#!/bin/bash i=0; echo "Read every new sentence out loud!" head -n 1 $1 > output/input0.txt while [[ $i -le 10 ]] do echo $i cat output/input$i.txt python3 src/write_audio.py src/sound$i.wav 2> /dev/null play src/sound$i.wav repeat 5 2> /dev/null & #in the background the sound, without it all the sounds play one by one//2 is stderr python3 src/audio_transcribe.py sound$i.wav > output/input$((i+1)).txt 2> /dev/null sleep 1 (( i++ )) done today=$(date +%Y%m%d.%H-%M); mkdir -p "output/ttssr.$today" mv -v output/input* output/ttssr.$today; mv -v src/sound* output/ttssr.$today;