function fontRead(){ fontReady = true; } function randomNumber(min,max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); }; function openWindow(c) {``,'_self'); } var x = randomNumber(null,5); var y = randomNumber(0,2); console.log(x) function preload() { footsteps = document.getElementById("footsteps");//walking PNF1 = document.getElementById("PNF1"); PNF2 = document.getElementById("PNF2"); LOBS1 = document.getElementById("LOBS1"); LOBS2 = document.getElementById("LOBS2"); GARDE = document.getElementById("GARDE1"); GARDE = document.getElementById("GARDE2"); SONIC1 = document.getElementById("SONIC1 "); SONIC2 = document.getElementById("SONIC2"); PIGEON1 = document.getElementById("PIGEON1 "); PIGEON2 = document.getElementById("PIGEON2"); myFont = loadFont("ApfelGrotezk-Regular.ttf", fontRead); myFont2 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-40.ttf", fontRead); myFont3 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-60.ttf", fontRead); myFont4 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-80.ttf", fontRead); myFont5 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-100.ttf", fontRead); myFont6 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-120.ttf", fontRead); myFont7 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-140.ttf", fontRead); myFont8 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-160.ttf", fontRead); myFont9 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-180.ttf", fontRead); myFont10 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-200.ttf", fontRead); myFont11 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-220.ttf", fontRead); myFont12 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-240.ttf", fontRead); myFont13 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-260.ttf", fontRead); myFont14 = loadFont("typefaces/TINY5x3-280.ttf", fontRead); }; var SOU =[[PNF1, PNF2],[LOBS1, LOBS2],[GARDE1, GARDE2], [SONIC1, SONIC2], [PIGEON1, PIGEON2]] let sou = SOU[x][y]; var HOTSPOT = { names: ["Hotspot name:\nPLACE NOT FOUND", "Hotspot name:\nLOBSTER LOUNGE", "Hotspot name:\nTHE SECRET GARDEN", "Hotspot name:\nSONIC THE SELLOUT", "Hotspot name:\nPIGEON PLAZA"], coord: ["52.07242636201861,\n4.311324269227487","52.07494151159389,\n4.311367399049404","52.073236822099176,\n4.314598358985356","52.07642086169303,\n4.3083705464802105","52.07863969677628,\n4.304184010905719"], url: ["coordinates/pnf.html",'cooordinates/lobster.html','coordinates/garden.html','coordinates/sonic.html','coordinates/pigeon.html'] }; // Place not found 1 // Place not found 2 // Lobster Lounge 1 // Lobster Lounge 1 // The Secret Garden // Sonic the Sellout1 // Sonic the Sellout 2 // Pigeon Plaza 1 // Pigeon Plaza 2 console.log(x) p5.disableFriendlyErrors = true; var canvas; var hit = false; //little ball var ballX = Math.random() * window.innerWidth; //set starting point of ball var ballY = Math.random() * window.innerHeight; var ballwidth = 35;//set size of ball var ballheight = 35; var ballDirectionX = -1; var ballDirectionY = -1; var ballSpeed = 5; //player1 is CPU var p1X = 5;//set a distance from left border*** var p1Y = 250; var cpuSpeed = 40; //player 2 var p2X = -5;//set a distance from right border*** var p2Y = -5; //player 2 var p3X = -20;//set a distance from right border*** var p3Y = -20; //playersize var playerWidth = 10; var playerHeight = 200; var pSpeed = 15; //scoreboard var p1Score = 0; var p2Score = 0; //FUNCTIONS var stage = 0; //0 =splash //1 =pong var coordinateX = Math.random() * window.innerWidth-100; var coordinateY = Math.random() * window.innerHeight-100; var letterSize = 50; var myFont, fontReady = false; var clicks = 0; var song; var hit = false; var inside = false; var capture = true; var r = 0; var g = 0; var b = 0; var col = 0; var img; //var _createImg2; //let cheatcode = ''; //var sliderRate, //var sliderPan; function setup() { // // console.log(coordinateX); createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight).position(0,0).style('z-index','-10').style('display','fixed'); width = windowWidth; height = windowHeight; rectMode(CENTER); textSize(30); //textalignment textAlign(CENTER); //img = loadImage =('INTRO.gif'); } // function loaded(){ //; // } function draw(){; //pong(); //run pong function if (stage == 0){ splash1();//run splash1 } if(stage == 0 && clicks== 2){ stage = 1;//startslide1 document.getElementById("GIF").style.visibility = "hidden"; }//close 0 if (stage == 1){ splash2();//run splash2 } if(stage == 1 && clicks == 4){ stage = 2;//run splash2 }//close 1 if (stage == 2){ splash3();//run splash3 } if(stage == 2 && clicks == 6){ stage = 3;//run splash3 }//close 2 if (stage == 3){ splash4();//run splash4 } if(stage == 3 && clicks == 8){ stage = 4;//run splash4 }//close 3 if (stage == 4){ hideSplash(); // added by mb pong();//run pong noStroke(); fill(255); textSize(80); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); //displaying number of clicks //text(clicks, width/2, height/2); }//close 2 // if(stage == 6){ //player 1 wins // p1Wins(); // }//close 3 // // if(stage == 7){ //player 2 wins // p2Wins(); // }//close 4 }//close draw function keyPressed() { // console.log('keyPressed: ' + key); } function keyPressed() { // console.log('keyPressed: ' + key); } function keyReleased() { // console.log('keyReleased: ' + key); } function keyTyped(){ // cheatcode += key; // console.log('keyTyped: ' + key); } function mousePressed(){ // console.log('mousePressed'); clicks ++; capture = true; } function mouseReleased(){ console.log('mouseReleased'); capture = false; } function mouseClicked(){ // console.log('mouseClicked'); } function mouseMoved(){ // console.log('mouseMoved'); } function mouseDragged(){ // console.log('mouseDragged'); } function mouseWheel(){ // console.log('mouseWheel'); } function displayInSplash(html){ var textcontainer = document.getElementById("textcontainer"); textcontainer.innerHTML = html; = "block"; // show the textcontainer } function hideSplash(){ var textcontainer = document.getElementById("textcontainer"); = "none"; // hide the textcontainer } function splash1(){ var html = "Tap or Click anywhere to start"; displayInSplash(html); fill(255); } function splash2(){ var html = 'You are the ball in a city-based pinball game.

