsh critique or feeling that my work is a joke. Sometimes I don&#39;t believe my work is good enough. Sometimes I feel I will be misunderstood. Or whatever I do doesn&#39;t matter at all.
__Person A:__
does the environment youre in shape your practice/creation process?
__Person B:__
all the time. I am so easy to be influenced by things happening around me. I think I am quite sensitive. I observe and feel things and then I need to digest them and get them out of my system.
__Person A:__
i can relate. it can also be difficult when you&#39;re trying to go with the motions and haven&#39;t properly digested some things yet / are still in the marinating process.
__Person B:__
when I am forced to create after a quick snack, I feel like the outcome is not really solid. I need more time to process the things before I am able to reflect and turn them into something valuable. But then, when I know what I want to do, I can do it really fast.
__Person A:__
what do you (or would like to) refrain from in your artistic practice?
__Person B:__
fear and holding myself back. Easier said than done though.
__Person A:__
but this push and pull is also where growth happens :)
__Person B:__
we&#39;re growing up all the time :D
__Person A:__
is there a common refrain in your creations? An uncommon one youd like to see more of or experiment with? for me i feel like there is or is taking shape but hasn&#39;t quite crystallized yet..
__Person B:__
I feel like my music is always in different genres. I am constantly trying out new things and aesthetics but then a lot of people still say they recognise my &quot;voice&quot;. I guess, the refrain is me. I am looking for one that I can see, but it is actually the one other people see, that matters.
__Person A:__
...what is left to discuss?
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
If we censor art what is left to discuss: the reasons, the motivations behind the censorship of art perhaps. Or would that also be censored? Something like the liar&#39;s paradox as mentioned by Dennis the Pillow in Everything is Alive. Is censorship openly discussed when censorship is also taking place? Can censorship be discuss simultaneously while it is happening? &quot;I am lying&quot; says the liar. Would censored art be censored to discuss? A motivation to rename, rebrand, re-contextualise. Be under the radar, under-scrutinized in opposition to overanalysed.
If we understand art what is left to discuss? In a book I am currently reading, Weight of the Earth The Tape Journals of David Wojnarowicz, I read the following: &quot;I liked that things carry the possibility for unlimited interpretations.&quot; Oh how I like this image. Oh how I rediscover this thought I&#39;ve had at many occasions: that of a text with million of stories. Well, each set of eyes has a different rhythm, a singular attention span, personal assumptions of certain words and sentences and definitions; some might skip over a sentence, some letters, misconstruct a narration or a structure... so many variables depending of the reader. These different circumstances put together, leave the text to interpretation, leave the &quot;things&quot; with &quot;the possibility for unlimited interpretations.&quot;
If we misunderstand art what is left to discuss? I am 126 pages into the book and for the first time I smile and fold the bottom of the page, underline this sentence as not to forget its placement. Not that I didn&#39;t enjoy the book until that moment, but there is something in this sentence I recognised. Something I wanted to mark down, as to acknowledge it and be able to come back to it at any given moment. Not to censor, rather to underline. What is left to discuss? The ones that I stroke out. I left them out, for they are too concrete.
Does it trigger your curiosity? If it beeps, does it trigger your imagination? If it is highlighted, is there any way you would not read it? Probably your eyes would roll back over, again and again. Like marbles, sliding towards the highlighted sentences. Like magnets, drawn to their opposites: a fluorescent body, so unnatural to our eyes that they are not to be missed. Impossible to ignore, a coloured scream.
If we underline censorship what is left to art? The questions above triggered me to overlap the acts of highlighting and censoring and deleting. During the Japanese Colonial Period in Korea and from the 60s to the 80s during the military government, a lot of newspapers were censored, published as blank blocks or with blackened lines, a colourless shout. Highlighting and deleting texts within the line are the same movements. They offer different outcomes, with different intentions. To highlight becomes a form of militantism, to delete presents a twisted kind of activism. A space to enhance words, another to strike absence.
For now I want to highlight this sentence, &quot;Not to censor, rather to underline&quot;.
