/* HTML5 Reader for Electric Zine Maker, made by Jeremy Oduber & contributors 2019-2021 v21.3 Me: https://twitter.com/JeremyOduber This: https://jeremyoduber.itch.io/js-zine Electric Zine Maker: https://alienmelon.itch.io/electric-zine-maker GitHub: https://github.com/jeremyoduber/EZM-Reader Licensed under the MIT License: https://github.com/jeremyoduber/EZM-Reader/blob/main/LICENSE */ //---- USER OPTIONS ----// const TEMPLATE = 4; // Change this value to set the template /* Available templates: 1: 8 pages (default) 8 Page Folded Zine 8 Page Z-Fold Quarter Size 2: 12 pages Fancy T-Cut Zine 3: 14 pages Easy Long Cut 4: 16 pages 16 Page Micro-Mini Mini-Booklet Fancy Flapbook 5: 26 pages Square Accordion Normal Accordion */ const BGCOLOR = '#f5f5f5'; // Change this hex value to set the background color. Remember to keep the quotes! const ALT = 'Reader for Electric Zine Maker'; // Change this to a plaintext copy or description of your content to make it visible to screen-readers //---- END USER OPTIONS ----// // Setup constants and variables const FOV = 45; const LOADING_OVERLAY = document.querySelector('#loading'); let card_amount; let current_state = 0; let textures = []; let pages = []; document.body.style.background = BGCOLOR; document.body.ariaLabel = ALT; const metaTheme = document.createElement('meta'); metaTheme.name = 'theme-color'; metaTheme.content = BGCOLOR; document.head.appendChild(metaTheme); function getTextures(num) { return ['pages/FRONT.png', 'pages/INNERFRONT.png'].concat( new Array(num).fill().map((_, idx) => 'pages/' + (idx + 1) + '.png'), ['pages/BACK.png'] ); } // Select template switch (TEMPLATE) { default: case 1: card_amount = 4; textures = getTextures(5); break; case 2: card_amount = 6; textures = getTextures(9); break; case 3: card_amount = 7; textures = getTextures(11); break; case 4: card_amount = 8; textures = getTextures(13); break; case 5: card_amount = 13; textures = getTextures(23); break; } // Preloader Promise.all( textures.map( src => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const img = new Image(); img.onload = () => resolve(img); img.onerror = reject; img.src = src; img.alt = src.split('/')[1].split('.')[0]; }) ) ) .then(imgs => { LOADING_OVERLAY.remove(); const list = document.createElement('ul'); list.ariaHidden = true; pages = imgs.map((img, idx) => { const li = document.createElement('li'); const flip = idx % 2; li.className = 'depth-' + Math.min(2, idx); li.style.transform = 'translateX(100%) rotateY(0deg) scaleZ(' + (flip ? -1 : 1) + ')'; li.appendChild(img); list.appendChild(li); return li; }); document.body.appendChild(list); function updatePerspective() { const w = window.innerWidth; const h = window.innerHeight; list.style.perspective = Math.sqrt(((w / 2) * w) / 2 + ((h / 2) * h) / 2) / Math.tan(((FOV / 2) * Math.PI) / 180) + 'px'; } window.addEventListener('resize', updatePerspective); updatePerspective(); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); LOADING_OVERLAY.textContent = 'Something went wrong! Make sure your images are in the pages folder! See console for details.'; }); // Keyboard input document.addEventListener('keyup', function onKeyUp(key) { if (key.key === 'ArrowLeft' || key.key === 'a') { flipLeft(); } else if (key.key === 'ArrowRight' || key.key === 'd') { flipRight(); } }); // Mouse input document.addEventListener('pointerup', function onPointerUp(event) { if (event.button !== 0) return; if (event.clientX < window.innerWidth / 2) { flipRight(); } else { flipLeft(); } }); function getPages(state) { return [pages[state * 2], pages[state * 2 + 1]].filter(i => i); } function replaceTransformPerPage(state, search, replace) { getPages(state).forEach(page => { page.style.transform = page.style.transform.replace(search, replace); }); } function setDepth(state, depth) { getPages(state).forEach(page => { page.className = page.className.replace(/depth-\d+/, 'depth-' + Math.min(depth, 2)); }); } // Flip page left function flipLeft() { if (current_state >= card_amount) return; replaceTransformPerPage(current_state, '0deg', '-180deg'); setDepth(current_state - 1, 1); setDepth(current_state - 2, 2); setDepth(current_state + 1, 0); setDepth(current_state + 2, 1); ++current_state; } // Flip page right function flipRight() { if (current_state <= 0) return; replaceTransformPerPage(current_state - 1, '-180deg', '0deg'); setDepth(current_state - 3, 1); setDepth(current_state - 2, 0); setDepth(current_state + 1, 2); setDepth(current_state, 1); --current_state; }