Bounce from bumper to bumper.

Unlock secrets and surprises.

Drift through our urban playfield.'; displayInSplash(html); background(255); } function splash3(){ //welcome screen var html = " 1. Walk through the city using the coordinates (hints) given in this website.

2. Once you arrive, open your Wi-Fi settings and connect to the hotspot whose name you'll also find here.

3. Go to your web browser and type the name of the hotspot as a url: name.wlan/.

A hotspot is a local wireless access point. Within the context of this issue, however, a hotspot is not a regular Wi-Fi connection: it doesn't connect you to the Internet, but, instead, to our pinball game."; displayInSplash(html); background(255); } function splash4(){ //welcome screen var html = 'Tap anywhere to launch a ball!'; displayInSplash(html); background(255); } //function p1Wins(){ //P1 Win screen // r = map(mouseX, 0, windowHeight, 0, 255); // g = map(mouseY, 0, windowHeight, 255, 0); // b = map(mouseX, 0, windowWidth, 0, 255); // col = mouseX/2; // background(r, g, b); // fill(255); // textSize(25); // textFont(myFont); // text('Refresh to launch a new ball', width/2, height/2); //}//close P1 //function p2Wins(){ //P2 Win screen // background(163); // fill(255); // textSize(20); // textFont(myFont); // text('Refresh to launch a new ball', width/2, height/2); //}//close P2 function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); } function ball(){ ballX = ballX + (ballDirectionX*ballSpeed);//move horizontally ballY = ballY + (ballDirectionY*ballSpeed);//move vertically noStroke();//turn off outline border fill(255); //fill set to white ellipse(ballX, ballY, ballwidth, ballheight); if(ballX < 0){//ball off the left of the screen ballDirectionX = ballDirectionX*-1; } if(ballX > width){//ball off the right of the screen ballDirectionX = ballDirectionX*-1; //insert a sound here } if(ballY < 0){//ball off the left of the screen ballDirectionY = ballDirectionY*-1; } if(ballY > height){//ball off the top of the screen ballDirectionY = ballDirectionY*-1; } } function coordinateBall(){ noStroke();//turn off outline border fill(0,0,0); //fill set to white let d = map(mouseY, 0, height, 100, 800); //diameter of the ball ellipse(coordinateX,coordinateY, d, d); } function coordinateBallColored(){ noStroke(); r = map(ballX, 0, windowWidth, 0, 255); g = map(ballY, 0, windowHeight, 255, 0); c = map(mouseX, -99 , windowHeight, 255, 0) let d = map(mouseY, 0, height, 100, 800); //diameter of the ball fill(r,g,c); ellipse(coordinateX,coordinateY, d, d); } function pong() { let name = HOTSPOT.names[x]; let coord = HOTSPOT.coord[x]; cpu(); //loop cpu function //if (PNF1.paused) { //; //} //IN BETWEEN VARIABLES SHOWCASE r = map(ballX, 0, windowWidth, 0, 255); g = map(ballY, 0, windowHeight, 255, 0); b = map(mouseX, 0, windowWidth, 0, 255); let d = map(mouseY, 0, height, 100, 800); //diameter of the ball let e = int(dist(width/2, height/2, ballX, ballY)); if (inside){ hit = collideCircleCircle(coordinateX,coordinateY,d-ballwidth,ballX, ballY,ballwidth) console.log(hit) } else { hit = collideCircleCircle(coordinateX,coordinateY,d,ballX, ballY,ballwidth) console.log(hit) } if (hit == true){; inside = true; } else { if (inside){ if (capture){ //inside bounce ballDirectionX = ballDirectionX*-1; ballDirectionY = ballDirectionY*-1; } else { inside = false; } } } fill(255); // text(cheatcode, 