
Whatever ultramodernity places under the dominion of signs postmodernity subverts with virus. As culture migrates into partial-machines (lacking an autonomous reproductive system) semiotics subsides into virotechnics.

0010101011011100101101010101001100100010001010 1011101000010101100101001010001100100111001000100 000000010011111100010010010101010100001000010101 00111111001001000100011010010001010010101111000101 001000010001110100 Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No longer what does it mean? but how does it spread?

Having no proper substance, or sense beyond its re re re replication, yes no no usage of virus is ever metaphori- cal. The word ‘virus’ is more re re virus.

Postmodern culture re re chatters-out virus virus virus virus virus virus virus virus virus virus 0110001001001 011010010010110010010010010010 ‘virus’ (viroductile, virogenic, immunosuppressor and and or, meta-, or or and or hyper-) virus.

10110010010011101100001001001. hypervirus eats the end of history

00100100100010]1110100001001101010101010101000 10011010100100101001001010010110100100101111010001 0101010101010100101010010101101010010000001000101 1101010010010101001010010010101010010001001001001 00100100101001001010110101001001001010110101010101 0101111010000100]1010101010101000100110110101010100 11001000100010101011101000010101100101001010001100 1001110010001000000000000100111111100010010010101

0101000010000 K-(coding for cyber)p0sitive proc- esses auto-intensify by occurring. A cultural example is hype: products that AT AT trade on what they will be in the future, vir virtual fashion on off, imminent technical standards, self-fulfilling prophecies and and or and artifi- cial destinies. Anticipating a trend end end end ACC ACC accelerates it (which is in itself a re re recursive trend)

Hyping collapses SF into CATA CATA catalytic tic efficiency, re-routing tomorrow through what its prospect CT CT CT makes today.

Virohyping sweeps through the advertising industry.

Everyone will be doing it.

Virus is parasitic tic replicator code: an asignifying sequence of machinic data ATA ATA flow-break on/off, 1/0, yang/yin intrinsically destined for war. In place of mess message-content virodata is assembled bled from asignifying materials with CATA catalytic (or positively disproportionate) efficiency: intruder passcode, locational ZIP-code, pseudogenomic substitute instructions, muta- tional junk (complex but latent segments), and garbage (redundant scrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap- crapcrapcrapcrap).

Biovirus TA TA TA targets organisms, hacking and reprogramming ATGAC'ITATCCACGGTACATTCAGT cellular DNA to produce more virus virus virus virus virus virus virus virus. Its enzymic cut-and-past recombinant wetware-splicing crosses singularity when retroviral reverse-transcriptase clicks in (enabling ontogenetic DNA- RNA circuitry and endocellular computation).


Ethnovirus targets brains Technovirus targets socio- economic pro pro production pro processes. Infovirus targets digital 010010010001011110100001001101010101010 10001001101010010010100computers100101001011010010 101111010001010101010101010010101001010110101001 000000100010111010100100101010010100100101010101 00100010010010010010010010100100101011010100100 10010101101010101010111101000010011010101010101000 1001101101010101001100100010001010101110100001010 110010100101000110010011100100010000000001001111 1100010010010101

Hypervirus targets intelligent immunosecurity struc- tures: yes yes no yes no nomadically abstracting its proc- esses from specific media (DNA, words, symbolic models, bit-sequences), and operantly re-engineering itself. It folds into itself, involutes, or plexes, by reprogramming corpuscular code to reprogram reprogramming repro- gramming reprogramming. ROM is melted into recursive experimentation.

001010010010010110000101010101011101010010100 10010101000011011001101001011000010001001001000 Recording devices. Copiers. Faxes. Samplers. K-stammer (((re)re)reruns) cross-cut by orphan drift. Repeat infec- tion. All hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hypervirus strains are plastic and interoperative.

INSERT. hyper-prefixing semiotic sectors TAG TAG TAG tags them for transfer into abstract ACT ACT (nonlin- ear transcodable) machinic systems, tuned to virtualities or hyperspeeds (futural currencies independent of def uturali- zation). Hypermedia configure re re every implementation within a specific medium or territory as a subfunction of extraterritorial processes. Going (( ( ))) ( ) ( ) (( ) ) (( )) ( ) hyper dissolves being into ACT ACT ACT activity; a material desubstantialisation on off on off. Hyperproc- esses spread like Heraklitean fire re re re (although there are no analogies or metaphors in hype hype hype hype hyperspace).

Being CAG CAG cages flow within memory. Function- ing as re re real antiontology, viral amnesia machinically realizes and dissolves biological TGACTCACI'ITAC- CGA'ITG, cultural, and technical 010110100100010110100 101001001011101001010100100100100 mnemic structures: chopping-up hierarchic-generational descendency, col- lapsing phylogenetic tic frozen-code into ontogeny, and immanentizing the past to operative current. Its com- petitive just-in-time innovations delete storage CA CA capacity, flu flu flu fluidizin g energetic and informational stocks into and and or and and or orphan-vampire re re transversal 110111100010101010 vir vir virocommunication process, expressing a surplus value of code (content) as xenoreplication-behaviour (and/0r c0n(nective dis) junction).

