diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index d1188bf..5eb9af6 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
@@ -1532,7 +1532,9 @@

@@ -1553,25 +1555,33 @@
  • Language is never "just there", never neutral or innocent. Using words is taking actions.
  • +

  • Communication is the responsibility of decision!
  • +

  • Can someone avoid their responsibility by not communicating at all?
  • +

  • One can also avoid it by communicating!
  • +

    @@ -1586,7 +1596,9 @@
  • Just like with the archive, language can shelter and conceal itself.
  • +

    @@ -1612,7 +1624,7 @@
    "The *information source* selects the desired message out of a set of possible messages, the transmitter changes the message into the *signal*, which is sent over the communications channel to the *receiver* where it is decoded back into the message and delivered to the destination."
    @@ -1620,7 +1632,9 @@
  • Information source > desired message > signal > receiver.
  • +

    @@ -1641,13 +1655,17 @@
  • The transmission of the desired message depends on the source, the signal, and the destination.
  • +

  • The receiver and the transmitter have to understand the same code.
  • +

    @@ -1687,7 +1705,9 @@
    - "Every such system contains noise." +

    @@ -1702,31 +1722,41 @@
  • Information source > desired message > signal + noise > reciever.
  • +

  • Noise can prevent the information from getting through intact.
  • +

  • The transmission can change the message.
  • +

  • The encoding/decoding process - can blur/change the message.
  • +

    - "Let's take painting as an example of a signal transmitting a coded message." +

    @@ -1735,17 +1765,19 @@ Painting as language:

  • Information source = painter’s mind and experience
  • -
  • Signal = the painting
  • -
  • Receiver = those who see the painting
  • +
  • The receivers' interpretations of the signal (here painting) will depend on the noise.
  • +

    @@ -1766,30 +1798,36 @@
  • Background noise.
  • +

  • Noise does not necessarily mean sound.
  • +

  • - Noise is everything that leads to the interpretation of the painting: +

  • -
  • The background of the receiver might sometimes be so different from the transmitter’s background that understanding the intended meaning may be challenging.
  • +

    @@ -1805,7 +1843,9 @@
  • Let us not begin at the beginning, nor even at the noise. But rather at the word "noise"- and with the noise of so familiar a word.
  • +

    @@ -1898,31 +1938,41 @@
  • Noise can be parasitic.
  • +

  • Noise interrupts, corrupts, creates a rupture.
  • +

  • It does not necessarily mean sound.
  • +

  • Interruption = tactic/tool to cease power.
  • +

  • Censorship can be a form of noise.
  • +

    @@ -1953,7 +2003,9 @@
  • Uniformity, mass production, and standardisation, limit the fair distribution of resources (communicating resources).
  • +

    @@ -1971,25 +2023,33 @@
  • Having a multitude of perpectives on a subject obviously broadens your understanding of it.
  • +

  • Here, the parasitic noise interrupts the feast, just like noise can interrupt communication between people.
  • +

  • Noise, when it interrupts, parasites, implies a hierarchy, a dependency.
  • +

  • It can narrow and withhold messages, distort others.
  • +

    @@ -2005,13 +2065,17 @@
  • Information-washing of the dominant class is the distortion, the long-term static noise.
  • +

  • A class of people. The "white collar criminals", generating their own order.
  • +

    @@ -2069,20 +2133,25 @@
  • Not being interrupted is coupled with power is a luxury - the "rat" is always interrupted, the "king" never.
  • +

  • If you are constantly being interrupted, you have to deviate to be heard.
  • +

  • If you are constantly being interrupted, you have to deviate to be understood.
  • - It segments production. +

    @@ -2127,19 +2196,25 @@
  • Propaganda and censorship as a constant, parasitic noise. +

  • -
  • Constant struggle, a fight for position. +

  • -
  • Relation between information and energy. +

  • @@ -2152,37 +2227,49 @@
  • Political urgency. +

  • -
  • Authority controls resources. +

  • -
  • For an oppressor, distortion would be the noise of those who disagree with them. +

  • -
  • Political dissidents create the noise that interrupt the feast of oppressors. +

  • -
  • Resistance movements can generate a counter/ a different order. +

  • -
  • From beyond this point and in this chain, everybody becomes a parasite. +

  • @@ -2204,19 +2291,20 @@
  • Wikipedia, for example, was not created for a world in which censorship still exists: + Wikipedia, for example, was not created for a world in which censorship still exists : +
  • -
    - -
  • Sources and references are being deleted, writers being chased after, etc… -
  • -
  • Who gets to articulates the laws? Who articulates the memory of it ? Don’t forget this. +

  • @@ -2258,19 +2346,25 @@
  • Communication through symbols. +

  • -
  • Beacons as means of communication (flags, cross barriers of sound). +

  • -
  • Meaning is produced, information/data is being generated. +

  • @@ -2282,31 +2376,41 @@
  • Symbols as the abstraction of an idea. +

  • -
  • The idea that you can understand people without knowing all their codes/languages ? +

  • -
  • through all language barriers ? +

  • -
  • language of many portals = philosophical. +

  • -
  • Symbols change and evolve : Are they part of language or a wander of communication ? +

  • @@ -2323,13 +2427,17 @@
  • Meaning is very and must be transmitted in the most thoughtful way to be received in the desired way. +

  • -
  • Multiple communication systems that make up one great machine. +

  • @@ -2357,13 +2465,17 @@
  • Redundancy in transmitting is a way to reduce noise in a message. +

  • -
  • Market information is most efficient, for its redundancy +

  • @@ -2386,19 +2498,19 @@
  • Message transmission between two stockbrokers’ offices, for example: + Message transmission between two stockbrokers’ offices, for example:

  • -
    - -
  • There may exist at the information source just two possible messages: BUY or SELL. -
  • -
  • If the signal is distorted in such a way as to change SELL to SELF, as there are only two possible messages, BUY and SELL, there is sufficient redundancy in the spelling of the words that even if it did read SELF, the information would still be clear. +

  • @@ -2875,64 +2987,61 @@
    BODY/SOUL/INTELECT, the materiality, reactivating bla bla bla
    - - + - - +