You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

699 lines
18 KiB

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4 years ago
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<div><span class="screen">CTRL(⌘)+ P to print the A3 cover (W.I.P)<br>
Please use <a href="" target="blank">Chromium</a> Open Source browser and set to Horizontal A3<br><br>
A3 Cover PDF<a href="A3COVER.pdf" target="blank">(here)</a><br><br>
Thank you!</span></div>
<!--WOr(L)DS foR THE FuTUrE--->
4 years ago
<div><!--<span class="title2">WOr(L)DS<br>foR THE FuTUrE-</span><br>--->
<span class="title">WOR(<symbol2>L</symbol2>)DS<br> FOR THE FUTURE</span><br>
4 years ago
<div><span class="titleitalic">Republishing Tool Kit for an Imaginary Atlas</span></div>
<div><span class="titlevertical">WѺR(L)DS FҨӶ THξ FUTURЭ</span></div>
<div><span class="titleverticalleft">XPUB</span></div>
<div><span class="titlebottom">XPUB</span></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="columnleft" style="background-color:white;">
<bigmedium>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Words have the power to shape reality. Wor(l)ds <br>for the Future is a set of map making tools to re-imagine and collect wor(l)ds, and to re-publish an everchanging atlas. We invite you to delve into the materials and traverse the texts in any way you desire: by cutting and pasting the printed matter, or by unravelling the texts online. The choice is yours. You can reconstruct images and reinterpret words to create Wor(l)ds for the Future.<br><br>
<div class="columnmiddle " style="background-color:white;">
<bigregular>This project is a republication of <i>Words for the Future</i> (2018), a multivoiced series of ten booklets. In the 2020 version, XPUB (Experimental Publishing) students from the Piet Zwart institute reinterpret the original material through methods such as annotating and prototyping<br> in Python (a coding language we used to analyse text<br> as texture). The ten booklets were cross-examined and mapped in order to find interconnections and links.<br><br>
We approached this project through the perspective<br> of cartography. Alfred Korzybski wrote: "The map is <br>not the territory". In other words, the description of the thing is not the thing itself. The model is not reality. Cartography always entails a selection and transformation of properties of a complex reality that affect the way maps partial views of reality are deciphered and received. With this notion in mind, we created a mapping to highlight our individual explorations and interpretations using a language of symbols created to represent our understanding of the original material of Words<br> for the Future.<br><br>
A map could relate to something that no longer exists.<br> It could also relate to something that does not yet exist. Maps could be seen as fictions therefore, as spaces for the imaginary.<br><br>
Join us to un-map and re-map an infinite amount of potential constellations of tomorrow, and to navigate speculative wor(l)ds which holds the capacity<br> to bleed into the very fabric of our shared grounds.
<bigmedium>Online publication:</bigmedium><br></bigregular>
<div class="columnmiddle2 " style="background-color:white;">
<div class="columnright">
4 years ago
<symbol>L</symbol><italic>Liquid</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kendal Beynon</p2><br>
<symbol>T</symbol><italic>Tense</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Martin Foucaut</p2><br>
<symbol>A</symbol><italic>Atata</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Camilo García A.</p2><br>
<symbol>M</symbol><italic>!?</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Clara Gradel</p2><br>
<symbol>U</symbol><italic>Undecidability</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nami Kim</p2><br>
<symbol>H</symbol><italic>Hope</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Euna Lee</p2><br>
<symbol>O</symbol><italic>Otherness</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jacopo Lega</p2><br>
<symbol>P</symbol><italic>Practical Vision</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Federico Poni </p2><br>
<symbol>R</symbol><italic>Resurgence</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Louisa Teichmann</p2><br>
<symbol>E</symbol><italic>Eco-Swaraj</italic><p2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Floor van Meeuwen</p2><br>