diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 67325f2..1788000 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -156,21 +156,21 @@
Property x Knowledge x Power

  • To own and share the knowledge is to own the power.

  • -
  • Archiving comes from, and gives, a position of power.

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  • The archivist always holds the power to frame the material.

  • -
  • The archive is affiliated with the institution or power, which is never neutral.

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    "…with this archic, in truth patriarchic function, without which no archive would ever come into play or appear as such."

  • "Archon" also has a negative, tyrannical connotation.

  • -
  • The "archive" (mostly considered as a neutral instance) actually comes from a rather authoritarian history/concept.

  • -
  • Archiving as a very patriarchal practice.

  • -
  • The patriarch refers to the material/book/law text, as if he was a servant of it, and says "it's not my fault what’s in it". lol.

  • -
  • The arrogance of power.

  • -
    Supremacy :
    Supreme authority or power.

  • Content must be categorized in order to be called an archive. It has a particular set of procedures, it strives for a permanence.

  • -
  • The link between the right to archive and power, as well as the right for people in power to select and interpret, doesn’t sound like a good idea.

  • -
  • Don't we all strive for permanence?

  • +
    Property x Knowledge x Power

  • To own and share the knowledge is to own the power.

  • +
  • Archiving comes from, and gives, a position of power.

  • +
  • The archivist always holds the power to frame the material.

  • +
  • The archive is affiliated with the institution or power, which is never neutral.

  • +
    "…with this archic, in truth patriarchic function, without which no archive would ever come into play or appear as such."

  • "Archon" also has a negative, tyrannical connotation.

  • +
  • The "archive" (mostly considered as a neutral instance) actually comes from a rather authoritarian history/concept.

  • +
  • Archiving as a very patriarchal practice.

  • +
  • The patriarch refers to the material/book/law text, as if he was a servant of it, and says "it's not my fault what’s in it". lol.

  • +
  • The arrogance of power.

  • +
    Supremacy :
    Supreme authority or power.

  • Content must be categorized in order to be called an archive. It has a particular set of procedures, it strives for a permanence.

  • +
  • The link between the right to archive and power, as well as the right for people in power to select and interpret, doesn’t sound like a good idea.

  • +
  • Don't we all strive for permanence?

  • @@ -181,37 +181,37 @@
    A freudian Impression

    Topography :
    A description or an analysis
    of a structured entity,
    showing the relations among its components.

    "A science of the archive must include the theory of this institutionalization, that is to say, at once of the law which begins by inscribing itself there and of the right which authorizes it."

  • History does not write itself, it’s written by people - almost exclusively by a dominant population.

  • -
  • Could it be co-written?

  • -
    Demystify :
    To rid of mystery
    or obscurity,clarify.

  • Psychoanalysis as a tool to look at the non-disclosed processes of interpretation.

  • -
  • By questioning a system of belief, you can come closer to its origin, and its conditions of interpretation, of curation.

  • -
  • Through gaining understanding, some of its power transfers to you.

  • -
  • Power can be taken (from whom?) if you raise awareness towards these said conditions of interpretation, of curation, contextual and hermeneutic circumstances ...

  • -
  • It's a subversive act: Instead of focusing only on the content of the archive, one interprets the maker, therefore, undermines/questions their authority.

  • -
    "This right imposes or supposes a bundle of limits which have a history, a deconstructable history."

  • Things can be understood contextually and historically, in relation to power structures and institutions that shaped their own concepts.

  • -
  • We can’t detach the archive from politics and the long history behind it.

  • -
  • History, for example, being so very masculine and therefore the archive being so biased and excluding.

  • -
  • Also, the concept of the archive is biased towards written cultures and languages.

  • -
  • The fact that for a really long time, and still today, it is harder to archive oral cultures, and therefore cultures that archive themselves in text are usually dominant.

  • -
    "Should one rely on what Freud says about this to classify his works? Should one for example take him at his word when he presents his Moses as a 'historical novel'?"

    Covenant :
    A usually formal, solemn,
    and binding agreement.
    A written agreement or promise

  • The intentions behind an archive can be dangerous if their objectivity is taken for granted.

  • -
  • Is the perpetually reflexive state of a human being possible?

  • -
  • Cognitive philosophy + post-structuralism = clash boom boom!

  • -
    "The limits, the borders, and the distinctions have been shaken by an earthquake from which no classificational concept and no implementation of the archive can be sheltered."

  • To question a dominant archive’s legitimacy can threaten its authority.

  • -
  • It exposes its subjectivities.

  • -
  • It challenges its supremacy.

  • -
  • What are the desires at stake? Who are/is the archivist.s? What are their motives? Political views? Class? Where are they from?

  • -
    Dissemination :
    To scatter widely.
    The opening of a subject to
    widespread discussion
    and debate.

  • Don't take information for granted - question their context and the reasons behind the process of selection.

  • -
  • Disseminate - consider all possible influences.

  • -
    "Order is no longer assured."

    A freudian Impression

    Topography :
    A description or an analysis
    of a structured entity,
    showing the relations among its components.

    "A science of the archive must include the theory of this institutionalization, that is to say, at once of the law which begins by inscribing itself there and of the right which authorizes it."

  • History does not write itself, it’s written by people - almost exclusively by a dominant population.

  • +
  • Could it be co-written?

  • +
    Demystify :
    To rid of mystery
    or obscurity,clarify.

  • Psychoanalysis as a tool to look at the non-disclosed processes of interpretation.

  • +
  • By questioning a system of belief, you can come closer to its origin, and its conditions of interpretation, of curation.

  • +
  • Through gaining understanding, some of its power transfers to you.

  • +
  • Power can be taken (from whom?) if you raise awareness towards these said conditions of interpretation, of curation, contextual and hermeneutic circumstances ...

  • +
  • It's a subversive act: Instead of focusing only on the content of the archive, one interprets the maker, therefore, undermines/questions their authority.

  • +
    "This right imposes or supposes a bundle of limits which have a history, a deconstructable history."

  • Things can be understood contextually and historically, in relation to power structures and institutions that shaped their own concepts.

  • +
  • We can’t detach the archive from politics and the long history behind it.

  • +
  • History, for example, being so very masculine and therefore the archive being so biased and excluding.

  • +
  • Also, the concept of the archive is biased towards written cultures and languages.

  • +
  • The fact that for a really long time, and still today, it is harder to archive oral cultures, and therefore cultures that archive themselves in text are usually dominant.

  • +
    "Should one rely on what Freud says about this to classify his works? Should one for example take him at his word when he presents his Moses as a 'historical novel'?"

    Covenant :
    A usually formal, solemn,
    and binding agreement.
    A written agreement or promise

  • The intentions behind an archive can be dangerous if their objectivity is taken for granted.

  • +
  • Is the perpetually reflexive state of a human being possible?

  • +
  • Cognitive philosophy + post-structuralism = clash boom boom!

  • +
    "The limits, the borders, and the distinctions have been shaken by an earthquake from which no classificational concept and no implementation of the archive can be sheltered."

  • To question a dominant archive’s legitimacy can threaten its authority.

  • +
  • It exposes its subjectivities.

  • +
  • It challenges its supremacy.

  • +
  • What are the desires at stake? Who are/is the archivist.s? What are their motives? Political views? Class? Where are they from?

  • +
    Dissemination :
    To scatter widely.
    The opening of a subject to
    widespread discussion
    and debate.

  • Don't take information for granted - question their context and the reasons behind the process of selection.

  • +
  • Disseminate - consider all possible influences.

  • +
    "Order is no longer assured."