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
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3 years ago
if we censor art
what is left to discuss
expression and representation are not the same thing
i once had a dream
if we censor art
are we hiding the lies
if we censor art
are we hiding the truth
if we censor art
people will still be tired
if we censor art
what should we talk about
are we response-able
if we censor art
what should we talk about
if we censor art
who will start a conversation
if we discuss art
what is left to censor
everything starts from within
if we discuss art
where can we start
from within
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
and who is left out
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
but in a relational way
but with certain limitations
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
can be abusive and oppressive
and cynical
when it makes everything relative
is there freedom to un-be
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
free will
of being dust accumulated on archived folders
of being the expression of denied evidences
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
social pressure
does it have a voice
or is it polyphonic
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
social pressure
is something you cannot escape from
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
the prosecutor
cannot have the loudest voice
the prosecutor
has left the room
the public opinion
has agency
the public opinion
has left the room
if we discuss art
who takes part in that discussion
the victim
is not alone
the victim
wants to speak
the victim
was forgotten
if we discuss art
will you be able to sleep
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
the ground
and below the sky
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
the surface
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
i dont compromise with censorship
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
if the words are not enough
the artwork must speak for itself
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
if the words are not enough
to censor
if a gesture is not enough
if the words are not enough
to censor
what gesture is the next step
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
can hurt somebody else
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
grows bigger and bigger
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
something that hurts you
is something that cuts you off
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to hide painful truths
a painless truth is a lie
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to prevent damage
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to protect someone you love
i dont know
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
to protect someone you love
then what is your protection about
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
i would smuggle a glimpse of truth
if we discuss art
would you censor anything at all
this entangled world
if we discuss art
would you censor art
and what is art then
if we discuss censorship
who is allowed to speak
and who has been silenced
shall we pretend nothing happened
shall we have a coffee one of these days
shall we pretend nothing happened
wait did you get a new haircut
shall we pretend nothing happened
what did you have for dinner
shall we pretend nothing happened
what is your star sign
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
in the spotlight
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
intertwined and dependent
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
aware of what they leave behind
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
because there are no words
the conversation ends
silence around you makes you think
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
because there are no words
this is where it starts
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
dont be afraid
to call it proscription
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you cannot speak of anything else
what is left to say
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
and there is no understanding
of the why
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
because something is being forgotten
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is a black mark
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is a ripped off corner
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is redressing mistakes
it is makeup on a bruise
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
absence of words is loud
it is redressing mistakes
it was somebody else s fault
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
it feels awkward again
the clouds in the sky
discussing about the weather forecast
when you dont know what else to say
and the silence weighs heavy on all of us
there is an elephant in the room
the clouds in the sky
would they continue their travels
the clouds in the sky
would they move on
&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$contrib&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;
3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
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3 years ago
//Person A://
And I guess I am not the most qualified to talk
and perhaps that is my undoing&#39;s core
I can think of big, scary events that make us gather in the streets
or in white naked squares helpless to the gaze
designed for great speeches, markets and parades
for the troops, the students, the peaceful and the free
citizens that pace for individual growth and change
thorougly wash their hands and clean their face
and tho I liked your passion for our common democratic state
I can&#39;t but see the lines that orient and those that erase
what is censorship?
The state that in one evening shuts the public media station
that used to serve the unified nation while it shouldn&#39;t
that station that has been framing illegal the migration
and talks about terrorists and lazy and unskilled
the official fines for gay kisses on prime tv
the thankful tollerance as long as we&#39;re unseen
the murder of the sick body in the middle of the day
in the heart of the center by the presence of the crowd
by the aknowledged and the accepted and the normal
whose violence sets who is normal and abnormal
what is censorship?
