/* The index.html features all words and their labels. The function of this script is to show and hide specific words based on their label. In this case the word is hidden, but its respective label is shown in the text. Each collection of words and labels is inside a .wrapper with an id. The classes of these wrapper feature the word, and the values of the labels (e.g. class="wrapper software noun keyword neutral") by default all words inside the wrapper have the class .word. This class is visible. by default all labels (noun, neutral etc.) have the class .tag and another class with the type of label (POS, sentiment, etc). .tag is by default display:none If the user clicks on one of the .wrapper elements, the page changes the hidden words. The state changes. What happens inside the wrapper if the state changes to hide all nouns? - Previous filter is disabled. All tags invisible. All words visible. - the words in the wrapper with class noun are selected. They get the class word_label. Which means: only visible on :hovering the wrapper. - the span with the text 'noun' and class 'pos' will lose the class invisible. The tag is now visible in the text. Aside: What about Weasyprint? Weasyprint can't see the changes made by this script. It will only show the normal text, without any labels. To print the text with the desired styling, there is a specific stylesheet called print.css. */ $(document).ready(function(){ // State 1 Selectors for stopword tagger: selecting the word, and the label 'stopword' var stopword_word = $('.stopword > .word'); var stopword_label = $('.stopword > .wordtype'); // State 2 Selectors for the sentiment tagger, showing neutral words and their labels var known_entity_word = $('.known_entity > .word, .pronoun > .word'); var known_entity_label = $('.known_entity > .ner, .pronoun > .pos'); // State 3 Selectors for the noun taggger var noun_word = $('.noun > .word'); var noun_label = $('.noun > .pos'); // State 4 Selectors for the adjective and adverb taggger var ad_word = $('.adjective > .word, .adverb > .word'); var ad_label = $('.adjective > .pos, .adverb > .pos'); // State 5 Selectors for the determiner, pronoun, preposition and infinitival to taggger var dppt_word = $('.determiner > .word, .pronoun > .word, .to > .word, .preposition > .word'); var dppt_label = $('.determiner > .pos, .pronoun > .pos, .to > .pos, .preposition > .pos'); // State 6 Selectors for the sentiment tagger, showing only positive and negative words and their labels var neutral_word = $('.neutral > .word'); var neutral_label = $('.neutral > .sentiment'); // On page load, prepare the right view for state one. Hiding all stopwords, showing the stopword label var state = 1; stopword_word.addClass('word_label'); stopword_label.removeClass('invisible'); // Here we run through the states $('.container').click( function() { console.log(state); if (state == 1) { stopword_word.removeClass('word_label'); stopword_label.addClass('invisible'); $("#poster").prop("href", "poster-neutral.pdf") known_entity_word.addClass('word_label'); known_entity_label.removeClass('invisible'); } if (state == 2) { known_entity_word.removeClass('word_label'); known_entity_label.addClass('invisible'); $("#poster").prop("href", "poster-neutral.pdf") noun_word.addClass('word_label'); noun_label.removeClass('invisible'); } if (state == 3) { noun_word.removeClass('word_label'); noun_label.addClass('invisible'); $("#poster").prop("href", "poster-neutral.pdf") ad_word.addClass('word_label'); ad_label.removeClass('invisible'); } if (state == 4) { ad_word.removeClass('word_label'); ad_label.addClass('invisible'); $("#poster").prop("href", "poster-neutral.pdf") dppt_word.addClass('word_label'); dppt_label.removeClass('invisible'); } if (state == 5) { dppt_word.removeClass('word_label'); dppt_label.addClass('invisible'); $("#poster").prop("href", "poster-neutral.pdf") neutral_word.addClass('word_label'); neutral_label.removeClass('invisible'); } if (state == 6) { neutral_word.removeClass('word_label'); neutral_label.addClass('invisible'); $("#poster").prop("href", "poster-neutral.pdf") stopword_word.addClass('word_label'); stopword_label.removeClass('invisible'); state = 0; } state = state+1; }); });