@ilinx:~$ Linda Trent
Professor of Fictional Systems at MVU, Linda Trent earned a PhD in hyperfiction with a thesis titled “Remaking Reality: The Occult Necromancy of Crowley and the Thelma” and began working at MVU in the late 80s. Studying the loose nature of reality in relation to texts, Dr. Trent taught seminars on Burroughs and the Lemurs, Libertatia, and others. During the 90s, Dr. Trent was head of the hyperfiction branch of MVU’s crossdisciplinary Stratoanalysis Group, the Time-Lapse Sub-Committee, where she made numerous other contributions. Her fate is currently unknown. Professor Trent worked in Harvard University as assistant to professor Adin Fassrol before moving to the MVU after its creation. This event lead to the rupture of their friendship as the MVU at the time was led by Echidna Stillwell whose work has been profoundly attacked by professor Fassrol for his pseudo-scientifical and occultist influences.

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