Forgot to add my actual script

jvdhorst 6 years ago
parent fc5900d312
commit 75302e0457

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import nltk
from sys import stdin, stdout
# Step 1: define input and set up a list
input =
taggedwordlist = []
string = input
words = nltk.word_tokenize(string)
taggedwordlist = nltk.pos_tag(words)
for word, pos in nltk.pos_tag(words):
taggedwordlist = nltk.pos_tag(words)
# print('{0} is a {1}'.format(word,pos)) # Command out to print the analysis step
taglist = [ pos for word,pos in taggedwordlist ]
readabletaglist = []
for tag in taglist:
if tag in {"NNP","NNS","NN","NNPS"}:
readabletag = 'noun'
elif tag in {'VB','VBD','VBG','VBN','VBP','VBZ'}:
readabletag = 'verb'
elif tag in {'RB','RBR','RBS','WRB'}:
readabletag = 'adverb'
elif tag in {'PRP','PRP$'}:
readabletag = 'pronoun'
elif tag in {'JJ','JJR','JJS'}:
readabletag = 'adjective'
elif tag == 'IN':
readabletag = 'preposition'
elif tag == 'WDT':
readabletag = 'determiner'
elif tag in {'WP','WP$'}:
readabletag = 'pronoun'
elif tag == 'UH':
readabletag = 'interjection'
elif tag == 'POS':
readabletag = 'possesive ending'
elif tag == 'SYM':
readabletag = 'symbol'
elif tag == 'EX':
readabletag = 'existential there'
elif tag == 'DT':
readabletag = 'determiner'
elif tag == 'MD':
readabletag = 'modal'
elif tag == 'LS':
readabletag = 'list item marker'
elif tag == 'FW':
readabletag = 'foreign word'
elif tag == 'CC':
readabletag = 'coordinating conjunction '
elif tag == 'CD':
readabletag = 'cardinal number'
elif tag == 'TO':
readabletag = 'to'
elif tag == '.':
readabletag = 'line ending'
elif tag == ',':
readabletag = 'comma'
readabletag = tag
stdout.write(' '.join(readabletaglist))