import pytest from math import ceil import sys from sys import stdout import time import os.path def pop_items(words, num_items): ''' Removes num_items from words.''' if not words: return [], [] if num_items > len(words): raise ValueError('Not enough items!') popped = [] for number in range(num_items): removed = words.pop(0) popped.append(removed) return popped, words def all_words_less_than(words, maxlength): ''' Checks if the words have the correct length given in maxlength''' for word in words: if len(word) > maxlength: return False return True def filterwords(words, maxlength): ''' Puts the words which have the correct length in a new list ''' goodwords = [] for word in words: if len(word) <= maxlength and len(word) >=2: goodwords.append(word) return goodwords def pattern(words, maxlength): goodwords = filterwords(words, maxlength) items_pattern = maxlength + (maxlength -4) if len(goodwords) % items_pattern != 0: rest = len(goodwords) % items_pattern difference = len(goodwords) - rest goodwords = goodwords[:difference] times = int(len(words) / items_pattern) final_pattern = [] for each_time in range(times): popped, whatisleft = pop_items(goodwords, items_pattern) if not popped: continue goodwords = whatisleft middle = ceil(len(popped)/2) ascending = sorted(popped[:middle], key=len) descending = sorted(popped[middle:], key=len, reverse=True) sorted_pattern = ascending + descending final_pattern.append(sorted_pattern) return final_pattern def test_pattern_returns_list(): list_items = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] assert type(pattern(list_items, 3)) == type([]) def test_pattern_removes_over_max_len(): list_words_right_length = [['a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'aa', 'a']] words_wrong_length = list_words_right_length[0] + ['aaaaa'] assert pattern(words_wrong_length, 3) == list_words_right_length def test_pop_items(): assert pop_items(['a', 'aaa'], 1) == (['a'], ['aaa']) def test_pop_items_empty_list(): assert pop_items([], 70) == ([], []) def test_pop_items_num_too_big(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): pop_items(['a', 'b'], 3) def test_cuts_for_pattern(): list_with_nine = ['a'] * 9 result = pattern(list_with_nine, 3) assert len(result[0]) == 5 def test_empty_list_for_pattern(): result = pattern([], 3) assert result == [] def test_list_too_short_for_pattern(): list_too_short = ['a', 'aa'] result = pattern(list_too_short, 3) assert result == [] if __name__ == '__main__': with open('ocr/output.txt', 'r') as handle: contents = splitted = contents.split() ll = (pattern(splitted, 8)) my_list = [] for l in ll: for x in l: my_list.append(x) joined_list = '\n'.join(my_list) my_path = '/dev/usb/lp0' if os.path.exists(my_path): sys.stdout = open(my_path, 'w') escpos = { "init_printer": "\x1B\x40", 'papercut':'\x1D\x56\x00', } for i in range(10): print(escpos['init_printer']) print(joined_list) print(escpos['papercut'])