
│   ├───┐ AxS:00
│   │   ├── AxS:000
│   │   │   ├── AxS:0001
│   │   │   ├── AxS:0002
│   │   │   └── AxS:0003
│   │   │       ├── AxS:00031
│   │   │       ├── AxS:00032
│   │   │       └── AxS:00033
│   │   ├── AxS:001
│   │   │   └── AxS:0011
│   │   │       └── AxS:00111
│   │   ├── AxS:002
│   │   │   └── AxS:0021
│   │   │       └── AxS:00211
│   │   └── AxS:003
│   │       ├── AxS:0031
│   │       └── AxS:0032
│   ├── AxS:01
│   │   └── AxS:011
│   │       └── AxS:0111
│   ├── AxS:02
│   │   ├── AxS:021
│   │   └── AxS:022
│   │       └── AxS:0221
│   │           └── AxS:02211
│   │               └── AxS:022111
│   └── AxS:03
│       ├── AxS:031
│       ├── AxS:032
│       └── AxS:033
├── AxS:1
│   ├── AxS:11
│   ├── AxS:12
│   │   └── AxS:121
│   │       └── AxS:1211
│   └── AxS:13
│       ├── AxS:131
│       └── AxS:132
├── AxS:2
│   ├── AxS:21
│   │   └── AxS:211
│   │       └── AxS:2111
│   │           └── AxS:21111
│   └── AxS:22
│       ├── AxS:221
│       │   └── AxS:2211
│       │       └── AxS:22111
│       │           └── AxS:221111
│       │               └── AxS:2211111
│       │                   └── AxS:22111111
│       └── AxS:222
└── AxS:3
   ├── AxS:31
   │   └── AxS:311
   ├── AxS:32
   └── AxS:33

4. “Wherever there is a multiplicity, you will also find an exceptional individual, and it is with that individual that an alliance must be made ... Every animal swept up in its pack or multiplicity has itsanomalous” (ATP 243). “An-omalie, a Greek noun that has lost its adjective, designates the unequal,the coarse, the rough, the cutting edge of deterritorialization ... Lovecraft applies the term 'Outsider' tothis thing or entity, the Thing which arrives and passes at the edge, which is linear yet multiple,'teeming, seething, swelling, foaming, spreading like an infectious disease, this nameless horror’”(ATP 244-245).