As war increases in in in intelligence, it becomes softer. By trashing their hosts crude viruses feedback negatively upon themselves, autolimiting their range of re regen- erative infilitration. Crazy vandals like Ebola CGCGT GAGCAATCGGACTCGGCTGCTGTGC'ITG (bodies dissolved quickly into slime) aren’t ever going to make it big. General principle for viral take-overs in the media: the more unsophisticated the contagion, the bigger the splash (diversionary tactics excepted). CAGCTACGCTATT CTCCGAGGCTAGATTGCAGCTACGTCGCATCG GGCTGACCGATGTAGGTCATGAATCTACCGA’IT GCACATGACTTATCCACGGTCTATTCCTCGAT GATCGCATCGGG CT GACCGATGGCATCGTA COPY. CUT. PASTE. Subtle viruses are slow, synergic, flexible and elusive. They execute sensitive behavioural con- trol that prolongs the life of the biomachinic resources, maximizes opportunities for propogation, infiltrates and disables hostile security systems, and feeds-back posi- tive -+-++-+-++ in in in innovation technoscience. In the macroversion, a VR prey animal hid in its enemy’s head.

When hunting for hype hypervirus look 0k 0k ok for its primary host species, which will be undergoing logis- tical behavioral sophistication indexed by an explosive increase in communicative intensity, population density, sexual disorganisation, cultural promiscuity, and technical sub sub subtilization (leading to neurogenomic feedback and fluidization on off on off off on of all hard-wiring into into cybernetic fluxes). Any plane planet net net 00011011010010010101011 hosting such an event is about to flip over. CATA catastrophic OKOOKOK OK zero (0 (or ((( ( )) (( ) ) ( )) ) o°)) K-virus and (RT) retroscripts (Kobe, Tokyo, Oklahoma (Koresh, Koernke)). Apoka- lypse spread by the coke machine. Tomorrow’s news brews-up in Korea, Kosovo

Climbing out of a recombination apparatus of TA TA TA tape-recorders and cut-ups, hypervirus infected Burroughs in 1972, at the cusp of K(ondratieff)-wave 9

(the threshold of postmodernity). It rapidly reprocessed its target into an intelligenic no yes yes no no nova-war laboratory, volatilizing the history of language into invo- lutionary word-virus. Mutation rat rat rat rat rates jump. Vector switches through Butler, Gibson, and Cadigan fine-tune its synergic interexcitation, silt-up cybershift- inducing K(uang)-potential, and trend-lock onto 11001 01001001010111101001011101011001000100010100100010 01001001001001010010110100100100100100100100111010 0100100100011001000101100101010 K-punk pulses with telematically-accelerating neoreplicator plicator plicator contamination.

‘Looking for a hit of snowcrash?’ # Wit # ## # # # ### ##W######## ##1## ###### # # # #### # ##1## # # # ### ####### # # ####### #####=# ## ##### ## # # ##### ### ############### ## # #

As postmodern culture crosses to hypermania and ##1## ######################W# # # #### ####### # ##########W# # ################# ## # ##fitfi # ##### ## ###### ## # W ## ## # #### #### # stop stop go stop go stop go go goes nova, it singular- izes multiplicities cities cities of invasively autoreplicating

autoreplicating plexoweapon - systems (0 ( ((() ((( ( )) ()) ((( ) (( )) ( D») ( ) ( ))) ) that are r6 r6 r6 r6 nothing

beyond their war AGA AGA against security. This is no longer a question on off on of ideological representation, exogeneous political mobilization, theoretical critique, ## ######## # ###################### #### ## # # # # # ### # # # #W # or strategic orienta- tion, but of decentralized cultural diagrams functioning as immanent forces of antagonism. K-war derives its sole coherence from the unity of its foe. RETURN. Ana/Cata. Switch cur((re)re)rent. (( ) (( ))) O(r an)d( ). K0( I Ching hexagram 49: Revolution (Molting (( ))) leaves ( ) nothing i)ntact TACT TACT. ((( (( (( ) (( ))) (( ( ( ))) (< > )> ( )> << ) ( ( » ())) ( ))) )Cyberserk repelting-slippage into dark-side ( (( ))) distributive ROM-scrambling TACT tactics. (( (( ) ( ) ( )) (( )) ( )) ((( )()))((((()((()))(((()())())(()))(((() (())((() ((()))(()))))((())))((()( ()))(()))((())((( ()ZCr0 Program) ((( ))) (((() 0) ( ( ))) (((() (( )) ((((( ) () )()(())(( () ) (H ))) ))) ( (O 0 ())) ((





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