Merge branch 'master' of

Your Name 6 years ago
commit 52ed7b7257

@ -88,9 +88,12 @@ output/chatbot.txt: ocr/output.txt ## Comments a text with a simple chatbot. Dep
output/n7.txt: ocr/output.txt ## Replaces nouns with the 7th noun that follows. Dependencies: 91k_nouns
cat $< | python3 src/ > $(@)
output/carlandre.txt: ocr/output.txt ## Creates visual poetry out of a text. Dependencies
output/carlandre.txt: ocr/output.txt ## Alice: Creates visual poetry out of a text. Dependencies: pytest
cat $< | python3 src/ > $(@)
# cat $(@) > /dev/usb/lp0
# cat $(@) > /dev/usb/lp0
output/overunder.txt: ocr/output.txt ## Alice: An interpreted language that translate simple weaving instructions and creates a weaving pattern on text. Dependencies:
cat $< | python3 src/ > $(@)
visualization: $(images) $(tmpfile) ##Creates data visualization from images/*.jpg. Dependencies: mplayer

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
apparatus of Greece. the logic of its
organisation becomes clear. In that respect, it
is not the utopian proposal. Plato claimed that
instead of over~dramatisatlon of reality.
educational system should provide a clear
description of reality. According to Plato that is
precisely what philosophy Is doing. Who should
therefor rule peoples hearts and minds?
Philosophers or poets? It was a power struggle
between philosophers and poets. Poetry stood
in Plato's way to propagate Platonism.

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import pytest
from math import ceil
import sys
from sys import stdout
import time
import os.path
def pop_items(words, num_items):
''' Removes num_items from words.'''
if not words:
return [], []
if num_items > len(words):
raise ValueError('Not enough items!')
popped = []
for number in range(num_items):
removed = words.pop(0)
return popped, words
def all_words_less_than(words, maxlength):
''' Checks if the words have the correct length given in maxlength'''
for word in words:
if len(word) > maxlength:
return False
return True
def filterwords(words, maxlength):
''' Puts the words which have the correct length in a new list '''
goodwords = []
for word in words:
if len(word) <= maxlength and len(word) >=2:
return goodwords
def pattern(words, maxlength):
goodwords = filterwords(words, maxlength)
items_pattern = maxlength + (maxlength -4)
if len(goodwords) % items_pattern != 0:
rest = len(goodwords) % items_pattern
difference = len(goodwords) - rest
goodwords = goodwords[:difference]
times = int(len(words) / items_pattern)
final_pattern = []
for each_time in range(times):
popped, whatisleft = pop_items(goodwords, items_pattern)
if not popped:
goodwords = whatisleft
middle = ceil(len(popped)/2)
ascending = sorted(popped[:middle], key=len)
descending = sorted(popped[middle:], key=len, reverse=True)
sorted_pattern = ascending + descending
return final_pattern
def test_pattern_returns_list():
list_items = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
assert type(pattern(list_items, 3)) == type([])
def test_pattern_removes_over_max_len():
list_words_right_length = [['a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'aa', 'a']]
words_wrong_length = list_words_right_length[0] + ['aaaaa']
assert pattern(words_wrong_length, 3) == list_words_right_length
def test_pop_items():
assert pop_items(['a', 'aaa'], 1) == (['a'], ['aaa'])
def test_pop_items_empty_list():
assert pop_items([], 70) == ([], [])
def test_pop_items_num_too_big():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pop_items(['a', 'b'], 3)
def test_cuts_for_pattern():
list_with_nine = ['a'] * 9
result = pattern(list_with_nine, 3)
assert len(result[0]) == 5
def test_empty_list_for_pattern():
result = pattern([], 3)
assert result == []
def test_list_too_short_for_pattern():
list_too_short = ['a', 'aa']
result = pattern(list_too_short, 3)
assert result == []
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('ocr/output.txt', 'r') as handle:
contents =
splitted = contents.split()
ll = (pattern(splitted, 8))
my_list = []
for l in ll:
for x in l:
joined_list = '\n'.join(my_list)
my_path = '/dev/usb/lp0'
if os.path.exists(my_path):
sys.stdout = open(my_path, 'w')
escpos = {
"init_printer": "\x1B\x40",
for i in range(10):

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import linecache
import textwrap
import sys
from sys import exit
class LeavingProgram(Exception):
def parse(program):
cmds = program.split(',')
splitted_cmds = []
for cmd in cmds:
splitted = cmd.split()
return splitted_cmds
#return tokenize(program)
def tokenize(s):
return s.split()
def repl():
while True:
val = eval(parse(input('> ')))
if val is not None:
except LeavingProgram:
text = None
line_number = 0
last_index = 0
def eval(cmds):
global text
global line_number
global last_index
for cmd in cmds:
if cmd == []:
line_number += 1
last_index = 0
elif cmd[0] == 'load':
contents = open('output.txt').read()
text = textwrap.wrap(contents, 40, break_long_words=True)
line_number = 0
last_index = 0
elif cmd[0] == 'show':
elif cmd[0] == 'under':
current_line = text[line_number]
char_number = int(cmd[1]) - 1
char_list = list(current_line)
x=range(last_index, char_number + last_index + 1)
for time in x:
if time < len(char_list):
char_list[time] = u'\u21e2'
last_index += char_number + 1
joined = ''.join(char_list)
text[line_number] = joined
elif cmd[0] == 'over':
last_index += int(cmd[1])
elif cmd[0] == 'pattern':
pattern = text[0:line_number + 1]
elif cmd[0] == 'quit':
print('Come back soon!')
raise LeavingProgram()
joined = ' '.join(cmd)
print('Did not understand command {}'.format(joined))
if __name__ == '__main__':