from mastodon import Mastodon with open('token.txt','r') as token: # getting token from toke.txt file mastodon = Mastodon(,api_base_url="") # search(q, resolve=False) method of mastodon.Mastodon.Mastodon instance # Fetch matching hashtags, accounts and statuses. Will search federated # instances if resolve is True. Full-text search is only enabled if # the instance supports it, and is restricted to statuses the logged-in # user wrote or was mentioned in. # search searchresult ="cat") print(searchresult.keys()) returns a dictionary w/ they keys ['accounts', 'hashtags', 'statuses'] for cat_account in searchresult['accounts']: # loop through all accounts print(cat_account) print(cat_account['username'], cat_account['url'])