You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<title>Reading the Structure</title>
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<div class="container"><p>
{% for item, value in words_and_tags.items() %}
<span id="{{item}}" class="wrapper {{ words_and_tags[item]['wordtype'] }} {{ words_and_tags[item]['sentiment'] }} {{ words_and_tags[item]['POS'] }} {% if words_and_tags[item]['named entity'] == 'no entity' %} no_entity {% else %} known_entity {% endif %}">
<span class ="tag ner invisible"> {{ words_and_tags[item]['named entity'] }}</span>
<span class ="tag wordtype invisible"> {{ words_and_tags[item]['wordtype'] }} </span>
<span class ="tag sentiment invisible"> {{ words_and_tags[item]['sentiment'] }}</span>
<span class ="tag pos invisible"> {{ words_and_tags[item]['POS'] }}</span>
<span class ="word {% if words_and_tags[item]['word'] in [',','.','(',')',';',':'] %} punctuation {% else %} {{ words_and_tags[item]['word'] }} {% endif %}"> {{ words_and_tags[item]['word'] }}</span>
{% endfor %}
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