100, 100); if (hit == false){ background(r,g,b); coordinateBall(); textSize(width/20); fill(255); textFont(myFont); textAlign(TOP); textLeading(width/20); text("I Don't Know Where We're Going, But\nyou are "+e+"px away from finding a hotspot ", width/2, 70); textSize(width/35); textFont(myFont); textAlign(CENTER); textLeading(width/35); text('Click/Press while the ball is inside the circle\n to get your coordinates', width/2, height-120); fill(0); ball(); //background(r, g, b); } else if (hit == true) { background(0,0,0); if(mouseIsPressed == true) { // if the mouse is pressed, while the ball is in the circle // big text at the top coordinateBallColored(); ball(); textSize(width/20); fill(255); textFont(myFont); textAlign(TOP); textLeading(width/20); text('I Don\'t Know Where We\'re Going, But\ngo and find a hotspot at:', width/2, 70); // text at the bottom textFont(myFont); textAlign(CENTER); textSize(width/20); textLeading(width/20); text(name, width/2, height-100); textSize(width/17); text(coord , width/2, height/2); fill(0); if(mouseReleased){ console.log('cane') setTimeout(function() { openWindow(coord); }, 3000 ); } } else { // if the mouse is not pressed, while the ball is in the circle // big text at the top coordinateBallColored(); ball(); textSize(width/20); fill(255); textFont(myFont); textAlign(TOP); textLeading(width/20); text('I Don\'t Know Where We\'re Going, But\ntouch or click find a hotspot!', width/2, 70); } } if(mouseIsPressed == true) { textFont(myFont); textAlign(CENTER); textSize(20); fill(0); //text('Sound Unlocked! (your mouse is currently pressed) ', width/2, height-90); //;//sirens } if(mouseIsPressed){ if(mouseButton === RIGHT) { textFont(myFont); textAlign(CENTER); textSize(20); fill(255); //text('Sound Unlocked! (your mouse is right clicked) ', width/2, height/2-160) //; } } if(keyIsPressed == true) { textAlign(CENTER); textFont(myFont); fill(0); textSize(50); // // console.log("playlayer4"); } if(ballX >= 900 && ballX <= 1100) { textAlign(CENTER); textFont(myFont); textSize(20); fill(0); // // console.log("playlayer6"); } if(ballY >= 50 && ballY <= 200) { textAlign(CENTER); textSize(20); // // console.log("playlayer2"); } if(windowWidth < 800) { textAlign(BOTTOM); textFont(myFont); textSize(20); fill(0); // // console.log("playlayer8"); } if(windowHeight < 400) { textAlign(CENTER); fill(0); textSize(20); // // console.log("playlayer8"); } if(ballX <= 0){ //off left wall - p1 missed p2Score = p2Score+1;//add point //recenterball ball1X = width/2; ballY = height/2; }//close p2 scores if(ballX >= width){ //off right wall - p2 missed p1Score = p1Score+1;//add point //recenterball // ball1X = width/2; // ballY = height/2; }//close p1 scores if(p1Score >= 10000){ stage = 6; //run p1wins }//close p1wins if(p2Score >= 10000){ stage = 6; //run p2wins }//close p2wins }//close pong //UP function keyTyped(){ if(key == 'z' && keyIsPressed){ p1Y = p1Y-pSpeed; }//close w //DOWN if(key == 's' && keyIsPressed){ p1Y = p1Y+pSpeed; }//close s }//close keytyped function cpu(){ //controls cpu player if(ballX < width/2){//has the ball crossed the court? if(p1Y <= ballY){ p1Y = p1Y+cpuSpeed; //move down }//close above cel if(p1Y >= ballY){ p1Y = p1Y-cpuSpeed; //move up }//close bellow ball }//close move cpu else{ p1Y = p1Y; //only move when ball is on cpu side }//close else }//close cpu hit