The idea that I am someone else rather than me
//Person B://
I have been doing this since years
And I find it funny
That after a show
people come up to me and thank me
for making them feel something
and I ask myself if that is what were doing here
Artists make people feel something
Every once in a while
They come up to me with a smile
Big grin, gratified, happy eyes
Taken by surprise? Jokes aside
Leaving some words of gratitude
They really liked my attitude
Gave them some pleasure in their leisure
And I can promise, forever
Its always worth to spend some money
On the words leaving my mouth, honey
I can make you laugh and I can make you cry
You say youve been touched
I tell you why
You call us performers, I call us dealers
for emotions, you wanna see us
perform in motion like hyenas
We are here to fill arenas
Our stage is a shopping catalog
You can buy whatever you want
Everyone is coming by
to get entertained, to get satisfied
Tell me your needs, im gonna comply
I can do it all, youd be surprised
This minds as deep as your self esteem
This is why they call me the machine
I can give you the tears and I can give you the rage
when I come on stage and the show begins
Pulling strings like a violin, fueling the souls within
My ego is a diamond ring
Scene is set, youre my marionettes
Ill let you feel what you paid for
meet the machine you were waiting for
Our stage is a shopping catalog
You can buy whatever you want
Yes, were little sluts for attention
Guess, were a bit nuts with intention
But everyone is coming by
to get entertained, to get satisfied
Tell me your needs, were gonna comply
We can do it all, youd be surprised
Culture saves us on a daily basis
I know enough faces that can make it
go to my homie, he knows how to phrase it
when youre lonely, read his poetry
My friends making art here, breaking hearts here
making music that is too sick
I know painters and entertainers
and creators and animators
Forget the haters of labor
that does the haters a favor
By giving them the feels everyday
fulfilling needs here, being low paid
Standing ovation in a basement
big applause, no replacement
for the big names in the small spaces
and the small names are never displaced
People are hungry, they wanna see mommy
Mommys gotta feed them, like a Tsunami
Gobble the air coming outta my mouth
I model the sphere, I model the crowd
You wanna hear my wit and my thoughts
give me applause, Im not gonna pause
Try to stop me, its your loss
If we tryna censor art,
what is left to discuss
&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$contrib&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;
3 years ago
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3 years ago
3 years ago
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3 years ago
If we censor art what is left to discuss?
what is right not to say
not to explore
not to research
not to investigate
not to disturb
not to move
not to play around with
not to harm
not to modify
not to evolve
not to question
what is right not to issue
not to challenge
not to interrogate
not to query
what is right not to intrude
or not to invade
what is right not to mess
not to change
not to develop
not to analyze
not to evaluate
not to violate
not to bother
nor to bore
or to trouble
what is right not to analyze
not to consult
not to explore
not to investigate
not to probe
not to estimate
not to look into
not to care for
not to look for
what is right not to see
what is right not to choose
nor to pick
to want
to hear
nor to feel
what is right
not to deal with
not to stand for
nor to evoke
what is right
not to reflect on
not to think of
not to consider
not to remember
not to believe in
not to mention
what is right
not to understand
not to absorb
not to take over
not to control
nor to check
what is right not to collect
not to correct
nor to connect
what is right not to rush
what is right not to flash
not to smash
not to destroy
not to crash
what is right not to press
what i right not to compress
not to oppress
what is right
not to collection
not to exhibit
not to display
not to visualise
nor to admire
what is right not to
not to confess
not to say
not to convey
what is right not to illustrate
what not to diffract
not to diffuse
neither to share
what is right not to play with
not to start with
not to end with
not to
&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$contrib&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;
3 years ago
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3 years ago
//Person A://
And I guess I am not the most qualified to talk
and perhaps that is my undoing&#39;s core
I can think of big, scary events that make us gather in the streets
or in white naked squares helpless to the gaze
designed for great speeches, markets and parades
for the troops, the students, the peaceful and the free
citizens that pace for individual growth and change
thorougly wash their hands and clean their face
and tho I liked your passion for our common democratic state
I can&#39;t but see the lines that orient and those that erase
what is censorship?
The state that in one evening shuts the public media station
that used to serve the unified nation while it shouldn&#39;t
that station that has been framing illegal the migration
and talks about terrorists and lazy and unskilled
the official fines for gay kisses on prime tv
the thankful tollerance as long as we&#39;re unseen
the murder of the sick body in the middle of the day
in the heart of the center by the presence of the crowd
by the aknowledged and the accepted and the normal
whose violence sets who is normal and abnormal
what is censorship?
The idea that I am someone else rather than me
//Person B://
I have been doing this since years
And I find it funny
That after a show
people come up to me and thank me
for making them feel something
and I ask myself if that is what were doing here
Artists make people feel something
Every once in a while
They come up to me with a smile
Big grin, gratified, happy eyes
Taken by surprise? Jokes aside
Leaving some words of gratitude
They really liked my attitude
Gave them some pleasure in their leisure
And I can promise, forever
Its always worth to spend some money
On the words leaving my mouth, honey
I can make you laugh and I can make you cry
You say youve been touched
I tell you why
You call us performers, I call us dealers
for emotions, you wanna see us
perform in motion like hyenas
We are here to fill arenas
Our stage is a shopping catalog
You can buy whatever you want
Everyone is coming by
to get entertained, to get satisfied
Tell me your needs, im gonna comply
I can do it all, youd be surprised
This minds as deep as your self esteem
This is why they call me the machine
I can give you the tears and I can give you the rage
when I come on stage and the show begins
Pulling strings like a violin, fueling the souls within
My ego is a diamond ring
Scene is set, youre my marionettes
Ill let you feel what you paid for
meet the machine you were waiting for
Our stage is a shopping catalog
You can buy whatever you want
Yes, were little sluts for attention
Guess, were a bit nuts with intention
But everyone is coming by
to get entertained, to get satisfied
Tell me your needs, were gonna comply
We can do it all, youd be surprised
Culture saves us on a daily basis
I know enough faces that can make it
go to my homie, he knows how to phrase it
when youre lonely, read his poetry
My friends making art here, breaking hearts here
making music that is too sick
I know painters and entertainers
and creators and animators
Forget the haters of labor
that does the haters a favor
By giving them the feels everyday
fulfilling needs here, being low paid
Standing ovation in a basement
big applause, no replacement
for the big names in the small spaces
and the small names are never displaced
People are hungry, they wanna see mommy
Mommys gotta feed them, like a Tsunami
Gobble the air coming outta my mouth
I model the sphere, I model the crowd
You wanna hear my wit and my thoughts
give me applause, Im not gonna pause
Try to stop me, its your loss
If we tryna censor art,
what is left to discuss
3 years ago
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3 years ago
If we censor art what is left to discuss?
what is right not to say
not to explore
not to research
not to investigate
not to disturb
not to move
not to play around with
not to harm
not to modify
not to evolve
not to question
what is right not to issue
not to challenge
not to interrogate
not to query
what is right not to intrude
or not to invade
what is right not to mess
not to change
not to develop
not to analyze
not to evaluate
not to violate
not to bother
nor to bore
or to trouble
what is right not to analyze
not to consult
not to explore
not to investigate
not to probe
not to estimate
not to look into
not to care for
not to look for
what is right not to see
what is right not to choose
nor to pick
to want
to hear
nor to feel
what is right
not to deal with
not to stand for
nor to evoke
what is right
not to reflect on
not to think of
not to consider
not to remember
not to believe in
not to mention
what is right
not to understand
not to absorb
not to take over
not to control
nor to check
what is right not to collect
not to correct
nor to connect
what is right not to rush
what is right not to flash
not to smash
not to destroy
not to crash
what is right not to press
what i right not to compress
not to oppress
what is right
not to collection
not to exhibit
not to display
not to visualise
nor to admire
what is right not to
not to confess
not to say
not to convey
what is right not to illustrate
what not to diffract
not to diffuse
neither to share
what is right not to play with
not to start with
not to end with
not to
3 years ago
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If we censor art what is left to discuss &lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed1&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;
If we censor&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed2&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;what is left to discuss
If we&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed3&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;art what is left to discuss
If we&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed4&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;what is left to discuss
If we&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed5&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;is left to discuss
If we&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed6&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;left to discuss
If we&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed7&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;to discuss
If we&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed8&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;discuss
If we&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed9&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;
If&lt;&lt;textbox &quot;$deconstructed10&quot; &quot;&quot;&gt;&gt;
[[→ Reconstruct|reconstruct]]
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If we censor art what is left to discuss $deconstructed1
If we censor $deconstructed2 what is left to discuss
If we $deconstructed3 art what is left to discuss
If we $deconstructed4 what is left to discuss
If we $deconstructed5 is left to discuss
If we $deconstructed6 left to discuss
If we $deconstructed7 to discuss
If we $deconstructed8 discuss
If we $deconstructed9
If $deconstructed10
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3 years ago
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